1、【使用指南】Black Cat 有声名著阶梯阅读 使用指南 原典英语交流/【使用指南】Black Cat 有声名著阶梯阅读(以下内容摘自徐老师原典英语法(著)第二章)在使用时,一定要做到 聆听先行,听读结合,即: 打开一个MP3文件(一般35分钟,最多不超过10分钟),不看任何文本,先静气聆听35遍后,谨记:千万不可看文本;聆听至少3遍后,打开PDF 阅读刚才听的部分,生词可以用金山词霸查,大概读23遍;关掉 PDF,闭目再听12遍;最后,可以进行跟读,朗诵,背诵,写作等操练。方案1. 暑期50天速成训练方案训练素材:商务印书馆华东师范大学的Black Cat 优质英语阶梯有声读物 Level
2、 1- Level 6 + VOA 慢速英语。训练量:每天运用原典英语训练法学习6个小时,总训练时间300小时。训练目标:听读能力达到高考水准。训练具体方法:从 Black Cat 系列有声读物Level 1起步,每个Level 选约4个故事,一个故事一个故事地运用原典英语学习法的432+模式训练,即先专注听4遍,随即立刻认真读3遍,然后再聆听2遍。Black Cat 系列有声读物 Level 1 Level 3 的每个故事长度平均约30分钟,并进一步分割成平均约4分钟左右的段落(课文/音频文件),Level 4 - Level 6的每个故事长度平均约50分钟。学习者要一课一课地完成聆听-阅读
3、-聆听。即,(1). 从Level 1的某个故事开始,先专注聆听4遍约4分钟的音频文件,共约16分钟;(2). 然后在电脑上打开对应的文本文件,激活翻译的屏幕取词翻译功能,认真阅读理解3遍;但除了零起点的学生,一般不要用翻译的整句翻译功能,而应该自己先努力阅读理解,碰到生词再使用翻译翻译目标生词,碰到个别实在无法理解难句可尝试使用整句翻译(但整句翻译往往并确);(3). 再将此阅读过的内容,认真重复聆听2遍。完成这一轮训练后,一般就可立刻进入I【使用指南】Black Cat 有声名著阶梯阅读 使用指南 原典英语交流/到下一篇课文/音频文件,继续采用上述432模式程序训练。每天6个小时的训练学习
4、中5个小时用于432听-读-听训练,1个小时用于扩展训练。扩展训练主要用于背诵单词和词组,即前述432训练程序中遇到的生词,把它们再列表复习背诵;并可以选出听读过的一些常用句型做口语化训练。Level 1 Level 3 一共选约12个故事,对应的音频文件朗读总长度约为6小时,约36,000单词的听读量。假设训练中阅读3遍需要10倍于朗读时间(即4分钟的朗读,认真阅读 其对应文本3遍,需要40分钟;实际上第一遍认真阅读耗时比较长,第二和第三遍就可以越读越快),那么6个小时的朗读量,用432模式训练需要6 X(6+10)= 96个小时,加上扩展训练约需 20个小时(本方案中听-读-听训练和扩展训
5、练的比例约为5:1),总共116个小时,不到20天即可完成。然后进入到Level 4阶段。从Level 4 开始,学习者大体按照2:1 的比例,联合分别使用BlackCat 系列和 VOA 慢速英语训练,以扩展听读题材的广度。VOA 慢速英语包括诸如科技、医疗健康、教育、经济和农业等多方面的专题素材,以及等对 Black Cat 系列,学习者仍旧可使用432模式训练,对 VOA 慢速英语,学习者可主要使用32 模式训练,并根据题材难度和自身条件适当调整。经过50天的速成训练,学习者累计的听 读素材超过18个小时的朗读总量,合约108,000个英语单词。此时聆听素材的语速已经超过高考水平,文本句
6、型复杂度相当高考水平,学习者的英语语感已经初步确立,飞速进步,阅读能力也显著进步,英语学习的灵感源源而生,自信心和倍增。50天之后,保持每天一到两个小时的训练量,学习者再坚持一两个学期,就必定能在班级和年级的各种英语茅,英语能力的运用更突飞猛进,超过高考英语水平。中名列前方案2. 原典英语6个月训练方案训练素材:商务印书馆华东师范大学的Black Cat 优质英语阶梯有声读物 Level 1- Level 6 + VOA 慢速英语。训练量:每天运用原典英语训练法学习2个小时,总训练时间360小时。训练目标:听读能力高考水准。训练具体方法:同方案1,惟一的不同在于每天训练的时间减少,但总训练时间
7、增加20。学习者要设法在周末和节假日期间增加训练量,争取在六个月之内完成360小时以上的训练总量。(以上内容摘自徐老师原典英语法(著)第二章)II徐老师原典英语kkq原典英语法r KttS /ZZZ KRPeU-eQJlLVK cRPkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkLittle Womenby Louisa May Alcott1 / 36徐老师原典英语kkq原典英语法r KttS /ZZZ KRPeU-eQJlLVK cRPkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
8、kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkContentsCHAPTER ONE: Merry Christmas3CHAPTER TWO: Laurie.7CHAPTER THREE: Theegram11CHAPTER FOUR: Difficult Times14CHAPTER FIVE: Megs Glove18CHAPTER SIX : Love Letters.22CHAPTER SEVEN: Aunt Marchs Visit25Track 1:Track 2:Track 3:Trac
9、k 4:Track 5:Track 6:About the Author29The American Civil War (1861-65).30Listening activity32Listening activity33America: The Melting Pot34America: Immigrantion Today362 / 36徐老师原典英语kkq原典英语法r KttS /ZZZ KRPeU-eQJlLVK cRPkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
10、kkkCHAPTER ONE: Merry ChristmasIt was almost Christmas. Four girls sat by the fireheir living room.There was a lot opresent, said Jo.ow outside. Christmas wont be Christmas withoutIts terrible to be poor! said Meg.Some girls have a lot of pretty things, but we Amy.ve many, saidBut we have mother and
11、 father, and this nice, warm home, said Beth.Father isnt here now. said Jo. And who knows whenTheir father was away with the Union Army.return.Margaret, or Meg, was sixteen years old and every pretty. She had lightbrown hair and big brown eyes. She liked pretty clothes. Josephine, or Jo, was fifteen
12、, and she was tall and thin. She had gray eyes and long dark hair.She liked climbing trees andng thingst boys do. Elizabeth, or Beth,was thirteen, and had brown hair and kind blue eyes. She was gentle andvery timid, and loved playing thano. Amy was only twelve. She waslively and happy. She felt impo
