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1、2021届高考英语二轮复习话题专项复习十含解析2021届高考英语二轮复习话题专项复习十含解析2021届高考英语二轮复习话题专项复习十含解析2021高考英语话题专项复习(十)目录内容Part 1话题相关词汇Part 2话题相关短语Part 3话题相关句式Part 4话题相关写作Part 5话题相关阅读学生默写版一:相关词汇1 n。冒险;奇遇2 n。娱乐3 n.运动员4 adj.健壮的;运动的5 n.听众;观众6 n.奖品;奖;vt。授予;给予7 n。气球8 vt.取消9 n。蜡烛10 vt. vi.提供饮食及服务11 n.庆祝;庆祝会12 n.典礼;仪式;礼节13 圣诞节14 n.冠军15 n.

2、锦标赛16 v。& n欢呼,喝彩17 vi.比赛;竞争18 n。音乐会19 n。标准;准则20 n。勇气;胆略21 vt。装饰,修饰22 n。装饰品23 vt。击败;战胜24 n。导演25 n.复活节26 n。事件;大事27 n.盛宴,宴会;(宗教的)节日28 n.节日;庆祝活动29 n。焰火;(pl。)烟火30 r n。鞭炮31 n.火焰;光辉32 v。搜集;集合;聚集33 n.(亲友等的)聚会34 .万圣节前夕35 n.邀请;请柬36 n。灯笼;提灯37 n.记号;标志;v.标志;做记号于38 n.群众;民众;大量;adj。民众的;大规模的39 vt。使相配,使成对;n。比赛,竞赛;火柴4

3、0 n.奖牌41 adj.国家的;民族的;全国性的42 vi.参加;参与43 adj.完美的,极好的44 n.许可;允许二:相关短语1)1 发生,举行2 (节日)落在,适逢3 农历4 为了纪念;追念5 歌颂6 为了庆祝7 打扮成8 聚会9 家庭团聚10 赏月11 团圆的象征12 点灯笼13 世界睡眠日(3月21日)14 世界水日(3月22日)15。 纪念 16. 为纪念,向表示敬意 17. 三天的假期 18. 追溯到 19。 遵守风俗 20. 应该做某事 21.化装打扮/装扮成美猴王 22.用彩色灯装饰圣诞树 23。去度假 24.庆祝节日 25.祝贺某人 26。 放烟花 27。 表演节目 28

4、。 走亲访友 29. 给小孩压岁钱 30。 开某人的玩笑 31.对某人表示尊敬 32.举行龙舟赛 33。吃粽子 V34。观看升国旗 V35.和某人玩得开心 (2)1. 出席仪式2. 在度假3. 庆祝周年纪念4。 l庆祝节日5。 平安夜6。 圣诞树7。 追溯到8. 日夜,昼夜,整天9。 烟火表演10. 龙舟11。 穿上盛装;打扮,装饰12。 交换礼物13。 n节日、生日等)正当;适逢14。 家人团圆15。 为了纪念;向表示敬意16。 为纪念17. t期望,期待,盼望18. 在特殊场合19. 某人的玩笑20. 南瓜灯21。 发生22。 开幕式23. 直到现在中国节日(1) 春节(2) 端午节(3)

5、 中秋节(4) 元旦(5) 国庆节(6) 五一劳动节(7) 教师节(8) 儿童节(9) 妇女节(10) 清明节(11) 重阳节(12) 元宵节三:相关句式 人们认为月亮是团圆、运气和财富的象征。2 另外,在节日期间,我们不仅应当花时间和家人在一起,而且这些节日也提醒人们平时要多陪伴家人。3 我个人认为,西方的节日是浪漫的和刺激的。4 就我而言,比起西方节日,我更加喜欢中国的传统节日.5 随着母亲节的临近,我们决定举办一场家庭晚会来庆祝这个重要的日子.6 我们的班长王华给李老师献上了准备好的花,同时一些女生为李老师唱歌。7. 在新年的前夕,每个家庭的成员团聚在一起,吃团圆饭。8。 饭后他们看电视

6、一直看到12点。9. 然而,大多数中国人不完全像外国人那样庆祝这个节日。10。 国庆节快到了。11。 今年国庆节是星期一。12. 我们举行舞会来庆祝新年。四:相关写作.假定你是李华,你的班级决定组织同学们5月30日端午节(the Dragon Boat Festival)一起骑自行车去西湖观看龙舟比赛。请你给外教Mr。Smith写一封邮件,邀请他上午8:00在学校门口集合,一同前往,感受中国的传统文化.注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 五:相关阅读AThe ruins of a huge Maya city have been discovered in Guate

