已阅读5页,还剩1页未读 继续免费阅读




1、新目标八八年级UUnitts 11-4复复习专练练Checckinng CCornner自自测天地地语法专练练. 用用所给单单词的合合适形式式填空。1. II thhinkk thhat theere willl bbe _(litttlee) ppolllutiion in 1000 yeearss.2. OOur liffe wwilll bee a lott _(ggoodd) tthann itt iss noow.3. TTheyy thhinkk thhat theere willl bbe _(feww) ttreees iin tthe futturee.4.Thhe sstu

2、ddentts sshouuld tallk aabouut _(theey) proobleems.5. MMy bbestt frriennd iis _(friiendd) tthann mee.6. TThe girrl tthinnks thaat II coouldd wrritee _(sshe) a lettterr.7. WWhatt haappeenedd whhilee thhe oold womman wennt _(shoop)?8. TThe tittle cann bee _(hhelpp) ffor youu too unnderrstaand a ttextt

3、.9. WWhatt waas DDavyy dooingg whhen Linnda _(fiinall) ssaw himm?10. Lanna ssaidd shhe wwoulld ggo tto _(Marrciaa) hhousse oon FFridday nigght.11. Benn saaid he wouuld briing somme ddrinnks andd _(ssnacck) to herr hoousee.12. Thee teeachher saiid aa _(lluckkilyy) ppersson wonn thhe cconttestt. 单单项选择

4、择。1.Thheree_a ffoottballl mmatcch iin tthe No.3 mmidddle schhooll neext weeek.A.wiill havve B.iss gooingg too haave C.iss haavinng D.wiill be2.I thiink theere willl bbe _ppeopple andd _ poolluutioon.A. llesss, ffew B. ffeweer,llesssC. llesss,moore D. morre, fewwer3.Thhe sstuddentts aare_ttheiir EEng

5、llishh teeachher,butt thhey donnt _hher.A.loookiing forr, ffinddB.seeeinng, finnd ooutC.loookiing likke,sseeD.fiindiing,seee4. BBen wass illl iin bbed todday, soo wee alll wwentt too Jiinann_himm.A.wiithB.exxcepptC.beesiddesD.buut5.Whhy _hheree eaarliier?Whaat aabouut 66 p.m.?A.noot yyou commeB.noot

6、 ccomiingC. nott too coomeDD.doont yyou comme6. II thhinkk yoour chiildrren shoouldd _ aa foootbballl cllub.A.jooinB.jooineedC.taake parrt iinD.toook parrt iin7. MMaybbeyyoushoouldd_.A.ccalllinnheerBB.ccallluppheerCC.CCalllheeriinDD.ccalllheeruup8. II diidnt aagreee wwithh hiis iideaa, bbut Idiidnt

7、ttelll hiim. I ddidnnt wwantt_witth hhim.A.arrgueeB.arrguiingC.too arrgueeD.arrgueed9. HHe iis _ go to schhooll.A. eenouugh oldd tooB. oold enooughhC. oold enooughh too D. enooughh olld10. Thaat ggirll gooes homme bby bbus._hher sissterr.A.Dooes soB.Soo dooesC.Soo diidD.Soo iss11. Whaat _ youu _ wwh

8、enn thhe UUFO arrriveed?A. aare, dooinggB. werre, doiingC. am, dooinggD. wass, ddoinng12. I ffollloweed tthe aliien_ wheere it wass gooingg.A.too seeeB.saawC.seeeD.seeeinng13.YessterrdayyIdiddnt ggottotthelibbrarry.Hennrydiddnt ggottherre,_.A.alssoB.toooCC.eeithherD.onnly14.Briiandoeesntllikee_.A. r

9、readdsB.reeadC.reeadeedD. reaadinng15. I hhearr soome birrds_ in thee trree.A.too siingB.siingssC.siingiingD.saang16. He saiid II _ hhardd-woorkiing.A. aam B. aree C. wass D. werre17. Thee teeachher askked whaat tthe stuudennts _ att siix oocloock thiis mmornningg?A. ddo B. didd C. aree dooinggD.wee

10、re doiing18.II doontt knnow _it.A. hhow to do B. tto hhow do C. wwhatt too doo D. tto wwhatt doo19. If youu _ ffreee toomorrroww, yyou cann goo shhopppingg wiith us.A.arreB.wiill beC.wiillD.arrent ggoinng tto20. Mr Wanng ttoldd uss thhe eeartth _ rouund thee suun.A.gooB.gooesC.weentD.waas ggoinng. 找

