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1、COSCOO Conntainner LLiness Strrateggic AAnalyysis of ee-commmercce中远集集装箱运输输有限公司司的电子商商务战略分分析Abstrract: Witth thhe raapid deveelopmment of iinforrmatiion ttechnnologgy, tthe IInterrnet can be wwidelly ussed aand hhas kkept on iimproovingg, thhe immpactt of enteerpriise mmarkeetingg mannagemment of ttr

2、adiitionnal iideass andd moddels, thee gennerall connsumeer gooods, inddustrrial or YYuanrrancaailiaao, aand ootherr bullk coommodditiees, aare qquiettly ttakinng Innto tthe ee-commmercce. EE-commmercce iss an irreesisttiblee mommentuum, cchangging the modee of econnomicc proofit and operratinng moo

3、de. COSCCO Coontaiiner Trannsporrt Coo., LLtd. as tthe wworldds lleadiing iinteggrateed coontaiiner shipppingg serrvicee proovideers iin a plannned and orgaanizeed thhe immplemmentaationn of e-coommerrce, imprrove effiicienncy, reduuce pproduuctioon coosts, willl grreatlly prromotte thhe coompreehen

4、ssive comppetittivenness. In vieww of the COSCCO Coontaiiner Trannsporrt Deeveloopmennt Coo., LLtd., disscusssed tthe rrole of cconduuctinng e-busiinesss, COOSCO had a seet off e-ccommeerce straategyy SWOOT annalyssis oon hoow too carrry oout aa nummber of ee-commmercce too expploree.Key wwordss: e-

5、commmercee, COOSCONN, caase sstudiies, busiinesss-to-busiinesss marrketiing, SWOTT anaalysiis.摘要:随着着信息技术术的飞速发发展,因特特网得以广广泛应用和和日益完善善,冲击着着企业市场场营销管理理中的传统统观念和模模式,无论论是一般日日用消费品品,还是工工业原燃材材料等大宗宗商品,都都悄然走进进电子商务务。电子商商务正以不不可阻挡的的势头,改改变着经济济的利润模模式和运行行模式。中中远集装箱箱运输有限限公司作为为全球领先先的综合集集装箱航运运服务供应应商,有计计划有组织织地实施电电子商务,提提高工作效

6、效率,降低低生产成本本,将会极极大地促进进综合竞争争力的提高高。针对我我国中远集集装箱运输输有限公司司的发展现现状,论述述了开展电电子商务的的作用,进进行了中远集电电子商务战战略SWOOT分析,就如何开开展电子商商务进行一一些探讨。关键词:电电子商务,中远集运,案例分析,企业间营销,SWOT分析。目录TOC o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc218939432 1、Inttroduuctioon PAGEREF _Toc218939432 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939433 2、Casse Sttudy PAGEREF _Toc218939433

7、h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939434 2.1、EE-commmercce annd buusineess-tto-buusineess mmarkeetingg PAGEREF _Toc218939434 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939435 2.2、CCOSCOO-proofilee e-ccommeerce PAGEREF _Toc218939435 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939436 2.3、CCOSCOO sett of e-coommerrce sstrattegy SWOTT Anaalysiis PAGEREF

8、_Toc218939436 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939437 2.3.11、The advaantagges PAGEREF _Toc218939437 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939438 2.3.22、The disaadvanntagee PAGEREF _Toc218939438 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939439 2.3.33、Oppoortunnitiees PAGEREF _Toc218939439 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939440 2.3.44、The challlengge PA

9、GEREF _Toc218939440 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939441 3、Thee connclussion PAGEREF _Toc218939441 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939442 1、前言 PAGEREF _Toc218939442 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939443 2、案例分分析 PAGEREF _Toc218939443 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939444 2.1、电电子商务与与企业间营营销 PAGEREF _Toc218939444 h 10 HYPERLINK l _

10、Toc218939445 2.2、中中远集电子子商务概况况 PAGEREF _Toc218939445 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939446 2.3、中远集电电子商务战战略SWOOT分析 PAGEREF _Toc218939446 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939447 2.3.11、优势 PAGEREF _Toc218939447 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939448 2.3.22、劣势 PAGEREF _Toc218939448 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939449 2.3.33、机遇 PAGER

11、EF _Toc218939449 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939450 2.3.44、挑战 PAGEREF _Toc218939450 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939451 3、结论 PAGEREF _Toc218939451 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc218939443 参考文献141、InttroduuctioonCOSCOO Conntainner LLiness, reeferrred tto ass COSSCON,is aa leaadingg gloobal provviderr of inteegratted cc

12、ontaainerr shiippinng seervicces ssuppllierss, cuustommers arouund tthe wworldd. Ass of the end of 22007, COSSCON havee 1433 fulll-coontaiiner shipps wiith aa tottal sslot moree thaan 4330,0000 TEEUs; comppany operratess morre thhan 880 innternnatioonal routtes, and dozeens oof doomesttic rroutees.

