国际公法学习笔记Chapter V_第1页
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1、Chapter V Individuals (个人) TOC o 1-5 h z HYPERLINK l bookmark20 o Current Document Nationality (国籍)2 HYPERLINK l bookmark22 o Current Document Introduction2 HYPERLINK l bookmark24 o Current Document Acquisition of nationality(国籍的取得) 2Original Nationality(原始国籍) 2Acquired Nationality (继有国籍)(重新取得新国籍)2N

2、ationality Law of China (1980)中 国 国籍法3acquisition by birth先天获得3 HYPERLINK l bookmark29 o Current Document acquisition by naturalization归化取得3 HYPERLINK l bookmark31 o Current Document Conflict of Nationalities (国籍7中突) 3 HYPERLINK l bookmark33 o Current Document positive conflict (积极7中突) 4 HYPERLINK l

3、 bookmark35 o Current Document passive conflict (7肖极)中突) 4 HYPERLINK l bookmark37 o Current Document Legal Status of Aliens (夕卜国 人法律地位) 4 HYPERLINK l bookmark39 o Current Document Aliens (夕卜国人) 4 HYPERLINK l bookmark41 o Current Document Admission, Departure and Expulsion入境、 出境和马区逐4A. Admission (入境)

4、 4b.Departure (出境) 4C.Expulsion (驱逐) 4 HYPERLINK l bookmark43 o Current Document Draft articles on the expulsion of aliens, ILC, 2014驱逐外国人条款草案,国际法委员会, 2014 年5依法驱逐的情况5Cases of prohibited expulsion禁止m区逐案件5 HYPERLINK l bookmark45 o Current Document Legal consequences of expulsion马区逐的法律后果5 HYPERLINK l b

5、ookmark49 o Current Document Treatment standards6National treatment (国民待遇)6 HYPERLINK l bookmark51 o Current Document Most-favored-nation treatment (最惠国彳寺遇) 6 HYPERLINK l bookmark53 o Current Document Reciprocal treatment (互惠待遇)6 HYPERLINK l bookmark55 o Current Document Diplomatic Protection (夕卜交保护

6、) 6 HYPERLINK l bookmark57 o Current Document Introduction6Definition6 HYPERLINK l bookmark59 o Current Document Reason原因6 HYPERLINK l bookmark61 o Current Document Legal status (法律小也位) 7 HYPERLINK l bookmark63 o Current Document Means 方式7 HYPERLINK l bookmark65 o Current Document Calvo clause (卡尔沃条

7、款)7 HYPERLINK l bookmark67 o Current Document Requirements 要求7Nationality 国籍7Real or effective nationality (实际/有效国籍) 7 HYPERLINK l bookmark69 o Current Document Continuous nationality(国籍持续) 8 HYPERLINK l bookmark71 o Current Document Dual or multiple national双重或多重国籍8 HYPERLINK l bookmark73 o Current

8、 Document Diplomatic protection for a company对公司的夕卜交保护8 HYPERLINK l bookmark75 o Current Document Diplomatic protection for ships船只的夕卜交保护8 HYPERLINK l bookmark77 o Current Document The exhaustion of local remedies (用尽当地救济)9 HYPERLINK l bookmark2 o Current Document Interhandel case (Switzerland v. th

9、e United States), ICJ, 1959.因特汉德尔案(瑞士诉美国), 国际法院,1959年。10 HYPERLINK l bookmark4 o Current Document Extradition (弓I 渡) and Asylum (庇护) 10 HYPERLINK l bookmark6 o Current Document Extradition 引渡10inciples of Extradition (只是一般原则,具体实施要看条约具体规定)10double criminality (双重犯罪原贝I) 10Interhandel case (Switzerland

10、 v. the United States), ICJ, 1959.因特汉德尔案(瑞士诉美 国),国际法院,1959年。In 1942, the US seized the American assets of a company owned by the Swiss firm Interhandel, which was suspected of being under the control of a German enterprise.In 1948, Interhandel instituted proceedings in the US courts, claiming the re

11、stitution by the US of the assets.In 1957, the US informed the Swiss government that Interhandel had finally failed in its suit in the United States courts.In 1958, Switzerland took the dispute to the ICJ by an Application, and argued that the US was under an obligation to restore the assets of Inte