11、找出下列列各句中中的一处处错误并并改正。1.Thhey thiink peooplee wiill liffe tto 2200 yeaars oldd inn 1000 yyearrs. ( )2.Thheree wiill be lesss ccarss annd mmoree buusess inn thhe ffutuure. ( )3.Toomorrroww iss Suundaay. Kidds ddont ggo tto sschooolttomoorroow. ( )4.Maaybee I shoouldd booughht ssomee neew cclotthess. (

12、)5. HHe ccoulld gget a ttutoor ccomee too hiis hhomee.( )6.I thiink youu shhoulld aask youur ppareentss frrom somme mmoneey. ( )7.Whhilee I am doiing my hommewoork lasst nnighht, my fattherr waatchhed TV.( )8.Shhe ddidnnt tthinnk aabouut llookk ouutsiide thee sttatiion. ( )9.Yaang Liwwei fleew tthro

13、oughh thhe eeartth oon OOctooberr 155, 220033. ( )10.BBen tolld LLanaa thhat Marrciaa iss gooingg too haave a ssurpprisse ppartty ffor herr. ( )11. My graannyy saaid my parrentts iis wwatcchinng TTV aat 111 oocloock lasst nnighht. ( )12. Thee teeachher saiid llighht ttravvellled a llot fassterr thha

14、n souund. ( ). 用用所给动动词的适适当形式式填空。1. II thhinkk thheree _(bbe) morre ttalll buuilddinggs iin ffivee yeearss.2. EEverry hhomee _(hhavee) aa roobott inn thhe ffutuure.3. AAt tthe weeekennds, Ill be ablle tto _(dreess) moore cassuallly.4. MMaybbe hhe sshouuld _(saay) hes ssorrry.5. II doontt waant _(taal

15、k) abboutt itt onn thhe pphonne.6. YYou shoouldd teell himm _(gget) diiffeerennt cclotthess.7. II _(ddo) my hommewoork at tenn ocloock lasst SSundday morrninng.8. TThe girrl _(shoop) wheen sshe saww a carr accciddentt yeesteerdaay.9. IIt rrainned heaavilly wwhille tthe chiildrren _(slleepp) llastt n

16、iightt.10. Shee waanteed tto kknoww whhy II _(nnot thiink) itt waas aa goood ideea.11. He saiid hhe _(havve) a ppartty ffor Benn att niine occlocck llastt niightt.12. Thee teeachher tolld mme hhe _(calll) me thee neext dayy. 改改写句子子:按要要求完成成下列各各题。1. WWilll peeoplle hhavee roobotts?(作否定定回答) _, theey _.

17、2.Brraziil wwilll noot wwin nexxt ttimee. II thhinkk.(合合为一句句) I _ _ tthatt Brraziil wwilll wiin nnextt tiime3.Kiids willl nneveer sstuddy aat hhomee onn coompuuterrs.(完成反反意疑问问句) Kiids willl nneveer sstuddy aat hhomee onn coompuuterrs, _ _?4. HHe sshouuld gett a parrt-ttimee joob.(就划线线部分提提问) _ _ he d

18、o?5.Whhats tthe mattterr wiith youur cclotthess?(改改为同义义句) _ _ witth yyourr cllothhes?6.I donnt kknoww whhat I sshouuld do.(改为为简单句句) I donnt kknoww _ _ do.7.Whhilee thhe bboy wass waalkiing dowwn tthe strreett, tthe UFOO laandeed.(改为同同义句)The boyy _ wwalkkingg doown thee sttreeet _ thee UFFO llandded.

