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1、PAGE 新编大学英语四级全真模拟试题(七)第 PAGE 2页新版大学英语四级考试全真模拟试题(七)Part I Writing (30minutes) .每逢春节,单身狗回家总是免不了一些唠叨,其中最狠的就是:有对象了吗?从几何起,被禁止早恋的我们却在毕业之后甚至未毕业被家长以“单身可耻”的罪名被逼相亲,而且相亲很多时候都未能如意。但若遇上看对眼的,也是一种幸运。For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Blind Date. You should write at least

2、120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1.相亲在中国已演化成一种潮流;2.人们对此的态度;3.我的看法。注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上_PartIIIReadingComprehension(40minutes)SectionA Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a

3、 word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than onc

4、e.Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.The typical pre-industrial family not only had a good many children, but numerous other dependents as well grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. Such “extended” families were suited for survival in slow paced _36_ societies. But such familie

5、s are hard to _37_. They are immobile. Industrialism demanded masses of workers ready and able to move off the land in pursuit of jobs, and to move again whenever necessary. Thus the extended family _38_ shed its excess weight and the so-called “nuclear” family emerged a stripped-down, portable fami

6、ly unit _39_ only of parents and a small set of children. This new style family, far more _40_ than the traditional extended family, became the standard model in all the industrial countries. Super-industrialism, however, the next stage of eco-technological development, _41_ even higher mobility. Th

7、us we may expect many among the people of the future to carry the streaming process, a step further by remaining children, cutting the family down to its more _42_ components, a man and a woman. Two people, perhaps with matched careers, will prove more efficient at navigating through education and s

8、ocial status, through job changes and geographic relocations, than the ordinarily child-cluttered family. A _43_ may be the postponement of children, rather than childlessness. Men and women today are often torn in _44_ between a commitment to career and a commitment to children. In the future, many

9、 _45_ will side step this problem by deferring the entire task of raising children until after retirementA transplantB solutionC graduallyD transportE elementalF conflictGcontinuallyHmotileI couplesJ agriculturalK includingL compromiseM requiresN primaryO consistingPAGE 新编大学英语四级全真模拟试题(七)参考答案 第 PAGE

10、13页Section B Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is

11、marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.the boundary between your work and your lifeA ) You work all day. You check email at lunch and wherever you are. And then you keep checking(and answering)emails when you get home。Do you ever stop working

12、 and start living? More importantly, do you know where the boundary is between your work and your life? For many, work has taken over their lives. They dont know where one begins and one ends。Here are 9 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Work And Life Boundary:B )Do you know where work ends and yo

13、ur life begins? You need to have a clear distinction between the two. C ) Without balance, things eventually topple over. If one of your areas is dominating the other, it will create problems in the other. For some, this reaches the extreme that one destroys the other。D ) Are you bringing work stres

14、s home? Or perhaps, you are bringing home stress to work? If you are not careful, your attitude and emotions in one area will negatively affect the other.E ) This is a tough one. Do you “Work to Live” or “Live to Work?” When there is a conflict, which one do you choose to put first? Your answer to t

15、his question can be very telling about your priorities。F ) Life is all about quantity time. How much time are you spending on work versus life? You cant spend the majority of your time on one and then cram the other into the few remaining moments of your day。G ) People often think of this question a

16、s it relates to their job. Do you enjoy your work? But, it is not limited to your job. Do you also enjoy what you are doing with the personal time in your life?H) Do you continue working into the evening? Receiving texts and email at all hours of the day. And even in bed with your smartphone?I ) Are

17、 you able to disconnect from your work? Or do you spend your nights talking about work. Or losing sleep because of work stress and issues?J ) Almost 60% of workers dont take all their vacation. If this is you, what you are saying is that work is more important that your life. You are willing to sacr

18、ifice your personal time for work。You need to know where your work ends and your life begins. Draw a distinct line between the two. You might just be able to take some time off and enjoy it。注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。46. The time sharing between work and life. 47. You should have balance among things. 48. Yo

19、u are very pleased of what you are doing. 49. You should realize which is more important, work or life? 50. You should have a clear boundary between work and life. 51. Balance holiday time and work hours, spend some time for leisure. 52. Forget you work in your life for the time being. 53. Continue

20、your work after work. 54. Work and life will affect each other. 55. Most people cant distinguish the line bewteen work and life. Section CDirections: There are 2 passages in this sectionEach passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statementsFor each of them there are four choices marked

21、A),B),C) and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answe Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。Passage OneQuestions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage. Beijing has the worlds least affordable rental housing, according to a surv

22、ey of 15 global cities, with average prices more than 1.2 times average salaries.The report by the Global Cities Business Alliance, a UK-based not-for-profit organisation, raises fears over inclusive growth in a city that according to one Chinese survey this year surpassed New York to become the wor

23、lds billionaire capital.Soaring house prices, which rose 18 per cent in the year to March, and restrictions on non-residents buying houses until they have paid tax in Beijing for five years, make renting the only option for many of the citys young adults and migrant workers.Beijing rent is nearly tw

