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1、Strategy Analysis of Wal-MartWal-mart is the giant of the retail world, its main market orientation strategy is “everyday low price”, with which caused Wal-mart win the civilian consumers favor, obtained remarkable achievement, and set up the enterprises image “the high quality with reasonable price

2、” in peoples mind. It developed from a small store to the top of 500 leading enterprises in the world from The Fortune, and its commercial myth spread around all of the world just overnight. As the follows, I will show you the strategy of Wal-mart and do some analyzing. = 1 * ROMAN I.A brief introdu

3、ction of Wal-martWal-mart was founded by Sam Walton in Arkansas in 1962, which is the legend in American retail field. After forty years of development, Wal-mart has become the largest private employer in America and the largest retail chain enterprise in the world. At present, Wal-mart has more tha

4、n 6,600 stores in the global market and more than 18 million employs totally which distributed in 14 countries worldwide. There are about 1.75 million customers shopping here every week, making Wal-mart become the number one of 500 top enterprises in the world. In 119911, WWal-marrtss annnuall saale

5、ss brreakkthrrouggh $40 billlioon, maakinng iit bbecoome onee off thhe wworlldss laargeest rretaail entterpprisses. Acccorrdinng tto tthe claassiificcatiion lisst of thee naatioonwiide serrvicce ssecttor froom AAmerricaan mmagaazinneThee Foortuunein Mayy 19994, Waal-mmartts salles hitt 6773.44 biill

6、iion in 19993, inccreaasinng ooverr 111.8 billlioon tthann thhe pprevviouus yyearr, mmoree thhan Sessas whiich is thee nuumbeer oone in 19992, andd tooppeed tthe graattaan oof nnatiionwwidee reetaiil. In 19995, Wall-maarts ssalees kkeptt inncreeasiing aand creeateed aa woorldd reecorrd iin rretaail,

7、 reealiizinng 9366 biilliion us dolllarrs iin annnuall saaless, wwhicch aat tthe fouurthh pllacee ammongg Ammeriicann laargeest entterpprisses liist in maggaziine Thee Forttunee. Ass a mattterr off faact, Waal-mmartts annnuall saaless eqqualls tto tthe summmerry oof aall depparttmennt sstorres saale

8、ss accrosss tthe Uniitedd Sttatees, andd itt sttilll maainttainned a sstroong mommenttum of devveloopmeent. Wall-maart hass 21133 Wall-maart stooress, 4469 memmberrs-oonlyy waarehhousse cclubbs andd 2448 WWal-marrt sshopppinng pplazzas so farr, annd iit aacrooss Ameericca, Mexxicoo, CCanaada, Puuert

9、to RRicoo, BBrazzil, Arrgenntinna, Souuth Afrricaa, CChinna, Inddoneesiaa ettc pplacces. Wee haave to sayy itt wrritees aa miiraccle in rettaill wiith rappid devveloopmeent jusst iin aa feew ddecaadess. = 2 * ROMAN II.TThe commpanny sstraateggy eenviironnmennt aanallysiisThe extternnal envviroonmeen

10、t anaalyssis2.1.1 Thee geenerral envviroonmeent2.1.1.11 Deemoggrapphicc seegmeentAlthhouggh eeachh coounttry adoopteed ddifffereent poppulaatioon cconttroll pooliccy acccorddingg too thheirr naatioonall coondiitioons, hoowevver, thhe gglobbal poppulaatioon iis sstilll iin rrisiing staatuss frrom mac

11、crosscoppic envviroonmeent vieew, esppeciiallly ffor devveloopinng ccounntriies, thheirr tottal poppulaatioon iis llargge aand thee raate of thee poopullatiion groowthh iss faasteer tthann deevellopeed ccounntriies; Annd wwithh thhe pproccesss off urrbannizaatioon, urbban ressideent poppulaatioon ii

12、s aappeeariing conncenntraatioon ttrennd. Groowinng ppopuulattionn annd ccenttrallizaatioon oof tthe poppulaatioon lliviing envviroonmeent proovidde hhugee oppporrtunnityy foor rretaail.Econnomiic ssegmmenttThe worrld peaacefful devveloopinng eenviironnmennt aand thee prroacctivve ffisccal pollicyy

13、maake thee woorldd ecconoomy devveloops stteaddilyy inn quuickkly andd weell staate, peer ccapiita purrchaasinng aabillityy sttrenngthhenss, sso ppeopples reqquirremeent of liffe lleveel bbecoome higgherr annd hhighher, thee saame as peooplees cconssumpptioon lleveel. Therrefoore, drriviing to stoor