19、8.Thhe aalieen vvisiitedd thhe mmuseeum yessterrdayy.(用用at 4:000 ppm yyestterdday作作时间状状语) Thhe aalieen _ _ thhe mmuseeum at 4:000 ppm yyestterdday.9.Thhe ttwinns wweree clleanningg thhe cclasssrooom wheen tthe UFOO arrrivved.(就划划线部分分提问) Whhat _ thhe ttwinns _wwhenn thhe UUFO arrriveed?10.SShe saiid

20、sshe wass haavinng aa suurprrisee paartyy foor LLanaa onn Frridaay nnighht.(就划线线部分提提问) Whhat _ shhe _?11. He tolld mme hhe wwoulld ccalll mee thhe nnextt daay.(改为直直接引语语) Hee toold me, “_ _ ccalll _ _.”12. Mr Wanng ttoldd uss, “We willl hhavee a lonng hholiidayy.”(改为为间接引引语)Mr WWangg toold us _ _ hhav

21、ee a lonng hholiidayy. 完完成句子子:根据据汉语完完成英语语句子。1.我认认为将有有更少的的空闲时时间。 I tthinnk tthatt thheree wiill _ _ ffreee tiime.2. 两两年后她将成为为医生。_ twoo yeearss,she _bea docctorr.3.我们们绝不知知道将来来将发生生什么? We nevver knoow wwhatt _ _ in thee fuuturre.4.我没没有足够够的钱,我应该该做什么么? I ddont hhavee ennouggh mmoneey. Whaat _ I _?5.在我我班里除

22、除了我以以外都被被邀请了了。 Eveeryoone _ inn myy cllasss waas iinviitedd _ mme.6.你应应该告诉诉他别去去游泳。 Youu shhoulld ttelll hiim _ _ goo swwimmmingg.7.女孩孩在购物物时飞碟碟到达了了。 _ thhe ggirll waas _, thhe UUFO arrriveed.8.飞碟碟起飞时时你在做做什么? Whaat _ youu dooingg _ tthe UFOO toook offf?9.别喊喊,我能能听见你你。 _ _! I cann heear youu.10.我我告诉大大家我

23、不不打算举举行聚会会。 I ttoldd evveryyonee I _ _ tto hhavee thhe ppartty.11. 她说如如果她做做自己的的工作好好得多。 Shee saaid it _ _ bbettter if shee diid hher ownn woork.12. 妈妈说说她在做做晚饭。My mmothher saiid sshe _ _ ddinnner. 补补全对话话:从方方框中选选出正确确的句子子填入对对话,使使对话完完整。A:IIneeedmorreffreeetiimetoreaadssomeeinnterresttinggboookssatthoome.

24、B:WWelll, (1)_.A:IIdoonttthhinkk(2)_.Ihhaveetoodooallltthehouusewworkk.B:WWelll,(3)_.A:HHeccanthhelppmee.(4)_.B:IIthhinkk(5)_.Theenyyoucanngeetmmoreefrreetimme.A:YYouareeriightt.A.YYoushooulddteellyouurcchilldttohhelppyoou.B.iitssagooodiideaa.C.IItssabaddiddea.D.HHeiisttooyouungtodoanyythiing.E.MMay

25、bbeyyoushooulddnttdooannyhhoussewoorkathomme.F.YYoucouuldbeouttsidde.G.YYoushooulddpllanthiingssweell. 阅阅读理解解:阅读读短文,选择最最佳答案案。ADo yyou knoow FFei Junnlonng aand Niee Haaishhengg? FFei Junnlonng wwas borrn iin 119655. HHe iis aa Chhineese asttronnautt seelecctedd (选选拔) as a mmembber of thee Shhenzzhou

26、u prrogrram. Hee waas bbornn inn Jiianggsu andd jooineed tthe Peooplees LLibeerattionn Arrmy Airr Foorcee (中中国人民民解放军军空军)in 19882 aat tthe agee off 177. AAnd sinnce theen hhe hhas onlly rretuurneed hhomee siix ttimees. As a ffighhterr piilott (战战机飞行行员), hee waas sseleecteed tto bbe aan aastrronaaut i

27、n 19998.He marrrieed WWangg Jiie iin 119911 annd hhas onee soon.Niee Haaishhengg waas bbornn inn Seepteembeer 119644. HHe iis aalsoo a Chiinesse aastrronaaut sellectted forr thhe SShennzhoou pproggramm. HHe iis ffromm Huubeii. AAfteer ggradduattingg frrom higgh sschoool he joiinedd thhe PPeopples LL

28、ibeerattionn Arrmy Airr Foorcee, aand beccamee a figghteer ppiloot. In 19998 hhe wwas sellectted forr thhe aastrronaaut proograam.He wass onne oof tthe thrree asttronnautts wwho werre iin tthe finnal grooup to traain forr thhe SShennzhoou 55 fllighht. Yanng LLiweei wwas alsso ppickked outt foor tthe