12、rhandel.After the Application, the US Supreme Court readmitted Interhandel into the legal proceedings, and remanded the case to the District Court.? exhaustion of local remedies【1942年,美国查封了一家瑞士公司英特汉德尔(Interhandel)在美国的资产,该公司被怀疑 受一家德国企业控制。1948年,英特汉德尔在美国法院提起诉讼,要求美国归还其资产。 1957年,美国通知瑞士政府,英特汉德尔在美国法庭的诉讼最终失

13、败。1958年,瑞士向国际 法院提出申请,称美国有义务恢复英特汉德尔的资产。在申请之后,美国最高法院重新将 Interhandel纳入法律程序,并将案件移交给地区法院。?用尽当地救济】Extradition (引渡)and Asylum (庇护)(属人管辖的犯罪人的国籍国;受害人的国籍国;受害人的犯罪地国等,但被请求引渡国不存在习惯 国际法义务将罪犯引渡。依据签订的引渡条约【多数为双边条约】。没有条约的更多是因为遣返【非 法入境,签证到期等】) 典型案例:“湄公河大案” 犯罪人国籍一一缅甸犯罪行为一一泰国围捕地一一老挝被请求国被害人国籍一一中国中国只与泰国、老挝签署了双边的引渡条约。Extra

14、dition 引渡Delivery of an accused or a convicted individual to the state where he is accused, or has been convicted of a crime, by the state on whose territory he is located.Obligation from bilateral or multilateral treaties or reciprocity (互惠)【将被告或被定罪的 个人由其所在的国家送交其被指控或已被定罪的国家。双边或多边条约或互惠的义务】(没 有相关条约,这

15、次你帮我,下次我帮你。Eg.我国,没有条约时,引渡要做出互惠承诺)National legislationAut dedere aut judicare (或引渡或起诉)(要么审理犯罪人,否则有引渡义务,目的是追 究犯罪、惩治犯罪,防止犯罪不罚)Principles of Extradition (只是一般原则,具体实施要看条约具体规定) a. double criminality (双重犯罪原则)(双方都认为是犯罪的行为/必须是较严重的犯罪行为)crime involved should be a crime in both states concerned所涉犯罪应在有关两国均属犯罪spe

16、cialty (罪行特定原则)(引渡和追诉一致原则,即引渡使提出什么罪名,就应当以什么罪名进行审判)The individual surrendered may be tried and punished only for the offence for which extradition had been sought and granted.被交出的个人只可因已要求引渡和准予引渡的罪行而受到审判和 惩罚。C.circumstances of nonextradition不弓|渡的情况non-extradition of political offenders (政治犯不引渡)(法国大革命之

17、后确定的政治制度)(但容易被滥用,什么是政治犯【存在争议,犯罪动 机:经济/政治;犯罪时的情况:夺取政权的情况下;政治组织。人。】)(灭绝种族罪不 是政治犯;恐怖活动不是政治犯;行刺条款,行刺国家元首不卑政治犯)not cover international criminals and terrorist activities 不包括国际罪犯和恐怖活动 non-extradition of nationals (本国国民不引渡)non-extradition due to human rights concerns 出于人权考虑不引渡】(请求国家存在“死 刑”等)non-extradition

18、 of military offenders (军事犯罪不引渡)Asylum (庇护)Territorial asylum (领土庇护)(国家基于领土主权【属地管辖权】,在没有相反义务规定的情况下,有权提供庇护,拒绝 驱逐/交给外国)In the absence of obligations to the contrary, every state has right to admit the foreigner who is being prosecuted in other states and refuse to expel him or deliver him to the prose

19、cuting state.在 没有相反义务的情况下,每个国家都有权承认在其他州被起诉而拒绝驱逐或交付的外国人他 被起诉了。Territorial jurisdiction 属地管辖Diplomatic asylum (外交庇护)/extraterrestrial asylum案例:阿桑奇(澳大利亚人)事件2010年人在英国,瑞典涉及案件,保释2012年厄瓜多尔驻英国使馆为阿桑奇提供庇护2019年4月出来厄瓜多尔不再提供外交庇护To grant asylum to a foreigner who is not within its own territory, but in its diplom

