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1、1八年级英语上册阅读理解 20 篇拓展阅读 ( 01 )My uncle James is a famous scientist He likes to make lots of predictions about the future He says that in 100 years some things will be better than now For example, we will not have to wash the dishes or sweep(打扫) the floor because well all have robots in our homes Also,

2、 we wont need to use paper money We ll all use credit cards (信用卡) to buy things Well have more free time, and traveling will be faster and cheaper than it is now Maybe some people will spend their vacations in space stations However, Uncle James says that some things will get worse in the next centu

3、ry(世纪) If more people use cars, there will be more pollution Also, if there are fewer trees, the air will become dirtier If pollution gets really bad, maybe people will have to go and live on Mars(火星) Uncle James says well be very sorry if pollution becomes worse 1 What is Uncle James?(Uncle James 是

4、做什么的?)2 Why doesnt Uncle James think people in the future will do the dishes ?3 What does he think people in the future will use to buy things ?4 What will happen if more people use cars ?5 If there are fewer trees, what will happen ?than the moon, you know.Oh, yes, it is, the Englishman said, but t

5、he sun is too hot for people to go to. The Australian laughed and said, We wont go to the sun in the day, of course( 当然). Well go there at night.1. Who were going to send their first men to the moon?2. Where were the Australian and Englishman watching TV?3. The Englishman thought_.4. Both the Englis

6、hmen and the Australian knew that _.5. The Australian thought that _.When the Americans were getting ready to send (送) their first men to the moon, an old Australian was watching TV in a restaurant ( 饭店 ). There was an Englishman in the restaurant, too, and he said to the Australian, The Americans a

7、re clever(聪明的), arent they? They are going to send some men to the moon. It is a very long way from our world.Oh, thats nothing, the Australian answered quickly.Our country is going tosend some people to the sun in a few months. Thats much farther( 更远) awayTom and Fred are talking about the year 205

8、0. What will our world be like in the year 2050asked Tom. I don t know. says Fred. What do you think? Well, no one knows, but it s interesting to guess( 猜测). In the year 2050 everyone will carry(携带) a pocket(口袋) computer. The computer will give people the answer to all their problems. We will all ha

9、ve telephones, in our pockets, too, and well be able to talk to our friends all over the world . Perhaps well be able to see them at the same time. A lot of people will live and work under the sea. Maybe there will be big towns, factories, and farms under the sea, too. Robots will do most of the wor

10、k, and so people will have more holidays. Perhaps( 也许) theyll work only two or three days a week. They ll be able to fly to the moon by rockets and spend their holidays there. Im looking forward to( 期待) the year 2050. I hope to fly to the moon. And I hope I ll be able to live under the sea, says Fre

11、d. Won t that be very interesting Just like a fish!2八年级英语上册阅读理解 20 篇1. Tom and Fred talk about _.2. According to (根据) the passage, robots will _拓展阅读 ( 02 )Life in the year 3044 is very different from life in the 21st century( 世纪). We still do many of the things you did, but we do them differently. F

12、or example, we now have e-friends to help us and keep us company . An e-friend is a machine (机器) that looks just like a human. It can walk and talk like humans and can do almost the same things as we human do. My e-friend is a lot like me and we have much fun together. She helps me with my homework

13、and we often go swimming. She is computerized to take care of me in case (万一) anything happens, so I always feel safe(安全的) when we are together. She can also send me messages(短信). and I can download (下载) information from her memory chip (存储芯片) . Its so great to have an e-friend - I feel never lonely

14、(孤独) and I always have someone to talk to.Actually(事实上), I would plan to tell you more about life in the year 3044, I have to send my e-friend to clean up my room, though. Maybe one day I will be able to fly back in time rocket and visit you and old friends. Looking forward to(期 待)!1. An e-friend ca

15、n do the following EXCEPT_.A. It can walk and talk.B. It can help me with my homework.C. It can send me message.D. It can travel back in time.2. What does the word“company”probably mean?A. 同情 B.公司 C. 同伴 D. 交通3. What can we learn from the passage?A. In 3044, people wont do many of the things we do no

16、w.B. E-friends make life more convenient(方便的) in 3044.C. People are able to travel back in time rocket in 3044.D. Life in 3044 is the same as life in the 21 century.Life in the future will be different from life today. The population(人口) is growing fast. There will be more people in the world and mo