13、rtant and thought she was very pretty, withher blonde hair and blue eyes.Mother will soon be home. Oh poor Mother, itBeth.owing outside, saidLets put her slippers near the fire, said Jo. She looked at them. These slippers are very old.I can get her some new slippers with my dollar, said Beth.This Ch
14、ristmas the sisiters haNo, I can! said Meg.ly one dollar each to spend.No, I am going to buy the slippers for mother, said Jo loudly.3 / 36徐老师原典英语kkq原典英语法r KttS /ZZZ KRPeU-eQJlLVK cRPkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkOh, girls, said Beth quietly. Le
15、ts each buy mother something, but notanything for ourselves. She always thought about otheople.Alright, said Meg happily. I can buy her a pair of gloves.And I can buy her some handkerchiefs, said Beth.Mother likes perfume, said Amy. I can buy her a littottle. Lets go out tomorrow and buy mothers Chr
16、istmas presents, said Beth.Mrs March came home and took off her wet coat. She sat down near the warm fire and the girls sat near her. I have a letter from father! she said happily. She read it to the girls. Fathers letter was cheerful and full of love for his girls. He told them to work at home and
17、to wait for his return.When will he come home, mother? asked Beth.Not for many moths, said Mrs March. He must stay and do his work.And we must work to help all the poor soldiers at war.After dinner the girls made socks and gloves for the soldiers.The next day was Christmas Eve, and at nine oclockhe
18、evening Bethplayed thano and they sang Christmas carols.Then they went to bed.Jo got up early on Christmas morning.Merry Christmas, everyone! she said happily.The four girls dressed quickly and went to the kitchen. Hannah, thefamilys servant, was already there. There was a spefor the family on the t
19、able.l Christmas breakfastMerry Christmas, Hannah. Wheres mother ? asked Meg. A poor woman came to ask her for some help, so she went to see her, said Hannah.The girls put their mothers presentshe living room. Just then Mrs4 / 36徐老师原典英语kkq原典英语法r KttS /ZZZ KRPeU-eQJlLVK cRPkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
20、kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkMarch opened the front door.Merry Christmas! they all said together.And a Merry Christmas to you, said Mrs March. Listen, girls, theres a very poor woman near here. She and her family came here from Germany-theyre immigrants. Her name is Mrs
21、Hummel and she has six children and anew baby. They have no fire and no fooChristmas Day. Will you givethem your breakfast as a Christmas present?The girls weregry and looked at the good foothe table. Im glad we didnt start eating, said Jo.Oh, yes, said Beth. We must take it tot poor family.Ill take
22、 the cakes, said Amy. Cakes were her favorite food, and it was difficult for Amy to give away something she liked.Ill prepare a nice basket for them, said Meg.Good, said Mrs March. When we come back we can have some bread and milk.When they returned home, the sisters gave their mother the presents.
23、Shewas very happy.he evening the four sisters performed a playhe attic, Some friendscame to see it too. Everyone had fun and laughed. Jo liked writing stories and plays.After the play the girls and their friends went downstairs to the kitchen.There were all kinds of delicious foothe table. And there
24、 were beautifulflowers too. The girls were very surprised. Where did this come from? asked Amy. And the flowers? asked Jo.Mother did it! said Meg.No, said Mrs March, Old Mr Laurenent it.5 / 36徐老师原典英语kkq原典英语法r KttS /ZZZ KRPeU-eQJlLVK cRPkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