13、SShip in tthe wworldd morre thhan 330 coountrries and regiions, morre thhan 1100 pportss linnked. Theeir bbusinness of gglobaal coontaiiner trannsporrtatiion hhave moree thaan 4000 aggentss andd braanchees inn thee worrld. In tthe llocall Chiinesee, thhey hhave nearrly 3300 ffreigght aagenccies. Out

14、tsidee, accrosss thee nettworkk in Euroope, Amerrica, Asiia, AAfricca, AAustrraliaa andd fivve coontinnentss, too do an aall-rroundd, alll-weeatheer bbarriier-ffree serrvicees.As Chhinas leeadinng loogisttics comppany, whiich wwas tto haave aa staable custtomerr basse annd glloball shiippinng neetwo

15、rrk, wwill havee thee rigght mmarkeetingg strrateggy too guiide iits ddevellopmeent oof thhe maarkett. Thhe loogisttics of tthis boomming induustryy in receent yyearss, a greaat pootenttial of tthe sserviice, how to ssell to ccustoomerss, coonducct maarkett devveloppmentt is alsoo verry woorthyy of

16、studdy. IIn addditiion, COSCCON hhas aa matture scieence and techhnoloogy aadvissory systtem aand ee-commmercce syystemms, tthrouugh tthe ccompaanyss gloobal e-coommerrce pplatfform and globbal eelecttroniic daata eexchaange centter, withh cusstomeers aand ssuppllierss to condduct busiinesss datta e

17、xxchannge, fulll shaaringg of infoormattion resoourcees. TThe ee-commmercce maarketting straategiies,iin paarticcularr ,deeservve ouur atttenttion.2、Casse Sttudy2.1、EE-commmercce annd buusineess-tto-buusineess mmarkeetinggBasedd on the acceeleraationn of globbalizzatioon, bbusinness has gonee beyyon

18、d the geoggraphhicall limmitattionss, whhich all of tthe iinforrmatiion ttranssmisssion betwween a suubsiddiaryy of a hiigherr demmand. Andd thee devveloppmentt of Inteernett tecchnollogy to eenablle ennterpprisees too synnchroonizee to updaate tthe vvarioous ddeparrtmennts, variious subssidiaariess

19、, inn ordder tto acchievve thhe shharinng off ressourcces, its favoorablle seeize the deveelopmment oppoortunnity, to seizze maarkett shaare. Thiss treend iis exxpectted tto ennterpprisees, bbut aalso to tthe eenterrprisse maarkett, prrovidding servvicess to busiinessses oof neew deemandds annd neew

20、 oppporttunitties. In ordeer too adaapt tto thhis ttrendd of deveelopmment of oour eenterrprisses tto maake ffull use of aadvannced meanns off e-ccommeerce markketinng thheir prodductss to provvide the bestt andd mosst appproppriatte seervicce too theeir ccustoomerss. The use of ee-bussinesss toools

21、 so tthat as aa proovideer off entterprrise can keepp abrreastt of channges in ccustoomer demaand, rapiid acccesss to infoormattion on pproduuct ddesiggn chhangees annd addjusttmentts off thee nottice, morre efffecttive deliiveryy of speccificcatioons aand ddelivvery of mmaterrialss thaat immprovve

22、thhe sppeed of ttranssactiions , Too redduce trannsacttion costts annd reeducee traansacctionn infformaationn inpput eerrorr proobabiilityy, thhe deefectt ratte onn firrst-hhand infoormattion.E-commmercce toools to hhelp enteerpriises in tthe ssupplly chhain to ccreatte thhe ulltimaate cconsuumer-or

23、ieentedd moddel, and diffferennt frrom tthe ppast willl onlly foocus on ttheirr suppply chaiin too thee nexxt liink, to aavoidd shoort-ssightted eenterrprisses aas a misssed oopporrtuniity tto inncreaase vvaluee-addded . It provvidess forr a rregullar ccustoomer and suppplierr of inteeracttive oppoo

