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1、1Request for writing samplesHave you written a technical paper in English? (Or would you like to?Please give us a one or two page writing sample - any of the followingIntroductionMaterials and MethodsResultsDiscussionReferencesFigure LegendsHard copy or email to Linda - 2Hands-on critiques available

2、Please submit todaySessions20 October 10:30- 11:3020 October 14:00 - 15:003How to Write a Scientific PaperBiomedical: basic science or clinical4Handouts (also on the web)How to Write a Manuscript for Submission to a Biomedical (Basic Science) JournalHow to Write a Manuscript for Submission to a Biom

3、edical (Clinical) Journal pdf links on bottom on the web page5Points to RememberYour paper should represent a critical argument.Clear writing results from clear thinking.Clear thinking results from clear writing.Write with vigor. Write to excite.6And.LOGICLOGICLOGICYour paper must be logical!7Univer

4、sal GuidelinesUniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals Contains a lot of useful information8Sections of a PaperTitle (title page)AbstractIntroductionMaterials & MethodsResults, including figuresDiscussion AcknowledgmentsReferencesFigure legends9TitleConcise and descripti

5、vePreferably not a declarative sentenceThis: Disruption of the ARF-Mdm2-p53 Tumor Suppressor Pathway in Myc-induced LymphomagenesisNot: B-cell Lymphomas Occur in Transgenic Mice When the Myc Oncogene Inactivates ARF or p5310Authorshipa sticky issueTo be an author, the investigator must:Have contribu

6、ted significant ideas and experimental designHave taken part in significant aspects of the experimentation, data analysis, or interpretationHave participated in the writing (draft or revision) of the manuscript11Each author should see the final version and give consent to authorship.Order of authors

7、hip should be joint decision of co-authors.MCGs guideline to authors 12AbstractLess than 250 wordsMake every word countSingle paragraph (except for clinical journals)13Abstract should summarize:ProblemMethods usedResultsOverall conclusionsAbstract should be able to stand aloneNo abbreviationsNo refe

8、rences14IntroductionPurpose of the paperWhy should you care about this problem?Background informationPrevious experiments done by others (but tell a story, start to finish, not random details)15RememberBe LogicalIntroduction should be a logical story16Materials & MethodsStart with biological materia

9、ls: cell lines, mouse strainsUse chronological order for methodsEnd with data analysis toolsStatistical methods, computer programsHow much detail?Enough so that another investigator can repeat the experiment17For established method, give reference and include modifications you madeSouthern blots wer

10、e performed as described (24) except that.For method published but not widely known, give brief descriptionIn vitro phosphorylation was performed essentially as described (30). Phosphorylation reactions contained 25 mM.18Identify chemicals precisely, give manufacturer, city, and state in parenthesis

11、Glutathione-agarose, (Sigma, St. Louis, MO)For specific instruments and equipment, give precise name and manufacturer informationAnalyzed on a FACScan (Becton Dickinson, Mountain View, CA)Give concentrations of chemicalsFor assays, give final concentration of solutions19For animal studies, indicate

12、that the procedures were in accordance with the institutional guide or Animal Care & Use Committee20For human subject studies, indicate that procedures followed were in accordance with the Institutional Review Board and Declaration of Helsinki.Indicate that informed consent was obtainedNo patient na

13、mes, initials, or hospital numbersUse unique identifiers that allow only the investigator to link the data to the patient21ResultsFlow in a linear fashionLogicalFor each set of experiments, Tell why you did the experimentTell how you did itPresent the dataGive the conclusions from the dataBut not th

14、e interpretation 22Use topic sentencesIn order to determine whether.Results from the previous experiment suggest thatTo more precisely map the DNA-binding regionRefer to Materials & MethodsWestern analysis was performed as described in Materials and Methods, using antibody RM203 as probe.23State wha

15、t the data tell you.As can be seen in Fig. 3B, control cultures contained large numbers of apoptotic cells, whereas cultures of cells expressing the PDQ gene showed very little apoptosis.It may be helpful at times to add in the text:(compare lanes 1 and 2 to lanes 5 and 6, Fig. 4A)24DiscussionState

16、your conclusions.Why are they novel and important?Do not reiterate the actual data from Results section.Discuss the implications of your work in reference to studies by others.Do not repeat the Introduction, but relate your work to what you presented earlier.25Discuss possible reasons why your resul

17、ts conflict with others.Speculate, but be sure the reader knows you are speculating!Suggest new experiments, but remember, someone else might do them before you do!Make every word count. Kill verbosity.26AcknowledgmentsAcknowledge and thank colleagues who contributed to the work but do not meet the

18、criteria for authorship.Provided reagentsReferred patientsProvided technical helpSuggested an experimentDiscussed your resultsCritically read the manuscript27Acknowledge financial supportAgency, grant numberUse We thank not We would like to thank28ReferencesUse a reference programEndNote, Reference

19、ManagerKeep it up-to-dateEvery time you read a paper, add it to the library29Figure LegendsThe reader should be able to look at the figure and legend and be able to understand how the experiment was done, as well as know the results.Title of figure can state what figure representsLevels of p53 prote

20、in in human lymphomas.Northern blot analysis of myc oncogene in colon carcinomas.30Or, title can give conclusion of figurep53 protein expression is absent in most human lymphomas.Expression of myc oncogene is increased in colon carcinomas.Use brief, clipped style (can leave out a/an/the)Legend shoul

21、d state how the experiment was done31Tumors were excised from brains of mice and DNA isolated as described in Materials and Methods. Equivalent amounts of DNA were digested with Eco RI as described and loaded onto agarose gels. Southern blotting was performed using c-myc probe 468. Lanes 1-4, DNA is

22、olated from malignant glial tumors from four different mice; lanes 5-8, DNA isolated from normal glial cells from syngeneic control mice; lane 9, size markers as indicated. Arrow indicates 683 bp band, as expected for32Check lane numbers, graph symbols, other notations between figures and text!33Differences between Western


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