1、单词课堂版本:新外研 单元:必修二 Unit 4 (Developing ideas)本单元词汇梳理1. brief:词块:in brief = in short 派生词:briefly2. turkey:15、16世纪的土耳其(Turkey)首都君士坦丁堡是连接欧亚的重要贸易枢纽,很多商人在那里销售来自非洲的商品。有一种产自非洲的大型鸟类 “珍珠鸡”,在土耳其被商人改称为“土耳其鸡”(Turkey cock) 销往英国,这种鸟后来被英国人简称为turkey。当英国人来到美洲大陆殖民时,将当地的一种体型巨大的鸟类误认为是珍珠鸡的一种,便将这种鸟称为turkey。其实,这种鸟并不是非洲珍珠鸡的同
2、类,而是北美特有的火鸡,后来成为了北美感恩节的常见佳肴。3. storytelling:story + tell + -ing,联系tell a story4. wonderland:wonder (n 奇迹) + land5. escape:词源:在古代欧洲的战场上,被击败的战士为了保命,往往会使出“金蝉脱壳”的招数,在被敌人抓住斗篷时脱掉斗篷而摆脱敌人,或在被敌人追赶时主动脱掉斗篷,趁敌人去捡斗篷时赶紧逃掉。因为在古代,一件斗篷算是价值不菲的财产,有钱人才穿得起。escape (逃脱) 就与古人脱掉斗篷保命的做法有关。它来自拉丁语 excappare,由 ex- (out of 脱掉) +
3、 cappa (cape 斗篷) 构成,字面意思就是“脱掉斗篷”。 一词多义:基本义“从逃走” 词块:escape from, escape doing sth, narrowly escape 6. disappointed:disappoint (v 使失望) + -ed (分词形容词) 词族:disappoint, disappointed, disappointing, disappointment 7. live up to:词块:(fail to) live up to ones expectation / promise / reputation8. extent:来自exten
4、d (伸出、延伸) 词块:to some extent9. original:词源:来自origin (起源、发源) ,引申义“原创的” 词块:original creations 原创;同族词:origin, original, originally10. fictional:fiction (n 小说) + -al11. awkward:同义词 embarrassing difficult inconvenient12. behave:词块:behave as if / though, behave oneself;派生词:behaviour13. normal:norm- (正规 、常规
5、) + -al (形容词词尾) 有规范的 正常的 派生词:normally, abnormal (ab- 否定前缀) 词块:it is normal (for sb) to do sth, above / below normal, go back / return to normal14. responsibility:responsible + -ity 词块:take / have responsibility for = be responsible for, accept / shoulder responsibility, its ones responsibility to do
6、 sth15. absence:ab- (away 分离) + -sence- 存在 不在 同根词:absent;反义词:presence 词块:absence from school, in / during sbs absence, absence of mind escapebehave重难点词精讲一词多义搭配义英语释义搭配义搭配义responsibilitynormal辨析义形容词动词化 名词动词化 话题词汇originalawkward一词多义熟词生义disappointed词族escape你玩过密室脱逃 (Room Escape) 吗?试想一下自己被困在一间门被锁上的房间里,在规定
7、的时间内,必须依靠各种细节进行推理,再加上各种道具的配合才能把里面的每一扇门都打开,最终实现“逃”出去。是不是很有意思?这个游戏也恰恰说明了“escape”这个词最核心的意义: (从) 逃走。escape词源escape的基本义: (从) 逃走escape(逃脱):脱掉身上的斗篷得以逃脱。在古代欧洲的战场上,被击败的战士为了保命,往往会使出“金蝉脱壳”的招数,在被敌人抓住斗篷时脱掉斗篷而摆脱敌人,或在被敌人追赶时主动脱掉斗篷,趁敌人去捡斗篷时赶紧逃掉。因为在古代,一件斗篷算是不菲的财产,有钱人才穿得起。英语单词 escape (逃脱)就跟古人脱掉斗篷保命的做法有关。它来自拉丁语 excappa
8、re ,由 ex- (out of 脱掉) + cappa (cape 斗篷) 构成,字面意思就是“脱掉斗篷”。因此,英语单词 escape 可以按以下方式记忆其拼写: escape = es (= ex,out of 脱掉)+ cape (斗篷)。escape v vi 逃走;逃跑:The hunter tried to escape from the forest, but he lost his way. vt & vi 逃避;摆脱:escape sbs attention / notice He narrowly escaped death in an earthquake.The s
9、outhern part of Yunnan is the best district ofChina to escape the cold winter. 人教新必修 3escape doing sth: You are lucky to escape being punished. vt 不用于被动语态 被忘掉:She looks familiar, but her name escapes me (= I cant remember her name). vi (气体、液体等) 泄漏:A small hole allowed smoke to escape from the top. 2
10、010 福建escape n C & U 逃跑;逃脱;逃避:make ones escapeHe had a narrow escape.For her, travel was an escape from the boredom of her everyday life. C 泄漏;出口:Can you smell an escape of gas?a fire escape (气体、液体等) 泄漏escape 语义网络图气体 / 液体从容器中“逃走” 从抽象的困境中“逃走”从被围困的地方“逃走”逃避;摆脱逃走;逃跑从记忆中“逃走”被忘掉逃跑;逃脱;逃避泄漏;出口vn(从) 逃走(基本义)
11、小贴士电脑键盘上的“Esc键”你经常用吗?其实,Esc键就是英语escape的缩写,这个按键也叫做escape key, 起到退出或取消的功能。想一想Esc键和“逃走”有什么联系?disappointeddisappointed 由disappoint + -ed构成,是分词形容词disappoint vt 使失望:disappoint sbs expectations Im sorry to disappoint you, but I cant come after all. disappointed adj 失望的;沮丧的:One by one, the applicants left t