7、mala with the help of the remote sensing technique LiDAR,according to the National Geographic on Thursday。This breakthrough was possible thanks to LiDAR sensors,which can survey landscapes in 3D by bouncing laser pulses(激光脉冲) off the ground from unmanned air vehicles and others。LiDAR is exceptionall

8、y useful for detecting archeological sites,as it gets through jungles and other features that hold up exploration on the ground。The technique has been the activator(催化剂)of many discoveries in recent years.For instance,major finds at Angkor,Cambodia and Caracol,Belize can explain what it did.This lar

9、ge lost city envelops sites like Tikal,Holmul,and Witzna-known for their temples and pyramids-but shows that these famous heritage areas are the tip of the iceberg of this lost urban network.Hidden under the jungles of the Maya Biosphere Reserve,more than 60,000 human-made featureshomes,canals,highw

10、ays,some of which can even reach the modernized standard-have been identified by an international cooperation of researchers headed by the PACUNAM Foundation,a Maya cultural and natural heritage organization.Those have experts rethinking the outlines and complexity of the Maya empire.These ancient p

11、eople obviously established these imaginative cultures based on their known relics,but the new research has shown that the scale of this lost society is far beyond what experts had imagined。The findings will be explored in an hourlong documentary called “Lost Treasures of the Maya Snake Kings,” prem

12、iering(首映) Tuesday,February 6 on the National Geographic Channel。“There are entire cities we didnt know about now showing up in the survey data,” said Francisco Belli,one of the lead archeologists on the project。“There are 20,000 square kilometres more to be explored and there are going to be hundre

13、ds of cities there that we dont know about,and we will push the frontiers, he added.1.How does the author stress the importance of LiDAR sensors?A.By giving examples.B.By making a comparison.C。By doing researches。D。By listing an exception。2。What does the underlined word “Those” in Paragraph 4 refer

14、to?A。The jungles of the Reserve.B.The manmade projects of the Reserve。C。The outlines of the Maya empire。D。The researches of the organization。3。Which of the following words can best describe the Maya empire?A。Enormous and controversial。B。Imaginative and aggressive。C.Famous and dangerous。D。Vast and ad

15、vanced。4。What do archeologists hope to do next?A。They plan to restudy the history of Maya。B。They will use the LiDAR sensors as usual.C。They will continue to explore the unknown.D。They plan to study the documentary carefully。BFrance has the most beautiful castles throughout Europe。Here are some of th

16、e best French castles to visit.Youll surely want to visit one of them during your travels in France。Have a look and enjoy!Chteau de VersaillesThe Chteau de Versailles is about 20 kms southwest of Paris。When the castle was built,Versailles was a small village。Today,however,it is a famous area in Pari

17、s。The castle was built as a small hunting lodge (乡间小屋) for Louis in the 1620s.Years later,he made it bigger.Later,Louis also made it larger,making it one of the largest palaces of the world。Chteau de ChambordThe Chteau de Chambord is one of the largest castles around the world。It sits in the Loire V

18、alley。Being at the heart of Europes largest enclosed wooded park,Chambord,it was built for King Francis to serve as a hunting lodge.It is one of the worlds most wellknown castles in the world because of its French Renaissance (文艺复兴) building。Chteau de ChenonceauAs one of the most famous castles in t

19、he Loire Valley,the castle was built during the 11th century on the River Cher。It was passed through many hands。The castle was not destroyed during the French Revolution because it was the only bridge across the river for many miles。Chteau de ChantillyThis historic castle sits in the town of Chantil

20、ly,France。This beautiful castle is made up of two buildings:the Petit Chteau built around 1560 for Anne de Montmorency,and the Grand Chteau which was destroyed during the French Revolution and rebuilt in the 1870s。There are many interesting pieces of 17th century history concerning the castle.Every

21、two years a fireworks competition is held in the castle gardens.5.What do we know about the Chteau de Versailles?A。It sits in a small village.B。It serves as a hunting place.C.It was first built for Louis 。D.It was the largest castle in the 1620s。6.What makes the Chteau de Chambord special?A.Its long

22、 history.B.Its building style。C。Its wealthy owner。D。Its important position。7.Why did the Chteau de Chenonceau manage to get through the French Revolution?A。It was far from Paris.B。It hid in the Loire Valley。C.It played a very important role.D。It was built by a famous French king。8。Which castle has a

