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1、试卷第 =page 16 16页,总 =sectionpages 16 16页试卷第 =page 15 15页,总 =sectionpages 16 16页河南省许昌市高考英语质检试卷(一)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共4小题:每小题6分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。1. Likeeverything else, Londons worldclass museums closed in March, but one by one, most of them have announced their reopening. Vi

2、siting will be very different to the museum experience youre used to,though: youll have to prebook a timed entry slot(时段),you may have to follow a oneway route and face masks will be encouraged.British MuseumWhatis it? Since it opened in 1759 the first ever national museum for the publicthe British

3、Museum has been displaying artwork of world heritage,including the Rosetta Stone and the Parthenon sculptures.Whygo? The museum has over 8 million objects in its collection, 50,000 of which are on display. Thats a lot of bang for your buck, considering entrance to the main areas is free.National Gal

4、leryWhatis it? A firstclass and entirely freetoenter artistic institution in the heart of Trafalgar Square. Founded in 1824, The National Gallery is home to more than 2,000 paintings from artists such as da Vinci,van Gogh, Turner, Picasso, Matisse and Cezanne.Whygo? To learn more about the worlds hi

5、ghly praised artworks and even ty your hand at drawing in the galleries.Design MuseumWhatis it? A fascinating museum that explores contemporary design and architecture. The Design Museum is bursting with free temporary exhibitions, popups and bookable displays.Whygo? The museums new home in Kensingt

6、on is an absolute design feat,and when youve finished your walkabout,take a tour to the nearby Holland Park Kyoto Garden for some welldeserved rest.Imperial (帝国的) War MuseumWhatis it?A powerful museum shining a light on peoples experiences of conflict from the First World War to today. A few minutes

7、 walk from Waterloo,IWM is made up of permanent galleries,such as the ace Curiosities of War exhibit,and temporary displays, exploring recent conflicts and terrorist attacks.Whygo? For impressive and extensive collections,including the moving, and eyeopening permanent Holocaust exhibition (not recom

8、mended for children under 14). (1)What is a must for visitors to the museums?_A. Booking in advance.B. Preparing a face mask.C. Bringing enough money.D. Arriving earlier than usual. (2)In which museum can you most probably see world famous paintings?_A. British Museum.B. Design Museum.C. National Ga

9、llery.D. Imperial War Museum. (3)How is Imperial War Museum different from the other three?_A. It has the largest collection.B. Kids are not advised to visit it.C. You can have a good rest in it.D. You may meet some artists in it.2. Ernest Hemingway,like all writers, means different things to differ

10、ent people. To some,he represents a hunting,drinking, smoking, and aggressive male. To my high school mind,he was just some old white guy going on about a fisherman desperate to catch a large sea fishthough. Ms. Frederieks, my English teacher, had forced us to read The Old Man and the Sea, I didnt c

11、ome to appreciate it,nor any of Hemingways books, until much later. But in my early 20s,someone mailed me a dusty copy of Hemingways first novel,The Sun Also Rises. Id never read anything quite like it and havent since.Today marks the 90th anniversary of the publication of that book, a masterpiece o

12、f the form,The Sun Also Rises is a rare achievement in its power. Its brief yet evocative (引起共鸣的)sentences made a strong impression as I was beginning to develop my own love of words. Dont you ever get the feeling that all your life is going by and youre not taking advantage of it? one character ask

13、s narrator Jake, an American newspaper reporter. Do you realize youve lived nearly half the time you have to live already?Noneof Hemingways other works, though some were good and even great,quite expressed the idea of desire and longing that his first novel does. But theres also an obvious sadness t

14、hat affects the entire novel,which,in truth, is what attracted me more than anything. How could these depressed and often insufferable characters be drawn so beautifully? And how on earth could such simple,undecorated writing carry this kind of emotional weight? Nathaniel Hawthorne says it best:Easy

