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1、从 A B C D 四个选项中选出一个与其它三个划分读音不同的选项( ) 1. A. sight B. case C. nose D. list2. A. neighbor B. fight C. enough D. daught 3 A. ground B. about C. out D. would4. A . look B. book C. good D. moon 5. A. another B. either C.though D.through6. A. grow B. now C. low D. snow7. A. though B. through C.another D ei

2、ther 8. A. mind B. limit C. since D. city9. A. brown B. south C. loudly D. bought10. A. expensive B. exercise C. exit D. text11. A. glory B. grammar C.large D. gay12. A. time B. light C. like D. with13. A. office B. horse C. noise D. place14. A. libraries B. grapes C. changes D. tables15. A. cold B.

3、 old C. whole D. some16 A sad B.match C. fast D have 17 A south B loudly C bought D brown c18 A match B fast C have D sad B19 A grapes B changes C tables D libraries DCCDDDBBADACDCADC 下面个划线部分中有一处有错,请指出 1. Its easier for me to go there on hot than drivng a car ( driving a car )2. Jim was upset last n

4、ight becausehe had to do too many homeworks( many homeworks )3. He found it impossible to finish the work with such a sjort time( with )4.Now more and more young people are learning for the little hero. ( for )5.Now that the newspaper arrived we can see the scores of the tennis matches. ( arrived )6

5、.In new tonian it is not difficulty to write down the basicthat must be solved in( not iefficulty )7.You should be working in stead of lie there in bed. ( lie )8.He speaks English more flrenthy than his brother is. ( is )9.The instructor had gone over the problems many times befor ths students will

6、take the final examination. ( will take ) 从给出四个选题中选出最适合句子的选项1.The road is kept open_A_the year.A. throughout B though C.thought D.through2.“Im leaving now”“Make sure_D_the door”A for you to lock B to have locked C after locking D you have locked3. She did not feel_C_going out,as she had a slight hea

7、dache.A. fot B. about C like D. after4. _D_many of the customers work doing the day, Billy has to collect the money from them at night. A. Although B. therefore C. from D. since5.He is very interested in the film,_D_I dont like. A. when B. which C. how D. that6.Inquiries_C_the condition of the patie

8、nts may be made personally or by telephone. A. following B. revealing C. concerning D. affecting7.This is a _C_argument.A. convinced B. convincing C. inconvincible D. convince8.The government will have to work hard_D_the confidence of the people after the terrible Event.A. to win through B. to come

9、up with C. to come at D. to win back9. Unless he is C intense love. he hardly evers eyes for very long A. granting B. covering C. confessing D. refusing10. If you cant pay the bill youre going to( B ) A. be in trouble B. fall in troubles C. do troubles D. take trouble11.The observers statement about

10、 the accident was very_D_.we know almost very thing about it now. A. special B. specific C. especial D. exceptional 12.I_D_my paper because it is too easy for me.A.have handed out of B. have handed over C. have handed with D. have handed in13. The noise of the traffis A panl form his work.A. annoyed

11、 B. upset C.prevented D. distracted 14. He is the problem B you should pay attention.A. which B. to which C. on which D. at which 15.I know that either you or you father C a copy.A. have had B. have C. has D. are to have 1.完型填空1. Washoe is a young chimpanzee. She is no ordinary chimpanzee, though. S

12、cientists are doing a research on her. They want to see how civilized she can become .Already she does many things a human being can do For example, she has been learning how to exchange messages with people. The scientists are teaching her sign language.When she wants to be picked up ,Washoe points

13、 up with one finger. She rubs her teeth with her finger when she wants to brush her teeth. This is done after every meal. Washoe has also been trained to think out and find answers to problems. Once she was put in a room with food hanging from the ceiling. It was too high to reach .After she conside

14、red the problem She got a tall box to stand on . The food was still too high to be reached.Washoe found a long pole.Then she climbed onto the box , garsped the pole, and knocked down the food with pole. Washoe lives like a human,too.The scientists keep her in a fully furnished house.After a hard day