24、ice as expensive as its closest challenger, Abu Dhabi, according to the survey. Beijing scored the second-longest commute.High rents and urban inequality lead to longer commutes for service-sector workers who deliver location-specific services. The study found that hospital nurses, primary school te

25、achers and bus drivers all faced rents of between 1.1 and 1.5 times their incomes.Rural-urban migration has put pressure on the rental market, especially as Beijings neighbouring northern provinces lose their traditional industries of coal and steel. The citys metropolitan area has doubled in popula

26、tion in the past 20 years.High rental prices damage the economy by locking up consumer spending power, the report argues, finding that a further 10 percent rise in rental prices would suck up about $3.5bn of consumption.56. What are the restrictions for the young adults and migrant workers to buy ho

27、uses in Beijing? A. people should have highly educated backgraound B. people have paid tax over half a decade C. people should have registered permanent residence D. people have owned his business for five years57. What are the results and damage of high rents ? A. land shortage B. lacking of urban

28、community attachment C. longer commutes and less consumption D. more happiness58. What is the reason of high rents in Beijing? A. urban economic growth B. urban population growth C. land shortage D. urban inequality59. Whose commutes was prolonged due to High rents and urban inequality in Beijing? A

29、. people who deliver service at specific location B. migrant workers C. non-residents D. young adults60. Which following option is false ? A. Beijing has the worlds highest rental housing B. The rental prices of Beijing is more than 1.2 times to its average salaries. C. A further 18 per cent rise in

30、 rental prices would suck up its consumption D. The house prices of Beijing have risen 18 per cent in the year to MarchPassage TwoQuestions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.What is success? The accurate way is that each of us has our own concept of success. To the extent that each of us i

31、s responsible for setting our own goals and determining whether we have met these goals satisfactorily. Because each of us possesses unique differences in genetic ability and favorable environments in which to express these abilities, it is necessarily true that we must define success broadly.For so

32、me people, simply being able to live their life with a minimum of misery and suffering is considered a success. Think of the peace of mind of the poor shepherd who tends his sheep, enjoys his frugal life with his family in the beauty of nature, and who is respected because he does a good job of achi

33、eving the goals expected of and accepted by him and his society. On the other hand, it seems that even though some people appear to be rich in material possessions, many of them seem to be miserable and consider themselves unsuccessful when judged by their own goals of success. Because not all ventu

34、res can be successful, one should not set unrealistic goals for achieving success, but if one has self-confidence it would be unfortunate to set ones goals at too low a level of achievement.A wise counselor once said to a young man who was experiencing frustration with his own professional success:

35、“You do not have to set your goal to reach the moon in order to have success in traveling. Sometimes one can be very successful merely by taking a walk in the park, or riding the subway downtown,” The counselor added, “You have not really failed and spoiled your chances for success until you have be

36、en unsuccessful at something you really like, and to which you have given your best effort.”61. In the first paragraph, the author implies_are essential in achieving success? A. ability and goals B. goals and determination C. ability and environment D. goals and environment62. The word “frugal”(Line

37、 2, Para. 2) means_. A. wealthy B. wasteful C. thrifty D. miserable 63. Some rich people consider themselves unsuccessful because_. A. their life is miserable B. they do not live in peace C. their goals are too low D. they are not rich enough by their own standards64. The last paragraph implies that

38、 _.A. we should have high goals B. success means achieving great goals C. success means taking a walk in the park D. success means trying ones best at what one really likes65. This passage mainly talks about_. A. the definition of success B. how to achieve success C. s how to set goals D. the import

39、ance of goalsPart Translation(30 minutes) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.中国的目标是,到2020年,从可再生能源中获取的能源量达到能源总量的20%,该目标与更富有的欧盟成员国所制定的目标一致。目前,中国在可再生能源产能(renewable energy capacity)方面世界领先。中

40、国禁止使用塑料袋已经许多年了。从20世纪50年代开始,政府鼓励居民植树造林、退耕还林。60年后,森林覆盖率从0.3%上升到了令人难以置信的约21%。在中国还可以看到无数类似的努力注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。新版大学英语四级考试全真模拟试题(七)参考答案Part I Writing (30minutes) 参考范文: Enjoying popularity across the whole society, blind date is becoming more common and acceptable in China today which appeals to countless

41、 people. However, for it, peoples views differ. According to a recent survey, young people are found quite positive about blind dates. They believe that blind date can help them experience more, make new friends, etc. Even though most blind dates will not develop into romantic relationship that peop

42、le search for, it still is an effective way for us to meet more people. However, some people think differently. They argue that people who go for blind date may value materials more than the personality. For instance, a girl may like to date a wealthy guy rather than a poor one. To sum up, despite t

43、he above negative views on blind date, I still think it is a good way for the youngsters to socialize.PartIIIReadingComprehension(40minutes)SectionA Answer:36.选J)。此处应填形容词,修饰名词 societies。文章第一句就说 The typical pre-industrial family “工业化之前的典型家庭模式”,即“extended” family存在于工业之前的社会,即agricultural society。故 J)正确

