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1、精品文档 用心整理资料来源于网络 仅供免费交流使用Unit 1达标测试卷时间:100分钟 满分:120分第I卷听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选择句子中所包含的信息(每小题1分,共5分)1A.cap Btrip Ckeep2A.climb down Bclimb up Cclimb on3A.1,100 B11,000 C10,0104A.Ill be all right. BThats all right.CThank you.5A.Xian is a fun city.BWell enjoy ourselves in Xian.CIts fun to learn about Xian.二、听

2、句子,选择正确的应答语(每小题1分,共5分)6A.Yes,youre right. BSpeaking. CThank you.7A.No,thanks. BMy pleasure. CAll right.8A.Really? BOh,no. CThanks a lot.9A.Good luck. BSure. CGood idea.10A.Have a good time. BWell done!CPlease go.三、听对话和问题,选择正确答案(每小题1分,共5分)11A. B. C.12A. B. C.13A.Shanghai. B. A trip to Beijing. C. Tia

3、nanmen Square.14A.The hospital. BThe supermarket. CThe museum.15A.By train. BBy bus. CBy plane.四、听录音,填空(每小题1分,共5分)A Trip to the Fashion MuseumThe bus will leave at _(16)They will watch _(17) at 2 pm.They can look around the museum in _(18)They have to arrive at the school at _(19)In the museum, ther

4、e are many old pictures with_(20)第卷笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择(每小题1.5分,共30分)21I will take _ tour to Dalian by _ train this summer.Aa;/ Ba;the C/;the Dthe;a22Tom and Mike leave Canada_London.Ato Bgo to Ccome to Dfor23.(易错题) Lets _these things to Beijing.Atake Bbringing Cto take Dto bring24It is not far _ my hom

5、e _ the school.Aby;in Bfrom;in Cfrom;to Daway;to25They arrived _ Guangzhou _ the morning of May 25.Aat;in Bin;in Cin;on Dat;during26During the May Day holiday, we stayed in a mountain village with _ trees around.Athousand of Bthousand Cthousands Dthousands of 27Is there _ beef in the fridge?No,there

6、 isnt. There is _ pork.Asome;any Bany;any Csome;some Dany;some28Shes not strong enough _ walking up mountains.Ato go Bgoing Cgo Dwent29May I use your phone? Mine doesnt work.Of course._.AVery well BTake it easy CHere you are DThank you30Susan was very _ and she couldnt say anything.Aexcited Bexcitin

7、g Cexcite Dto excites31Before the bridge was built _ the river, the villagers had to take a boat to the other side.Ain Bbeside Cacross Dalong32Laura enjoys _ storybooks.Me, too.Areading Bread Cto read Dreads33Mr. Wang has left for Guangzhou. He _ a speech there in two days.Agives Bgave Cwill give Dh

8、as given34Would you like some more noodles, Celia?Yes, just _, please.Aa few B. few Ca little Dlittle35.(易错题) How do you go to Taiyuan?We _ to Taiyuan.Aby train Btake a train Cby a train Dby the train36. (易错题) I hope you _ fun at the party tomorrow.Ahave Bwill have Cto have Dwill to have37. (易错题) Co

9、uld we see each other at 9 oclock tomorrow morning?Sorry,lets make it _ time.Aothers Bthe other Canother Dother38Sam opened the door and _a lovely dog outside.Afinds Bfound Clooks for Dlooked for39(N)Can you read the number 2,367 in English?Yes,I can. Its_.Atwo thousand three hundred and sixtysevenB

10、two thousands three hundred and sixtysevenCtwo thousand three hundreds and sixtysevenDtwo thousands three hundreds and sixtyseven40(N)Excuse me,sir._is it from here to the nearest hotel?About 15 minutes walk.AHow much BHow many CHow far DHow long六、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)(词数:约80;建议用时:4分钟) Its Saturday today

11、. Maria wants to go on a_(41)to a city. The city isnt_(42)from her home. She goes to the city_(43)her good friend Ann_(44)train. They get on the train at 6:00 in the morning. How happy they_(45)!They _(46)out of the window and_(47)many things,such as buildings,farms,trees and rivers. Then the_(48)ch