15、 in the laboratory, she goes home there she plays with her toys.she even enioys watching television before going to bed Scientists hope to learn more about people by studying our closest relative chimpanzee2.完型填空 Yesterday was ( jims birthday ).He got a lot of presents( from )his friends and family

16、All the gifts were wrapped( in )colored paper ( some ) Of ( the packages ) ( are )large but others were very small Some ( were ) heavy, and others were light one square package was blue was a book in it Another one was long nad narrow it had an umbrella in it jims sister gave him a big ( round )pack

17、age He thought it( was ) a ball but it ( was not ).When he( removed )the yellow paper that covered it he saw that it was globe of the world After that his brother gave him ( another ) gift It was a big box ( wrapped in )green paper jim opened it and found another box( covered with )red paper He remo

18、ved the paper and saw a third box this one was biue colorEveryone laughed ( as ) jim opened the boxes There were six of them In the last one he found a small white envelope There was a piece of paper in the envelope which ( said ):GO to the big bed-room Look( in )the closet near the high window You

19、will see three suitcases a black one a brown one and a gray one Your birthday present is in one of these Jim( went in ) the large bedroom. He went to the closet to the closet and began( opening )the suitcases He had to open all of them ( before ) he saw his brothers present He was very happy It Was

20、just what Jim Wanted-a portable typewriter1.A birthday of jim B Jim birthday C jims birthday D jim-birth-day2.A AT B away with C back form D from 3.A in B BY C with D of 4.A most B some C many D much 5.A the packages B packages C the package D package6.A IS B are C was D were7.A was B were C had bee

21、n D have been8A circle B around C round D ring 9A had been B was C were D would be 10A hadnt been B would not be C werent D was not 11A removed B tool out C took off D took away 12A the pther B other C an other D another13A covering with B enveloping C wrapped in D wrapped by 14A wrapping in B cover

22、ing in C covered with D envelop in 15 1617A at B in C for D around 18A went to B came out C went in D came to19 A open B opening C close D closing 20 A unless B after C until D before3完型填空 It was an early morning in summer. In the streets sleep-eyed people were moving quickly. Heading towards their(

23、 jobs ).this was the beginning of another ( ordinary )day in the New York city ( but )this day was of be different. Waiting( above )the crowded streets, on top of ( building )110 stores high was Philippe Petit. This daring French man was about to( walk )a tightrope between the two towers of the worl

24、d trade center. Philippe took his first( step )with great care. The wire held. Now he was( sure )he could do it,( with )only a balancing pole. Philippe walked his way across, a( distance )of 131 feet. Soon the rush-hour,( crowds )began to notice .what a (wonder ), There,1350 feet above the street, a

25、 ( tiny)figure was walking on air. Philippe made seven ( trips )back and forth. He wasrit satisfied. With just (walking). At times, he would turn ,sit down and ( even)go on his knees once.He had the astonishing ( courage )to lie down on the thread. And thousands of ( terrified )watchers stared with

26、their hearts fast.After the forty-five-minute ( show ) philippe was taken to the police station. He was asked( why )he did it. Philippe shrugged and said! When I see tall building I walk.4完型填空 When Henry Alien came home 1 the office 2 he saw a note 3 his wife on the kitchen table .Henry the note 4 m

27、y mother isnt well and I 5 home 6 her for a few days tere are 7 things that ought to 8 while Im away First take your blue coat to the dry 9 and leave your shirts at the laundry At the same time would you please stop at the shoe repaormans and 10 my brown shoes?And go to the suoermarket and get 11 co

28、ffee . milk and butter When you get home please telephone Mary Bickford and tell her wont be able to go to her party tomorrow evening tell her why I cant 12 There are three things that 13 before you go to work tomorrow morning leave a note for milkman 14 just one quart of milk not two, put the garba

29、ge 15 the backyard give the dog something to eat If you have on Saturday cut the grass Dont forget the frass in the backyard the newspaper boy will come 16 Saturday afternoon Be sure 17 him money I think thats all Ill telephone this evening and 18 you know how mother is ;LOVE ALICE Henry looked Out