15、 reading is extremely hard writing.Butfor me, its much more than that. When I read? The Sun Also Risesand I go back to it every few yeas Im instantly transported to Pamplona, where Hemingways characters go to watch the bullfights. I visited Pamplona as a kid with my family, and I too watched the bul

16、lfights with my father who randomly sent me this wonderful book. (1)What did the author think of Hemingway when he was in high school?_A. A puzzle.B. A specialist.C. A legend.D. A passerby. (2)What do we know about The Sun Also Rises?_A. It is a best seller.B. It was published a century ago.C. Its s

17、imple words are appealing.D. Its Hemingways most popular novel. (3)What can we infer about the author from the text?_A. He is crazy about travelling.B. He was greatly affected by the book.C. He attached importance to reading.D. He enjoyed looking back on old days. (4)Which column is the passage poss

18、ibly from?_A. Review.B. News.C. Anecdote.D. History.3. Thebattle for the best seat on a plane is one problem that airlines seem to find ever more inventive ways to solve.Butlight comparison website Skyscanner today claimed to hare identified the perfect place to sit.Thesite surveyed more than 1,000

19、airline passengers on their seat preferences the study did not consider the extra legroom factor looking at which section of the aircraft they chose, and whether they sat in the middle, aisle (过道)or window.Andthe _ is inseat 6A.Previous research has found that passengers prefer the front six rows of

20、 the plane, while 60 percent of people favour a window seat,39 percent choose the aisle and just one percent the middle. The survey also found that 31E, a middle seat located near the back of the plane, was the one most wanted to avoid.Skyscanner travel editor Sam Baldwin explained the reasons for t

21、he results. He said: Our survey shows that travelers are very particular about where they sit,with most people heading towards the front of the aircraft on the left hand side. The most popular seat,6A, is well positioned for those wanting to get off the aircraft quickly without being too close to th

22、e hustle(忙碌,喧嚣) of the front toilets. I think its easy to see why seat 31E is the most unpopular, as its an awkward middle seat, towards the back of the aircraft which is neither close to the exit doors or the toilets.Headded, There is always a great rush to get on board and get that favoured seat a

23、nd I think it is really interesting that there are so many differing opinions on this. I just hope that the low cost carriers dont find out that there is such demand for seat 6A and start charging an extra payment for it! (1)Why did the website make the survey?_A. To increase income.B. To tower cost

24、s.C. To provide information.D. To arrange seats. (2)What does the underlined word verdict in paragraph 4 mean?_A. Doubt.B. Decision.C. Demand.D. Design. (3)Which seat is probably the least popular?_A. A seat in the first row.B. A seat with the extra legroom.C. A seat on the left hand side.D. A middl

25、e seat near the back of the plane. (4)Why do many passengers favour seat 6A?_A. It is safer.B. It is near the toilet.C. It is cheaper.D. It is more convenient.4. TheUnited Nations predicts worldwide temperatures over the next five years may at times rise to more than 1.5 degrees Centigrade above pre

26、industrial levels. The U. N.s World Meteorological(气象的) Organization,WMO, said the prediction suggests continued warming could present a challenge to climate change goals set in the 2015 Paris Agreement, which seeks to limit world temperature rises through major cuts in humancaused greenhouse gases.

27、TheWMO said there was a 20 percent chance that the yearly average temperature will rise above 1.5 Celsius higher than the preindustrial average levels in at least one year. The report identifies 18501900 as the preindustrial period. That does not mean that the average would be crossing the longterm

28、target of 1.5 Celsius that scientists have set as the limit for avoiding catastrophic(灾难性的)climate change.Temperatures over the last five years have been the warmest on record,the WMO reported.Temperatures over the next five years are very likely to be within the range of 0.91 to 1.59 Celsius above

29、preindustrial levels,it predicted. Southern Africa and Australia, where fires last year destroyed millions of hectares (公顷),will probably be drier than usual through 2024, the report said. Africas Sahel region is likely be wetter,while Europe should see more storms.MaxxDilley, the WMOs director of c