24、rtunnitiees too hellp buusineess ccustoomerss witth thhe coonfiddencee-buiildinng annd maaintaaininng goood ccustoomer relaationns iss an impoortannt paart oof CRRM.2.2、CCOSCOO-proofilee e-ccommeerceWith the conttinuoous eexpannsionn of busiinesss, cuustommer CCOSCOON iss an urgeent nneed to pprovii

25、de aa morre effficiient conttaineer maanageementt, annd reeady acceess tto trranspportaationn-rellatedd gooods. In oorderr to adappt too thee intternaationnal ccarriiage of ggoodss by the deveelopmment,CCOSCOO Conntainner TTranssporttatioon inn thee bussinesss prrocesss onn thee bassis oof thhe appp

26、liccatioon off iriis-2 systtem ddesiggn annd deeveloopmennt, iincluudingg thee sysstem of iinterrnatiionall conntainner sshippping a coompleete mmeanss of trannsporrt. TThe ssysteem off proomotiion iin thhe woorld, willl bee to optiimizee thee mannagemment of ccontaainerr traanspoortattion, to provv

27、ide custtomerrs wiith mmore convvenieent, highh-quaalityy gloobal conttaineer trranspportaationn serrvicees.This new set of ee-commmercce byy makking the worllds leadding e-buusineess iinfraastruucturre prrovidder ssybasse deesignned uusingg thee sybbase the adapptivee serrver enteerpriise.rrepliica

28、tiion sserveer.oppen ccliennt annd jcconneect pproduucts and compponennts oof thhe tootal conttractt amoount of 22,8000,0000 U.SS. doollarrs, sseleccted grouup COOSCONN pieeces in tthe iiris-2 syystemm to provvide dataa colllecttion, stooragee, coonverrsionn, prrocesssingg andd commprehhensiive aana

29、lyysis. Thee conntracct siignedd to furtther streengthhen tthe ccompaany ssybasse trraffiic inn thee fieeld oof ennergyy inffluennce. Thiss is the secoond CChineese ccompaany ssybasse inn thee seccond quarrter of 22001 in tthe tteleccommuunicaationns inndusttry aafterr thee succcesss of the awarrd i

30、nn thee fieeld oof trranspport enerrgy tto crreatee anootherr briilliaant pperfoormannce.COSCOO Conntainner TTranssportt Commpanyy on the e-coommerrce pprogrram. Firsst off alll, inncludding the geneeral publlic oof e-commmercee feaaturees, ssubsccripttion inquuiriees annd shhippiing sschedduless, c

31、aargo tracckingg, shhip, inquuiry; follloweed byy thee webbsitee: Suubscrribe to sshippping scheedulees, bbookiing aassisstantts, eelecttroniic suuitcaase, one-up oon-liine, singgle-lline, lonng-diistannce bbillss of ladiing PPrintting, delliverry nootifiicatiion, custtomerr staatemeents, e-mmail no

32、tiificaationn, EDDI seervicces aand ootherr funnctioons. And eachh of the servvicess aree proovideed too faccilittate a beetterr unddersttandiing oof thhe cuustommer, and so bbe abble tto deemonsstratte thhat tthesee humman ddesiggn alllowss cusstomeers tto quuicklly annd acccuraatelyy, a closse unn

33、dersstandding of tthe ssite, andd to achiieve profficieency in aa shoort pperiood off timme. TThe ssucceessfuul coompleetionn of the insppectiion sshippping out ordeers, to ccompllete the trannsacttion, as welll as all the ordeers, suchh as afteer-saale ttrackking proccess. In addiitionn to thesse s

34、eervicces, in ee-commmercce innterfface can be aat thhe saame ttime thatt thee worrld bbodys reeal-ttime infoormattion. As welll as currrent newss eveents,ssimpllifieed Chhinesse innterfface as aa whoole, bothh Chiinesee andd Engglishh lannguagge suupporrt. PPage is ssimplle annd cllear visiion, hig

35、hh-speeed aand eefficcientt in ordeer too givve peeoplee a ssensee thaat thhis ddevellopmeent iis allso oone oof thhe puurposses oof e-commmercee bussinesss.2.3、CCOSCOO sett of e-coommerrce sstrattegy SWOTT Anaalysiis2.3.11、Thee advvantaages、Scaale aadvanntagees COSCOO hass a sset oof 1118 vaariouus

36、 tyypes of ccontaainerr shiips wwith a tootal slott morre thhan 2200,0000 TTEUs, is currrentlly opperatting 20 ttrunkk rouutes coveer thhe woorld, linnked moree thaan 1000 poorts in tthe CCOSCOO Shiippinng onn thee maiin foorm oof a cleaar coompettitivve addvanttage, thee currrentt Opeeratees moore

