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1、2021届高考英语3500词汇基础+提升练24含解析2021届高考英语3500词汇基础+提升练24含解析2021届高考英语3500词汇基础+提升练24含解析24-2021届高考英语3500词汇(基础练+提升练)基础练(夯实基础)一、单词拼写(根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词的完全形式)1。Dont you_(讨厌)it when somebody shows up at a party wearing the same dress as you?【答案】hate【句意】你难道不讨厌有人穿着和你一样的衣服出现在派对上吗?2.“The world is so attractive that I dec

2、ide to resign and have a look。 With this, she_(朝前进)for the door and left.【答案】headed【句意】“这个世界太吸引人了,以至于我想决定辞职去看看说着这话,她朝着门走去,离开了这里。3。With that information in _(手), I sought out Douglas Smith, director of the Center for Brain Injury and Repair at the University of Pennsylvania。【答案】hand【句意】由于有信息在手头,我找到了在

3、宾夕法尼亚大学的脑损伤与修复中心的主任道格拉斯史密斯.4.Loud music can do _(有害)to our ears, so when listening to a player, you shouldnt turn it up too high。【答案】harm【句意】声音大的音乐会伤害我们的耳朵,所以用播放器(听音乐)时,你不应该把它的声音调得过高.5.All the students were involved in a _(激烈的)debate on how to help those people who were suffering from COVID19。【答案】he

4、ated【句意】学生们围绕如何帮助感染了新型冠状病毒的患者展开了激烈的讨论。6。_(无论)the case it is, the investor always intends to create output, to increase productivity, and to make money.【答案】However【句意】无论情况如何,投资者总是倾向于创造产出,提高生产力,获得利润。7。Sorry to have_(伤害)you。-_。 You didnt mean to, did you?【答案】hurt【句意】“很抱歉伤害到了你。”“不必在意,你不是故意的,是吗?”8。It is

5、helpful for children to _(养成)a good habit by asking them to put away all the toys after they finish playing。【答案】form 【句意】让孩子们玩完后把所有的玩具都收起来,这有助于他们养成良好的习惯.9.Our school has an absolute advantage over others, for we have the most _(勤奋的)teachers andstudents.【答案】hardworking【句意】我们学校比其他学校有绝对的优势,因为我们有最勤奋的老师和

6、学生.10。He was tired of the urban life and h_ to move to the country, expecting a change in his current lifestyle.【答案】hope【句意】他厌倦了城市生活,希望搬到乡下去,以此给现在的生活方式一个改变。11。Nowadays students go to key universities just for a formal qualification, which may h_ them h_ for a good job in the future。【答案】help, hunt【句意

7、】如今很多学生上重点大学就是为了获得一个正式的资格,这可能会帮助他们未来找到一份好工作。12。He was h_ for his bravery in his fight with the robber. 【答案】honoured【句意】他因为在和抢劫犯的搏斗中的勇敢而受到表彰.13.I will undergo any h_ to master this art in the shortest time.【答案】hardship【句意】我愿意忍受任何的困难以在最短的时间内掌握这门艺术。14。I had to h_ up because someone else wanted to use t

8、he phone.【答案】hang 【句意】我不得不挂断电话,因为还有人要用(电话)。15。Itshardworkbutifyou h_ onyoullsucceedintheend. HYPERLINK ”javascript:void(0);” 【答案】hang【句意】这是件困难的工作,但如果你坚持不懈,最后你是会成功的.16。The voyage diaries were h_ down by his great grandfather, so their brothers have kept them as the apple of their eyes.【答案】handed【句意】那

9、份航海日记是他曾祖父传下来的,所以他们的兄弟把它们当作掌上明珠。17.The teacher was a little angry because the students didnt h_ in their exercise books on time。【答案】hand【句意】老师有点生气,因为学生们没有按时交作业本。18。You neednt have taken down everything I said! You can find it on this sheet Im h_ out.【答案】handing 【句意】你本不需要把我写的所有内容都记下来的。在我要发的纸上面你都能找到的。

10、19.It is certain that he will h_ over his business to his son when he gets old。【答案】hand【句意】他年老时,一定会把企业交给他儿子的。20.You can ask anyone for help。 Everyone here is willing to lend you a h_.【答案】hand【句意】你可以向任何人求助。这儿的每个人都愿意帮助你。二、单句语法填空(用所给单词的正确形式填空或填上恰当的单词)1。Each member of the community should acquire good h

11、abits and regulate their behavior in an attempt to create a _(harmony)atmosphere。【答案】harmonious【句意】为营造和谐的氛围,社会的每一个成员都应该养成好习惯并约束自己的行为。2.A killer whale at Sea World Orlando jumped out of its tank on Wednesday and fatally attacked a worker as _(horror)visitors looked on.【答案】horrified【句意】本周三,美国奥兰多海洋世界的一