25、kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkMr Laurence and his grandson live alonehat big house and Itthink they have any friends, saie of the girls. I think the grandsonsshy. He stays at home and studies with his tutor.I heardt he traveled to Europe, said Amy.Old Mr Laurence knows we helped the Hummel family and he wasp
26、leased, said Mrs March. Igentleman.t know him, but I think hes a kind6 / 36徐老师原典英语kkq原典英语法r KttS /ZZZ KRPeU-eQJlLVK cRPkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkCHAPTER TWO: LaurieJo! Jo! Where are you? cried Meg. Imhe attic, Meg, Jo answered. Jo loved read
27、ing and the attic wasthe perfect place because it was quiet.Meg ran upstairs wiletter in her hand. Look! Mrs Gardiner invitedboth of us to a New Years Eve party tomorrow evening!ts exciting, said Jo.But what can we wear? asked Meg.Well, I only have one nice dress, said Jo. I know, andts all I have t
28、oo, said Meg, sadly. I love beautiful,expensive things. When Im eighteen perhaps I can buy myself a beautifulnew dress!The next afternoon Bend Amy helped their sisters get ready for theparty. Everyas happy and excited. Soon Meg and Jo were ready to goMeg enjoyed the party and danced with some young
29、men. But Jo wasbored, and she did not know what to do. She did not like talking to the othe girls. She wanted to talk to the boys, but she could not. A young womanmustalk to boys, she thought.When a young man with red hair came towards her, she quickly decidedto move away. She wento a small room and
30、 immediay saw anotheryoung man inside. He was about seventeen years old and had dark eyes anddark hair.Oh! she said. I didnt know any and wanted to leave.The young man laughed. Please,as in here. She turned aroundt go, he said.Jo sat down next to him. You live near us,t you?7 / 36徐老师原典英语kkq原典英语法r Kt
31、tS /ZZZ KRPeU-eQJlLVK cRPkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkI live next door with my grandfather, said the boy. My name sThre Laurence, but my friends call me Laurie.My names Josephine, but everyone calls me Jo. IJosephine.t like the nameThey started
32、 talking about Lauries journeys to France and Italy, and a lotof othereresting things.Suddenly Meg cameo the small room.Oh, Jo, these shoes are small! My feet hurt! said Meg. Now I cant dance and I cant walk home.Your shoes are always small, said Jo. How can we get home?You can use my grandfathers c
33、arriage, said Laurie. I can take you.Jo and Megnked him and they went homehe carriage. When theyarrived home they heard their sisters saying, about the party, please!l us about the party!l usAfter the Christmas and New Year festivities the girls returned to their usual lives. Meg worked for the king
34、 family. They were rich and lived in a lovely home. She was a tutor for their four children. She did not like it very much, but she wanted to help her family. She remembered when the March family was rich. Her father lost a lot of money when he tried to help a friend.Jo worked for old Aunt March. Sh
35、e was Mr Marchs sister. She was a rich,difficult woman. Jo read to her and looked after h old parrot. She helped with the housework, too.Amy went to school and wanted to be a famous paets: a fatd aner. But Beth stayedat home because she was very shy and didnt want to go to school. Beforeher father w
36、ent to war, she did her lessons with him. Now she studied byherself. She loved music and often played thanohe living room.8 / 36徐老师原典英语kkq原典英语法r KttS /ZZZ KRPeU-eQJlLVK cRPkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkUnfortunay thano was very old and didnt pla