17、st of them will live longer. Computers will be much smaller and more useful and there will be at least one in each home. And computer science will be one of the most important subjects in school then.People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports, watching

18、 TV and travel.Our food will be different, too. More land(土地) will be used(被用于) for building new towns and houses for people. So there will be less land for cows and sheep, and meat will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it one day. They will eat more fruit and vegetables.Work in the future w

19、ill also be different. Robots will do dangerous and hard work. Because of this, many people will have no jobs to do. This will be a big problem in the future.1. Every family at least have one _ in the future.2. In the future people wont have to _.A. Eat fruit and vegetables B. walk to work C. work l

20、ong hours3. One big problem in the future is that _.A. Many people will do dangerous and hard work.B. People have to work fast.3八年级英语上册阅读理解 20 篇C. Robots will do all the work.D. Many people wont have jobs to do.4八年级英语上册阅读理解 20 篇拓展阅读(03)Jack and Hob are going to high school now Jack wants to be an en

21、gineer He is going to build roads(道路) ,bridges and houses Hob is interested in math and science ,but he is going to study medicine He wants to be a doctor Kate is good at music She wants to be an artist She is going to sing and dance for people Joan wants to be a woman astronaut She says, “I am goin

22、g to explore (探索) space some day ”“What do you want to be ,Alice?”Joan asks me “Oh ,I want to be a teacherWhen I grow up ,Im going to teach in countryside ”Each of us is doing his or her best at school I am sure we will do something good for our country ( ) 1._ students are talking A. Two B. Three C

23、. Four D. Five ( ) 2.Who wants to be an artist?A. Joan B. Jack C. Kate D. Alice ( ) 3.Three students are interested in _ A. medicine B. music C. space D. science ( ) 4. What does Joan want to be?A. An astronaut B.A teacher C.A doctor D. An engineer ( ) 5. Where does Alice want to teach?A. On a farm

24、B. In the countryside C. At home D. Abroad comedy about a fat professor(教授). My classmates say its really funny.”“Anything else( 其他的) are you going to do?” the teacher asks.“Of course Im going to do my lessons. Im going to study math and physics(物理学) in the morning.”“Do you like them?”the teacher as

25、ks.“They are not easy for me .But Im interested in them. Im going to do my best to study them. I think this term I can do better than last term(学期).”“What are you going to do in the afternoon?” asks the teacher.“After lunch, Im going to pl ay basketball with some classmates. Next month, we are going

26、 to have a match(比赛) with Class One.”根据短文内容,判断句子正( T )误( F ) .( ) 6.There is going to be a holiday next Tuesday.( ) 7.The movie is a comedy about a fat professor.( ) 8.Terra is good at math and physics.( )9 .Terra isnt interested in math and physics.( ) 10.Terra is going to play football with some c

27、lassmates nextTuesday.“Next Tuesday is going to be a holiday,”says the teacher.“I wantyou to tell me what you are going to do, Terra.”“Im going to the movie theater to see a movie,” says Terra.“It is a5八年级英语上册阅读理解 20 篇拓展阅读( 04 )The summer vacation is over(结束). Its true that time always flies fast.Du

28、ring the vacation, the weather was hot and I could not do much work, but Ilived happily.As(既然) the afternoon was hot, I did my work in the morning. I usedto(习惯于) get up at 6: 30 and take a walk in the garden for half an hour .After breakfast, I began reading English and Chinese and did someexercises

29、 in math. Those took me three hours or more. I worked quite hardand made good progress(取得进步).I spent the afternoon outside. I went to swim and it was funny. I wouldnot go home until it was about five or six oclock. Sometimes a friend wouldcome to see me and we would spend some hours listening to mus

30、ic.In this way l spent my vacation happily. And I not only studied well butalso became a goodswimmer. Now I am in good health and high spirits(高昂的情绪).1.What does the text tell us?A. When the writer got up in the morning.B. Where the writer took a walk.C. How the writer spent his summer holidays.D. W

31、hat the weather was like in that summer.2. How long did it take the writer to do homework every day?3. The writer spent most of the afternoon_.4. The writer had very good summer holidays because he_.5. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The writer began studying as soon as he got up.B. The writer