12、头虎鲸突然从水池中跳出,将一名驯鲸员咬伤致死,让现场围观的游客惊恐不已。3.Approaching the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in _(high)。【答案】height【句意】接近市中心的时候,我们看到一个10米高的石头雕像。4。The search for _ is one of the chief sources of _.(happy)【答案】happiness, unhappiness【句意】寻求快乐是不快乐的主要根源之一。5.You feel lost, sick at heart before

13、 such unmasked _(hate), not so much because it threatens you as because it shows human in such an _(human)light。【答案】hatred, inhuman【句意】在这种赤裸裸的仇恨面前,你会感到失落、恶心,与其说是因为它威胁着你,还不如说它以非人性的角度来展现你。6。It was apparent from her face that she was really _(hope)and upset.【答案】hopeless【句意】很明显,她的面部表情说明她很绝望很心烦。7.Why was

14、 our foreign expert unhappy yesterday?News about the earthquake in Japan set off a feeling of _(homesick).【答案】homesickness【句意】“为什么我们的外国专家昨天不高兴?”“有关日本地震的消息引发了他的思乡之情。8.The event has not only increased public awareness of world _(hungry), but raised a lot of money for the poor children.【答案】hunger【句意】这一

15、活动不仅提高了公众对世界饥饿问题的意识,而且为贫困儿童筹集了大量资金。9。It is estimated that _(hope)about 0. 5 billion families will have used 5G terminals by 2025, when there is a sharp drop in price.【答案】hopefully【句意】据估计,到2025年,5G终端的价格将大幅下降,届时有望有约5亿家庭使用该终端。10。The emoticons come in _(hand)when we want to stop a conversation, sparing

16、us the embarrassment。【答案】handy【句意】当我们想要停止对话时,表情符号就派上用场了,这样我们就不用尴尬了.11.Her comments can only be _(hurt)to Mrs. Greens family. 【答案】hurtful【句意】她的话只会使格林夫人的家人感到伤心。 12。The industry has been working at developing _(harm)substitutes for these gases 【答案】harmless【句意】该行业一直在努力开发一些可以替代这些气体的无害物质. 13.On the other

17、hand, people will respect and think _(high)of you if you are honest。 【答案】highly【句意】另一方面,如果你诚实,人们会尊重你并给予你高度评价。14.The experts emphasized the importance of _ and cultural assets, and appealed to citizens to protect the _ buildings.(history) 【答案】historical, historic【句意】专家们强调了历史文化资产的重要性,呼吁市民保护历史建筑。15.She

18、 answered all my questions with her usual _(honest)。 【答案】honesty【句意】她像平常一样老老实实地回答了我的所有问题。三、单句改错(每句最多有两个错误,错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改)1。My hometown had changed so much that I could hard recognize it. 【答案】hard改成hardly【解析】hard意为“困难的,hardly意为“几乎不”,此处应是“几乎不,故将hard改成hardly。句意:我的家乡变化太大了,我几乎认不出来了. 2.How long do you

19、 eat fast food? Twice a week。【答案】long改成often【解析】how long对时间长短提问,与完成时连用;根据答语可知,问的是频率,对频率提问,用how often。句意:“你多久吃一次快餐?“一周(吃)两次。”3。Hardly has the summer vacation begun when I returned to my native town.【答案】has改成had【解析】hardlywhen表示“一就”,主句中要用过去完成时,从句要用一般过去时,故将has改成had。句意:暑假刚一开始,我就回到了家乡.4.Its reported that

20、a traffic accident was happened on the road this morning.【答案】删除was【解析】动词happen是不及物动词,没有被动形式,故删除was。句意:据报道,今天早晨在这条公路上发生了一起交通事故。5。But hardly had he got to the middle of the street while he saw a car suddenly appear on his right-hand side and come directly towards him.【答案】while改成when【解析】hardlywhen表示“一就

21、”,故将while改成when。句意:但当他刚走到路中央,他看见一辆车突然出现在右手边并直接向他冲来。6。On a cold evening, I happened to meeting him in a square.【答案】meeting改成meet【解析】happen to do sth。 意为“碰巧做某事”,故将meeting改成meet。句意:在一个寒冷的夜晚,我碰巧在一个广场上遇到了他。7。Also, some classmates seldom have breakfast。 Certainly, it will surely do the harm to their healt