14、mss too goo shhopppingg haas bbecoome usuual lanndsccapees oon Wall-maart avee. Soocioocullturral seggmenntWal-marrt eemphhasiizess thhe pprinncipple of goood ffaitth aand morral valluess: I ffor onee, oone forr alll. Waal-mmartt loccateed cusstommerss as “thee coompaanys bbigggestt booss”,

15、annd ttheyy puut uup mmanyy prrincciplles stoood in thee cuustoomerr viiew, foor eexammplee, eeverrydaay llow priicesmiile froom tthreee mmeteers disstannce, 2000% sattisffacttionn ettc. Thrree metterss smmilee prrincciplle rrequuirees eemplloyeees to smiile to cusstommerss froom llesss thhan thrree

16、 metterss, bbesiidess, WWal-marrt rrequuirees eemplloyeees to ansswerr cuustoomerr quuesttionns sseriioussly, annd nneveer ssay “I donnt knoow”, Waal-mmartt haas aan unwwritttenn ruule intternnal, thhat is thee onnly staate thaat aalloows thee reeasoon oof llatee iss “ccusttomeer sservvicee”. 2000%

17、ssatiisfaactiion priinciiplee mannifeesteed iin tthe freesh-eattingg deeparrtmeent, Waal-mmartt asssurrancces to canncell thhe oordeers andd giive youu a freee ggiftt iff thhe hhomeemadde ffoodd meeetss anyy quualiity proobleem. Quaalitty ssociial cullturral envviroonmeent witth hhighh quualiity ret

18、tainn a lott off looyall cuustoomerrs ffor Wall-maart. Teechnnoloogiccal seggmenntThe devveloopmeent of sciiencce aand tecchnoologgy, esppeciiallly tthe devveloopmeent of Intternnet tecchnoologgy aacceelerrateed tthe devveloopmeent of rettaill prroceess, addvanncedd scciennce andd teechnnolo

19、ogy alllowss reemotte ccommmuniicattionn loogissticcs aappllicaatioons innforrmattionn coolleectiion andd daata proocesssinng bbecoome posssibble, annd eenhaancee woork effficiienccy. Forr exxampple, Wall-maart is thee fiirstt onne tto rreallizee itts ccompputeer llogiistiics nettworrk mmoniitorring

20、g 244 hoourss intternnal in thee woorldd, mmakiing purrchaase invventtoryyordder thee gooodssdisstriibuttionn annd ssalees iinteegraatioon, redduciing a llot of unnneceessaary wasste timme, speeediing up thee loogissticcs ccyclle. Gllobaal ssegmmenttGlobbal ecoonommy innteggrattionn acccelle

21、raatedd thhe ppacee off trranssnattionnal traade devveloopmeent, prromootedd thhe eeconnomiic ddeveeloppmennt oof tthe worrld. Waal-mmartt has sttorees aand shooppiing plaazass inn maany couuntrriess arrounnd tthe worrld, Waal-mmartt devveloops welll eevenn inn a fforeeignn coounttry beccausse oof i

22、its succcesssfuul llocaalizzatiion imaage.2.1.2 The inddusttry envviroonmeent2.1.2.11 Thhreaat oof ssubsstittutee prroduuctssSubsstittutee prroduuctss arre tthosse hhavee saame funnctiion witth sspeccifiic mmarkket prooduccts. Thee prricee off thhe pprodductts iss geenerrallly llow, buut wwhille iit

23、 pput intto tthe marrkett, tthe priice of thee sppeciificc maarkeet pprodductts wwilll ceeiliing onlly aat aa reelattiveely loww leevell, wwhicch llimiits thee sppeciificc maarkeet bbeneefitts. Forr Waal-mmartt reetaiil iis cconccernned, itts mmainnly altternnatiive prooduccts facced aree ass foollo

24、ows: = 1 * GB3 Thhe vvigoorouus ddeveeloppmennt oof ccateerinng iinduustrry. Withh thee raapidd deevellopmmentt off soociaal eeconnomyythee ennhanncemmentt off puurchhasiing abiilitty aand liffe rrhytthm speeediing up, moore andd moore whiite-colllarr speend theeir spaare timme iin ccateerinng iindu

25、ustrry, booominng ddeveeloppmennt oof caaterringg inndusstryy prooviddes thee quualiity serrvicces andd goood tasstedd foood, succh aas yyongghe soyya-bbeann miilk, annd ddaniiangg duumpllinggs, odiie ccofffee, qiiao jiaangnnan catteriing etcc, wwhicch havve aa grreatt immpacct oon rettaill esspecci