32、 spent more time swimming than listening to music.C. The writer made progress in his lessons.D. The writer took a walk for half an hour before breakfast.Some children wish to be writers some day. They want to write stories orbooks for people to read. Thats good! Its good to write something for peopl

33、eto read! But they should know that they need to be good readers first beforethey are really good writers. They should read a lot of books, instead of(代替)watching TV and spending a lot of time playing games when they are free.There is more fun in reading, you want to look for more books to read.Befo

34、re you decide to be a good writer, youd better say to yourself, Imust read more and more!1. This article mainly tells us that _.A. some children wish to be writers some dayB. it is good to write something for people to readC. reading can be helpful for us to become a good writerD. writers like to re

35、ad more books for fun2. Some children want to be writers _.A. because they want to be good readersB. to write stories or books for people to read6八年级英语上册阅读理解 20 篇C. to find good work some dayD. to get more money to keep a family3. Its good for children _.4. Reading can _.5. From the passage we know

36、that _.A. all children like to be writersB. people like to read for childrenC. all writers are childrenD. children need to read more and more books7the afternoon. She likes the work and the hospital.( )11. Mary is a _.A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt.C. Yes, she does D. No, she doesnt. ( )15. Whats t

37、he Chinese“Hospital”?A. 医院 B. 工厂 C. 超市 D. 图书馆My name is Helen. I am twelve. Im a schoolgirl. I like English very much. My family is in Chicago. We have four rooms. My family is not big. We have fivegrandfather, father, mother, sister and I. My young sister, Jane is only 6 years old. She doesnt go to

38、 school. My mother is very beautiful and my father is cool. My father and mother work in Chicago. My grandfather is old and he doesnt work. I like my family very much.根据短文内容判断正( T )误( F )。( )1. Helen is a school girl of twelve.( )2. Helen is from the United States.( )3. Helens family is small.( )4.

39、Helens family has 4 people.( )5. Helens sister is a student, too.( )6. Helens father and mother are in the USA.( )7. Her father works in Canada.( )8. Helens mother is very nice.八年级英语上册阅读理解 20 篇拓展阅读( 05 )Molly spent her summer vacation in China with her parents last year. They visited a lot of famous

40、 cities, such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai. She stayed in Beijing for a week. She visited the Palace Museum(故宫博物馆), the Great Wall(长城), Tianan Men Square(天安门广 场) and the Summer Palace(颐和园). They also went to the zoos and the parks. It was cloudy, but not rainy, so it was not too hot. They had

41、great fun playing in the zoos and the parks. Molly learnt a lot about Chinese history. She said,“It is interesting to visit China. I love China very much.”1. Where did Molly go last summer vacation?2. What cities did molly visit when she spent her summer in China?3. What was the weather like when Mo

42、lly visited the zoos and the parks?4. Did Molly have a good time on vacation?Mary is a girl in the USA. She is a nurse. She goes to work at nine from Monday to Friday. She is twenty-five years old. She likesred. So she is often in red. She works hard . She is never late for work. She goes home at fi

43、ve inA. girl doctor B. girl nurseC. Chinese girl D. woman teacher ( )12. How old is Mary?A. 22. B. 23. C. 24. D. 25.( )13. What color does she like?A. Brown. B. Red.C. Light blue. D. Dark pink.( )14. Does Mary like her work?8八年级英语上册阅读理解 20 篇( )9. Helens grandfather isnt a worker.( )10. Helen likes h

44、er family.9八年级英语上册阅读理解 20 篇拓展阅读(06)Mr. Smith is a teacher of English He comes fromAmerica He teaches English inChinaHe speaks Chinese quitewellHe reads a lot of books and his wife often writes books forthe students at homeMr. Smithgets up at five in the morningHeleaves home at ten to six(6 点差 10 分)H

45、e begins the firstlesson at 8:00He teaches English every day except (除外)Saturday and SundayAt ten to twelve(12 点差 10 分) hefinishes his lessonsTen minutes later he has lunchIn theafternoon,he often plays games with his students Sometimes he1. How many people enjoy playing computer games in the 11-18