23、 fireworks show every two years?A.The Chteau de Versailles.B.The Chteau de Chantilly。C。The Chteau de Chambord。D。The Chteau de Chenonceau.CMy son was ten at the time and we were on a late night family car trip to Cleveland for the gettogether the next day。I was taking my 1 at the wheel while my husba

24、nd and my little daughter 2.My son,full of energy,was wide awake in the back seat.I 3 to stay awake,too,and I didnt want to 4 the radio,so I asked him to talk to me to help keep me 5。“Sure,Mom,” he said,“what do you want to 6?” I told him Id talk about anything he wanted to talk 7。“How about frogs?”

25、 he asked。I said that would be 8,and for the next hour or so we talked about the 9 between frogs and toads (蟾蜍),and 10 basketball and soccer.He was quite 11 when we talked about Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and how they got to be so famous.Now and then he would 12,but wed continue to talk as I

26、 drove down the 13 road。About an hour and a half later,when I finally14,the bright lights woke everyone,and the magic of our discussion 15。But I knew I had taken the first step toward changing a bad listening habit with someone I love very much.1.A。offerB。step C。placeD.turn2.A.learnedB.ate C.exercis

27、edD.slept3。A.failedB.needed C。refusedD。agreed4.A.moveB.take C。play D.touch5.A.patientB。pleased C.awakeD.strong6.A。discussB.do C.proveD。say7.A。toB。for C.with D。about8.A.luckyB。fine C.simpleD。dangerous9.A。studiesB。rules C.differencesD.competitions10。A.tasksB。sports C.showsD.programs11。A。interestedB.su

28、rprised C.angryD.sorry12.A.stayB。stop C.watchD。leave13。A.darkB.main C。wideD.beautiful14.A.passedB.followed C。finishedD。arrived15.A。workedB。continued C.disappearedD.changed2021高考英语话题专项复习(十)教师版一:相关词汇1adventure n。冒险;奇遇2amusement n。娱乐3athlete n。运动员4athletic adj。健壮的;运动的5audience n。听众;观众6award n.奖品;奖;vt.授

29、予;给予7balloon n。气球8cancel vt。取消9candle n。蜡烛10cater vt。 vi.提供饮食及服务11celebration n.庆祝;庆祝会12ceremony n.典礼;仪式;礼节13Christmas 圣诞节14champion n。冠军15championship n.锦标赛16cheer v。& n欢呼,喝彩17compete vi.比赛;竞争18concert n.音乐会19criterion n.标准;准则20courage n。勇气;胆略21decorate vt.装饰,修饰22decoration n。装饰品23defeat vt.击败;战胜24

30、director n.导演25Easter n.复活节26event n.事件;大事27feast n。盛宴,宴会;(宗教的)节日28festival n.节日;庆祝活动29firework n.焰火;(pl。)烟火30firecracker n.鞭炮31flame n。火焰;光辉32gather v。搜集;集合;聚集33get together n.(亲友等的)聚会34Halloween.万圣节前夕35invitation n。邀请;请柬36lantern n.灯笼;提灯37mark n。记号;标志;v.标志;做记号于38mass n.群众;民众;大量;adj。民众的;大规模的39match

31、 vt。使相配,使成对;n.比赛,竞赛;火柴40medal n.奖牌41national adj。国家的;民族的;全国性的42participate vi。参加;参与43perfect adj。完美的,极好的44permission n.许可;允许二:相关短语1)1take place发生,举行2fall on (节日)落在,适逢3lunar calendar 农历4in memory of in honor of 为了纪念;追念5in praise of 歌颂6in celebration of 为了庆祝7dress up as 打扮成8get together 聚会9family reun

32、ion 家庭团聚10enjoy the full moon 赏月11a symbol of reunion 团圆的象征12light the lantern 点灯笼13World Sleep Day 世界睡眠日(3月21日)14World Water Day 世界水日(3月22日)15。 纪念 in memory of16. 为纪念,向表示敬意 in honour of17. 三天的假期 a three-day vacation18。 追溯到 date back to; date from19. 遵守风俗 observe the customs20. 应该做某事 be supposed to

33、do sth21.化装打扮/装扮成美猴王 dress up/dress up as Monkey King22。用彩色灯装饰圣诞树 decorate a Christmas tree with coloured lights23。去度假 go on holiday/take a vacation24.庆祝节日 celebrate the festival25。祝贺某人 congratulate (sb) on sth26. 放烟花 set off fireworks27。 表演节目 put on performances28。 走亲访友 visit relatives and friends2

