人教版七年级上册英语 Unit 5 单元试卷(含听力音频)_第1页
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1、精品文档 用心整理资料来源于网络 仅供免费交流使用Unit 5 听力限时:20分钟满分:20分一、听录音,选择正确的图片(每小题1分,共5分)1. AB C2. AB C3. AB C 4. AB C 5. AB C二、听录音,选择恰当的应答语(每小题1分,共5分)6. A. Yes,he does. B. No,he isnt. C. No,it doesnt. 7. A. A baseball. B. On the desk. C. Sounds great. 8. A. Yes,she does. B. Yes,I do. C. No,he doesnt. 9. A. Its in hi

2、s room. B. Theyre on the desk. C. Its interesting. 10. A. Youre welcome. B. That sounds good. C. Thank you. 三、听对话和问题,选择正确答案(每小题1分,共5分)11. A. No,he doesnt. B. Yes,he has two. C. Yes,she has one. 12. A. On the chair. B. In the schoolbag. C. Under the desk. 13. A. Red. B. Black. C. Yellow. 14. A. Its d

3、ifficult. B. Its fun. C. Its boring. 15. A. A baseball. B. A basketball. C. A volleyball. 四、听一段独白,完成下列表格信息(每小题1分,共5分)Paul HallJim Greenbasketball_16five_17five threesoccer balltwo _18_19no _20Unit 5 测试限时:60分钟满分:100分一、单项选择(每小题1. 5分, 共15分)1. Do you have _ping pong balls? I want to play _ping pong. A.

4、不填; the B. the; theC. a; 不填 D. 不填; 不填2. Jane goes to school _her brother. A. of B. with C. to D. about3. Mike is my uncles son. _ are cousins. A. They B. We C. Their D. Our4. Do you like this game?No, its _. A. boring B. fun C. good D. great5. Jenny, lets _Tom for the interesting storybook. A. to as

5、k B. asksC. ask D. asking6. Does your father have a baseball?_. He likes playing baseball. A. Yes, he does B. No, he doesntC. Yes, he has D. No, he hasnt7. Mom, this is my _Anna. We are in the same class. A. teacher B. cousinC. classmate D. sister8. We know Bill _an English dictionary. A. dont has B

6、. dont haveC. doesnt has D. doesnt have9. I like the red hat,_my parents _. A. and; arent B. but; arentC. and; dont D. but; dont10. Lets go to the school library. _. A. Youre welcomeB. That sounds goodC. No,I dontD. Thank you for your help二、完形填空(每小题1分, 共10分)My name is Peter Hand. I am 12. Four peopl

7、e(人) are in my family. I _11 a sister. I only have a _12. His name is Bill Hand. Our parents are _13 and we like them. Bill and I are in the same school, but not in the same _14. I am in Class 7. He is in Class 6. I like computer games. I _15 them every(每个) evening. I have a _16 collection (收藏). Its

8、 great! I have _17 balls. Eight tennis balls and five soccer balls are in the box under my bed. Bill doesnt play computer games. For Bill, they are _18. He likes playing sports, _19 he likes watching sports games. He watches them _20 TV every evening. 11. A. am B. haveC. only have D. dont have12. A.

9、 brother B. sister C. father D. friend13. A. dear B. nice C. last D. difficult14. A. case B. school C. class D. family15. A. play B. know C. lost D. found16. A. book B. tape C. plane D. ball17. A. 8 B. 5 C. 15 D. 13 18. A. fun B. boring C. great D. interesting 19. A. and B. well C. but D. only 20. A

10、. in B. on C. of D. to三、阅读理解(每小题3分, 共15分)Im Leo. Im 13 and Im in Class Six. I have three good friends. They are Lily, Gina and Ben. Lily and Gina are in Class Seven. Ben is in Class Six, too. Were all in Grade Seven. We like sports. My favorite sport is ping pong. It is interesting. I have three pin

11、g pong balls and four ping pong bats. Lily and Gina are sisters. They dont like ping pong. They think it is boring. Their favorite sport is tennis. They have five tennis balls and they play tennis with their parents and two brothers. Bens favorite sport is soccer. He has two soccer balls and he play

12、s soccer very well. 21. Leo has _ good friends. A. two B. threeC. four D. five22. Leo thinks ping pong is _. A. boring B. easyC. fun D. difficult23. Lily and Gina have _. A. two soccer ballsB. three ping pong ballsC. four ping pong batsD. five tennis balls24. Lily and Gina play tennis with their _.

