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1、辽宁省大石桥市第三高级中学2020_2021学年高二英语上学期第2次月考试题含解析辽宁省大石桥市第三高级中学2020_2021学年高二英语上学期第2次月考试题含解析PAGE PAGE 38辽宁省大石桥市第三高级中学2020_2021学年高二英语上学期第2次月考试题含解析辽宁省大石桥市第三高级中学20202021学年高二英语上学期第2次月考试题(含解析)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37。5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑.AHere are some themed attraction

2、s inside this Disneyland Park that all have something to offer.Mickey AvenueOnce you entered the Disneyland Park, Mickey Mouse and his friends gather along the street welcoming you. This place is also a busy bazaar where tourists can select varieties of goods and enjoy tasty snacks while wandering a

3、round.Gardens of ImaginationIt is the first gardendesigned Disney park in the world, with bridges and paths connecting seven themed areas. Chinese Zodiac Mural (生肖壁画) in the Garden of the Twelve Friends turn the movie figures into twelve animal signs。 Guests can try to find their own zodiac sign on

4、the wall and take photos with it.Adventure IsleAdventure Isle takes visitors into a newfound ancient tribe(部落)。 Drifting down the river on the rafts, you will pass through unknown places and rush into the dark caves, meeting the huge mysterious monsters.TomorrowlandThe carefully designed Tomorrowlan

5、d presents endless possibilities of the future. Using high tech, this park is like the settings of science fiction movies. The shooting program, “Buzz lightyear Planet rescue, gives visitors a mission to save the world。Admission FeeOneday TicketCNY370 on ordinary daysCNY499 on weekends, public holid

6、ays, July and AugustTwo-day TicketA 5 discount on the basis of the original prizeNote:Children between 1 and 1.4 meters tall and seniors aged over 65 can enjoy a 25 discount on the ticket price。1。 What does the underlined word “bazaar” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. clubB。 marketC. agencyD。 cottage

7、2. Where should you go if youre interested in traditional Chinese culture?A。 TomorrowlandB。 Mickey AvenueC。 Gardens of Imagination.D. Adventure Isle3. How much is the admission for a young couple and their son (1.2m) on Sunday?A. CNY998 。B。 CNY1,122.75 .C. CNY1,322。35 。D. CNY1,372.25 .【答案】1. B 2. C

8、3。 D【解析】本文是一篇广告。介绍了迪斯尼的一些主题公园,讲述了这些景点的主要特点以及票价等。【1题详解】词义猜测题。由画线词后的定语从句“where tourists can select varieties of goods and enjoy tasty snacks while wandering around可知,游客在这个地方可以选择各种各样的商品和享受美味的小吃,因此推断画线词bazaar词义与market“市场相近。故选B。【2题详解】推理判断题。根据Gardens of Imagination部分中“Chinese Zodiac Mural (生肖壁画) in the Ga

9、rden of the Twelve Friends turn the movie figures into twelve animal signs。可知,在奇想花园有中国的十二生肖壁画,因此如果你对中国传统文化感兴趣应去奇想花园游览.故选C。【3题详解】细节理解题。根据Admission Fee部分提到的CNY499 on weekends, public holidays, July and August以及最后一句Children between 1 and 1.4 meters tall and seniors aged over 65 can enjoy a 25% discount

10、 on the ticket price。可知,成年人在星期日的入场费是CNY499,那么一对年轻夫妇的入场费是人民币4992=998元,他们1.2米的儿子享受25%的优惠,也就是入场费是人民币49975=374。25元,共人民币1372。25元。故选D。BIf you could have one superpower, what would it be?Dreaming about whether you would want to read minds, see through walls, or have superhuman strength may sound silly, but

11、 it actually gets to the heart of what really matters in your life.Every day in our work, we are inspired by the people we meet doing extraordinary things to improve the world。They have a different kind of superpower that all of us possess: the power to make a difference in the lives of others.Were

12、not saying that everyone needs to contribute their lives to the poor. Your lives are busy enough doing homework, playing sports, making friends, seeking after your dreams. But we do think that you can live a more powerful life when you devote some of your time and energy to something much larger tha