12、he interviewers office with disappointed looks on their faces. 2013 山东 (be) disappointed at / about / with sth:She left the restaurant, disappointed with the bad service. (be) disappointed with / in sb:Im disappointed in you I really thought I could trust you! (be) disappointed to do sth:We were dee
13、ply / terribly disappointed to find the museum was closed. (be) disappointed + (that) 从句:My mother said it was a great day, but she was just a little disappointed that it didnt last a tiny bit longer. 2009 湖北 disappointing adj 令人失望的;令人扫兴的:a disappointing exam result disappointment n U 失望;沮丧:She coul
14、dnt hide her disappointment when he didnt turn up. I knew we were going to win, but to my disappointment we were defeated. 2018 天津 C 令人失望的人;令人扫兴的事情:The performance was a big disappointment to us.词族:disappoint, disappointed, disappointing, disappointment抽象名词具体化看图猜词100%原创the original sheet 原文件the copi
15、ed ones复印件original creation 原创作品词源义:“first in time, earliest”(最初的;最早的),来自origin(起源、发源),引申义“原创的”。基本义是“最初的”。original 词源解读original adj 只用于名词前 最初的;原先的 first; earliest (before any changes or developments):Sadly the library had moved from its original place into another building. 只用于名词前 原创的;原作的:In a word,
16、 to read the original work is better than to see the film based on it. 新颖的;创新的;独特的 new and interesting; different from others of its type:Thats not a very original suggestion.n C 原文;原作;原稿:the book in the original originality n U 独创性;创造力original 语义网络图“最初的”事物“最初的”作品最初的; 原先的原创的;原作的最初的(基本义)original“最初的”
17、见解、看法等新颖的;创新的;独特的词汇拓展originally adv 起初;原来:The store was originally quite small.Originally, we had planned a tour of Scotland, but we didnt go in the end.awkward adj 令人尴尬的;别扭的 embarrassing:an awkward silence 使用不便的;难以应付的 (difficult):an awkward machine ask an awkward question 不方便的 (inconvenient):Please
18、 arrange the next meeting at a less awkward time. 紧张的;不舒适的 not relaxed or comfortable:She liked to dance but felt awkward if someone was watching her. awkwardly adv 尴尬地 Just sitting in the wheelchair was a 39 learning experience. I had never considered before how 40 awkward it would be to use one. A
19、s soon as I sat down, my 41 weight made the chair begin to roll. Its wheels were not 42 locked. Then I wondered where to put my 43 feet. It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest into 44 place (2013年全国卷I完形填空)awkward 链接高考awkward的常见释义是“尴尬的” 。但是在这道题目中,根据其语境,awkward意为“困难的”,其同义词是difficult。这层释义是我
20、们不太熟悉的释义,表示“困难的”也很少想到用awkward。这个词在高考完形填空中出现的频率相当高。an awkward gesture an awkward peasantan awkward instrumentan awkward situationan awkward customer an awkward momentawkward 语境活译大挑战 笨拙的姿势 笨手笨脚的乡下人 不好用的仪器棘手的情况不好对付的顾客尴尬的时刻behave妈妈经常会跟孩子说“要乖乖的哦!” “乖乖的哦!” 这句话用英语怎么表达呢?Behave yourself! vi 表现 to act in a pa
21、rticular way (act): He was a little boy, but he behaved as if he was / were an adult. vi & vt (使) 举止规矩;(使) 表现得体 to act in a correct or appropriate way: badly- / well-behaved children behave oneself: Students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves. 2011 浙江behave v基本语
22、义语义缩小behavio(u)r U 行为;举止: I think all of us should mind our behavior in public places. 2012 福建书面表达 C & U (物体等) 反应;性能;行为方式;习性: Nobody before Jane fully understood chimp behaviour.【温故】B1U2人物珍妮古道尔(Jane Goodall),是世界上拥有极高声誉的动物学家,致力于野生动物的研究和保护。她在二十多岁时前往非洲的原始森林,为了观察黑猩猩,度过了三十八年的野外生活。她奔走于世界各地,呼吁人们保护野生动物、保护地球