30、limate services, told the Associated Press the predictions are worrisome. It shows how close were getting to what the Paris Agreement is trying to prevent, he said. Still,Dilley added that it would not be impossible for countries to reach the target set in Paris,of keeping global warming well below

31、2 degrees Celsius, by the end of the century. Petteri Taalas, the WMO SecretaryGeneral,added,While COVID19 has caused a severe international health and economic crisis, failure to cope with climate change may threaten human wellbeing, ecosystems and economies for centuries. (1)According to WMO, the

32、continued warming is_.A. in an alarming trend.B. out of control.C. naturally developing.D. far from worry. (2)What does the author try to tell us in Paragraph 3?_A. Temperatures will have a sudden rise.B. People in Africa should get more help.C. Fires in Australia will last over 5 years.D. Our livin

33、g environment is getting worse. (3)Which word best describes Maxx Dilleys attitude to continued warming?_A. Carefree.B. Objective.C. Indifferent.D. Scared. (4)What can be a suitable title for the text?_A. Global impact of Climate change.B. The most serious challenge we face.C. UN predicts more risin

34、g temperatures.D. How do we cope with continued warming.第二节(共1小题:每小题10分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 People often forget how valuable it is to develop a helpful mindset.(1)_Here are some habits you should start practicing to be more helpful to people in your life.(2)_Everyone has

35、moments when they fall. When you get the chance to be there for someone who really needs you,be there. Even in noncrisis moments, if you know that someone really values something thats within your power to deliver, then do it.Look out for others blind sides.Every once in a while,Ill get an email fro

36、m a friend with a link to something that he or she thinks should be on my radar(雷达). Whatever it is, receiving a short email gives me the heads up.(3)_As soon as you identify something of value like that,just think of someone you know who could benefit from it, and send a quick email.End conversatio

37、ns by asking how you can be helpful.I know this sounds simple, but you can honestly be your own best researcher.(4)_I used to make the mistake of trying to help people by doing what I personally thought would be nice. It simply wasnt the right approach,though, and it can do more harm than good. Now,

38、 I make an effort to understand what is actually helpful to each person I speak to.Write down meaningful things.As soon as you meet someone you know you can help, write it down immediately. No one expects you to start doing all of these things tomorrow, but the repetition will start training your br

39、ain to be a more helpful person, if you keep at it consistently. I adopted some of these habits a few years ago.(5)_A. Be there for people in need.B. Give help whenever you are asked.C. This act is as valuable as it is simple.D. And the changes have been incredibly positive.E. You think you know how

40、 to give the right help.F. You just have to know whats truly helpful to other people.G. Being helpful to other people is, in fact, a help to your success. 第三部分。语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 完形填空(共1小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Itwas Friday at the end of a really, really long week. Mik

41、e and I planned to invite friends to our home for dinner.Just(1)_I got home,Mike texted me to say that he had to stay late at work. I was now on own to get everything(2)_ for the night. As I drove to pick up the children from school,I(3)_them into the ear and informed them that we were making a few(

42、4)_before heading home.Forthe next hour, I (5)_the boys from one place to the next. Just as we finished our last errand(差事),the boys reminded me that we needed to(6)_crickets(蟋蟀)at the pet store.You(7)_ . they said.Fine, but we need to be fast, I said.Fifteen minutes later, we were back in the car w

43、ith one hundred live crickets in a plastic bag.I(8)_ the driveway with only fortyminutes(9)_ to make preparations for everything before our guests arrived.Istarted barking(10)_ at the boys ,but they focused on(11)_the crickets from the bags into the top of their little cricketkeeping(12)_.My(13)_sta

44、rted to soar,and I yelled at them to hurry up. I really didnt know(14)_it happened, but the next time I looked up, one hundred crickets were(15)_ all over my kitchen,chirping chaotically(混乱地啁歌).Icould(16)_ feeling annoyed and angry, but then the most amazing thing happened. As I watched my two sweet