20、atic mission or consular offices.对不在本国境内,在外交代表机构或者领事机构内的外国人,给予庇护。(拉丁美洲适用,区际国际法。在其他国家之中不具合法性) ? legalityAsylum case (Peru/ Colombia), ICJ, 1950 庇护案(秘鲁/哥伦比亚),国际法院,1950年In the case of extradition, the refugee is within the territory of the State of refuge. A decision with regard to extradition implies

21、only the normal exercise of the territorial sovereignty. The refugee is outside the territory of the State where the offence was committed, and a decision to grant him asylum in no way derogates from the sovereignty of that State.In the case of diplomatic asylum, the refugee is within the territory

22、of the State where the offence was committed. A decision to grant diplomatic asylum involves a derogation from the sovereignty of that State. It withdraws the offender from the jurisdiction of the territorial State and constitutes an intervention in matters which are exclusively within the competenc

23、e of that State. Such a derogation from territorial sovereignty cannot be recognized unless its legal basis is established in each particular case.【就引渡而言,难民是在避难国境内。一个关于引渡的决 定只意味着对领土主权的正常行使。这名难民在犯下罪行的国家的领土之外,给予他庇护的 决定决不会损害该国的主权。就外交庇护而言,该难民是在犯下罪行的国家境内。给予外交庇护的决定涉及对那个国家主权的减损。它将侵犯者从领土国的管辖范围内撤出,并对完全 属于该领土

24、国职权范围内的事项进行干预。这种对领土主权的减损不能得到承认,除非在每 一个具体案件中都确立其法律基础。】(对于引渡情形,避难者处于保护国领土之内,承认了领土庇护的合法性。对于外交庇 护的情形,处于犯罪地的领土之上,如果没有特别条约,则外交庇护会有损使馆所在国领土 主权。)(个案之中外交庇护的合法性)(该案涉及国家是否有权单方面确定犯罪性质的问题)c.legal status法律地位Rights of states家的权利Art. 14, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 19481. Everyone has the right to seek a

25、nd to enjoy in other countries asylum frompersecution.【1948年世界人权宣言第14条1.每个人都有在其他国家寻求和享受庇护的 权利迫害。】(不表明个人必然会获得庇护,只是有寻求庇护的权利)Art. 1, Declaration on Territorial Asylum, 19671. Asylum granted by a State, in the exercise of its sovereignty, to persons shall be respected by all other States.3. It shall res

26、t with the State granting asylum to evaluate the grounds for the grant of asylum.【1967年领土庇护宣言第1条 1. 一国在行使其主权时所给予的庇护应是受到所有其 他国家的尊重。.3.应由给予庇护的国家评估给予庇护的理由庇护。】(国家有庇护的权利,不是义务)d. exceptions 例外(从事严重国际犯罪行为,违反联合国宪章原则等行为不应当给予其庇护)Art. 14, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948(2) This right may not be inv

27、oked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.Art. 1, Declaration on Territorial Asylum, 1967(2) The right to seek and to enjoy asylum may not be invoked by any person with respect to whom there

28、 are serious reasons for considering that he has committed a crime against peace, a war crime or a crime against humanity.Art. 4 , Declaration on Territorial Asylum, 1967States granting asylum shall not permit persons who have received asylum to engage in activities contrary to the purposes and prin

29、ciples of the United Nations 1948年世界人权宣言第14条(2) 在真正因非政治性罪行或违反联合国宗旨和原则的行为而被起诉的情况下,不得援引 这项权利。1967年领土庇护宣言第1条任何人有严重理由认为他犯了危害和平罪、战争罪或危害人类罪时,不得援引寻求和享受 庇护的权利。1967年领土庇护宣言第4条给予庇护的国家不得允许接受庇护的人从事违反联合国宗旨和原则的活动 TOC o 1-5 h z b. specialty (罪行特定原则)10C.circumstances of non-extradition不弓【渡的情况11 HYPERLINK l bookmark8

30、 o Current Document 4.2 Asylum (庇护)11Territorial asylum (领土庇护)11Diplomatic asylum (夕卜交庇护)/extraterrestrial asylum11 HYPERLINK l bookmark10 o Current Document Asylum case (Peru/ Colombia), ICJ, 1950 庇护案(秘鲁/哥伦比亚),国际法院,1950年11 HYPERLINK l bookmark12 o Current Document legal status法律地位12 HYPERLINK l boo

