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1、雅思口语教学课件1. IntroductionTesting time: 11-14 minutesThree parts:Part 1 4-5 mins self introduction, ID check and talkPart 2 3-4 mins (1 min to prepare) show opinions on a topic(1-3 mins)Part 3 4-5 mins more about part 2Overview1.Introduction and ID check2. about 3 questions on hometowns, jobs or studie

2、s3. 3-6 questions about other sides4. Short explanation about Part 2 and hand a card with a topic and a pen5. 1 min to make notes on the topic6. Speech 7. Follow-up question8. Discussion 2.评分标准Grade9分成绩极佳,能将英语运用自如,精确、流利并能完全理解。8分非常良好,能将英语运用自如,只是偶尔不连贯或用词不当,在不熟悉的状况下可能出现误解,对争论复杂细节掌握得相当好。7分良好,有能力运用英语,虽然在

3、某些情况下有时会发生不准确、不适当和误解,大致掌握复杂的英语,也理解其全部内容。6分(澳大利亚移民、英国留学分数线)及格,虽然有不准确、不适当和误解发生,但大致能有效地运用英语,能使用并理解相当复杂的英语,特别是在熟悉的情况下。5分(加拿大移民、新西兰移民分数线) 适当及格,可部分运用英语,在大多数情况下可应付全部的意思,虽然可能犯下许多错误,在本身领域内应可掌握基本的沟通。4分(英国预科分数线) 水平有限,只限在熟悉的状况下有基本的理解力,在理解与表达上常发生问题,无法使用复杂英语。3分水平极有限,在极熟悉的情况下,只能进行一般的沟通理解。2分只能偶尔使用英语,除非在熟悉的情况下能使用单词和

4、简短的短句表达最基本的信息,在说写方面有重大的障碍。1分不能通过,可能只能说几个单词,无法沟通。 评分标准四项Fluency (流畅度) 没有明显停顿,或没有明显思考的停顿Vocabulary (词汇) 不要用错词汇,也不需要说一些多难多深奥的词汇,常用的,大家都能理解的词汇。Grammar (语法) 小心语法结构,以及一些英语短语, 允许有少量的错误Pronunciation (发音) 常用词汇发音标准清楚Exle同样,在IELTS口语部分,考官也是按四项标准分别评等级分:流利度及连贯性,词汇、句式丰富性及语法准确性和语音。仍以一名获得口语6分的考生为例,他所对应的口语水准是:(A)流利度及

5、连贯性方面,愿意进行详细描述,但有时因重复、自我更正或停顿而造成不连贯,运用不同的连接词和语篇标记,但有时不恰当。(B)词汇方面,尽管有时词汇运用不恰当,但词汇量足以详细表述主题,表意清楚,总体上能成功地变换措辞进行复述。(C)句式多样性及语法准确性方面,混合使用简单和复合句式,但不够灵活;使用复合句式时经常出错,但并不因此影响理解。(D)语音方面,总体能听懂,偶尔因发音错误给听者理解造成负担。由评分标准看趋势不变的:1. 对句子的灵活运用,2. 对观点的阐述是否合理和丰富;3. 能否正确使用词汇或短语,词义的转换4. topic内容和题材,但近几年并不热新topic改革:1. 通过细分,渐由

6、主观性到客观性的加强2. 对语音综合掌握的要求有所增强,语调,节奏感等3. 透析 the 3 partsPart 1-3 难度增加,学术性增强拿分:稳拿 Part 1,有技巧地拿下Part 2, 不要放弃Part 3Part 1问答形式:about 3 questions on hometowns, jobs or studies,3-6 questions about other sidesCharacteristics:1. short self introduction2. daily English中的某一点,3. 6 w, 以what, why, how为主4. 有一定的随意性Not

7、ice1. 简单招呼,无需多言,按流程走2. 开始问具体问题时,不可求简,More details, 发散思维,如果回答地简单,评委会问得越多3. 如听不懂问题,不可装懂,也不可停太久,可多问一两次Pardon( repeat again?)通常问多一次听不明白评委会跳 到下个问题4. 最好别说谎5.不可思考停顿太久6. 不可反问评委7. 记住观点不一定要所有人都同意,表达出自己的看法就好,只是测试英语能力的运用8. 每个问题回答时间在20-90秒内Ways1. Coin 法则-谈到一个问题的优点时,也谈谈提一提缺点Question: How do you usually go to scho

