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1、第 PAGE8 页 共 NUMPAGES8 页高一英语大纲知识点内容总结归纳2022高一英语必修二知识点总结归纳1重点短语:1. get sb interested in 使某人对感兴趣2. the best way of doing sth/the best way to do sth 干的方法3. care about 关心;忧虑4. care for/to do sth 希望或同意做某事5. give in 投降;让步6. make c 野营;宿营7. dream of doing 梦想做某事8. persuade sb into/out of (doing) sth 说服某人做某事/不

2、做某事9. try to persuade sb to do 尽力说服某人做某事=advise sb to do sth10. insist on sth/doing sth 一定要(某事坚决主张11. make up ones mind 下定决心12. put up ones tents 搭起帐篷13. set /break(beat)/hold a record 创造/打破/保持记录14. have a dream of sb/sth/doing sth 梦见某人/某物/梦想15. dream of/about. dream a dream16. be determined to do s

3、th 决心干某事 (表状态)17. determine sb to do sth 使某人下决心做某事(表动作)18. sb be familiar with sth 某人熟悉某物sth be familiar to sb 某物被某人所熟悉sb be familiar with sb 某人与某人亲密无间19. A be similar to B A与B相似20. read ones mind 看出某人心事take ones mind off sth 转移注意力keep ones mind on sth 把注意力放在.keep/bear sth in mind 记住.She has many pr

4、oblems on her mind 她心事重重21. give in to sb 对某人让步give away 赠送give off 放出(液体、气体、气味、光、热量)give out 分发give in 放弃高一英语必修二知识点总结归纳2一、一般过去将来时1.概念:立足于过去某一时刻,从过去看将来,常用于宾语从句中。2.时间状语:The next day (morning, year),the following month(week),etc.3.根本构造:主语+was/were +going to + do+其它;主语+would/should + do+其它4.否认形式:主语+was

5、/were+not + going to + do; 主语+would/should + not + do.5.一般疑问句:was或were放于句首;would/should 提到句首。6.例句:He said he would go to Beijing the next day.他说他第二天要去北京。I asked who was going there.我问,谁要去那里。二、 如今进展时1.概念:表示现阶段或说话时正在进展的动作及行为。2.时间状语:Now, at this time, days, etc. look. listen3.根本构造:主语+be +doing +其它4.否认形

6、式:主语+be +not +doing+其它5.一般疑问句:把be动词放于句首。6.例句:How are you feeling today?你今天感觉如何?He is doing well in his lessons.在课上他表现得很好。高一英语必修二知识点总结归纳31. win, beat, defeat 表示获胜、取胜的词语(1) win v. 赢,获胜,接比赛或奖项 win a game / a prize / an honor / a race. / Our team won the game 8 to 7. / He won by five points. / He won he

7、r love at last. / He won the first place in the petition.(2) beat + 对手,表打败(尤指体育比赛) I can easily beat him at golf.(3) defeat 表战胜,接对手The enemy was defeated in the battle.2. in the end, finally, at last三者均可表示“(经过周折、等待、耽误)最后,终于”之意。不同的是:finally 一般用在句中动词前面,而 at last 与 in the end 的位置那么较为灵敏;三者中at last 语气最为强

8、烈,且可单独作为感慨句使用。After putting it off three times, we finally managed to have a holiday in Dalian. / At last he knew the meaning of life. / At last! Where on earth have you been? / But in the end he gave in.另外,finally还可用在列举事项时,引出最后一个内容,相当于lastly。 Firstly, we should make a plan; secondly, we should carr

9、y it out; finally we should make a conclu- sion.3. by sea, by the sea, in the sea, on the sea, at sea(1) by sea “走海路,乘船”,用来表示交通方式,同 by ship 同义。 These heavy boxes should be sent by sea.(2) by the sea “在海边”,相当于 by (at) the seaside。The children enjoyed themselves by the sea on Childrens Day.(3) in the

10、sea “在海里,在海水中” There are many plants and animals in the sea.(4) on the sea “在海面上”,“在海岸边”。I want to live in a town with a beautiful position on the sea.(5) at sea 在海上;在航海 When he woke up, the ship was at sea.4. be afraid, be afraid to do sth., be afraid of (doing) sth.(1) be afraid 意为“担忧,害怕”,多用于口语,常用

11、来表示一种歉意,或遗憾,后可接 so 或 not,也可接 that 从句。Im afraid (that) 其语意相当于 Im sorry, but.。- Are we on time? 我们准时吗? - Im afraid not. 恐怕不准时。Im afraid youll get caught in the rain.(2) be afraid to do sth 常表示“由于胆小而不敢做某事”。She is afraid to be here alone. / He is afraid to jump into the river from the bridge.(3) be afra

12、id of (doing) sth. 常表示“担忧或害怕某事(发生)”。I was afraid of hurting her feelings.5. live, living, alive, lively(1) live adj. 活的;活生生的;(只修饰生物;只作前置定语) The laboratory is doing experiments with several live monkeys. 实况直播的 (不是录音)It wasnt a recorded show. It was live. 带电的;燃着的;可爆炸的 This is a live wire.(2) living adj. 活着的,有生命的(作表语或定语) She was, he thought, the best living novelist in England. / The old man is still living. (或alive)(3) alive adj. 活着的; 有活力的;有生气作后置定语:Whos the greatest


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