31、kmark18 o Current Document exceptions 例夕卜121 Nationality (国籍)(个人与国家之间的联系、纽带;个人想要实现国际法上的权利,需要依靠国家:国家有义务;国籍在国内层面上影响一个人的权利和义务,在国际层面上,如属人管辖权、外交 保护等)IntroductionNationality of an individual is his quality of being a citizen of a certain state.一个人的 国 籍是他成 为某个国家公民的素质。The link between the nationality state

32、and its national民族国家及其民族权利和义务之间的联rights and dutiesnational: rights and obligations0 家:权利守口义务international: jurisdiction (管辖权),diplomatic protection (夕卜交保护) 国际:管辖权,外交保护Acquisition of nationality (国籍的取得)(一国国内法规定,但也有国际影响,不全是国内问题。国际法上没有明确的取得方式规 定,但有习惯性的两种)domestic matter but with international law relev

33、ance国内事务,但与国际法有关It is for each state to determine under its own law who are its nationals. This law shall be recognised by other states in so far as it is consistent with international conventions (国际公 约),international custom (国际习惯),and the principles of law generally recognised with regard to natio

34、nality.(否则容易产生国际问题冲突)(Art. 1, Hague Convention on Certain Questions Relating to the Conflict of Nationality Laws, 1930)【各国应根据本国法律确定谁是 其国民。本法应得到其他国家的承认,只要它与国际公约、国际惯例和普遍承认的关于 国籍的法律原则相一致。(1930年关于国籍冲突法若干问题的海牙公约第1条)】e.g. Nottebohm case, ICJ, 1955 Modes of acquisitionOriginal Nationality (原始国籍)by birthjus

35、 sanguinis (血统主义)(双系/单系血统主义:父母国籍)jus soli (出生地主义)Combined (一般情况下是前两种的混合,如美国法)Acquired Nationality (继有国籍)(重新取得新国籍)(原始国籍和继有国籍的人权利地位一样吗?看国内法规定,但一般会有一些区别,担心有 二心。Eg.继有国籍的人无权竞选美国总统) naturalization (申请入籍,归化)(跟据当事人意愿,但不是申请就能加入。)by formal grant on voluntary applicationmarriage;(历史上为女性的国籍,妇女国籍独立,不会因嫁给一个外国丈夫自然

36、获 得外国国籍或丧失自身国籍,看妇女意愿)adoption (收养);(本身取决于国内法规定,但最根本的是儿童应当具有国籍,不 会因为收养而变成无国籍人)territory transfer.Nationality Law of China (1980)中国国籍法acquisition by birth先天获得Article 4 Any person born in China whose parents are both Chinese nationals or one of whose parents is a Chinese national shall have Chinese nat

37、ionality.第四条父母双方或一方为中国 公民,本人出生在中国,具有中国国籍。】(兼具血统主义和出生地主义)Article 5 Any person born abroad whose parents are both Chinese nationals or one of whose parents is a Chinese national shall have Chinese nationality.(血统主义) But a person whose parents are both Chinese nationals and have both settled abroad, or

38、 one of whose parents is a Chinese national and has settled abroad, and who has acquired foreign nationality at birth shall not have Chinese nationality.【第五条父母双方或一方为中国公民,本人在国外出生 的,具有中国国籍。(血统主义),但一个人的父母都是中国人,都在国外定居,或者父母是 中国的国家之一,在国外定居,谁获得了外国国籍出生时不得有中国国籍。】 (反对双重国籍)Article 6 Any person born in China wh

39、ose parents are stateless or of uncertain nationality and have settled in China shall have Chinese nationality.(出生地主义)【第六条任何个人出生在中国,父母无国籍或国籍 不明,定居在中国,具有中国国籍。(出生地主义)】acquisition by naturalization归化取得Article 7 Foreign nationals or stateless persons who are willing to abide by China/s Constitution and

40、laws and who meet one of the following conditions may be naturalized upon approval of their applications:【第七条外国人、无国籍人愿意遵守中国宪法和法律,符合下列条件之 一的,经申请批准,可以加入中国国籍:(一)中国公民的近亲属;(二)定居中国的;或 有其他正当理由。】they are near relatives of Chinese nationals;they have settled in China; orthey have other legitimate reasons.(正当