8、ol, and why?Answer: I usually go to school by taking the bus, because its quite economical and convenient. Whats more, buses run much more frequently and can be easier to navigate. Although sometimes it is too crowded and time-consuming, I still think its a wise choice to me.2. 比较法通过比较同类事物,突出强调其中的一个

9、内容Question: What kind of music do you like best, and why?Answer: Light music takes my fancy most. Its pretty relaxing andsoothing, like some kind of therapy. Personally, light music is really a great mediumthat can enhance ones quality of life. However, music like rock n roll is morefashionable. It

10、is obviously not my cup of tea, since its always so exciting andaggressive.3. 总分法把话题涉及到的内容分开来说,而不是只注于某个角度Question: What do you usually do on weekends?Answer: Well, Im used to doing sports on weekends. And it depends on the weather. If its a nice day, I usually go to play tennis with my best friend a

11、t a nearby tennis court. Playing tennis can help me improve both the physical functioning and emotional health. If not, I mostly go to the gym to run on the treadmill or have yoga classes.4. 6 W法将6W结合起来(不一定六个都有),对于很多话题,都可行Question: Whats your hobby?Answer: My hobby is shopping. I usually go shopping

12、 with my mother when we are free,especially on weekends. And we like to go to Xidan, where many shopping malls and clothes chain stores can be found. I have to say shopping to me is the best way to get relaxed, and its really amazing.Part 2 形式:围绕topic来展开阐述Characteristics:1. 比PART1 逻辑性要强,2. 有层次的结构Not

13、ice1. 了解topic的意思2. 利用好1分钟-做好笔记3. 笔记以简短要点为主,有概括性(outline)Ways1. 总分总法Intro-content-conclusion2.模板回答PART2的问题技巧:1分钟的intro:e。g。 I like many kinds of TV program, for exle。2分钟的why:tell a story:At that time。your feeling:before memories/influence4. 应注意的细节1. Be confident2. eye contact. 3. Dont confess your En

14、glish is poor.决不坦白 4. Listen carefully and respond quickly.仔细听题、快速反应5. Use hesitation devices appropriately.巧用停顿技巧Q:Do you enjoy singing?A:Singing? Well, Im not very keen on singing, but I do like listening to music.well, actually, you see, you know what等都是英语中最常用的停顿表达方法。8. Dont panic if youve made a

15、 mistake.犯错不慌9. 不可求快,但要争分夺秒10. 衣着整洁,保持得体11. 不要把另外的情绪带进考场考前准备1. Teamwork, 不只是两个人,重在创造长时间的英语环境2. 每天至少一个小时,多读多说多交流,利用半小时进行角色扮演3. 把心思放进去,心态很重要1)姓名:full name2)家乡:hometown history?where r u from?你最喜欢家乡的什么?Introduce your hometown Have you learned some history about your home town in school?描述家乡好的一面家乡需要改进的一

16、面。哪些地方吸引人?家乡的历史?3)工作:工作好找吗?工作外出的机会多吗?4)专业:major?whether your major popular in China?喜欢不喜欢?好不好就业?It is imp for students to study a suject they are interested in?how to learn a language?5)电影:What kind of movie do you like? Why do you like this kind of movie? Do you like watching the movie with others

17、or alone? Why? Where do you like to watch the movie? which type of film do you like?how often do you go to movies?alone? with others?6)交友:Where do young people often meet? Where do you think young people often meet in the past?.7)喜好:你平常喜欢做什么?你的兴趣大多数人玩什么?8)博物馆:小时候是否去过博物馆?最近一次去博物馆是什么时候?在博物馆销售东西你怎么看9)大

18、海:大家对大海什么感觉、would do you live near the sea? why?10)交通:do you like take flight?why/Is it the best way for travel?11)购物:你喜欢购物吗?什么时候购物?你喜欢买什么东西?你喜欢去大的超市购物吗?你最近一次购物的经历?whats clothes u like?whats kind clothes u dislike?what date do you choose to go shopping?12)天气:which weather u like most? Do the weather in China be good now? What do you usually do in these days?13)颜色:喜欢的颜色,为什么喜欢,传统的中国颜色是什么?为什么。穿衣服时也会选这个颜色吗?家里的墙会刷


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