46、group(组)?A. 20 B. 50 C. 75 D. 802. The people of 19- 26 likes _ best.A. watching TV B. going to the moviesC. playing computer games D. taking a walk3. Which two activities do most of the people doing?A. Playing computer games and watching TVB. Playing computer games and taking a walk.C. Watching TV

47、and going to the movies.D. Playing computer games and going to the movies.4. Which of the following(下面的) is true?A. The people between 11-18 dont like taking a walk.B. The people of 27-35 like watching TV best.C. People between 19-26 dont like playing computer games at all.D. The people between 11-1

48、8 like watching TV best.teaches his students in his office(办公室)Supper(晚餐) time is atabout sixAfter that,he reads newspapers and watches TVAtabout ten to eleven he goes to bed11Mr. Smith is Aa Chinese Ban Englishman Ca worker Dan American12He leaves home at A6:10 B5:50 C7:10 D6:5013He doesnt have any

49、 English classes on ASaturday BSunday CFriday DSaturday and Sunday14He has lunch at A12:30 B12:00 C13:30 D13:0015He watches TV or reads newspaper supperAbefore Bafter Cat DinWe surveyed (调查) 300 young people on what they like to do atweekends. One hundred people are from the ages of 11-18, onehundre

50、d 19-26 and one hundred 27-35. The following(下面的)shows their answers:10八年级英语上册阅读理解 20 篇1do much homework and have much more stress.八年级英语上册阅读理解 20 篇拓展阅读(07)Now students spend their summer vacation doing many kinds of things, but things were different some years ago . In the past (在过去) , students usua

51、lly spent their summer vacation helping their parents do the housework. Usually they had a little homework, so they didnt have much stress( 压 力 ) . Some students in the countryside often went to climb the mountains with their friends during their summer vacation, but they hardly ever went far away(远

52、方).Things were different now. Students have more money, andEach(每个) morning a rich man found a poor man sitting on a park bench (长凳). The poor man always sat there, looking at the big hotel in which the rich man lived . One day the rich man got out of his car andsaid to the poor man, “Excuse me, but

53、 Ijust (只 是) want to know why you sit here and look at my hotel every morning. ” “Sir”, said the poor man, “I am afailure (失败者). I have no money, no family, no home . I sleep on this bench, and every night I dream that one day Ill sleep in that hotel. ” The rich man said, “Tonight your dream will co

54、me true . Ill pay for the best room in that hotel for you for a whole(整) month .they dont have to do much housework. Most parents often take their children to visit some big cities . They can also visit their relatives(亲戚) far from(远离) them. I think students today can enjoy themselves and they are l

55、uckier, although they have to44. In the past, students in the summer vacation.A. had much stress B. went far away from homeC. didnt do any housework D. had a little homework45. Students now have than students in the past.A. more money B. more free timeC. less stress D. fewer relatives 46.The passage

56、 mainly talks about .A. how students spent their summer vacation in the pastB. how students spend their summer vacation nowC. students spend their summer vacation doing many kinds of thingsD. the differences of spending their summer vacation between now and the pastA few days later, the rich man wen

57、t by the poor mans room to ask him how he wasenjoying himself. To his surprise, he found that the man hadmoved out of the hotel,back to his park bench. When the rich man asked why, the poor man said, “you see, when I am down here sleeping on my bench, I dream Imup there, in that big hotel. Its a won

58、derful dream. But when I was up there, I dreamed I was back to this cold bench. It was a terrible dream, and I couldnt get any sleep at all . ”( ) 1. The poor man lived in _ before he met the rich man.A. the hotel B. his home C. the park D. the car( ) 2. Every morning, the poor man sat on the bench

59、and_ .A. waited for the rich man B. looked at the rich manshotelC. looked at the rich mans car D. enjoyed the clean air( ) 3. Every night the poor man dreamed of _.A. sleeping in that hotel B. becoming richC. owning that hotel D. being the rich mans friend( ) 4. How long can the poor man live in the

60、 hotel for free?12八年级英语上册阅读理解 20 篇A. Tonight. B. One night C. A few days. D. A wholemonth.( ) 5. The poor man moved out of the hotel because _.A. he didnt want to live in such a fine roomB. he didnt like the rich manC. he couldnt pay for the roomD. he couldnt get any sleep at all there13八年级英语上册阅读理解


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