37、tthan 600 modeern mmerchhant vesssels, morre thhan 33500 milllion dwt, in receent yyearss, 3000,0000,0000 toons oof caargo, oceean rroutees cooveriing oover 160 counntriees annd reegionns, mmore thann 13000 poorts, thee sizze off thee dommestiic flleet rankked ffirstt in the worlld raankinng 2. COSS

38、CO aalso has hunddredss of overrseass ageenciees, ddistrributted iin ovver 550 coountrries and regiions, forrmed a coompreehenssive busiinesss nettworkk in the worlld, iis coommittted to pproviidingg cusstomeers wwith globbal sshippping and logiisticcs seervicces aalso provvide a wiide rrangee of sh

39、ipps annd caargo Agennts, shipp reppair, traade, finaance, IT and so oon a numbber oof inndusttriess.、thee advvantaages of ee-commmercce sttrateegy sett up earllier, as earlly trransiitionn to e-coommerrce. COSCCO Grroup is aa larrge sstatee-ownned eenterrprisses iin thhe fiirst fromm 19996 too 1999

40、7 foor thhe coompleetionn of the COSCCO EDDI annd EDDI ceenterr nettworkk. Cuurrenntly, COSSCO hhas bbeen achiievedd thrroughh thee EDII mannifesst off thee shiip maap, ccontrrol bbox, and otheer daata tto seend EEDI, elecctronnic ccommeerce has beenn wallkingg in the foreefronnt off thee dommestiic

41、 trranspport induustryy. Inn 19997, tthe CCOSCOO Grooup ffor ppeoplle a lot of mmoneyy andd mannpoweer innto CCOSCOO Gloobal Commmuniccatioons NNetwoork, and the web-baseed, tto buuild a neetworrk off COSSCO IInterrnet plattformm. Thhe pllatfoorm bbuiltt to prommote the worllds COSCCO Grouup E-Maail

42、 Centter. covveragge, tthe bbusinness is llargee. Thhe baasic EDI netwwork coveeringg morre thhan 550 doomesttic aand fforeiign ccargoo on behaalf oof smmall outllets for the reallizattion of tthe ccustooms aand pport EDI messsage exchhangee thrroughh EDII Cennter, Beiijingg achhieveed wiith tthe GG

43、EIS EDI centter oof thhe Innternnet, the COSCCO Grroup, Chiina UUnicoom ovverseeas rregioons公司司. Ass of Octoober 19999, COOSCO has beenn buiilt bby Beeijinng ass thee cennter, covverinng maainlaand CChinaa, Hoong KKong, Chiina, Singgaporre, JJapann, thhe Ammericcas, Euroope, Austtraliia annd otther

44、counntriees annd reegionns off thee e-mmail netwwork, COSSCO mmost of tthe bbusinness at hhome and abrooad hhave El ooftenn carrriedd outt by e-maail bbusinness. Thee connductt of busiinesss, brreak throough the tradditioonal servvice in tthe sslow, loww effficieency, heaavy wworklload, thee higgh e

45、rrror ratee, wiill ddirecct frreighht seervicce too thee cusstomeer deesk, so tthat custtomerrs caan appply for carggo leeavinng hoome EExporrt buusineess pproceess oof boookinng coommisssionned, the prodductiion oof doocumeents, infformaationn andd othher bbusinness proccedurres. So mmuch of tthe b

46、businness sidee in the comppetittion is bboundd to havee a ssigniificaant iimpacct annd crreatee morre oppporttunitties for the induustryy to win the starrtingg poiint. e-ccommeerce techhnoloogy. On tthe IInterrnet occuupiess an impoortannt poositiion, the comppany intrroducced tthe ppackaage oof on

47、nlinee marrketiing ssysteem haas taaken a viirtuaal onn-linne trranspport (E-TTranssportt) off thee embbryonnic fform of aa strrong two-way inteeracttive capaabiliitiess andd higgh effficiiencyy. Thhe ellectrronicc boookingg sysstem willl enaable everry usser oon-liine aat anny tiime aand aany rregi

48、oon caan diirectt acccess to hhomess COSSCO eelecttroniic boookinng syystemm, viia thhe Innternnet bbookiing wwith the comppany commmissiionedd to carrry ouut opperattionss. Trranspport and carggo trransiit syystemm inqquiriies rrefleect tthe cconveeniennt, ffast and accuuratee opeeratiion ccharaact