37、y very well.er afternoon, Jo was outsidehe garden. She could see theLaurenbig house and Laurie was at the window.Laurie looks sad and lonely, she thought. She threw a big snowball athis window. He sd and opened his window.o Laurie! she cried. How are you?I was ill, but Im better now. Can you come an
38、d visit me?I must ask mother. She ran back to her house and a few minuteslater she wasauries front door.Here I am, she said happily. Mother sends you her love, and heressome cake from Meg.Laurie laughed. You are all very kind. beautiful living room near a big fire.Can I read to you? asked Jo.nk you.
39、 They sat in aNo, lets talk, Laurie said. l me about your sisters.Jo and Laurie talked and laughed for a long time. She told him about hersisters and the playshe attic. She told him about Aunt Marchs funny dogand old parrot, too. Laurie liked listening to her.He was a lonely boy. His mother and fath
40、er were dead. Only his tutorvisited him. He did nove any friends and Jo wanted to help him.You can come and visit us when you want, said Jo. You musat home all the time. Its bad for you.staynks, Jo. Ill come, said Laurie happily.They started talking about books and Laurie showed Jo his big library.W
41、hat a wonderful library! Jo cried. She looked at the books and at thebeautiful paings on the wall.9 / 36徐老师原典英语kkq原典英语法r KttS /ZZZ KRPeU-eQJlLVK cRPkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkAtt moment a servant cameo the library. The doctor is here to seeyo
42、u, sir.Please wait here , Jo, said Laurie. Ill be back in a few minutes.Jo looked at the paing of Laurengrandfather on the library wall.He looks like a kind man, she said . Some people are afraid of him, butIm not. I like him.nk you,said a mans voice behind her. Jo was very surprised. It wasold Mr L
43、aurence and he sd at her.So youre not afraid of me and you like me, he said. Yes, sir, said Jo.He laughed and invited her to tea with Laurie. He was happy because higrandson finally had a friend.10 / 36徐老师原典英语kkq原典英语法r KttS /ZZZ KRPeU-eQJlLVK cRPkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
44、kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkCHAPTER THREE: TheegramLauries life changed after meeting the March family. He spent less timewith his tutor and more time with his new friends. They had great timestogether. They playedhe snow, went ikating and played games.The March sisters visited the Laurence house
45、 very often. Jo liked readinghe big library and Amy liked looking at the beautiful paststues.ings andMeg liked beautiful, expensive things, so she loved the Laurence house. Only Beth was afraid to go there. She wanted to play the grand piano, but she was afraid of old Mr Laurence.One day Mr Laurence
46、 visited Mrs March. He started talking about musicand musins. Beth listened carefully.I have a grand pianot no one plays, said Mr Laurence. Do yourdaughters play thano, Mrs March?Only Beth plays th well.He looked at Beano, answered Mrs March, and she plays itnd sd. Do you really play thano?Yes, I do
47、, sir. Said Beth quietly.Well, please come and play thanoy house.Oh,Fromnk you, Mr Laurence, said Beth happily.t day, Beth went to play thanohe Laurence house everymorning. She was very happy. She made Mr Laurence a pair of warmslippers tonk him. Two days later Beth received a letter and a presentfr
48、om Mr Laurence.She was amazed when she saw a small piano letter on it.he living room wi11 / 36徐老师原典英语kkq原典英语法r KttS /ZZZ KRPeU-eQJlLVK cRPkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkIs this for me? she asked in a quiet voice.Yes, its for you! said Jo. Now rea