13、n yourself。 Find an issue you are interested in and learn more。 Volunteer or, if you can, contribute a little money to a cause. Whatever you do, dont be a bystander. Get involved. You may have the opportunity to make your biggest difference when youre older。 But why not start now?Our own experience

14、working together on health, development, and energy the last twenty years has been one of the most rewarding parts of our lives。 It has changed who we are and continues to fuel our optimism about how much the lives of the poorest people will improve in the years ahead。4. What does the underlined par

15、t in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. Your life style。B. Your life value。C。 Your trouble in life。D. Your life experience.5. Why does the author say they are inspired every day?A。 They possess different kinds of superpowers。B. They have got the power to change the world.C. Some people around them are making t

16、he world better。D. There are many powerful people in their life and work。6。 What does the author stress in Paragraph 5?A Learning more and contributing more to a cause。B。 Rising above self and acting to help others.C。 Working hard to get a bigger opportunity.D. Trying your best to help the poor.7。 W

17、hat can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. The author believes the lives of the poorest will get better。B. Much more progress will be made in the near future。C。 The work on health is the most valuable experience.D。 Peoples efforts have been materially rewarded。【答案】4。 B 5. C 6. B 7。 A【解析】【分析】这是一篇

18、论说文。本文以虚拟语气的问句形式开头,鼓励人们奉献自己的一些时间和精力去帮助别人,最穷人的生活将会变得更好.【4题详解】词句猜测题.根据第二段Dreaming about whether you would want to read minds, see through walls, or have superhuman strength may sound silly, but it actually gets to the heart of what really matters in your life.可知,梦想着能读懂别人心思,看穿墙,或者拥有超能力,这些可能听起来很荒唐,但是实际上

19、它是你生活的价值的核心。所以通过上下文语境可以判断出,划线词的意思是“你的生活价值”故选B。【5题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段Every day in our work, we are inspired by the people we meet doing extraordinary things to improve the world.可知每天在我们的工作中,我们会受到一些人的鼓舞,他们在做一些特别的事情来改善世界。所以故选C.【6题详解】推理判断题。根据第五段But we do think that you can live a more powerful life when you

20、devote some of your time and energy to something much larger than yourself. Find an issue you are interested in and learn more。 Volunteer or, if you can, contribute a little money to a cause. Whatever you do, dont be a bystander. Get involved。 You may have the opportunity to make your biggest differ

21、ence when youre older。可知,但是我们认为,当你把一些时间和精力投入到比自己更大的事情上时,你可以过上更有精力的的生活.找到一个你感兴趣的问题并去了解更多。志愿者或者其它,如果可以的话,为一项事业捐一点钱.无论你做什么,不要做旁观者。参与进来.随着你的成长,你会为别人的生活带来影响。所以判断出作者在第五段强调,要提升自己,行动起来帮助别人。故选B。【7题详解】推理判断题.根据最后一段最后一句It has changed who we are and continues to fuel our optimism about how much the lives of the

22、poorest people will improve in the years ahead.可知,它改变了我们的身份,并继续让我们对未来几年最贫困人口的生活状况的将改善持乐观态度.由此判断出作者相信穷人的生活将会变得更好.故选A。【点睛】推理判断题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定的推理判断,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理判断题所涉及的内容可能是文中的某一句话,也可能是某几句话,所以,推理判断题的答案只能是根据原文表面文字信息一步推出的答案:即对原文某一句话或某几句话所作的同义改写或综合。推理判断题的题干中通常含有infer, suggest, imply, conclud

23、e indicate等标志性词语。这种题型主要包括态度观点推断题、写作意图推断题、文章出处判断题和猜测想象推断题等。比如第7小题就是推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句It has changed who we are and continues to fuel our optimism about how much the lives of the poorest people will improve in the years ahead.可知,它改变了我们的身份,并继续让我们对未来几年最贫困人口的生活状况的将改善持乐观态度.由此判断出作者相信穷人的生活将会变得更好。故选A。CAccordin

24、g to a recent study, a new genetically modified rice can prevent infections of HIV, the virus responsible for the disease AIDS.The study reports the newly-developed rice produces proteins that attach directly to the HIV virus。 This process prevents the virus from mixing with human cells. The scienti