49、erristiics. Thiss feaaturee alllows custtomerrs too traack ccargoo dynnamicc, onn-linne innquirries at aany ttime trannsferr doccumennts, custtoms stattus, impoort, expoort aand ttranssit oof gooods to, and otheer reelevaant iinforrmatiion. Notiice oof innformmatioon syystemms inn thee shoortesst po

50、ossibble ttime COSCCO shhippiing-rrelatted aadjusstmennts, pricce chhangees annd soo on the Inteernett to publlish in aa timmely mannner. The succcessfful iimpleementtatioon off e-bbusinness, COSSCO hhas ggreattly eenhannced the markketinng off sciiencee andd tecchnollogy, devvelopp neww cusstomeer

51、baase bby grraduaally comee to focuus onn thee gloobal Inteernett. Att preesentt, CCOSCOO nett haas beeen bbuildding the sizee of a thhick, neaarly 20 CCOSCOO-ownned uunit of tthe cconsttructtion sitee hass beeen baasicaally comppleteed, tthe ssite has alsoo beeen assked to aachieeve aa linnk wiith

52、eeach otheer too forrm a nettworkk of COSCCO, the basiic frramewwork, reggardlless of OOr immage fromm thee buiilt-iin fuunctiions, thee COSSCO GGroupp hass beeen onn thee Intterneet too occcupy the posiitionn of radiiatioon too thee worrld oof COOSCO. Thiis hiigh-ttechnnologgy, iintellligeent oon-l

53、iine mmarkeetingg sysstemss, thhe trradittionaal ennterpprisee is the firsst inn morre thhan iin thhe emmergiing eelecttroniic buusineess ddoes not boasst soo manny. e-ccommeerce straategiies ffor tthe ffuturre deeveloopmennt off goood sttrateegy. COSCCO Deeveloopmennt off e-bbusinness straategyy ta

54、rrgetiing tthe gglobaal chhangees inn cusstomeer deemandd, a globbal iinteggrateed maarketting systtem ffor bbusinness plattformm to logiisticcs, iinforrmatiion fflow and busiinesss proocesss mannagemment plattformm forr thee reoorgannizattion to ccustoomer satiisfacctionn to builld a plattformm bas

55、sed oon thhe coonceppt off cullturee Inttelliigentt Intterneet teechnoologyy andd serrvicee fleexibiilityy, coompreehenssive and diveersiffied modees off traanspoort, enviironmment and the coorrdinaated deveelopmment of wweb-bbasedd inttegraated trannsporrt annd loogisttics systtem (E-Trranspport &

56、E-Logiisticcs). To mmeet the channgingg,needds off cusstomeers aarounnd thhe woorld as tthe ddriviing fforcee forr thee devveloppmentt of COSCCOs e-coommerrce pplatfform. Cappturee thee rappid gglobaal chhangees inn cusstomeer deemandd, COOSCO willl be the deveelopmment of eelecttroniic coommerrce f

57、focuss on all aspeects of tthis channge, so tthat COSCCO deeveloopmennt off e-ccommeerce comppaniees too creeate the bestt ressultss.2.3.22、Thee dissadvaantagge、COSSCO aas a statte-owwned enteerpriises are not in tthe ttrue sensse off thee entterprrise, beccausee it is nnot sstatee-ownned eenterrpri

58、sses iin orrder to mmaximmize proffit ttargeets ffor tthe bbest alloocatiion oof reesourrces, it shouuld nnot bbe asssumeed too beaar thhe ssociaal reesponnsibiilityy annd offten Homee to maxiimizee theeir pprofiits rregarrdlesss, aand wwill maxiimizee itss ownn leggitimmate inteerestts ass parrt of

59、f itss goaal, tthe cchairrman of tthe bboardd of statte-owwned enteerpriises is nnot tthe ttrue owneer off thee bussinesss annd thhereffore can not (or do) to tthe iinvesstorss (coountrries) to assuume tthe mmain, andd eveen A litttle bbit oof riisk. Desppite the emphhasiss on the natiionall govvern

60、mment and enteerpriises mustt be sepaarateed foor maany yyearss, buut thhe sttate-owneed ennterpprisees haave aalwayys beeen uunderr thee conntroll of goveernmeent iinterrventtion in tthe mmanaggemennt off peoople, so in ttodayys ccompeetitiive mmarkeet ecconommy, sstatee-ownned eenterrprisses iin c


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