41、理由)Article 8 Any person who applies for naturalization as a Chinese national shall acquire Chinese nationality upon approval of his application.【第八条申请加入中国国籍,经批准,即取得中国 国籍。】(中国政策是一般不批准)(永久居留权十年一审,可取得永久居留身份证,方便 外国人在国内生活)1.3 Conflict of Nationalities (国籍冲突)(不同国家不同规定导致的)positive conflict (积极冲突)double or

42、multiple nationality causes: by birth, naturalization, marriage, adoptionproblems【-双重或多重国籍原因:出生、入籍、结婚、领养问题】(同时履行两国义务,如:服兵役)solutions 解决national legislations (国内立法)bilateral treaty (双边条约)(1955中印,华侨自愿选择国籍)multilateral convention (多边条约)(1930年关于国际若干冲突的条约)(条约只对当 事方有约束力,习惯对所有国家都有约束力)passive conflict (消极冲突

43、)statelessness causes: by birth, marriage.(有可能被剥夺国际,如美国)problems (丧失国际法的权利,权利受损时得不到救济)solutions 解决national legislations, multilateral conventions (1961 有关无国籍状态的条约、1948国际人权公约:国籍是人权的一部分,不得剥夺)Legal Status of Aliens (外国人法律地位)Aliens (外国人)(一国境内不具该国国籍的人,无国籍人也算,多国籍的人只要具有本国国籍就算本国人)(权利义务问题还是看国内法规定)an individu

44、al who does not have the nationality of the State in whose territory that individual ispresent.不具有所在国家国籍的个人。nationals of foreign states, stateless夕卜国 国籍, 无国籍double jurisdiction双重管辖territorial jurisdiction (属地管辖权)nationality jurisdiction (属人管辖权)domestic issue with international relevanceAdmission, De

45、parture and Expulsion入境、出境和驱逐Admission (入境)(有护照可签证的合法入境,免签,取决于国家。国家可因安全问题等正当理由拒绝入境)a matter of discretion (自由裁量权)passport and visa discrimination?(美国排华法案、禁穆令)b.Departure (出境)(人人有权离开任何一个国家,义务履行完毕的前提下)No local duties, such as payment of rates and taxes, fines, private debts.不征4攵地方税,出口缴纳差饷和税款、罚款、私人债务】C

46、.Expulsion (驱逐)no abuse of the right不滥用权利Draft articles on the expulsion of aliens, ILC, 2014驱逐外国人条款草案, 际法委员会,2014年依法驱逐的情况An alien may be expelled only in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with law又寸夕卜 国人的驱逐,必须依法作出决定Any expulsion decision shall state the ground (理由) on which it is based.

47、A State may only expel an alien on a ground that is provided for by law.The ground for expulsion shall be assessed in good faith (善意) and reasonably, in the light of all the circumstances, taking into account in particular, where relevant, the gravity of the facts, the conduct of the alien in questi

48、on or the current nature of the threat to which the facts give rise.A State shall not expel an alien on a ground that is contrary to its obligations under international law.【1 ,任何驱逐决策应当地面(理)由它。2.一个国家只能根据法律规定的理由驱逐外国人。3. 诚信为驱逐应当评估(善意)和合理的,在所有的情况下,特别是考虑到,相关的,事实的严重 性,外星人的行为问题或当前的自然事实产生威胁。4. 一国不得以违反其国际法义

49、务的理由 驱逐外国人。】(不得驱逐的情况,如:关于难民的原则:“不推回”原则,一旦接受,除非其威胁国 家安全和公共秩序,不得驱逐。可以不让他入境,但一旦入境【主动/被动?偷渡入境算 吗?】就不得将其驱逐出境)P.S.难民问题1951关于难民地位的公约、1967年关于难民地位的议定书(课本上有)一一恐惧/被迫害 的理由,处于原国际之外,不愿或不能接受原国际国保护的人。现代多了战争难民、环境 难民(岛屿淹没)等。Cases of prohibited expulsion禁止驱逐案件A State shall not expel a refugee lawfully in its territory

50、 save on grounds of national security or public order;A State shall not expel a stateless person lawfully in its territory save on grounds of national security or public order.A State shall not make its national an alien, by deprivation of nationality, for the sole purpose of expelling him or her.Th