23、的环境。 正常的;平常的 typical, usual or expected: normal working hours / a normal life it is normal (for sb) to do sth: Its normal for students to feel nervous before an exam. 智力正常的;精神健全的 反 abnormal: normal adjnormal nU 正常状态 / 水平 / 数量等:above / below normalgo back / return to normal :The crisis has passed and
24、 life will go back to normal soon.同族词:normal, abnormal, abnormally, normally 通常;平常 usually: We do not normally look into someones eyes for long. 正常地 反 abnormally: When were happy, our body works normally and we feel relaxed and positive. 2008 湖南改normally advcommon侧重表示普遍的、常见的。 Heart disease is one of
25、 the commonest causes of death.normal侧重指正常的、平常的。 A normal working week is 40 hours.usual表示由于长时间没有变化而形成了一种习惯或制度,强调习惯性。 Ill meet you at the usual time.ordinary侧重表示平常、平凡、无奇特之处,形容人时可与common通用。 Her paintings describe the lives of ordinary people in the last century.辨析common, normal, usual, ordinary友谊是一种甜
26、蜜的责任,绝不是一种机会。 纪伯伦纪哈纪伯伦(Kahlil Gibran, 1883 1931)黎巴嫩作家、诗人、画家,阿拉伯文学的主要奠基人,20世纪阿拉伯新文学道路的开拓者之一,被称为艺术天才、黎巴嫩文坛骄子。其主要作品有泪与笑(A Tear and a Smile),先知(The Prophet),沙与沫(Sand and Foam)等,纪伯伦、鲁迅和泰戈尔是近代东方文学走向世界的先驱。 U & C 责任;职责: shoulder (a) responsibilityThe media has a moral responsibility to report news truthfull
27、y. It is our responsibility / We have a responsibility to protect the environment. OK, Ive had enough of it. I give up. You cant run away from / escape your responsibilities. 2012 江苏改 U (对不良事件所负的) 责任:Taking responsibility for something that went wrong is a mark of great maturity. 2010 天津No one is wi
28、lling to accept responsibility for the accident.responsibility n responsible + -ityhave a responsibility for (doing) sth / to do sthaccept / assume / bear / shoulder / take responsibility for sthresponsibility falls on sbshare responsibilityavoid / escape responsibilitya big / heavy / huge responsib
29、ilityfull / total responsibilitycollective / shared responsibilitysocial responsibilitya sense of responsibilityresponsibility的搭配 说出下列句子中划线单词的汉语释义及词性。名词动词化whipShe lashed(抽打)the horses with her long whip.He whipped the horse into a canter(慢跑).鞭子(名词)鞭打(动词)wheelHow do you make the wheels go around?She
30、wheeled her bicycle across the road.bikeMy dad bought a new bike yesterday. Today he bikes to work.自行车(名词)骑自行车(动词)轮子(名词)推有轮之物(动词)handleShe turned the handle and opened the door.The label on the box said: “Fragile. Handle with care.glueStick them on using a small amount of glue.Glue the two pieces of
31、 cardboard together.把手(名词)(用手)拿(动词)胶水(名词)(用胶水)粘(动词)表示工具类的名词常可转化为动词,表示具有该名词的活动特点或性质特征的动作。betterWe now have a much better understanding of the disease. The organisation was founded to better conditions for the disabled.说出下列句子中划线单词的汉语释义及词性。更好的(形容词)改善(动词)形容词动词化narrowThere was only a narrow gap between t
32、he bed and the wall.We need to try and narrow the health divide between rich and poor.狭窄的(形容词)缩小(动词)rightYou were right to do what you did.Weve made progress in righting the wrongs of the past.对的(形容词)改正(动词)wetTry not to get your shoes wet.Wet your hair and apply the shampoo.湿的(形容词)把打湿(动词)slowThe car
33、 was travelling at a very slow speed.Her breathing slowed and she fell asleep.慢的(形容词)慢下来(动词)英语中有很多形容词可转化为动词,常表示具有该形容词意义的动作。glad, happy, pleased;happiness, joy, pleasure, etc.描述情感的词语高兴惊奇悲伤满意恐惧sad, unhappy;grief,sadness, etc.curious, shocked, surprised;curiosity, shock, surprise, etc.afraid, frightene
34、d, horrible, scared, terrible; fear, panic; frighten, scare;be scared to death, ud, satisfied; comfort, content, satisfaction; satisfy, etc.感动angry, annoyed;anger; annoy, etc.moved, touched, etc.感激grateful,thankful; thank, etc.anxious, nervous, worried; pressure, stress, tension, worry, etc.忧