22、hy。【答案】删除the, healthy改成health【解析】do harm to对有害,故删除the;形容词性物主代词后接名词,故将healthy改成health。句意:还有,有些同学很少吃早饭.当然,这肯定会损害他们的健康.8. A red balloon is floating highly up in the sky.【答案】highly改成high【解析】high的副词形式有两个:high和highly。high指具体的高;highly指抽象的高,故把highly改成high.句意:一个红色气球飘浮在高空中。9.I am only able to look at nature t

23、hrough dirty curtains hanged before very dusty windows。【答案】hanged改成hanging【解析】窗帘是挂在那,表示主动,故用hanging,再者过去分词hanged的意思为“绞死”,故将hanged改成hanging。句意:我只能透过挂在满是灰尘的窗户前的脏窗帘来观察大自然。10.As the moon rose highly in the sky, the village was lighted。【答案】highly改成high【解析】虽然high和highly都是副词,但是它们的意思不同,“ high”一般指具体的高度的“高”,而

24、“highly抽象的高度的“高”,一般译为 “非常,高水平地”此处是指具体的高度,不能用highly,故把highly改成high.句意:月亮在天空中高高地升起时,村庄被照亮了.11。They were horrifying at this unexpected robbery at the bank。【答案】horrifying改成horrified【解析】过去分词形容心理感受,而现在分词说明事物所具有的特征或是给他人的感觉,故将horrifying改成horrified。句意:他们对发生在银行的这起意外抢劫感到恐惧.12.I hate that he always tells a lie.

25、【答案】hate后面加it【解析】hate/like/dislike/love/appreciate等表示喜恶类的动词后面不能直接跟宾语从句,要跟it 做形式宾语。故在hate后面加it.句意:我讨厌他总是说谎.13。Im very sorry to have had you wait for so long.【答案】wait改成waiting【解析】在“have+宾语+doing sth.”句式中,have为使役动词“使,让”,doing表示“让正在做某事或一直做某事”,所以wait改成waiting。句意:我非常抱歉,让你等了这么长时间。14。The activity is meaning

26、ful because we now realize that human being should live in harmony of animals。【答案】being改成beings, of改成with【解析】human being是可数名词,这儿要用复数形式,故将being改成beings。in harmony with与和睦,与和谐。故把of改成with。句意:这项活动很有意义, 因为我们现在认识到人类应该与动物和谐相处。15。On my way home from school last Friday, I saw a little dog looking hopelessly

27、on the sidewalk。【答案】hopelessly改成hopeless【解析】句中的looking为“看起来之意,是系动词,后接形容词,故将hopelessly改成hopeless。句意:上星期五放学回家的路上,我看见一只小狗在人行道上看起来很绝望。16。Under my friends help, I finally found the solution to the problem。【答案】Under改成With【解析】with ones help在某人的帮助下,故将Under改成With。句意:在朋友的帮助下,我最终找到了问题的解决办法。17.When we felt hung

28、er, we went out and had lunch。 【答案】hunger改成hungry【解析】feel为连系动词,后面接形容词作表语,故将hunger改成hungry。句意:当我们感到饿了的时候,我们就出去吃午饭了。18。The teachers here are kind and helpfully.【答案】helpfully改成helpful【解析】跟kind并列,形容词作表语,故将helpfully改成helpful。句意:这里的老师和蔼可亲,乐于助人.19.There was a fire in the building, but thankfully no one was

29、 hurted.【答案】hurted改成hurt【解析】hurt的过去式还是hurt,故把hurted改成hurt.句意:大楼着火了,但是很庆幸,没有人受伤。20。He cant forgive him for not seeing his mother before she died。【答案】him改成himself【解析】此处表示“他自己”,所以him改成himself。句意:因为在他母亲去世之前,他没有见到他母亲最后一面,所以他不能原谅自己。21。My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest。【答案】honest改成hon

30、esty【解析】此处该用名词形式作表语。故将honest改成honesty。句意:我叔叔告诉我他成功的关键在于诚实.22.Mom has a fulltime job, but she has to do most of the houseworks.【答案】houseworks改成housework【解析】housework为不可数名词,没有复数形式。故将houseworks改成housework。句意:妈妈有一份全职工作,但还是要做绝大部分的家务。23.After lunch, we visited some old house and learned more about Chinese

31、 history. 【答案】house改成houses【解析】house是可数名词,some后面用houses.句意:我们参观了一些旧房子,了解了一些中国的文化。24。He visited a good many places of interest, but was always in hurry。【答案】in和hurry之间加a【解析】in a hurry匆忙,故在in和hurry之间加a。句意:他参观了许多名胜古迹,但总是匆匆忙忙的。25。Although warned of danger, tourists cant help take photos near the cliff 【答