30、the window 19 the grass Alice wanted him cut His had asked him to do many things He hoped her mother 20 well very quickly 第一Aout of B back C from D instesd of 第二空 A last night Thursday B last Thursday night C Thunrsday last night D Thursday night last1阅读理解 A man on a linely island can act as he like

31、s because has no one to consider except himself But when Robinson Crusoe discovered footprints in the sand he could no longer act precisely as before He had to think of the existence of a comanion and the possible effect of his actions upon a second person .Two peoele thus suddenly brought face to f

32、ace can not ignore each other Either one must overcome the other or they must arrive at some form of coexistenceIn the latter event they have first to convince each other of their friendly intentions. When a man comes upon a tribe whose language he does not know. he will nod smile. make friendly ges

33、tures and perhaps send them small gifts If these offers are successful the tribesmen will take him to their village and bring him food and drink Moreover the arrival of an important bisitor is something out of the or dinary So as an answer to the feeling that their guest should be treated as well as

34、 they can something better than the or dinary food will be provided and the meal followed by singing and dancing The host wishes to make his guest feel at home the guest to show thanks of the kindness he has received Uestions of good behavior and consideration for others maybe have arisen in one for

35、m or another since social life began because social life is impossible if each person thinks only of himself If men are to live together in a community they must as a measure of common sense and in the interest of all accept a certain number of rules and conventions Such agreement is more than ever

36、necessary Chaos may result when four people play bridge according to widely different conventions The same is true of social life 1.A man on a lonely island can act as he like because .2 Two strangers will never get along well unless .3.If you meet a tribe whose language you dont know you can offer

37、all followings EXCEPT4. The arrival of an important visitor is something out of the ordinary so they will 5. If you want to live well in a community A no one cares for him B no one feels it necessary to worry about him C he feels it necessary to take care of himself D he feels it unnecessary to cons

38、ider others 2阅读理解 Manners are important to happy relations among people. Everyone likes a person with good manners .NO one likes a person with bad manners. But what are good manners? How does one know to do and what not to do? Well here are some examples A person with good manners never laughs at pe

39、ople when they are in trouble. instead he tries to help them. he is always kind to others When people are waiting for a bus, he takes his turn He does not push to the front of the line on the bus. he gives his seat to an older person or a person with a very young child. If he knocks into someone or

40、gets in his way heavys Excuse me of Im sorry He says Please when he asks for something and Thank you when he receives something .He stands up when he is speaking to an older person and he does not sit down. until the other person takes his seat. He does not interrupt other people when they are talki

41、ng.He does not talk too much, He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public WhenHe is eating he does not speak with his ,out full of food. He uses handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs, He does not spit in public AS a student it is a bad manner to come late to class If you are you should make a

42、n apology to the teacher either at time of after the class. It is also a bad manner to keep silent when the teacher asks you a question. If you do not know the answer say so immediately. If you do know answer in a loud enough voice so that all the classmate hear. It is polite for the students to hel

43、p the teacher. Sometimes students can help their teachers to clean the blackboard to close or open the door or windows. Sometimes there are papers to collect or to hand out This kind of help is always Appreciated Ideas of what are good manners are not always the same in different countries, But in a

44、ll countries it is important to be kind and helpful Questionperson with good manners is popular with others because A person with good manners will those in trouble When you are with an old man you should do all the following except Whice of the following is NOT proper for a student with good manner

45、s to do ?Youd better keep in mind that 第二空A .feel sorry for B. laugh at C .feel it difficult to help D .do whatever he can do help 第三空standing up when you have a talk with himgiving your seat to him on the bus interruptong tim if he talks too much showing tour respect to him第四A . making no sound all the in classB. coming to school on time C . Doing your best to help the teacher D. Answering the questions in a loud voice to make him heard第五A you can act as you like in any countryB.you can act in the same way even in different cou


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