研一上综合英语language points unit_第1页




1、Unit61. civic 市政的;市民的civic center 市中心a sense of civic pride作为某市市民的自豪感In a study of American civic virtues, gratitude must be front and center.在研究的公民道德的时候,感恩必须是和第一位的。来访是该城市那年的头等大事.s visit was the most important civic event of the year.Theciviladj. 公民的,文明的,民用的As visitors, the least we cans be _civil t

2、o the peopleheir own land.The mayor has tried to foster civic pride by having a new public library builtcity.heDiplomats denounced the leaders for trling their citizens civil rights.作为来访者,最起码能做到的就是对当地人要彬彬有礼试图在城市里建造一座新的2. address对付;处理;设法了解并解决馆以此来培养市民的荣誉感。官谴责这些践踏其公民的公民权。The next meeting will address t

3、he problem of truancy.下次会议将着手解决学生的逃课问题.Throughout the book we have addressed ourselves to the problem of ethics.整本书中都在探讨观。The two foreign ministers did not address each other directly when they last met.Applications should be addressed to: The business airs editor.He is due to address a conference o

4、nnextk.It is im这两位sible tiver this letter because the address is illegible.部长在上次会面时并没有直接的言语交流.申请表应寄给;商务编辑。他下将在一个大会上关于的。由于地址字迹不清,致使信件无法投递.3.n.;came,折磨 vt. 使染he wake of earthquake.; 使痛苦,造成麻烦之后紧跟着就是.t mistaked him for years.那个错误使他痛苦了许多年。去年和入室行窃成灾。Last year there was aof robbery and housebreaking.几乎一半的员

5、工担心失业。Fears about job securitynearly half the workforce.4.pedagogical教师的,教育的,师范的The book incorporates a number of important pedagogical innovations.本书在教学方法上有许多重要革新.The university trains countless pedagogical students, making significant contribution to the education.这所高校培养出很大量师范类学生, 为教育事业做出巨大贡献这所大学师

6、资力量雄厚, 是所有学子都向往的学校.This university has rich pedagogical resourand all students yearn to attend it.5. reflect onTake some time to reflect on your sucses and failures. Her arrogance only reflects on herself.花点儿时间来你的成功与失败.傲慢无礼只能使她自己出丑。未成年人令人警省,发人深思.Juvenile delinquency should make us reflect on the cur

7、rent situation.小孩的坏品行常常有损父母的名誉.Childrens bad behavior is often a reflection on the repuion of their parents.1. 仔细想; 回忆6. mentor2.影响的荣誉; 使丢脸n.导师; 良师益友 vt. 做的良师;指导The key to mastering any new job is finding the right career mentor.对新工作尽快上手的窍门,就是找对职业导师.A good communication helps to earn trust,persuade,

8、 motivate and mentor.良好的沟通有助于赢得他人的信任, 以对其进行说服 、 激励和指导.培养高素质的是导师们的职责.To cultivate graduate students with high quality is the mentors duty.7. implementSynonyms:puto effect ; carry out ; actualizeCongress provided $ 400 million to implement these management programs.国会拨款 4 亿实施这一管理项目.知识管理的目标就是实现知识的共享.Th

9、e core of Knowledge Management is to implement knowledge sharing. t implement is useful for many pureshe kitchen.那种工具在厨房里有许多用途。vt. 实施,执行;n. 工具,;implement complement compliment implement complement complimentThis Academy was established to the developmental pro He said his plan had the virtue of bein

10、g the easiest to .Different schools of thought should respect and each other.s of youthletes.该的建立是为了表彰年轻运动员的成长历程.他说他的计划的优点是最简单易行。不同学派之间要互相尊重,取长补短.complimentn. 恭维;致意 vt.称赞; 向致意complement n. 补充; 补充物 vt. 补足,补充8. CommitmentThe hospital has a commitment to provide the bestsible medical care.Empty love co

11、nsists of the commitment component withoutimacy or pas.His unusual commitment to the arts derives from his spiritual goals这家医院承诺要提供最好的医疗服务。 无情无义的爱情由义务,而没有亲密和他对艺术不寻常的奉献源于他崇高的目标.1.承诺,许诺,保证2. 义务3.信奉,献身,敬业在竞争中脱颖而出.能力 、 敬业和道德三者使Competence, commitment and morality are what set us apart from the competitio

12、n.9 . Lay to rest1.解决, 消除, settle ( an ie) 2. 安葬(bury)Their difference have been laid to rest.我很高兴那个可笑的计划终于被取消了。Im gladt ridiculous/ludicrous/foolish plan has finally been laid to rest他被安葬在教堂墓地里他亡妻的身旁。He was laid to rest beside his late/dead wifehe churchyard.10 aspirationn.愿望; 吸气,吸入He has no aspira

13、tion for fame他不图名利。ain.理想和现实的巨大反差终于使他精神.The large gap betn aspiration and reality eventually broke his spirit.t use take this medicine after the expiration date.药品过期后不能再使用.expiration 1.满期; 截止 2.呼气Many poets and artists have drawn their inspiration from nature.许多诗人和艺术家从大自然中获得灵感。inspiration 灵感;鼓舞人心的人或事aspiration expiration inspirationDrea


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