25、sts say it can remove the effect of the virus and block its spreading。The Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS reports that worldwide, nearly 37 million people were living with HIV in 2017. The organization says the largest number of those are in developing countries. Nearly two-thirds of HIV ca

26、ses are in Africa。 Now there is no cure for HIV/AIDS though there have been developments in oral drug treatments to slow the progression of the disease.The new study predicts the rice-based method will lead to longterm use of the anti-HIV treatment across the developing world。 Researchers said the “

27、groundbreaking” discovery is “realistically the only way” that antiHIV combination treatments can be produced at a cost low enough for the developing world。They say the easiest and most costeffective way to use the rice will be to make it into a cream to be put on the skin. The HIV-fighting proteins

28、 can then enter the body through the skin。 People all over the world could grow the rice and make the cream themselves。 This would prevent the cost and travel required for many patients to receive treatments and medicine。The process of changing the genetic structure of food crops has been debated fo

29、r some time。 Critics of genetically engineered crops believe they can harm people. The scientific team says further testing is needed to ensure that the genetic engineering process does not produce any additional chemicals that could be dangerous to people。8. What does the author intend to do in par

30、agraph 3?A. Stress the urgency of HIV treatments。B。 Provide some data about HIV。C. Remind readers of HIV prevention.D. Introduce HIV to the public.9. In which way will the rice be used at the lowest cost?A。 By transforming it into proteins。B。 By adding it to an oral drug.C。 By attaching it to the HI

31、V virus.D。 By processing it into a cream。10。 What can we infer about the genetic engineering process?A. It can prevent infections of HIV。B. It can produce dangerous chemicals.C. It still requires perfecting。D. It applies to the developed world。11. From which is the text probably taken?A. A biology t

32、extbook.B。 A health magazine.C. A social webpage.D. A first aid brochure。【答案】8。 A 9。 D 10。 C 11. B【解析】【分析】本文为说明文。文章主要叙述了科学家培育出可预防艾滋病病毒感染的转基因水稻。研究人员表示,这一“突破性”的发现是“现在唯一的”以低成本为发展中国家生产抗艾滋病毒联合治疗的方法,但还有待于进一步的完善。【8题详解】推理判断题。由第三段的“nearly 37 million people were living with HIV in 2017。. Now there is no cure

33、for HIV/AIDS though there have been developments in oral drug treatments to slow the progression of the disease” 可知,“2017年全世界有近3700万人感染艾滋病毒。尽管口服药物治疗已经有了进展减缓了疾病的发展,但现在还没有治愈艾滋病毒/艾滋病的方法”。由此可推断出对于艾滋病的治疗迫在眉睫,非常紧迫.分析选项可知A项符合题意, 故选A。【9题详解】细节理解题。根据第五段“They say the easiest and most costeffective way to use t

34、he rice will be to make it into a cream to be put on the skin.”可知,最简单、最划算的使用方法是将大米制成面霜涂在皮肤上。“the most cost-effective”与“the lowest cost”是同义词,“make it into a cream”与“process it into a cream”是同义的.故选D。【10题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“The scientific team says further testing is needed to ensure that the genetic e

35、ngineering process does not produce any additional chemicals that could be dangerous to people。”可知,科学研究小组认为要进一步的测试,以确保基因工程过程不会产生任何可能对人类有害的额外化学物质。由此可推断这种基因工程的过程还需要进一步的完善。分析选项可知C符合题意,故选C。【11题详解】推理判断题。文章主要叙述了根据最近的一项研究,一种新的转基因水稻可以预防艾滋病病毒的感染。因此与人类的健康有关,所以本文可能是出现在健康杂志上,故选B。【点睛】推理判断试题属于高层次阅读理解题。这种题型包括判断题和推

36、理题.这两类题常常相互依存,推理是为了得出正确的判断,正确的判断又依赖于合乎逻辑的推理。如第4小题属于推理判断题.文章主要叙述了根据最近的一项研究,一种新的转基因水稻可以预防艾滋病病毒的感染。因此与人类的健康有关,所以本文可能是出现在健康杂志上,故选B。推理题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,根据事实细节,作出一定判断和推论,推断合理信息。推理时要做到判断有据, 推论有理, 忠实原文。切忌用自己的观点代替作者的本意,切忌片面思考,得出片面结论。DCan you imagine digging in your yard one day and finding a life-sized sold