45、 boys running around(17)_ to capture the crickets,it felt like(18)_ slowed down. At that (19)_,I realized I could go on feeling annoyed and angry, or I could let go and (20)_this ridiculous scene with them.Ichose joy. (1)A.untilB. unlessC. sinceD. before (2)A.finishedB. boughtC. readyD. good (3)A.le

46、tB. fixedC. watchedD. rushed (4)A.dropsB. stopsC. plansD. decisions (5)A.draggedB. servedC. arrangedD. begged (6)A.visitB. buyC. returnD. save (7)A.wishedB. compromisedC. stressedD. promised (8)A.run acrossB. knocked overC. pulled intoD. looked for (9)A.passingB. leftC. missingD. lost (10)A.ordersB.

47、 argumentsC. terrorsD. comments (11)A.throwingB. countingC. pouringD. delivering (12)A.shelfB. cageC. fenceD. bowl (13)A.annoyanceB. sorrowC. thrillD. excitement (14)A.whereB. whetherC. howD. what (15)A.runningB. passingC. flyingD. jumping (16)A.continueB. stopC. considerD. allow (17)A.casuallyB. cr

48、azilyC. reluctantlyD. nervously (18)A.speedB. sightC. noiseD. time (19)A.momentB. placeC. spotD. mood (20)A.destroyB. createC. enjoyD. forget第二节(共1小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号中单词的正确形式。 An island off the coast of Cape Cod is open to the public for the first time in 300 years. Sipson islan

49、d(1)_(own) privately since 1711, when it was sold to white settlers. Now, the new Sipson Island Trust,with the help of a local nonprofit, hopes to renew and care for the island,(2)_ (use) the Native American values to see land(3)_a gift for all to use.It is really important for us to be able to comm

50、unicate the(4)_(important) of its history,and teach the values of those that lived on the island before 1711. President Blough told CNN.The 24acre island, which opens on Saturday,(5)_(locate)just off the coast of Cape Cod in(6)_area known as Pleasant Bay,(7)_ is of critical environmental concern. Wh

51、en it was for sale,there were a number of conservation organizations who wanted to find a way to raise the money to protect it,preserve it,and make it(8)_ (access)to the public, Blough said.Now it is(9)_ (full)open to the public. Visitors are encouraged to access the island from the eastern shore,(1

52、0)_ only shallow boats under 22 feet can land due to the sensitive ecosystem in the water. 第四部分写作(共两节,满分10分)第一节 短文改错(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在其下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2

53、.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。After breakfast,I went to a bookstore to buy some books. Luckily,the moment when I got to the bus stop, the bus to the bookstore come. I got on the bus and took a seat.As the bus moved on,all the empty seats was taken. Suddenly,a grandpa,who got on the bus with greatly effort

54、s and was not steady on his legs,caught my eyes. On seeing his helpless,I stood up immediately but said,Grandpa,please come and take your seat. The grandpa thanked me with smile.When I got on the bus, the grandpa said,Goodbye, good girl. Stand on the bus for a long time,I was a little tired. But I f

55、elt very happy because I could help those in need. 第二节 书面达(满分25分) 10月16日是第39个世界粮食日,请你以光盘行动/ Clear Your plate Campaign为题写一封倡议书,号召同学们树立节约意识,内容包括:1.倡议理由;2.具体做法。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考答案与试题解析 河南省许昌市高考英语质检试卷(一)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共4小题:每小题6分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。1.【答案】ACB【

56、考点】广告布告类阅读【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】此题暂无解答2.【答案】DCBA【考点】社会文化类阅读【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】此题暂无解答3.【答案】CBDD【考点】社会文化类阅读【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】此题暂无解答4.【答案】ADDC【考点】社会文化类阅读【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】此题暂无解答第二节(共1小题:每小题10分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。【答案】G,A,C,F,D【考点】说明文七选五【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】此题暂无解答第三部分。语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 完形填空(共1小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。【答案】


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