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1、开放英语1 讲义 This is English 11Unit 8 Moving In 迁入新居Situation Xiaoyan shares a flat with Mary. 小燕与Mary合租公寓。Language Focus 表示允许:You can smoke in the garden. 谈论天气:Whats the weather like in ? 表达指令:Put it there. 描述位置:Its behind the chair.2 一般现在时:I cook for my family. 现在进行时:He is cooking now.In this unit you

2、 learn how to ask for and give permission; 表示允许 3 revise the language for talking about whats happening now;谈论正在发生 的事 study the language for describing a city;描述城市 learn how to talk about the weather;谈 论天气状况 learn to express a command.表达指令4Session 1In this session you revise the language for talking

3、 about routines;谈论日常生活 learn how to ask for and give permission.表示允许5Language Focus 1、情态动词 can 表示允许 You can use the phone in the living room. You cant smoke in the bedrooms. Can I use the cooker in the kitchen?6 在这些句子中,can 是情态动词,表示“允许”后接动词原形。其否定形式有两种写法,can not 或者cant.2、一般疑问句的构成方法是将 can 置于句首用于第一人称的疑问

4、句,可以表示询问他人是否允许。例如: Can I use the cooker in the kitchen?can通常表示“能力”;用于第二人称 的一般疑问句通常表示“请求”7 3、can 用于陈述句的肯定句表示允许,用于否定句表示不允许。 She can smoke in the garden. 她可以在花园里吸烟。 You can do what you want .(作宾语) 你愿意做什么就做什么。 You cant be noisy.你们不能大声喧哗。8Cultural Note 表达歉意“Im afraid.” 讲英语的人表达歉意的场合很多,比如,在对他人请求允许做出否定答复时,应

5、先表示歉意然后在拒绝,才显得委婉、礼貌。 9E.g.Can I use the phone in the hall? Im afraid not. Thats a fax machine I use for work.(这里的I use for work 作 fax machine的定语,因此称为定 语从句 。) 这些语法项目我们以后会 专门学习。104、can 的读音 在不同句试中,can 的读音有所不同,有弱读和强读两种形式。在陈述句和疑问句中,通常采用弱读形式;但在简略答语中,则采用强读形式。 11 比较 弱读式 / k n/ You can smoke in the garden. C

6、an I smoke in the classroom? 强度式 / k n / Yes, you can. can 的否定形式cant 读作 / k :n t /。12Session 2 In this session you revise the language for talking about whats happening now;谈论正在发生 的事 learn to describe the weather and cities.描述天气和城市状况13Language Focus 一、一般现在时与现在进行时 1、一般现在时:表示经常发生的事情(这 些动作可能每天、每时或经常发生)

7、 2、现在进行时:表示现阶段或说话的此 刻 正在发生的事情。14一般现在时: I cook for my family. I usually start work at nine o clock.现在进行时: Hes cooking. Im working now.153、英语中有些动词通常只用于一般时态,而不用进行时。这些动词表示相对静止的物质、心理及情感状态,被称为状态动词。我们学过的状态动词有: to be He is English.16 to haveI have two brothers. to have gotI have got two brothers. to likeI l

8、ike TV. 17to loveI love coffee. to hateI hate my job. to thinkI think its cheap.18二、描述天气1、 描述当前的天气状况(weather)可以用一般现在时和现在进行时两种形式。询问天气状况常用Whats(what is) the weather like in +(某地)这个句式。回答时可以用It is (Its)+形容词,或者It is (Its)+ing形式等。19例如:询问:Whats the weather like in Shanghai?回答:Its rainy.Its raining.Its sunn

9、y.Its shinning.202、当谈论一个地方的气候(climate)时通常只用一般现在时而不用现在进行时。例如: It often rains in summer in England. It doesnt usually snow in winter in Ireland. The temperature doesnt go below minus 15 degrees in spring. It is often sunny in autumn.213、描述城市 询问城市的状况,可以用 Whats (What is) +城市名称+like?这个句式提问。 例如:Whats (Wha

10、t is) London like?224、描述城市的状况,可以用动词 to be+形容词。例如: London is busy, noisy, crowded and exciting. But its too expensive.5、一些描述住房条件的形容词。这些形容词及其反义词也可用来描述城市情况。 23 beautiful ugly quiet noisy crowded empty expensive cheap expensive cheap big small busy calm safe dangerous well-organized chaotic (杂乱的) clean

11、dirty(polluted) modern old-fashioned 24Session 3 In this session you learn how to use prepositions of place; 表达方位的介词 learn to express a command. 表达指令。25Language Focus 祈使句可以表示请求和指令。 祈使句的肯定式用动词原形。例如: Put it on the small table. Stand the lamp on the desk. 祈使句的否定式用 Dont +动词原形。例如: Dont put them on the de

12、sk.26Study TipAn important skill to develop in any foreign language is to understand the gist of what is being communicated without understanding every word . Therefore, it is important to listen to, read and watch trying to translate every word either, as this will slow you down,confuse you and ove

13、rload you.27学外语应培养领会大意、抓要点的能力。要多听英语录音,多读英语文章,多看英语节目,而不必追求一字不差全懂全会。切忌逐字逐句地翻译成汉语。因为这样翻译只能加重你大脑的负担,减慢领会要点的速度,使你抓不住整体的意思。28Review Reminder表示允许、不允许 You can smoke in the garden. You cant smoke here. Can I smoke in the bedroom?描述城市 Whats like? Its beautiful, ugly, big, small, clean, dirty,crowded, empty,mo

14、dern.29谈论天气、气候 Whats the weather like in ? Its hot . Its cold. Its sunny. Its cloudy. Its windy. Its snowy. Its rainy Its foggy. 30Its snowing. Its raining. It often rains. It often snows. It doesnt usually rain. It doesnt usually snow.31谈论正在发生的事情 Im (am) working. Youre (are) working. Hes (is) working. Shes (is) working. Were (are) working. Theyre (are)


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