37、ier made completely of clay? Thats what happened several decades ago when farmers in Xian, China, were digging wells。Archaeologists(考古学家) have since found about 6000 more of these soldiers, along with horses, weapons, tools, and other artifacts。 The huge army was meant to protect the tomb of the fir

38、st ruler of China. The first emperor of China, Qin Shihuang, accomplished a huge amount during his rule。 Between 221 and 210 B.C., he started the construction of the Great Wall. He built a large network of roads. He introduced a new writing system, currency(货币), and a set of measurements. The empero

39、r also ordered the construction of a huge army of life-sized terracotta soldiers. These, he hoped, would protect his tomb after his death。The soldiers in Xians terracotta museum are today light brown, but they werent always. They began as an army of red, blue, yellow, green, white, and purple。 Sadly

40、, most of the colors did not last to the present day. After being exposed to air during excavation(挖掘), the coating under the paint began to fall off. The paint disappeared in less time than it takes to boil an egg, taking with it important pieces of history。Now new techniques are starting to reveal

41、 the armys true colors. Archaeologists have recently discovered an area with more than a hundred soldiers. Many of these still have their painted features, including black hair, pink faces, and black or brown eyes。 Chinese and German researchers have developed a special liquid to help preserve the s

42、oldiers colors。 After they find a soldier or other artifacts(手工艺品), archaeologists spray it with the liquid. They then cover it in plastic。 Archaeologists are also finding colors in the dirt around the soldiers. Its important not to disturb the dirt, so the colors wont be lost。 “We are treating the

43、earth as an artifact,”says archeologist Rong Bo, the museums leading chemist。 The next challenge, says Rong, is to find a way to apply the colors to the army again。 Once that happens, artists can bring Emperor Qins army back to life in full, vivid color.12. The terracotta soldiers were constructed t

44、o _。A。 show the outside world about Chinas greatnessB. be enjoyed by everyday peopleC。 frighten Chinas enemiesD。 protect Emperor Qins tomb13. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?A。 The soldiers lost their colors very quickly。B。 The soldiers paint fell off because of the high temperature。C.

45、Visitors to the museum are not actually seeing the real soldiers。D。 Being exposed to water is bad for the soldiers。14. What have archaeologists recently discovered?A. A place with over a hundred soldiers.B。 A written description of the soldiers true colors.C。 A special liquid in the tomb to preserve

46、 the soldiers colors。D. A new tomb for Emperor Qin.15. Which statement would Rong Bo probably agree with?A. The soldiers should stay in their current, brown color.B. Artists should be able to paint the soldiers in any color they want。C。 Archaeologists can only guess at the soldiers original colors.D

47、. We should try to restore the armys vivid colors。【答案】12。 D 13。 A 14. A 15。 D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文。讲述了秦皇秦始皇兵马俑和其真正的颜色.【12题详解】细节理解题。由第2段第2句The huge army was meant to protect the tomb of the first ruler of China。 The first emperor of China, Qin Shihuang.可知,兵马俑就是为了保护秦始皇.故选D。【13题详解】主旨大意题。通读第3段可知,该段主要讲述了兵马俑颜色

48、的问题。由After being exposed to air during excavation(挖掘), the coating under the paint began to fall off。 The paint disappeared in less time than it takes to boil an egg, taking with it important pieces of history。可知,兵马俑颜色在挖掘期间颜色就迅速消失了。故选A。【14题详解】细节理解题。由第4段第2句话Archaeologists have recently discovered an

49、area with more than a hundred soldiers。可知,考古学家最近发现了一个拥有100多个兵马俑的地方.故选A。【15题详解】细节理解题。由第4段倒数第2句The next challenge, says Rong, is to find a way to apply the colors to the army again。Once that happens,artists can bring Emperor Qins army back to life in full, vivid color。可知,下个挑战是找到方法使兵马俑重新涂上颜色.故选D。【点睛】概括