32、案】take改成taking【解析】cant help doing sth。情不自禁/忍不住做某事,故将take改成taking .句意:尽管被警告有危险,但是游客们还是忍不住在悬崖附近拍照。提升练(对接高考)一、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.A couple of months ago, I was texting a friend in Australia during their widespread bushfires, begging her to come back to New York. “Its just no

33、t 1 ” I said. “You cant even breathe!”She simply replied, “No。 I need to bear witness (见证),” 2 the way her government poorly handled the problem, ignoring scientists 3 about global warming. Her need to “see was 4 in her deep love for her people and country.Now here I am, 5 my own city on “fire”。 A f

34、ire that should have taken no one by surprise. This isnt just about Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd or any black citizen。 This is about a 6 that exists within this country that makes our lives seemingly less valuable to the people in power who 7 most times, to be white.In all this good t

35、rouble, we cant keep looking away. We cant keep 8 。 If we dont bear witness to these moments of unfairness, they have the chance to 9 themselves。If were afraid and confused, thats 10 , because we are only human。 But on the other side of fear is 11 . On the other side of 12 is knowledge and power. Ma

36、ybe we are unsure what to do or really what we can do in this moment 13 there are so many confusing suggestions. But the only thing we 14 have to do is keep being our unique selves。Im Black。 My father, mother, brother, and everyone in between are Black. I 15 being Black. Friends and family from all

37、over have asked me to leave。 And I say no。I, too, need to bear witness.【语篇解读】本文是议论文。作者通过讲述澳大利亚大火时,朋友不愿意离开去外国,要见证政府的失职,谈到自己也处于相同的境地,对于政府的不公平对待,我们应该有所作为,真正做些什么,特别是要保持独特的自我.1。 A。 harmfulB。 importantC。 safeD。 handsome【答案】C【解析】A. harmful有害的;B. important重要的;C。 safe安全的;D。 handsome英俊的,相当大的,可观的,优厚的。根据下文“You

38、cant even breathe!可知,那里不安全。故选C.2. A. referring toB. cheering upC。 defending againstD. carrying on【答案】A【解析】A。 referring to提到;B. cheering up振作起来;C. defending against防御;D. carrying on继续。根据空后的the way her government poorly handled the problem可推断,朋友提到了政府处理问题的方式很差。故选A。3。 A。 limitsB。 warningsC. mannersD. wi

39、shes【答案】B【解析】A。 limits限制;B. warnings警告;C. manners文明;举止;D。 wishes愿望。科学家就全球变暖的给出警告。故选B。4. A. absorbedB. filledC。 rootedD。 buried【答案】C【解析】A。 absorbed吸收;B. filled充满;装满;C. rooted使生根;D。 buried埋葬.根据 her deep love for her people and country.可知,朋友想要见证事实,是因为她对于国家和人民的爱。be rooted in“根植于”,符合语境。故选C.5. A。 settingB

40、. puttingC。 makingD. watching【答案】D【解析】A。 setting设置;B. putting放置;C. making使;让;D。 watching观看。根据上文“Now here I am” 可知,我现在和朋友的处境一样,也是看着自己的城市在“火”上.故选D。6。 A。 supportB. statementC. scheduleD. system【答案】D【解析】A. support支持;B。 statement 陈述;C。 schedule计划;D。 system系统。根据下文that exists within this country that makes

41、 our lives seemingly less valuable to the people in power可知,这是一种国家体系。故选D。7。 A. happenB。 promiseC. hopeD. intend【答案】A【解析】A. happen碰巧;发生;B。 promise诺言;许诺;C。 hope希望;D. intend打算。根据下文most times, to be white可知,大多数时候碰巧是白人的当权者.故选A。8. A. aliveB. balancedC。 silentD. bored【答案】C【解析】A。 alive活的;B. balanced平衡的;C。 s

42、ilent沉默的;D. bored枯燥的。根据上文we cant keep looking away.可知,我们不能视而不见,不能保持沉默。故选C。9. A. hurtB。 repeatC。 beatD。 win【答案】B【解析】A. hurt伤害;B. repeat重复;C. beat打败;D。 win赢得。根据条件状语从句推断,如果我们不举证这些不公平时刻,他们就有机会再次复制,“重复自己”表示再次做出这样的事情。故选B。10。 A. unbelievableB. enjoyableC. reliableD。 understandable【答案】D【解析】A. unbelievable难以