51、e collective expulsion of aliens is prohibited.The expulsion of an alien for the purpose of confiscating his or her assets is prohibited.除因国家安全或者社会治安的原因外,国家不得依法将难民驱逐出境;2.除因国家安全 或者社会治安的原因外,国家不得将无国籍人依法驱逐出境。3.一个国家不得仅以驱逐 国民为目的而剥夺其国籍,使其国民成为外国人。4.禁止集体驱逐外国人。5.禁止驱逐 外国人,没收其财产。Legal consequences of expulsion马

52、区逐的法律后果The expulsion of an alien in violation of the expelling States obligations of international law entails the international responsibility of that State.The State of nationality of an alien subject to expulsion may exercise diplomatic protection inrespect of the alien in question.对外国人的驱逐违反了被驱逐国

53、的国际法义务,意味着该国的国际责任。被驱逐的外国人的 国籍国可以对该外国人实行外交保护。Treatment standards(按国内法,国际义务/条约规定除外)National treatment (国民待遇)To treat the alien as it does its own nationals对待外国人就像对待自己的国民一样 exception: political rights政治权利例外Most-favored-nation treatment (最惠国待遇)(给外国人相同的待遇,主要体现在特定领域,如经济等,依靠具体条约的规定,eg.加入 WT0需要与其中的国家进行一对一的谈

54、判,而WT0适用最惠国待遇,与A国谈成的也适用于其 他国家。)Aliens are entitled to such rights as have been or may be accorded to any other aliens.夕卜国人 有权享有已给予或可能给予任何其他外国人的权利。exception: neighbor states, free trade zone例外:邻国,自由贸易区Reciprocal treatment (互惠待遇)(目的:避免外国人在本国获得片面色利益,两国家之间待遇对等)International minimum standard (国际最彳氐标准)v.

55、National treatment?Diplomatic Protection (外交保护)IntroductionDefinitionDiplomatic protection consists of the invocation (援弓I ) by a state, through diplomaticaction or other means of peaceful settlement, of the responsibility of another state for an injury person that is a national of the former state

56、with a view to the implementation of such responsibility. (Art 1, Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection, ILC, 2006)【外交保护由调用(援引) 由国家通过外交行动或其他手段和平解决,责任的另一个州为一个由国际不法行为造成的损 害(国际不法行为)的状态自然或法人,是一个国家的前状态,这种责任的实现。(2006年国际 法委员会外交保护条款草案第1条)】 目的:对一国伤害另一国国民的行为,受害国有权让加害国承担国家责任。对国民的伤害 相当于对国家本身的伤害,一国可以向另一国在国际层面追

57、究国家责任,可以通过外交、 谈判、国际诉讼 由于国家有豁免权,所以其他国家的法院和国际法院无法对一国进行诉讼。caused by an internationally wrongful act(国际不法行为)of that state to a natural or legalReason 原因An injury to a national is deemed to be an injury to the State itself Protection of individuals rights【对国民的损害被认为是对国家本身对个人权利的保护的损害】Legal status (法律地位)(本质

58、上是政治问题,自由裁量权,是国家的权利而非义务) rights of StateThere is under international law, however, no obligation for states to provide diplomatic protection for their nationals abroad, although it can be said that nationals have a right to request their government to consider diplomatic protection and that governme

59、nt is under a duty to consider that request rationally.The decision whether to espouse the claim is a political question within the discretion of each individual state.【根据国际法,然而,没有义 务为各州提供外交保护本国国民在国外,虽然可以说,公民有权利要求政府考虑外交保护 和政府责任理性考虑,的要求下,决定是否支持索赔是一个政治问题在每个国家的自由裁 量权。】Means 方式diplomatic action (外交抗议、交涉

60、等)other means of peaceful settlement (Art. 33, UN Charter)(谈判、调节、仲裁、调停等)Calvo clause (卡尔沃条款)(卡尔沃:19邙可根廷外交部长。)(外国人与本国人享有同样的待遇,而不应该寻求更多的保护,否则会面临强国的干 涉,对本国国民的不公。美国在拉美地区为美国公民要求更多权利。防止外国人藐视本 国法律)(国民放弃了向国家寻求外交保护,但国家有权主动行使外交保护权,并不意 味着本国丧失了外交保护的权利)Latin American states, in national legislation or concession


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