44、。选项中的 primary“最初的,原始的”不符合原文意思。37. 选A)。由be hard to do sth.可知,此处应填动词原形。 They are immobile“这样的家庭很难流动”,这说明这样的家庭 are hard to ,选项中由 transplant 和transport两个动词原 形,前者指的是“迁居,迁移”,后者指的是运输,不难推断前者符合原文意思,故A)transplant 正确。38. 选C)。因为这句话的句子结构完整,固 此处应填副词。选项中的副词有gradually和 continually,原文中 and the so-called “nuclear” fa

45、mily emerged.所谓的“核心家庭”便出现了 ,emerge的意思是“浮现”,强调经过一个过程后出现的。由此可以判断,这句话说明核心家庭 从无到有逐渐出现,而不是连续不断地出现,故选择C) gradually。39. 选O)。该句可拆分理解,即a family unit of parents and a small set of children“一个家庭单元 父母和不多的孩子”,由此可以推出这里要填的词是表示“包含,由 组成”的。选项中的including 和consisting均可以表示此意,但由原文中的of可排除 including, consist of为固定搭配,故 O) 为

46、正确答案。40. 选H)。从原文中more than 可知,此处应填 形容词,构成形容词的比较级结构。由第一段最后一句可知 the tradition al extended family是 immobile ,那么新型的家庭模式比旧的应该是更有流动性,故应选H) mobile,说明新型的家庭模式的优点。41. 选M) 此处应填动词,作这句话的谓语 。Super-industrialism“(更发达的)超级工业化” .更具流动性的家庭。可推知空格处应填表示“需要,需求”的词。requires表示出自一种迫切的需要而提出的要求,很明显选择 M) requires。42. 选E)。 此处应填形容词

47、,用来修饰名词components。文中说明家庭被减缩到最.的成员,即由男人和女人组成,男人和女人是一个家庭最基本的成员。选项中的E) elemental “基本的,本质的”而N) primary“主要的,最早的”,原文强调的是男人和女人是一个家庭最 basic的组成部分,故E)更符合原文意思。43. 选I) 此处应填名词 。上段说两人家庭的优点,本句中提到rather than childlessness“而不是不要孩子”,说明晚要孩子是解决工作和孩子的折中的办法,故选项中的 L) compromise“妥协,折中”符合文意。而 solution 虽然也表示解决办法,但不能表达夫妇们无可奈何

48、的心情,故排除。44. 选F)。 上题中已提到工作和要孩子之间存在矛盾即conflict,根据上下文意思,这个题相对容易。45. 选I)。 这段一直在说一个家庭里男人和女人因为工作和要孩子的事情发生争吵,那么将来要解决这个问题的仍然是家庭中的夫妻两人,故这里应填I) couples。C)。Section B Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one

49、 of the paragraphs Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Ten interview tips for helping you get the jobA)Practice answ

50、ering interview questions and practice your responses to the typical job interview questions and answers most employers ask. Think of concrete examples you can use to highlight your skills. Providing evidence of your successes is a great way to promote your candidacy. Also have a list of your own qu

51、estions to ask the employer ready.B)Do your homework about the employer and the industry so you are ready for the question What do you know about this company? Know the interviewers name and use it during the job interview. If youre not sure of the name, call and ask prior to the interview. Try to r

52、elate what you have learned about the company when answering questions.C)Make sure your interview attire is neat, tidy and appropriate for the type of firm you are interviewing with. Bring a nice portfolio with copies of your resume. Include a pen and paper for note taking.D)Be on time for the inter

53、view. On time means five to ten minutes early. If need be, take some time to drive to the interview location ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going and how long it will take to get there. Heres more on preparing for an interview.E)During the job interview try to relax and stay as calm

54、 possible. Remember that your body language says as much about you as your answers to the questions. Proper preparation will allow you to exude confidence. Take a moment to regroup. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Listen to the entire question (active listening) before you answer and pay

55、attention - you will be embarrassed if you forget the question. Check out these tips for avoiding job interview stress to help stay calm. Also review ourinterview tips for introverts.F)Try to relate what you know about the company when answering questions. When discussing your career accomplishments

56、 match them to what the company is looking for. Use examples from your research when answering questions, “I noticed that when you implemented a new software system last year, your customer satisfaction ratings improved dramatically. I am well versed in the latest technologies from my experience wit

57、h developing software at ABC, and appreciate a company who strives to be a leader in its industry.” Heres how to make a match between your expertise and the companys requirements.G) Match your communication style to the interviewerImportant tips for job interviews include matching your communication

58、 style to that of the interviewer. If the interviewer is very business-like, then you should respond in a similar way. Avoid offering up jokes and funny stories. If the interviewer is more informal and chatty, adjust your communication style accordingly by responding in a more informal tone while st

59、ill showing respect. The interviewer should be the one who sets the tone of the interview, not the candidate. A good interviewer will attempt to put the candidate at ease, dont interpret this as trying to be your friend! Always treat the job interview as a professional meeting.H) Listen to the quest

60、ion being asked, ensure you are clear as to what is requested and respond with the information. It is easy to move off the subject and chatter about irrelevant topics. Effective communication means keeping your answers concise and to-the-point and making sure you are answering what is asked.It is ad


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