12、ildren play cards on the train. They have a_(49)time. At 9 oclock in the morning,they (50)the city.41A. trip Bway Croad Dstreet42A. near to Baway Cnearly Dfar43A. and Bto Cwith Dfor44A. on Bby Cin Dtake45A. be Bis Care Dam46A. look Bsee Clook at Dlook for47A. look up Bsee Clook after Dlook48A. one B

13、these Ctwo Dthose49A. bad Bgood COK Dright50A. get Bgo Carrive in Dleave七、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)A(词数:约160;建议用时:6分钟)Sue and Ann study in Beijing. This summer holiday they will go on a trip to Tianjin.Tianjin is about 137 kilometers from Beijing. How will they go there? By train, by bus or by bicycle? If th

14、ey take a bus, the ticket is 35 yuan. If they take a train, the prices of the train tickets may be different because they can take different trains. The train tickets may be 11 yuan, 19 yuan, 22 yuan, 36 yuan or 58 yuan. Some are faster than buses. Some are slower than buses. They can take a train o

15、r a bus there, but they want to do something different. They want to go to Tianjin on their bicycles. On the way, if they are tired, they can stop to have a rest. They can also take pictures when they see beautiful places.They will leave early on the morning of July 8. They are very excited. They ca

16、n arrive in Tianjin before 5 oclock in the afternoon.51Sue and Ann will visit Tianjin_A. this weekend B. this monthC. this summer holiday D. this winter holiday52. In the passage, there are_ kinds of train tickets.A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 753They will go to Tianjin_A. by bus B. by train C. by car D. by bik

17、e54They will arrive in Tianjin on_A. July 7 B. July 8 C. July 9 D. July 1055Which is TRUE according to the passage?A. Ann and Sue are working in Beijing.B. Ann and Sue go to Tianjin to visit their friends.C. The bus ticket from Beijing to Tianjin is 36 yuan.D. Ann and Sue can take pictures.B(词数:约70;

18、建议用时:5分钟)Airline(航空公司)Flight number(航班号)Destination(目的地)Departure time(出发时间)Gate(登机口)Air Canada137Beijing10:12 am.24Japan Airlines320Tokyo10:30 am.18British Airways405Paris11:00 am.20Pan American226London11:20 am.12Pan American12Beijing11:43 am.15Air Canada178Tokyo12:32 pm.21CAAC289Hong Kong12:32 pm

19、.1456If you want to fly to Paris, you should take_.AFlight 137 BFlight 320 CFlight 226 DFlight 40557Flight 289 to Hong Kong leaves at_.A11:43 am. B10:12 am. C12:32 pm. D10:12 pm.58A lady wants to take Flight 12 to Beijing. She should go to Gate_.A14 B15 C12 D1859Flight 226 to London is from _.APan A

20、merican BJapan AirlinesCAir Canada DCAAC60A man is at Gate 18.Hes going to_.ATokyo BHong Kong CLondon DParis八、任务型阅读(每小题2分,共10分)(词数:约120;建议用时:7分钟)South Australia is a great place to visit. There are a lot of animals, beautiful flowers and interesting places. Do you want to play with koalas?You_can_do

21、_many_things_you_want_to_do_there.Its a good place for children. There are many things for children to do. They can have a lot of fun. They can run around with the animals. They can swim with sea lions and dolphins. They can even pet (抚摸) the koalas on the head in wildlife parks because they are ver

22、y friendly.Children can relax on the long beaches. They can go swimming there. They can visit the national parks, too.Go there and enjoy yourself! You will like it.61题完成句子;62、63题简略回答问题;64题找出并写下第二段的主题句;65题将文中画线句子译成汉语。61We can touch the koalas on the head because they are very _.62What animals can chi

23、ldren swim with in South Australia?_63Can you relax on the beaches in South Australia?_64_65_九、用所给词汇的适当形式填空,有一项是多余的(每小题1分,共5分) fall off,thousand,excite,else,other,go for a walk66I enjoy _ after supper.67There are _ of students in our school.68He is so _ that he cant say a word.69Look! The ball is _