50、段落大意,可以抓“段眼”,也就是一段文字的中心句,或能涵盖大意的一句话.如果该段没有中心句,但往往有占中心地位的人、事、物、情、理,整个段落都是紧紧围绕这些来写的,抓住他们,概括段落内容就比较容易了。比如第三段,都是围绕兵马俑颜色消失的问题讲述的,故选。第二节 (共5小题;每小题2。5分,满分12。5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The jobs of the future have not yet been invented。 _16_ By helping them develop classic skills that will s

51、erve them well no matter what the future holds。1。CuriosityYour children need to be deeply curious。 _17_ Ask kids, “What ingredients (配料) can we add to make these pancakes even better next time?” and then try them out。 Ingredients make the pancakes better? What could we try next time?2。 CreativityTru

52、e creativity is the ability to take something existing and create something new. _18_ There are a dozen different things you can do with them. Experimenting with materials to create something new can go a long way in helping them develop their creativity。3。Personal skillsUnderstanding how others fee

53、l can be a challenge for kids。 We know whats going on inside our own head, but what about others? Being able to read people helps kid from misreading a situation and jumping to false conclusions。 _19_ “Why do you think shes crying?” “Can you tell how that man is feeling by looking at his face?” “If

54、someone were to do that to you, how would you feel?”4。 Self Expression_20_ There are many ways to express thoughts and ideas music, acting, drawing, building, photography。 You may find that your child is attracted by one more than another.A. And we cant forget science education.B。 Encourage kids to

55、cook with you。C. We can give kids chances to think about materials in new ways。D。 Gardening is another great activity for helping kids develop this skill.E。 So how can we help our kids prepare for jobs that dont yet exist?F。 Being able to communicate ideas in a meaningful way is a valuable skill。G。

56、We can do this in real life or ask questions about characters in stories。【答案】16. E 17. B 18. C 19。 G 20。 F【解析】这是一篇说明文.文章介绍了对于孩子来说,想要为未来的工作做好准备必备的几种能力.【16题详解】根据空格前句“jobs of the future”可知,本段内容是关于未来的工作。空格后句“By helping them develop classic skills that will serve them well no matter what the future holds

57、.”意为“通过帮助他们发展经典技能,无论未来如何,这些技能都能很好地为他们服务。讲述的是如何帮助孩子们为未来的工作做准备。E项意为“那么,我们如何帮助我们的孩子为那些还不存在的工作做好准备呢?”能够引起下文,符合段落“未来的工作的主题。故选E项。【17题详解】根据“Curiosity”可知,本段的主题是“好奇心”。空格后句“Ask kids, “What ingredients (配料) can we add to make these pancakes even better next time?”意为“问孩子们,下次我们可以添加什么配料让这些煎饼做得更好?”讲述了和孩子一起烹饪,并用问题的

58、形式激发孩子的好奇心,让孩子思考。B项意为“鼓励孩子们和你一起做饭。能够引起下文,是激发孩子好奇心的方法。故选B项。【18题详解】根据“Creativity”可知,本段的主题是“创造力”。空格前句“True creativity is the ability to take something existing and create something new。意为“真正的创造力是一种能力,它能用现有的东西创造出新的东西。阐述了什么是创造力。C项意为“我们可以给孩子们以新的方式思考材料的机会.”这是培养创造力的一种方法,且与后文“Experimenting with materials to

59、create something new(尝试用材料来创造新的东西)”相呼应。故选C项。【19题详解】根据“Personal skills可知,本段的主题是“个人技能”。空格前句“Being able to read people helps kid from misreading a situation and jumping to false conclusions.意为“能读懂别人可以帮助孩子避免误读和妄下结论的情况。”可知,本段讲述的是如何教孩子理解别人的想法,空格后列举了一些在实际生活中,为了读懂别人,你可以问的一些问题。G项意为“我们可以在现实生活中这样做,也可以询问故事中的人物。

60、”选项中的“ask questions”和下文的问题举例相呼应,能够引起下文。故选G项。【20题详解】根据“Self Expression可知,本段的主题是“自我表达”。空格后句“There are many ways to express thoughts and ideas - music, acting, drawing, building, photography.”意为“有许多方法来表达思想和想法-音乐、表演、绘画、建筑和摄影。这里是在介绍一些表达自己思想和想法的方法。F项意为“能够以有意义的方式交流思想是一项很有价值的技能。”选项中的“communicate ideas in a


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