49、d the letter! Beth read the letter.Dear Miss March,I am very pleased with my new slippers. They are warm and comfortable.I hope you will enjoy this small piano. It once belonged to my granddaughter.Yours,James LaurenceWhat a generous gentleman, said Jo. Beth has a new friend,said Amy. Is this a drea
50、m? asked Meg, and the four sisers laughed. Beth sat down and played the new piano.This piano is perfect! she said happily.Summer was a wonderful season for Laurie and the March sisters. Theyspent a lot of time together outside. They htheir town. They talked about their dreamsicnicshe green hills nea
51、rLaurie told them about his love for music. His dream was to live inGermany ande a famous musin. But his grandfather wanted him tostudy at college and then workhe family business.Megs dream was to have a lovely house, Pretty clothes, a husband and children.Beths dream was to stay at home with her mo
52、ther and father. She wantedto look after the family.Amys dream was to go to Rome and pae a great artist.beautiful pictures, She wantedtoJos dream was to have a house full of books. She wants toe a12 / 36徐老师原典英语kkq原典英语法r KttS /ZZZ KRPeU-eQJlLVK cRPkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
53、kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkfamous writer.The summassed and soon it was October. The days were cold and Josatnewsphe attic and wrote stories. One day she took two stories to ther office. Twoks later the newspr published her stories.She brought the newspwas excited and everyr home and read the st
54、ories to her sisters. Sheas pleased with her.Oh, my Jo! cried Beth. Now youre a writer!November is a terrible month, said Meg.It was a cold day. She looked outside the window at the gray sky and the gray garden. Our lives are always the same. We work and work, and weve very much fun.Beth looked outs
55、ide the window and sTheyre both coming here.d . I see mother and Laurie.Mother and Laurie entered the house and went to the living room. A fewminutes later Hannah came in wiegram. She gave it to Mrs March.After reading it her face turned white and she sat in her chair. Laurie broughther some water.
56、Jo read theMrs March,Your husband is very ill.egram to everyone.Come immediaS . HaleyBlAtHospital, Washingtonthere was a terrible silencehe room. Then the girls startedcrying. Mrs March read theegram again.Your poor father! she said. I must go at once.Hannah went to prepare Mrs Marchs things for the
57、 trip.13 / 36徐老师原典英语kkq原典英语法r KttS /ZZZ KRPeU-eQJlLVK cRPkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkCHAPTER FOUR: Difficult TimesThe March family and Laurie werehe living room. They were worried.We muscry, girls, said Mrs March. We must be strong.How can I h
58、elp? siad Laurie.Please send aegram to Mr Hale at the hospital, said Mrs March. lhim Ill be in Washington tomorrow.Ill go at once, said Laurie. Whase can I do?Please take this short letter to Aunt March. Laurie took the letter and left.Then Mrs March wrote something on a piece of pr and gave it to J
59、o.Jo, go and buy these things for your father. Jo knew her mother did nothave muoney.Beth, go to Mr Laurence andl him whappened, said Mrs March.Meg, come and help me find some clothes for the trip.Everyorked busily to help Mrs March.Mr Laurence came back with Beth. He bought some useful thing for th
60、e girls father.When youre away, Mrs March, Ill look after the girls, said MrLaurence. Pleaset worry about them.Youre a true friend.nk you, said Mrs March.Im happy to help you, Mrs March, said Mr Laurence, smiling. Mr Brooke, Lauries tutor, came to see the family.Mr Laurence is sending me to Washingt
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