13、A. family B. friendsC. teachers D. classmates25. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Ben cant play soccer. B. Leo and Ben are classmates. C. Seven people are in Lilys family. D. Lily and Gina think pingpong is difficult.四、词汇运用(每小题2分, 共20分)A)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词26. Lets play soccer. That s_ interesting. 27.

14、Lets a_ the teacher for help. 28. Zhu Ting plays v_ very well. 29. I dont like watching TV. Its very b_. 30. She plays tennis w_ her classmates. B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空限填一词31. My father _ TV every day. (watch)32. Bill _ a great father. (have)33. Does she _ your email address(地址)?(know)34. These are you

15、r books. Please put _ in your bookcase. (they)35. Can you see two _ in the picture?(basketball)五、任务型阅读(每小题2分,共10分)Dear Bill,How is everything going?Heres a photo of my father and my uncle Andrew. This is my father,Carol Smith. Hes _A_ a green jacket. He likes sports and his favorite sport is basketb

16、all. But pingpong is difficult for him. The one next to my father is Andrew. 他是我父亲的弟弟。 He likes sports,too. He can play baseball and basketball very well. sports,likes,on,he,TV,games,watching. He always plays sports _B_ my father and me. Its relaxing for us to play sports. But he only has one basket

17、ball. Yours,Han根据短文后所给的任务,完成3640小题。任务一:请分别在文中A、B两处的横线上填入适当的单词。36. (A)_(B)_任务二:请将文中处画线句子翻译成英语。37. _任务三:请将文中处画线单词连成句子。38. _任务四:请将文中处画线句子翻译成汉语。39. _任务五:请回答问题:What is Hans fathers favorite sport?40. _六、书面表达(30分)杰克收藏了很多体育用品。他很喜欢体育运动,放学后经常与同学们一起打篮球,并且喜欢在电视上看篮球比赛。他认为打篮球轻松、容易。请写一篇不少于50词的短文,简单介绍一下他的情况。提示词:ba

18、dminton bat羽毛球拍 basketball game篮球比赛Jack is a sports fan._参考答案听力材料:一、1. Does he have a pingpong bat?2. Bob watches TV every day. 3. Lets play tennis. 4. The computer game is boring. 5. I have a soccer ball. 二、6. Does Han Lei like sports?7. Where is his baseball?8. Do you have a map?9. Where are her t

19、ennis balls?10. Lets play volleyball. 三、11. W:I have two soccer balls. How about you,Jim?M:I dont have any. Q:Does Jim have any soccer balls?12. W:Hi,Jack! Lets play tennis. Where is our tennis ball? M:Its in your schoolbag. Let me get it. Q:Where is the tennis ball?13. W:Is this your pingpong bat,B

20、ob?M:No,it isnt. Mine is red. Q:What color is Bobs pingpong bat? 14. W:Hi,Frank! Lets play baseball. M:Sorry. I think its difficult for me. Q:How does Frank like baseball?15. M:Hi,Jane! Do you have a baseball?W:No,I dont. I have one volleyball. Q:What does Jane have?四、TextM:My name is Paul Hall. I l

21、ike sports. I play basketball,baseball,soccer and volleyball. I have three basketballs,five baseballs and two soccer balls. I dont have a volleyball. I often play volleyball with my cousin,Jim Green. He has two nice volleyballs. He has five basketballs,three baseballs and four soccer balls. He likes

22、 sports,too. We often play them after school.听力答案:一、15:CCAAC二、610:ABBBB三、1115:ABAAC四、16. three17. baseball18. four19. volleyball20. two 参考答案听力材料: 一、1. Tom can play the drums. 2. I won the singing competition yesterday. 3. The kid is laughing happily. 4. Lucy is better at tennis than Lily. 5. Dont to