26、allly forr suuperrmarrketts aand depparttmennt sstorres, soo too Waal-mmartt altthouugh it takke eeverrydaay llow priice strrateegy. = 2 * GB3 Thee raapidd deevellopmmentt off neetwoork. Onliine connsummptiion hass beecomme vveryy coommoon pphennomeena duee too thhe rrapiid ddeveeloppmennt oof nnetw

27、workk teechnnoloogy. Esspecciallly forr yooungg peeoplle aand wommen, thhey aree moore willlinng tto sspennd ttheiir ttimee onn suuffeerinng tthe intternnet, thhey cann chhoosse aand buyy gooodss wiith lowwer priicess juust witth aa laaptoop ccompputeer aand nevver leaave homme. Onn thhe nnetwworkk,

28、 a porrtioon oof tthe gooods undder cusstomms ddutiies avooid taxxatiion andd laauncchedd seeconnds killl aactiivittiess soo peeoplle ddo nnot neeed tto ppat lonng qqueuues in thee enntitty sshopp, ddoorr-too-dooor delliveery connvenniennt tthe auddiennce cusstommerss. = 3 * GB3 Thee hootell innduss

29、tryy. At ppressentt maany hottelss seell othher commmodditiies in addditiion to prooviddingg foood andd loodgiing serrvicces, suuch as plaacinng bbeveeragge, snaackss, uundeerweear, soockss foor ssalee innterrnall, bbesiidess, bbecaausee off thhe geoograaphiic llocaatioon beeauttifuul eenviironnmenn

30、t annd aabunndannt ccapiitall, tthe hottelss arre rreceeiviing morre aand morre cconssumeers. Baargaainiing powwer of supppliierss Wal-marrtss puurchhasee liink adooptss diirecctlyy too thhe ffacttoryyuniifieed ppurcchasseasssistt ssuppplieers too reeducce ccostts andd ottherr waays to reddu

31、cee thhe ppurcchasse ccostts, coompaaredd too ottherr coompaaniees, Wall-maart do a ggoodd joob iin tthiss reespeect. = 1 * GB3 Adaapt thee waay oof ppurcchassingg direectlly tto tthe facctorry. Manyy buusinnessses takkes connsiggnmeent modde oof ooperratiion to avooid bussineess rissks, whhilee Waa

32、l-mmartt immpleemennts diirecct ppurcchasse ppoliicy, aand takke aa fiixedd tiime nevver dellay to thee buuyouut aaccoountts ssetttlemmentt prractticees. Wall-maarts aaverragee coope witth pperiiod is 229 ddayss, wwhille itss coompeetittor Kmaart neeeds 45 dayys. Acccorddingg too Waal-mmartt owwn ss

33、tattistticss, WWal-marrt redducee thee puurchhasee coost of 2% - 66% wwithh immpleemenntinng ddireect purrchaase pollicyy. = 2 * GB3 Uniifieed ppurcchasse ccostt. Wal-marrt adaapt purrchaasinng ffromm thhe ccentter sysstemm annd ttry to uniifieed ppurcchasse bby tthe heaadquuartterss off he cenntraa

34、l, parrticculaarlyy thhosee off hiigh vissibiilitty ccommmodiitiees iin tthe worrldwwidee saaless, ssuchh ass Cooca-Colla, Easstmaan kkodaak ffilmm ettc. Generrallly sspeaakinng, Wall-maart siggninng tthe whoole yeaar ssalees conntraact witth ssuppplieers at onee tiime, itt obbtaiinedd thhe ppreffer

35、eentiial priice farr hiigheer tthann thheirr peeerss beccausse oof iits hugge ppopuulattionn. = 3 * GB3 Thee waay oof aassiistiing supppliierss redducee prroduuct cosst. Wal-marrt tthrooughh heelpiing supppliierss immproove proocesssimpprovve qquallityyredducee laaborr coostssshaare thee innforrmatt

36、ionn syysteem eetc, annd iimprrovee thhe yyielld wwithh asssisstinng ssuppplieers reealiize thee loowesst ccostt. Baargaainiing powwer of buyyerss The majjoriity of connsummerss aree seensiitivve tto ppricces, annd wwhenn wee ennterred Wall-maart, thhe ffirsst ssighhtseeeinng ffillled intto

37、oour eyees mmustt bee thee sllogaan eveerydday loww prricees, thiis ssenttencce eevenn prrintted on shooppiing baggs oof WWal-marrt, thee immpleemennt oof tthe priinciiplee makke WWal-marrt ligghtnningg frrom nummeroous rettaill ennterrpriisess frrom thee crrowdd. Thhreaat oof nnew enttrannt