35、虑disappointed, disappointing, hopeless, etc.ashamed, sorry, etc.awkward / embarrassed,calm, confident, etc.愤怒失望遗憾其他本单元金句汇总1. You are lucky to escape being punished.2. He had a narrow escape.3. Im disappointed in you I really thought I could trust you! 4. He was a little boy, but he behaved as if he
36、was / were an adult. 5. Students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves. 6. Its normal for students to feel nervous before an exam. 7. It is our responsibility / We have a responsibility to protect the environment.随堂检测一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1. The air keeping the balloo
37、n up was escaping quickly and the balloon was coming down. _2. As a child he would often escape into a dream world of his own. _3. Escape from this window and return to the main menu. _4. The lids (盖子) prevents the escape of poisonous gases._5. They went to Chengde to escape the summer heat. _escape
38、泄露逃避 / 躲 退出 泄露避暑二、在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1. Time is something _ which we cant escape. (2008 江苏)2. Compared with the _ (escape) driver, I am proud of what I did. (2014 湖北)3. He was lucky to escape _ (be) killed. 三、根据所给提示完成下列句子。1. He _ (逃脱) by climbing through the window and down the fire escape.2.
39、Although he thought he could _ (逃过注意) by sitting at the back, he was wrong. (2012 广东)3. It was reported that two journalists _ (死里逃生) in the air attack. from escaped being escape attention / notice narrowly escaped death /had a narrow escape (from death) made his escape / escaped一、在空白处填入disappoint的正
40、确形式。1. The next day, we got a _ message that another buyer had offered a much higher price. (2015 天津)2. Our facial expressions convey (表达) our emotions, such as anger, joy, or _. (2010 江西)3. She was very _ when she found that all the windows were plain and rather dirty. (2013 辽宁)二、根据所给提示完成下列句子。1. Be
41、ing the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but _ (让我失望的是) we were defeated. (2018 天津)2. The people felt lonely and _ (对失望) their new life in the city. (2013 安徽)disappointed disappointing disappointment disappointed to my disappointment (were) disappointed with
42、original一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1. The new rate is $199 per night, instead of the original $179. (2016 全国) _2. The moral of the original story is that a wicked (邪恶的) person cannot escape punishment. (2013 四川) _3. Shes a highly original young designer. _二、将下列句子译成英语。1. 原画作现收藏于这家博物馆。_2. 我更喜欢读它的原著。(original
43、n)_ 原来的原创的The original painting is now in the museum. Id prefer to read it in the original.有创意的写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。_ 1. She liked to dance but felt awkward if someone was watching her._ 2. Just stop being so awkward and help me push the car, will you!_ 3. I felt awkward, so I smiled at the guy.紧张的;不舒服的
44、不合作的尴尬的awkward一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1. We live in a global village, but this doesnt mean that we all behave in the same way. (2012 安徽) _ 2. She always behaves well when her aunts come to visit. _ 3. For animals their size, ants have been astonishingly successful, largely due to their wonderful social behavior. (2015 安徽) _ 4. I want you both
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