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1、2020-2021 学年高二英语人教版选修 7 随堂检测Unit 1 单元综合1.Youd better not get_(恼怒的) at his ignorance.2.During his a_, another teacher took his place.3. Im afraid itll be very hard for you to a_ this story for children.4._(approach) the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.5.Peopl

2、e probably cooked their food in large pots,_(use) twigs(树枝) to remove it. 6.This new film is said to be_(adapt) from a novel by Jane Austen.7.汤姆已经退出了高尔夫球俱乐部。Tom has _ _ _ of the golf club.8.全世界 11 亿人喝不到干净的饮用水。Across the world, 1.1 billion people _ _ _ _ clean drinking water.9.In a recent interview,

3、Lisa Feldman Barrett, Professor of Psychology at NortheasternUniversity, offered some advice to older people to help them keep their cognitive(认知)skills as finely tuned as possible.Challenge yourself on a regular basis, she urged, but dont just do so casually. Study any newtopic hard, until you feel

4、 tired and frustrated. This level of effort, she added, is associated withincreases in the ease of communication within the brain and, as a result, cognitive skills will be improved.Her advice is based on a study of superagers, individuals of 65 years or older, whosecognitive skills are as acute as

5、the average 25-year-olds. Lisa believes that what sets superagersapart is their ability to use the unpleasant feelings they experience when challenging themselves as a signal to keep going, rather than as a warning to stop and rest.While she provides convincing data to prove how cognitively young th

6、ese superagers are, Im not sure her conclusion about why this is so gives the whole picture.Are superagers simply those who ignore, or even welcome, the pain and frustration thatcomes with intense mental effort? Or is there some other reason why they spend so much time andeffort challenging themselv

7、es?This is important, because if the only way to maintain youthful cognitive skills is to exposeourselves regularly to pain and frustration, it doesnt make old age look particularly inviting.Contrary to her opinion, I think enjoyable is the key. If what youre doing is enjoyable,youre more likely to

8、keep working hard at it-probably without even noticing any discomfort.Making yourself work until youre exhausted and frustrated holds little appeal. On the otherhand, finding an activity you love so much that you dont even notice when youre pushing yourself hard seems a far more attractive way to ke

9、ep your brain active as you grow older.1.What does Lisa advise older people to do?A.Work on in spite of feeling bored.B.Push themselves hard in new fields.C.Relax by communicating with others.D.Challenge each other on a regular basis.2.What matters in keeping the superagers sharp according to Lisa?A

10、.They can respond to warnings in time.B.They have the ability to adjust flexibly.C.They regard pains in study as driving power.D.They can make use of disadvantages in work.3.What does the author doubt?A.The data that the study provides.B.The conclusion that superagers are acute.C.The idea that cogni

11、tive skills can be improved.D.The reason for superagers keeping brains active.4.What does the author agree with?A.Unpleasant feelings do harm to people.B.Cognitive skills improve slowly with age.C.Enjoyable work makes people ignore discomfort.D.Doing appealing work makes people look young.10.Talking

12、 to children about disastersNatural disasters are terrible events. They are difficult for adults and children. But adultsshould not be afraid to talk to children about natural disasters._But talking can helpchildren feel safer and less afraid of the future. Here are five things adults can do when ch

13、ildren show fear of natural disasters.First, adults should be willing to talk with children. When children are allowed to talk abouttheir fears, they feel safer. Sometimes, the best thing an adult can do is just listen._.Second,_When answering their questions, it is best to give short, honest answer

14、s. If you do not know the answer, you can be honest and say that you do not know.Third, it is important to wait until a child is ready to talk about a natural disaster. Adults should not force children to talk.Fourth, help children feel safe._One way is very simple: adults can tell frightenedchildre

15、n that they love them. It is also important for children to do the same things they do every day. Simple things like going to school and eating dinner can help children feel normal.Fifth, use activities to help children communicate their fears. Heshani was 13 when theIndian Ocean tsunami(海啸) ruined

16、her house in SriLanka. One year later, she was still livingunder the shadow(阴影) of the natural disaster. She did not like to visit her ruined house. And shedid not want to talk about the problems her family had. However, she loved to write._Writing poems was a way for her to share her fears since sh

17、e did not like to talk about them.A. let children ask questions.B. There are many ways to do this.C. Talking cannot stop natural disasters from happening.D. learning is of great importance to adults.E. We should feel safe first.F. Whatever the fear is, it is important to listen and be patient with t

18、he child.G. And she often shared her feelings about the tsunami in her poems.答案以及解析1.答案:annoyed2.答案:absence3.答案:adapt4.答案:Approaching解析:考查分词作状语。其逻辑主语为句子的主语 they, 且 approach 和 they 之间是逻辑上 的主动关系, 故用现在分词。5.答案:using解析:考查现在分词作状语。主语 People 与 use 为逻辑上的主谓关系,因此用现在分词作状 语。6.答案:adapted7.答案:resigned his membership8.答案:have no access to9.答案:1.B; 2.C; 3.D; 4.C10.答案:1. C 2. F 3. A 4. B 5. G解析:本文是一篇说明文。自然灾害是可怕的事情,当孩子们表现出对自然灾害的恐惧时,文 章介绍了五个方法来帮助孩子们减少恐惧。1.C 根据第一段内容可知,talking natural disasters“谈论自然灾害”是本段的关键字,且根据“But talking can help children feel safer and less afraid of the future.(但是交谈可


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