38、sLargge ssupeermaarkeet cchaiin iinduustrry ccarrriess hiigh barrrieers to enttry. Foor llargge ssupeermaarkeet cchaiin bbusiinesssess, iif hhe wwantts too suucceeed in a nnew marrkett, tthe nummberr off sccalee, nnameely stooreffronnt iis aa neecesssarry ccondditiion. Foor llargge-sscalle rrigiidit

39、ty rrequuireemennt, alsso iinevvitaablee reequiiress abbunddantt caapittal amoountt. TTherrefoore, laargee suuperrmarrkett chhainn inndusstryy baarriierss too enntryy iss hiigh, annd nnow almmostt alll oof tthe larrge rettaill coompaaniees aare alrreaddy ccarrriedd ouut hhis bussineess in maiinlaand

40、 Chiina, annd ttherre iis aalmoost no neww enntraantss. SSo wwe ccan seee thhat thee pootenntiaal iinduustrry eentrrantts ccant tthreeat Wall-maart. Riivallry amoong commpettingg fiirmss = 1 * GB3 Commpettitiion in dommesttic marrkett. The currrennt ddomeestiic ffamoous braand havve SShanngh

41、aai lliannhuaa, hhualliann, tthe baiilann, ssuguuo, thee tiimess, eetc., ttheyy alll wwantt too geet tthe leaaderrshiip iin CChinnesee reetaiilinng, noww thhe ccomppetiitioon iis ffierrce. = 2 * GB3 Thee coompeetittionn off thhe iinteernaatioonall maarkeet. Alonng wwithh Chhinaas rrefoorm andd oppen

42、 up to thee ouutsiide worrld pollicyy, tthe acccesssionn too thhe WWTO, moore andd moore forreiggn ccapiitall ennterrpriise deeep iintoo thhe nnatiive, suuch as mettro, hyymalll ggrouup, aeoon lltd., YYanggHuaaTanng IITO, thhey alll foocuss onn Chhineese marrkett annd pput chiina as theeir bussinees

43、s priioriitiees, eveen ttherre aare repportts ssaidd thhat thee fooreiign rettaill ennterrpriise alrreaddy ooccuupieed 660 pper cennt oof tthe dommesttic marrkett, ass thhe rreprreseentaativve oof thee suuperrmarrkett, aand theese aree sttilll acctivvelyy exxpannd ttheiir tterrritoory .The commpetti

44、toor eenviironnmenntWal-marrts maain rivvalss haave carrreffourr annd mmetrro. Takke CCarrrefoour forr exxampple, itt iss thhe wworlldss seeconnd-llarggestt reetaiilerr, wwhicch hhas 40000 cchaiin stooress inn Frrancce aand acccounntinng ffor 300% oof rretaail marrkett saaless; Inn 311 coounttriees

45、wwithh 92200 morre sstorres, thhe mmostt innterrnattionnaliizedd reetaiil eenteerprrisees iin tthe worrld. Caarreefouur iis tthe larrgesst rretaail in Spaain, Poortuugall annd GGreeece, whhilee Waal-mmartt hass noo evven a bbrannch in theese couuntrriess, ccarrrefoour preeempptedd thhe 220% of thee

46、maarkeet ssharre forr itts inccompparaablee addvanntagge in Braazill.The intternnal envviroonmeent anaalyssis 2.2.1 Ressourrcess2.2.1.11 Taangiiblee reesouurcees = 1 * GB3 Finnancciall reesouurceesWal-marrt hass thhe aabunndannt ccapiitall ass itt is a woorldd faamouus rretaaileer eenteerprrisee, aa

47、nd itss usse oof ccapiitall iss veery plaanniing, ussingg loow-ccostt sttrattegiies, wiin forrmiddablle pproffitss, aas iit aappeearss inn thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof CChinnesee maarkeet:yearr1960019700198001990019988salees $1.4 mmilllionn$31 milllioon $1.22 biilliion$26 billlioon$1333.2billlioonproffi

48、tss$1122 thhoussandd$1.22 miilliion$41 milllioon$1 bbilllionn$4.11 biilliionShopp nuumbeer93227615288Overr 30000Fromm thhe ttablle wwe ccan seee thhat Wall-maart is in thee raapidd exxpannsioon oof tthe 50tth cconssecuutivve yyearrs, andd geet oon aa hiigheer lleveel eeverry 110 yyearrs, it stiill d

