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1、2021届高考英语语法填空精读精炼三2021届高考英语语法填空精读精炼三2021届高考英语语法填空精读精炼三2021高考英语语法填空精读精炼(三)Part 1:文本欣赏 Please send me a cardPostcards always spoil my holidays。 Last summer, I went to Italy。 I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian.Then he lent me a book。 I read a

2、 few lines, but I did not understand a word。Every day I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send any cards to my friends。 On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirtyseven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single

3、card!Part 2:文本解析一)词汇学习 Word study1spoil vt.(1)弄坏,损坏,糟蹋:The sad news spoiled our weekend.这不幸的消息使我们没能过好周末。The rain spoiled the schoolsports。这场雨把学校运动会弄得一团糟.(2)宠坏,惯坏,溺爱:Julie loves her son too much。 She has spoiled him。朱莉太爱她的儿子了.她把他惯坏了。Dont spoil your children。不能太惯孩子。2public(1)adj。公共的,公众的,社会的:There is a

4、 public library in this town。这镇上有一个公共图书馆。I always sit in public gardens on Sundays。星期天我经常去公园坐坐.(2)adj。公开的,众人皆知的:Their secret meeting was made public 20 years later.他们的秘密会晤20年以后才被公开。(3)n。公众,群众,大众:The public is/ are pleased with his explanation。公众对他的解释很满意。The museum is open to the public on Sunday。这家博

5、物馆星期天对公众开放。二)课文详注1A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian。 一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语。(1)虽然friendly是以-ly结尾,在拼法上与许多副词一样,但它却是形容词:He always greets me in a friendly way。他总是亲切地和我打招呼。She gave me a friendly greeting。她友好地和我打了一下招呼。He is not very friendly to John.他对约翰不太友善.类似的形容词有: brotherly, fatherly, manly

6、, lovely, motherly 等。(2)a few可与复数可数名词连用,表示肯定,含有some, a small number of(一些,少数几个)的意思:The police would like to ask him a few questions.警察要问他一些问题。Mother is coming in a fewdays。妈妈过几天就要来了。2Then he lent me a book。 之后还借给我一本书。像send, buy, give等动词一样,lend可以有两个宾语:一个直接宾语(通常指物),一个间接宾语(通常指人)。(cf。 本课语法)在这句话中,lend的直接

7、宾语为a book,间接宾语为me。Would you lend me your pen?能把你的笔借我用一下吗?Yesterday I lent my dictionary to Mary。昨天我把字典借给了玛丽。3but I did not understand a word.但一个字也不懂。nota的否定意义比单用not要强。课文的最后一句加了single”,语气更强.试比较:4Every day I thought about postcards。 我每天都想着明信片的事.think about可以指某一段时间一直在想考虑某事:I often think about the lovel

8、y holiday we had last year.我经常回想我们去年度过的愉快的假期.What are you thinking about?你在想什么?Im thinking about my friends.我在想我的朋友们。5make a big decision, 作出一项重大决定。make/take a decision, 作出决定。这是个常用的词语搭配,可以灵活使用:It was not easy for me to make/ take this decision.对我来说作出这项决定并不容易.You have made/taken a wrong decision。你作出了

9、个错误的决定。Have you made/taken a decision?你决定了吗?6I spent the whole day in my room我在房间里关了整整一天(1)spend与表示时间的词短语连用时,意思为“花(时间)”、“度过”:Were going to spend three days in the country.我们打算到乡下去3天。spend还可以表示“花钱:If we spend all the money,well be poor again.如果我们把所有的钱都花光了,我们又会变穷的。I cant spend any more on this car。我不能

10、再为这车花钱了.(2)whole表示“整整的”、“整个的”:a whole year一整年a whole bottle of milk一整瓶牛奶two whole weeks整整两星期三)本课语法 Grammar in use1一般过去时 (The simple past tense) 与一般现在时上一课的语法提到一般现在时可以表示习惯性或经常性的动作.在用一般现在时询问有关习惯的问题时可用ever。一般过去时通常表示过去发生的而现在已经结束的事件、动作或情况。它通常指动作何时发生,而不指动作持续多久。因此,过去时与表明事情何时发生的状语连用是非常重要的.像last summer, last

11、winter, last week, last night等这类状语只能与过去时连用,不能与现在时连用,因为它们确指过去的时间。2直接宾语 (Direct object) 与间接宾语 ( Indiret object)许多及物动词后可以有两个宾语,直接宾语通常是动作所涉及的事物,间接宾语表示动作是对谁做的或为谁做的,通常是人。这类动词有give, show, send, bring, lend, tell, return, write, pay, teach, make, buy,find等.通常间接宾语在前,紧跟动词;不过,如想要强调直接宾语,也可将它置于动词之后、间接宾语之前。这时,间接宾

12、语之前则必须用介词to或for:Part 3:文本翻译明信片总搅得我假日不得安宁.去年夏天,我去了意大利。我参观了博物馆,还去了公园。一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语,之后还借给我一本书.我读了几行,但一个字也不懂。我每天都想着明信片的事。假期过得真快,可我还没有给我的朋友们寄过一张明信片。到了最后一天,我作出了一项重大决定。我早早起了床,买来了37张明信片。我在房间里关了整整一天。然而竟连一张明信片也没写成!Part 4:语法填空Please send me a cardPostcards always spoil my holidays。Last summer,I went to Ita

13、ly。I visited museums and 1 (sit)in public gardens.A 2 (friend) waiter taught me a few words of Italian。 The he lend me 3 book。 I read a few lines, 4 I didnt understand a word. Every day I thought 5 postcards。My holidays passed 6 (quick),but I didnt send cards 7 my friends。 8 the last day I made a big 9 (de


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