43、置信的;B. enjoyable愉快的;C。 reliable可靠的;D. understandable可理解的。根据下文because we are only human可知,因为我们只是人,因此我们害怕和困惑是可理解的.故选D。11. A。 hardshipB。 braveryC. unhappinessD. sadness【答案】B【解析】A。 hardship困难,苦头,辛酸;B. bravery勇敢;C. unhappiness不快乐,不幸福;D. sadness悲哀.根据常识可知,恐惧与勇敢相对。故选B。12. A。 confusionB. foolC. lossD. news【答

44、案】A【解析】A。 confusion困惑;B. fool傻瓜;C。 loss损失;D。 news新闻。上文提到了fear,与afraid同义,因此推断此处阐述confusion“困惑。故选A。13. A。 whenB. whereC. whatD. that【答案】A【解析】空格处引导定语从句,先行词是this moment,从句中作时间状语,引导定语从句用关系副词when.故选A.14. A. nearlyB。 gentlyC。 hardlyD。 truly【答案】D【解析】A. nearly几乎;B. gently温和地;C. hardly几乎不;D. truly真正。根据下文keep

45、being our unique selves可推断,这是我们真正必须做的事情。故选D。15。 A. regretB. avoidC. loveD。 hate 【答案】C【解析】A. regret遗憾;B。 avoid避免;C. love爱;D. hate恨,不喜欢。根据下文Friends and family from all over have asked me to leave。 And I say no。可推断,作者对于自己是黑人的身份认同.故选C.二、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Chinas educational and health a

46、uthorities have banned convenience stores in all kindergartens, primary, middle and high schools across the country。 The regulation took effect on April 1.The campus convenience store is a place 1 many students enjoy a snack and a chat。 But it will soon become a thing of the past. It requires that a

47、dministrators should keep record of each meal and solve any food problems as soon as possible。 Parents can also eat with students at school canteens and give 2 (suggest)to the school on food safety and nutrition。 The regulation raised 3 (heat)debates。Many students were sad about the ban。 They said t

48、he campus life would be less interesting 4 convenience stores, and they wouldnt be able to have different flavored drinks or desserts. 5 , many parents expressed support for the regulation。 The father surnamed Fang said, “cheap, lowquality snacks sold at these stores are 6 (harm)to childrens health

49、,and students rush to shops to buy snacks as soon as a class is over, which affects the normal teaching order” 。The move comes among food health concerns at public schools and 7 (design)to meet the nutritional needs of students。 The regulation also requires schools 8 (monitor)students who may be obe

50、se, and intervene(干预)to make sure they follow a healthy diet。 And in fact many foreign countries have their own ways to make students eat 9 (healthy)。 For example, many parents in Australia volunteer in schools, sometimes in canteens, do their best to see that 10 (they)children are served nutritious

51、 food。 In Japan, there is “food and nutrition education”。 This helps children acquire “a sense of gratitude” and “appreciate foods and social manners。”【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文.文章主要讲了中国的教育和卫生部门已经禁止在全国所有幼儿园、小学、初中和高中开设便利店.该规定于4月1日生效。1.【答案】where【解析】考查定语从句。many students enjoy a snack and a chat.是一个定语从句,先行词是a place,

52、关系词在从句中作地点状语,所以用关系副词where。2。【答案】suggestions【解析】考查词性转换(名词)。该空作give的宾语,用名词,文中“向学校提出建议”是复数意义,用名词复数,所以填suggestions。句意:家长也可以和学生一起在学校食堂吃饭,并就食品安全和营养问题向学校提出建议。3。【答案】heated【解析】考查词性整合(过去分词转换而来的形容词)。heated debate激烈的争论。句意:该条例引起了激烈的争论。4。【答案】without【解析】考查介词。句意:他们说,如果没有便利店,校园生活将会变得不那么有趣,他们将无法拥有不同口味的饮料或甜点.文中表示“没有,所

53、以填without。5。【答案】However【解析】考查副词。上下文存在逻辑上的转折关系,所以填However。句意:然而,许多家长表示支持这项规定。6.【答案】harmful【解析】考查词性转换(形容词).该空作are之后的表语,用形容词,所以填harmful。句意:这些商店出售的便宜、劣质的零食对孩子们的健康有害,学生们一下课就冲到商店买零食,影响了正常的教学秩序。7。【答案】is designed【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。描述主语现在的状态,用一般现在时,The move和design之间是被动关系,用被动语态,所以填is designed。句意:这一举措是出于对公立学校食品健康的担忧,旨在满足学生的营养需求。8.【答案】to monitor【解析】考查非谓语动词。require sb。 to do sth.要求某人做某事,所以填to monitor。句意:该规定还要求学校监控可能肥胖的学生,并进行干预,确保他们遵循健康的饮食习惯。9。【答案】healthily【解析】考查词性转换(形容词)。用形容词作动词make 宾语的补足语,所以填h


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