



1、2021-2022学年山东省日照市振兴实验中学高二英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. The publication of Great Expectations, which _ both widely reviewed and highly praised, strengthened Dickens status as a leading novelist.A. is B. areC. was D. were参考答案:CC考查主谓一致。先行词The publication of Great Expectations在定语从句中作主语,是单数概念,根据主谓一致的原则,所以谓语动词用单数,再根据主

2、句谓语动词reviewed是一般过去时可知,应选C项。句意:远大前程的出版,得到了广泛的好评和高度赞扬,加强了狄更斯作为一名主要小说家的地位。2. You have to move out of the way the truck cannot get past you.A. so B. or C. and D. but参考答案:B3. The virtual money which online game players use to buy weapons from gaming companies can cause young people to become _ to online

3、gaming.A. accustomed B. devoted C. opposed D. addicted参考答案:D4. The naughty boy! He where he leaves his things.A. always forgets B. will always forget C. is always forgetting D. has always forgotten参考答案:C 5. It was _ he came back from Africa that year _ he met the girl he would like to marry.A. when;

4、 then B. not; until C. not until; that D. only; when参考答案:C6. Unless extra money , the factory will close.A. findsB. was foundC. is foundD. found参考答案:C【详解】考查动词时态和语态。句意:除非找到一些额外的钱,否则,工厂就倒闭了。根据主句的将来时态可知,状语从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时,因为find和money之间是被动关系,所以用一般现在时的被动语态。故选C。33._ to the old lady, the two little dogs ac

5、companied her for 196 hours, then she was recurred, which is a wonder of life.A. Devoting B. Having devotedC. DevotedD. To devote参考答案:C略8. What surprised me most was to see some of the village people _ on the benches at the end of the classroom .A. seated B. seating C. seat D. to be seating 参考答案:A9.

6、 _ suddenly occurred to me _ I had to attend an important meeting in Shanghai the next day. A. It; whichB. What; thatC. What; whichD. It; that 参考答案:D略10. Yesterday I read an article about the film Mulan who _ herself as a man to joined an all-male armyApossessed Bcursed Cdisguised Dremoved参考答案:C11.

7、I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good _.A. to be breathed B.to breathe C. breathing D.being breathed参考答案:B12. The books by Mo Yan are so popular that they are in great _. A. quantityB. progressC. productionD. demand参考答案:D略13. _ was at the end of the meeting that Mr. Smit

8、h made the decision A. This B. It C. That D. 不填参考答案:B14. The victims of the accident demanded that the case _ at once. A. would be looked into B. should look into C. be looked into D. look into参考答案:C略15. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _ his notes.A. bringing u

9、p B. referring to C. looking for D. trying on参考答案:B16. The Group of Eight (G8) _ the eight richest countries in the world. A. is made up B. consists of C. is consisted of D. consist of参考答案:B17. - Dont you know its a fashion?A. mightB. wouldC. couldD. should参考答案:D18. How much of the professors speech

10、 did you understand? _. I wish I had worked harder before.A. Not a little B. Very few C. Nearly everything D. Almost nothing参考答案:D略19. As time goes by,the price of eggs is _to be reduced to s suitable level.A. possibleB. probableC. likelyD. able参考答案:C考查形容词。A. possible可能的,合理的;B. probable 可能的,可信的; C.

11、likely很可能的;D. able有能力的。随着时间的推移,鸡蛋的价格可能会降低到合适的水平。possible,probable一定要用it作形式主语,likely可以用人或物做主语。故选C。二、 新的题型20. It seems that the Englishmen just cant live without sports of some kind. 66_ Whenever you go in this country, you will see both children and grown-ups knocking a ball about with a stick or som

12、ething, as if in Britain men shall always remain boys and women girls! Still, it can never be bad to get exercise, can it?Taking all amateur (业余的) and professional sports in Britain into consideration, there can be no doubt that football is at the top of the list. 67_. The game originated (起源于) in B

13、ritain and was played in he Middle Ages or even earlier, though as an originated game, or “association football”, it dates only from the beginning of the 19th century.68_. It is a kind of football played by two teams of fifteen players. In rugby, an oval-shaped ball is used which can be handled as w

14、ell as kicked. It is a pretty rough game.In summer, cricket is the most popular sport. In fact, is has sometimes been called the English national game. Most foreigners find the game rather slow or even boring, but it enjoys great popularity among the British.69_. It was introduced into England from

15、France in the 15th century, but it was from England that it spread to practically every country in the world.Table tennis, or ping-pong, surely is not played on a great scale as it is in China or Japan. 70_.Horse-back riding, swimming, rowing and golf all attract a lot of people.A.It is called socce

16、r in the United States.B.The next is rugby, which is called “football” in the United States.C.Tennis rated high on the list, too.D.Basketball and volleyball were introduced into Britain during the late 19th century from America and are gaining popularity.E.People often work out to build up their bod

17、ies.F.Not everyone likes ball games.G. famous French humorist once said that this is because the English insist on behaving like children all their lives.参考答案:GABCD三、 阅读理解21. An ape has a larger brain than any animal except man, though it is much smaller than a mans brain. Apes all belong to the hot

18、 countries of the worldtropical Africa and Southeast Asia. The gorilla is the largest of the apes. He is as tall as six feet when standing upright. Many people think that gorillas are very fierce. They are often described as standing upright like a man, beating their fists and roaring. In their home

19、, in the forests of Central Africa, however, they are not at all like this, They are peaceful animals and never use their great strength unless attacked. Even then, they retreat if they can. Gorillas have black faces and long, black, hairy coats. They feed during the day on plants and fruit. At night the old male often sleeps on the ground at the foot of a tree, while the others each make a sleeping platform in the tree bending the leafy branches. Besides this, gorillas climb trees very seldom.56. Apes live in _ . A. different parts of the world B. the cold c


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