24、the house.70What _ did you say?十、连词成句(每小题2分,共10分)71go, may, shopping, I(?)_72will, in, you, when, arrive, Hebei(?)_73Peter, for, will, London, leave(.)_74it, far, from, how, is, to, China, Canada(?)_75trip, will, very, this, be, special(.)_十一、书面表达(15分)你们一家人将在下周去北京旅行,这是你们的行程计划。TimeNext weekPlaceBeiji

25、ng The first dayThe Palace Museum The second dayThe Summer Palace The third dayThe Great Wall 要求:不要逐条翻译表格中的信息,可适当增减内容;词数: 90词左右。_Unit 1达标测试卷第I卷听力部分听力材料:一、1.Who led the trip last month?2Dont climb up the tree. Its not safe.3We have ten thousand and ten new books in the school library.4Dont worry. Ill

26、 be all right.5We will have a lot of fun in this ancient city,Xian.二、6.May I speak to Annie,please?7Thanks for the delicious food.8Hi,Betty. Your skirt looks beautiful.9Excuse me. Could you please tell me where I can get the dictionary?10. Im going to Hainan with my aunt next week.三、11.M:Is Lynn rid

27、ing a horse or a camel?W:She isnt riding a horse. She is riding a camel.Q:Which animal is Lynn riding?12M: What are you doing, Jenny?W:Im taking pictures.M:Can you take a photo of me?W:Of course.Q:What is Jenny doing?13W:Are you going to Beijing next weekend?M: No, I am too busy. What about you?W: I

28、 want to take a trip there. I will visit Tiananmen Square.Q: Whatre the speakers talking about?14W:Excuse me, how can I get to the hospital,please?M: Walk along this road and turn right at the second turning. Its beside the museum.Q:Where does the woman want to go?15M:Hi, Rose! Why are you in a hurr

29、y?W:Oh, Im going to the railway station to meet my friend,Li Mei. She will arrive there at four, but there are only ten minutes left.Q: How does Li Mei come?四、 Id like to tell you something about our school trip to the Fashion Museum this month. Well arrive there by bus at seven fortyfive am. So you

30、 have to arrive at the school fifteen minutes earlier. That is seven thirty. The bus will leave at seven thirtyfive. Dont be late!When we get to the museum, you can look around in small groups. There are lots of old pictures with a long history and its important to enjoy them. And we will meet again

31、 later to watch the museums fashion show at 2 oclock.听力答案:一、15:BBCAB二、610:BBCBA三、1115:CABAA四、16.7:35 17the museums fashion show18small groups197:3020a long history第 卷笔试部分五、21.A22.D23.A24.C25.C26D:表示不确定的数量时,thousand用复数形式,且后接介词of。故选D。27D:some一般用在肯定句中。any 常用在否定句和疑问句中。28A29.C30.A31C:考查介词的用法。in意为“在里面”;be

32、side意为“在旁边”;across意为“横跨”;along意为“沿着”。此处强调的是“横跨”在河流之上,应该用across,所以选C。32A:本题考查非谓语动词。enjoy后接动词的ing形式。故选A。33C34.A35.B36.B37.C38B:句意为“萨姆打开门,发现外面有一只可爱的小狗。”由opened可知本句为一般过去时,故选B。39A40C:考查疑问词组辨析。根据答语“步行大约15分钟的路程。”可知问的是距离,故选C。规律总结:eq blc(avs4alco1(How much问的是价格或不可数,名词的量;,How many问的是可数名词的数量;,How long用来提问时间或物体

33、的长度。)六、41.A:go on a trip to去旅行。42D:考查固定短语。be far from.离远。43C:考查介词的用法。“和一起”用介词with。44B:by交通工具,表示“乘坐某种交通工具”。45C:本文用一般现在时,且本句主语为复数,所以be动词为are。46A:look out of.向外看。47B:表示看的结果,用动词see表示,意为“看见”。48C:上文中提到了两个孩子,所以是two。49B:have a good time过得愉快。50C:因本文开头说是去某地旅行,现在应该是到达目的地了。get后跟地点时应用介词to;go意为“去”;arrive后跟大地点时用介词in;leave意为“离开”,与句意不符。所以答案为C。七、A51.C:由第一段中的“This summe


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