34、9. 给小孩压岁钱 give children lucky money 30。 开某人的玩笑 play a joke on sb make fun of sb31。对某人表示尊敬 show respect for sb32。举行龙舟赛 hold dragon boat races33.吃粽子 eat zongzi34。观看升国旗 watch the national flag go up35.和某人玩得开心 have fun with sb (2)1。attend a ceremony出席仪式2。be on holiday/vacation在度假3。celebrate an anniversa

35、ry庆祝周年纪念4.celebrate the festival庆祝节日5。Christmas Eve平安夜6。Christmas tree圣诞树7.date back t追溯到8.day and nigh日夜,昼夜,整天9.display of firework烟火表演10。dragon boat龙舟11。dress up穿上盛装;打扮,装饰12。exchange gifts交换礼物13。fall on/upon节日、生日等)正当;适逢14.family reunion家人团圆15.in honour o为了纪念;向表示敬意16.in memory of/in honor 为纪念17.loo

36、k forward t期望,期待,盼望18。on special occasion在特殊场合19。play a joke/jokes on sb./make fun of某人的玩笑20。pumpkin lamp南瓜灯21。take place发生22。the opening ceremony开幕式23。up to now 直到现在中国节日(1) The Spring Festival 春节(2) The Dragon Boat Festival 端午节(3) The Midautumn Festival 中秋节(4) New Years Day 元旦(5) National Day 国庆节(6

37、) International Labor Day 五一劳动节(7) Teachers Day 教师节(8) Childrens Day 儿童节(9) Womens Day 妇女节(10) Tomb-sweeping Day 清明节(11) The Double Ninth Festival 重阳节(12) The Lantern Festival 元宵节三:相关句式1Its believed that the moon is a symbol of reunion, luck and fortune.人们认为月亮是团圆、运气和财富的象征。2In addition, not only shou

38、ld we spend some time with our family during festivals but it is these festivals that remind us to have more time with our family。另外,在节日期间,我们不仅应当花时间和家人在一起,而且这些节日也提醒人们平时要多陪伴家人。3Personally,I think the western festivals are romantic and exciting。我个人认为,西方的节日是浪漫的和刺激的.4From my perspective, I prefer the tr

39、aditional Chinese festivals to western festivals.就我而言,比起西方节日,我更加喜欢中国的传统节日。5With Mothers Day approaching, we decided to hold a family party to celebrate the important day.随着母亲节的临近,我们决定举办一场家庭晚会来庆祝这个重要的日子。6Wang Hua, our monitor, presented Ms Li with the prepared flowers while some girls sang songs for

40、her.我们的班长王华给李老师献上了准备好的花,同时一些女生为李老师唱歌。7.On the eve of the New Year , each family has its members gather together and eats a family reunion dinner。在新年的前夕,每个家庭的成员团聚在一起,吃团圆饭。8.After the meal they watch TV until the clock strikes twelve.饭后他们看电视一直看到12点.9。However , most of Chinese don t celebrate it exactl

41、y as foreigners do。然而,大多数中国人不完全像外国人那样庆祝这个节日。10。National Day is coming。 国庆节快到了。11.National Day falls on Monday this year.今年国庆节是星期一。12。We celebrated the New Year with a dance party。 我们举行舞会来庆祝新年。四:相关写作.假定你是李华,你的班级决定组织同学们5月30日端午节(the Dragon Boat Festival)一起骑自行车去西湖观看龙舟比赛。请你给外教Mr。Smith写一封邮件,邀请他上午8:00在学校门口

42、集合,一同前往,感受中国的传统文化.注意:1。词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Mr。Smith,How is everything?Our class is planning to cycle the West Lake to watch the dragon boat race on May 30, when the Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated nationwide.Well gather at our school gate at 8 am. Id like to invite you to go with us an

43、d experience this unique Chinese culture。The dragon boat race, originally held in memory of the great poet Qu Yuan, has now become a common practice and developed into a sport. Im sure it will be exciting and enjoyable。 Your presence will certainly add to our pleasure.Do come and have fun。 Looking f

44、orward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua五:相关阅读AThe ruins of a huge Maya city have been discovered in Guatemala with the help of the remote sensing technique LiDAR,according to the National Geographic on Thursday.This breakthrough was possible thanks to LiDAR sensors,which can survey landscapes in 3