23、uch the things with your hand. 二、6. W:Who is more outgoing,Nancy or Mary?M:Mary,but Nancy is smarter than Mary. 7. W:I think Henry is as good at English as Steve. M:No. Steve is much better. 8. W:John,do you think you are different from Tim?M:Oh,sure. Im heavier than him. 9. W:How old are you,Jack?M

24、:Im twelve,Mrs Turner. W:You are 3 years younger than my son. 10. W:Do you have many friends,Jack?M:Yes,I do. I think its necessary for friends to be the same. 三、Text 1M:Hi,Maria. What a nice photo! Who is the boy on your right?W:Oh,he is my younger brother,Tom. M:But he is much taller and stronger

25、than you,isnt he?W:Yes,he is. Q11:What are they talking about?Q12:What do you know about Tom?Text 2M:The English study center needs a weekend student helper for primary school students. W:I think Jenny should get the job, because shes smarter than others. M:But I think Jack is more outgoing. W:Yes,

26、but Jenny has better grades than Jack. She is better with children than him, too. M:OK, Jenny is the best for the job!Q13:What person does the center need?Q14:Which student is more outgoing, Jenny or Jack?Q15:When will the helper do the job?四、 Sue is my classmate. She is an outgoing girl. She often

27、sings loudly in the classroom. I cant stand her, because Im much quieter than her. I like reading in the classroom quietly. Thats why I have few friends. But she has many friends. She is smarter than me. She is less hardworking than me,so I always get better grades. She likes sports. She plays pingp

28、ong well. Before each competition, she practices a lot. And she often wins.听力答案:一、15:BABBA二、610:ACBCA三、1115:ABABB四、16. outgoing17. quieter18. reading19. hardworking20. grades参考答案一、1. D:句意“你有乒乓球吗?我想打乒乓球。”pingpong balls为复数,所以前面不能加a,并且play和球类名词连用时不加任何冠词,故选D。2. B:句意“简和她弟弟一起去上学。”with和。故选B。3. B:句意“迈克是我叔叔的

29、儿子,我们是堂亲。”A. 他们;B. 我们;C. 他们的;D. 我们的。根据句意,可知选B。4. A:句意“你喜欢这个游戏吗?不,它很无聊。”A. 无聊的;B. 有趣的;C. 好的;D. 极好的。根据句意,可知选A。5. C:句意“珍妮,让我们去找汤姆要那本有趣的故事书。”let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事,故选C。6. A:句意“你的父亲有棒球吗?是的,他有,他喜欢打棒球。”根据句意可知为肯定回答。故选A。7. C:句意“妈妈,这是我的同学安娜,我们在同一个班。”A. 老师;B. 堂妹;C. 同学;D. 妹妹。根据句意,可知选C。8. D:句意“我们知道比尔没有英语字典。”Bill

30、为第三人称单数,助动词用doesnt,且助动词后用动词原形。故选D。9. D10. B二、11. D:由上下文可知,家里有四口人,有父母、弟弟和他自己,而没有姐妹。12. A:根据下文His name is Bill Hand. 可知他有个弟弟。13. B:我们的父母很好,我们喜欢他们。14. C:由下文中Class 7和Class 6可知不在同一个班级。15. A:them指computer games所以用play。16. D:根据下文可知是“球类”收藏。17. D:由下文可知,8个网球和5个足球,共13个球。18. B:由上句Bill doesnt play computer games. 可知,对比尔来说是无聊的。19. A:前后是并列关系用and。 20. B:on TV在电视上。三、这篇短文主要介绍了利奥,今年十三岁,他有三个好朋友。他们都喜欢运动,但是喜欢的运动项目不同。21. B:细节理解题。根据短文中I have three good friends. 可知利奥有三个好朋友,故选B。22. C:细节理解题。根据短文中My favorite sport is pingpong. It is interesting. 可知他认为乒乓球有趣,故选C。23. D


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