29、 fliightt, wwithh Zhhai Zhiiganng.On Sepptemmberr 233, 220055 itt waas rrepoorteed tthatt Zhhai andd Niie wwoulld bbe oone of thee thhreee paairss off asstroonauuts whoo woouldd bee inn thhe ffinaal ttraiininng ffor Sheenzhhou 6. Butt inn thhe eend, Feei aand Niee weere choosenn, aand Zhaai mmisssed

30、 hiss chhancce tto sspacce aagaiin.Niee Haaishhengg goot mmarrriedd too Niie JJiellin andd haas aan 111-yyearr-olld ddaugghteer.1. WWhenn diid NNie joiin tthe armmy?A. IIn 119822.B. In 19998.C. IIn 119911.D. Aftter hiss grraduuatiion forrm hhighh scchoool.2. WWho amoong thee asstroonauuts in thiis p

31、passsagee haasnt bbeenn too sppacee?A. ZZhaii Zhhigaang.B. Niee Haaishhengg.C. Yanng LLiweei.D. Feii Juunloong.3. HHow manny ttimees hhas Feii Juunloong retturnned homme ssincce hhe lleftt att thhe aage of 17?A. TThreee ttimees.B. Fouur ttimees.C. Sixx tiimess.D. Eigght timmes.4. HHow manny ppeopple

32、 didd thhe wwritter menntioon (提及) inn thhis passsagge?A. 55.B. 6.C. 7.D. 8.5. WWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg iss TRRUE acccorddingg too thhis passsagge?A. YYangg Liiweii waas bbornn inn Jiianggsu.B. NNie Haiisheeng hass ann elleveen-yyearr-olld ddaugghteer.C. FFei Junnlonng iis oone yeaar ooldeer tt

33、hann Niie HHaisshenng.D. ZZhaii Zhhigaang gott maarriied to Niee Jiieliin aand hass a sonn.B(Mrrs. Jonnes, thhe hheaddmassterr, iis ttelllingg thhe sstuddentts ssomee innforrmattionn abboutt thhe ttripp.)Now, heeres ssomee innforrmattionn abboutt ouur sschoool triip. As usuual we willl sspennd tthe

34、firrst fouur ddayss inn Paariss. WWell havve aa siighttseeeingg toour of thee ciity andd weell alsso vvisiit ssomee off thhe ffamoous plaacess liike thee EiiffeelToowerr annd tthe Louuvree. FFromm Paariss weell traavell doown to thee soouthh off Frrancce nnearr Maarseeillles by boaat. Well speend fi

35、vve ddayss thheree. Lasst yyearr wee weent by coaach, buut wwe ffounnd tthatt thhe jjourrneyy waas ttoo lonng aand we diddntt haave enooughh tiime to do eveerytthinng. So thiis yyearr wee wiill go by traain. I willl pprovvidee moore infformmatiion aboout thee sccheddulee (日日程安排排) llateer.Theere will

36、l bbe 880 sstuddentts oon tthe triip. We willl ttravvel in thrree grooupss annd ttherre wwilll bee thhreee teeachherss wiith eacch ggrouup. I wwilll goo wiith Grooup Onee.I hhopee thhat eveeryoone on thee trrip willl hhavee a goood ttimee, bbut pleeasee reememmberr thhat it is an eduucattionnal viss

37、it, noot aa hoolidday. Thheree wiill be somme ttimee foor sswimmminng aand othher spoortss, bbut we aree gooingg too Frrancce tto sstuddy FFrennch cullturre aand usee thhe FFrennch lannguaage as mucch aas pposssiblle.6. WWhatt arre tthe stuudennts goiing to Fraancee foor?A. TTo ddo ssomee spportts.

38、B. To havve aan eeduccatiionaal vvisiit.C. TTo sspennd ttheiir hholiidayy.D. Onlly tto ddo ssighhtseeeinng.7. HHow manny ttimees hhavee thhey beeen tto FFrannce?A. OOncee. B. Twiice.C. Thrree timmes. D. Nevver.8. HHow lonng wwilll thhey staay ttherre?A. TThreee ddayss. B FFourr daays. C. Fivve ddayss.D. Ninne ddayss.9. WWhy donnt ttheyy waant to go by coaach?A. IIt wwilll taake tooo muuch timme.B. Theere aree tooo mmanyy sttudeentss.C. TTheyy doont kknoww hoow llongg


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