45、D by bouncing laser pulses(激光脉冲) off the ground from unmanned air vehicles and others.LiDAR is exceptionally useful for detecting archeological sites,as it gets through jungles and other features that hold up exploration on the ground。The technique has been the activator(催化剂)of many discoveries in r

46、ecent years。For instance,major finds at Angkor,Cambodia and Caracol,Belize can explain what it did。This large lost city envelops sites like Tikal,Holmul,and Witznaknown for their temples and pyramids-but shows that these famous heritage areas are the tip of the iceberg of this lost urban network.Hid

47、den under the jungles of the Maya Biosphere Reserve,more than 60,000 human-made features-homes,canals,highways,some of which can even reach the modernized standardhave been identified by an international cooperation of researchers headed by the PACUNAM Foundation,a Maya cultural and natural heritage

48、 organization.Those have experts rethinking the outlines and complexity of the Maya empire。These ancient people obviously established these imaginative cultures based on their known relics,but the new research has shown that the scale of this lost society is far beyond what experts had imagined.The

49、findings will be explored in an hour-long documentary called “Lost Treasures of the Maya Snake Kings,” premiering(首映) Tuesday,February 6 on the National Geographic Channel.“There are entire cities we didnt know about now showing up in the survey data, said Francisco Belli,one of the lead archeologis

50、ts on the project.“There are 20,000 square kilometres more to be explored and there are going to be hundreds of cities there that we dont know about,and we will push the frontiers,” he added。1。How does the author stress the importance of LiDAR sensors?A。By giving examples。B。By making a comparison。C。

51、By doing researches.D.By listing an exception.2。What does the underlined word “Those” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A。The jungles of the Reserve.B.The man-made projects of the Reserve。C.The outlines of the Maya empire。D.The researches of the organization。3.Which of the following words can best describe th

52、e Maya empire?A。Enormous and controversial.B。Imaginative and aggressive.C.Famous and dangerous.D。Vast and advanced.4.What do archeologists hope to do next?A.They plan to restudy the history of Maya。B。They will use the LiDAR sensors as usual.C。They will continue to explore the unknown。D.They plan to

53、study the documentary carefully.BFrance has the most beautiful castles throughout Europe.Here are some of the best French castles to visit。Youll surely want to visit one of them during your travels in France.Have a look and enjoy!Chteau de VersaillesThe Chteau de Versailles is about 20 kms southwest

54、 of Paris.When the castle was built,Versailles was a small village。Today,however,it is a famous area in Paris。The castle was built as a small hunting lodge (乡间小屋) for Louis in the 1620s。Years later,he made it bigger。Later,Louis also made it larger,making it one of the largest palaces of the world。Ch

55、teau de ChambordThe Chteau de Chambord is one of the largest castles around the world。It sits in the Loire Valley。Being at the heart of Europes largest enclosed wooded park,Chambord,it was built for King Francis to serve as a hunting lodge。It is one of the worlds most wellknown castles in the world

56、because of its French Renaissance (文艺复兴) building。Chteau de ChenonceauAs one of the most famous castles in the Loire Valley,the castle was built during the 11th century on the River Cher。It was passed through many hands。The castle was not destroyed during the French Revolution because it was the onl

57、y bridge across the river for many miles.Chteau de ChantillyThis historic castle sits in the town of Chantilly,France.This beautiful castle is made up of two buildings:the Petit Chteau built around 1560 for Anne de Montmorency,and the Grand Chteau which was destroyed during the French Revolution and

58、 rebuilt in the 1870s。There are many interesting pieces of 17th century history concerning the castle.Every two years a fireworks competition is held in the castle gardens。5。What do we know about the Chteau de Versailles?A.It sits in a small village.B.It serves as a hunting place.C。It was first buil

59、t for Louis 。D。It was the largest castle in the 1620s。6。What makes the Chteau de Chambord special?A。Its long history。B.Its building style。C。Its wealthy owner。D。Its important position.7。Why did the Chteau de Chenonceau manage to get through the French Revolution?A。It was far from Paris。B。It hid in th

60、e Loire Valley。C.It played a very important role。D.It was built by a famous French king。8。Which castle has a fireworks show every two years?A。The Chteau de Versailles.B.The Chteau de Chantilly。C.The Chteau de Chambord。D.The Chteau de Chenonceau。CMy son was ten at the time and we were on a late night


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