49、idd noot sstopp unntill toodayy. = 2 * GB3 Orgganiizattionnal ressourrcessWal-marrt uusess coonciise divvisiionaal oorgaanizzatiion, thheree arre fouur ddiviisioons undder thee coompaanys heeadqquarrterrs, thhe ffourr diivissionns oorgaanizze sshopppinng pplazza (inccluddingg diiscoountt sttoree maa

50、naggerss), memmberrs-oonlyy waarehhousse cclubb, iinteernaatioonall buusinnesss annd llogiistiics bussineess resspecctivvelyy. Thhe ddiviisioon iis uundeer tthe mannageemennt oof ttwo shoops, whhichh maanagge tthe shoop llocaatioon, opeen, stoock, innvenntorry, salles, fiinannce, prromootioon, traai

51、niing, addverrtissingg, ppubllic rellatiionss annd sso oon ddireectlly tthrooughh foour levvelss: thee diivissionn Prresiidennt, reggionnal CEOO, tthe reggionnal mannageer aand thee sttoree maanagger. = 3 * GB3 Phyysiccal ressourrcessWal-marrt sstorres follloww sttrattegyy off “saaturratiion” in the

52、e exxpanndinng, reqquirringg thhe ddisttribbutiion cennterr too seend thee gooodss too thhe ttargget shoop iin oone dayy. TTherrefoore, in ordder to disstriibutte ggoodds ffor 1500-2000 sstorres witthinn onne dday, thhe ddisttribbutiion cennterr adddreess musst cconfformm too thhis strrateegy. Sttor

53、ee, nno mmattter howw faar tthe stoormss froom tthe disstriibuttionn ceenteers, itts llocaatioon mmustt maainttainn thhe ttrannspoortaatioon ddisttancce wwithhin a dday, annd tthenn thhe rregiion sennd tthe corrressponndinng oordeers to braanchh diistrribuutioon ccentterss bacck. = 4 * GB3 Tecchnool

54、oggicaal rresoourccesEverry sshopp iss an innvesstmeent cennterr, sso iits perrforrmannce cann bee evvaluuateed bby ffor thee prropoortiion of proofitts aand thee innvenntorry iinveestmmentt. AAll thee shhop salles, exxpennsess annd pproffit andd looss datta ccan be collleccteddanaalyssedtraansmmitt

55、ted in timme thrrouggh tthe nettworrk. We cann annalyyse theese datta aaccoordiing to thee arrea, reegioon, shoops, sttorees inn diiffeerennt ddepaartmmentts aand eveen tthe varriouus ttypees oof eeverry ddepaartmmentts. Inttanggiblle rresoourcces = 1 * GB3 Humman ressourrcess The deddicaati

56、oon aand teaamwoork spiiritt of itss emmplooyeees aree thhe mmostt unniquue advvanttagee of Wall-maart, whhichh beeneffit froom WWal-marrtss huumann reesouurcees ppoliiciees - kkeepp taalennts, deevellopiing tallentts aand reccruiitinng ttaleentss. WWal-marrt seee thheirr emmplooyeees aas ttheiir pa

57、rrtneers, ttheyy arre tthe mosst pprecciouus rresoourcces of Wall-maart, = 2 * GB3 Innnovaatioon rresoourccesWal-marrts suucceess larrgelly ddue to thee wiise collloccatiion of cutttinng-eedgee teechnnoloogy andd loogissticcs ssysttem, annd WWal-marrt ppraccticce iit aat lleasst tten yeaars earrliee

58、r tthann moost commpettitoors. Wall-maart beggan usiing thee coompuuterr too caarryy onn thhe mmanaagemmentt in thee eaarlyy 19970ss; IIn tthe earrly 19880s, thhey speent fouur bbilllionn doollaars to buyy coommeerciial sattelllitees, whhichh reealiizedd thhe gglobbal nettworrkinng; Inn 19990ss, WWa

59、l-marrt use thee leeadiing glooball poosittionningg saatelllitte (GPSS) tto cconttroll coompaanys loogissticcs, impprovve tthe effficiienccy oof ssuppply andd wiin ccusttomeerss saatissfacctioon aand loyyaltty wwithh sppeedd annd qquallityy. = 2 * GB3 Repputaatioonall reesouurceesWal-marrt alllwayys

60、 ttry theeir besst oon rreduucinng aadveertiisinng eexpeensees iin pprommotiion gooods, buut ttheyy arre vveryy geenerrouss whhen donnatiing to nonn-prrofiit oorgaanizzatiionss annd ppubllic wellfarres. SSincce 119833, WWal-marrt donnateed $52 milllionn forr thhe ccharrityy callledd “jjoinnt rroadd”


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