六年级下册作业课件-Unit 8 Our dreams-Period 4 Checkout time 译林版(共17张PPT)_第1页
六年级下册作业课件-Unit 8 Our dreams-Period 4 Checkout time 译林版(共17张PPT)_第2页
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1、Unit 8 Period 4一、根据首字母提示完成句子。 1. Everyone should has a d _ . Then we work hard or study hard.dream 2. My father is a d _ . He drives a bus every day.driver 3. When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a s _ . I wanted to invent a robot to help my mother do housework.scientist 4. Yang Ling likes playin

2、g the piano. She wants to be a p _ .pianist 5. The policemen are my heroes. They are very b _ and strong.brave 6. Look at your bad t _ . Dont eat too much sweet food.teeth二、根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. 我想飞到月球上。I want to _ to the _ .flyMoon 2. 孩子们正在谈论他们的梦想。The children are _ _ their _ .talkingaboutdreams 3. 那三个足球运

3、动员想有一天参加世界杯。The three football _ want to play in the _ _ some day.playersWorldCup 4. 许多年轻人不关心他们的健康。Many young persons dont _ _ their health.careabout 5. 李老师昨天问我:“你想成为什么?”我告诉了她我的想法。Miss Li _ me “What do you want to _ ?” yesterday, I _ her what I _ .askedbetoldthought三、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Laughing _ (make

4、) you young.makes 2. Billy will go to the _ (cook) school.cooking 3. Yang Ling wants to be an _ (art).artist 4. Mary likes _ (write). She wants to be a _ (write) to write stories for children.writingwriter 5. The _ (travel) go around the UK.travellers 6. My _ (student) dreams are different. I want t

5、o see their dreams _ (come) true.studentscome四、选用方框内的选项补全短文。(有多余选项)A.Can you dance well?B.Do you want to be a policeman?C.He is a policeman.D.I like dancing very much.E.What about you, Nancy?F.He works in a factory.A: What does your father do, Mike?B: 1._ He helps people when they are in trouble.A:

6、Wow! 2._B: No. I want to be a football player.CBA: Then you should do more sport.B: Yes. 3._ Whats your dream?A: I want to be a dancer. 4._ B: Its a good dream. 5._ A: Yes. Im good at it. Look! B: Great! Im sure you will be a great dancer!EDA五、按要求改写句子。 1. I want to be a cook one day. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ w

7、ant to be a cook one day?Doyou 2. Dancing makes people healthy. (对画线部分提问) _ _ people healthy?Whatmakes 3. Let me look after the girl. (改为同义句)Let me _ _ _ the girl.takecareof 4. Mike wants to be a dentist. (对画线部分提问) _ _ to be a dentist?Whowants六、阅读短文,回答问题。 There is a story. In 2345, there are many ro

8、bots in the world. Everyone can have different robots, and theyre popular in the world. I have three robots. The first robot is Peg. It has a square face and a small mouth. Its body is a big circle. It can run very fast, jump very high, swim slowly and fly with me! It likes having some milk for brea

9、kfast, some noodles for lunch and some porridge for dinner. The second robot is Jack. It has a round face, two small eyes and a big mouth. It can dance well, play the piano well, and skate well. Jack likes making friends with people. The last one is Dick. It can teach me how to live, and it can teac

10、h me to play, relax and learn new things! The robots can teach me many things. They can make me happy. They are fun. 1. When are the robots popular in the story?_ In 2345. 2. What can Peg do?_It can run very fast, jump very high, swim slowly and fly. 3. What does Jack like doing?_ It likes making friends with people. 4. What can Dick teach the writer do? _ It can teach the writer how to live, and i


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