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1、 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献翻译:5G 无线通信网络的蜂窝结构和关键技术摘要第四代无线通信系统已经或者即将在许多国家部署。然而,随着无线移动设备和服务的激增,仍然有一些挑战尤其是 4G 所不能容纳的,例如像频谱危机和高能量消耗。无线系统设计师们面临着满足新型无线应用对高数据速率和机动性要求的持续性增长的需求,因此他们已经开始研究被期望于 2020 年后就能部署的第五代无线系统。在这篇文章里面,我们提出一个有内门和外门情景之分的潜在的蜂窝结构,并且讨论了多种可行性关于 5G

2、 无线通信系统的技术,比如大量的 MIMO 技术,节能通信,认知的广播网络和可见光通信。面临潜在技术的未知挑战也被讨论了。介绍信息通信技术(ICT)创新合理的使用对世界经济的提高变得越来越重要。无线通信网络在全球 ICT 战略中也许是最挑剔的元素,并且支撑着很多其他的行业,它是世界上成长最快最有活力的行业之一。欧洲移动天文台( EMO)报道 2010 年移动通信业总计税收 1740 亿欧元,从而超过了航空航天业和制药业。无线技术的发展大大提高了人们在商业运作和社交功能方面通信和生活的能力无线移动通信的显著成就表现在技术创新的快速步伐。从 1991 年二代移动通信系统(2G)的初次登场到 200

3、1 年三代系统(3G)的首次起飞,无线移动网络已经实现了从一个纯粹的技术系统到一个能承载大量多媒体内容网络的转变。4G 无线系统被设计出来用来满足 IMT-A 技术使用 IP 面向所有服务的需求。在 4G 系统中,先进的无线接口被用于正交频分复用技术( OFDM),多输入多输出系统(MIMO)和链路自适应技术。4G 无线网络可支持数据速率可达 1Gb/s 的低流度,比如流动局域无线访问,还有速率高达 100M/s 的高流速,例如像移动访问。LTE系统和它的延伸系统 LTE-A,作为实用的 4G 系统已经在全球于最近期或不久的将来部署。然而,每年仍然有戏剧性增长数量的用户支持移动宽频带系统。越来

4、越多的 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献人渴望更快的网络访问速度,时髦的手机,总的来说就是更快地与他人通信或信息访问。如今更多功能强大小巧的手机和便捷电脑可以满足先进的多媒体功能变得越来越受欢迎。这就造成了无线移动设备和服务的激增。EMO 指出自从 2006年起,移动宽频每年有 92%的增长。无线世界研究论坛(WWRF)预言到 2017年会有七万亿的无线设备来服务七十亿的人口;也就是说无线网络连接设备的数量将会是世界人口数量的 1000 倍。随着越来越多的设备无线化许多研究难题需要被解决。最重要的难题之一就是蜂窝通信中射频光谱分配的物质缺乏。蜂窝频率把极高频带用于蜂窝手机,一般来讲范围

5、可从几百兆赫兹到几千兆赫兹。这些频谱被严重的使用以至于对操作员更多的获取造成困难。另一个难题就是先进无线技术的部署面临高能量消耗的费用。无线通信系统中高能消耗的增长间接造成了二氧化碳排放量的增长,后者被视为当前生态环境的主要威胁。此外,据手机运营商反映基站的能源消耗贡献了超过 70%的电力账单。事实上,节能通信并不是 4G无线系统中的最初需求之一,但是它在之后的舞台上被作为问题所提及。其他的难题,例如平均频谱效率、高传输率和高迁移率、无缝覆盖、多样化的服务质量请求以及分散的用户体验(不同无线设备/接口的不兼容和异构网络),仅仅提及一点点。以上所有问题正给手机服务提供商带来更多压力,他们正面临着

6、有更高传输率、更大的网络容量、更高的频谱效率、更高的能源利用率和更高的利用率规定的新型无线应用的持续增长需求。另一方面,在当前的技术条件下,4G 网络在传输率方面几乎已经达到了理论上的限制,因此并不能充分的解决以上难题。从这层意义上来说,我们需要开创性的无线技术来解决以上由数万亿无线设备造成的问题,并且研究员们已经着手研究超4G(B4G)或者5G 无线技术。中英科学桥工程:B4G 无线移动通信(http:/www.ukchinab4g. ac.uk/)可能是世界上着手 B4G研究的首批项目之一,其中的一些潜在的 B4G 技术已经被确定了。欧洲和中国也 已 经 开 始 了 一 些 5G 项 目

7、, 比 如 由 欧 盟 支 持 的 METIS2020(https:/www.metis2020. com/)和由中国科学院支持的在 5G 方面的国家 863重点工程。诺基亚西门子通信公司描述通过对比 2010 年的通信水准今后十年潜在的无线接入技术可以被进一步开发用来支持多大超过一千倍的通信量。三星公 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献司展示了一个运用微波技术使传输率在两千米的范围内超过 1Gb/s 的无线系统。5G 网络,预期大约在 2020 年被标准化,究竟是什么呢?由于现在太早以至于不能确切地定义。广泛的认同是与 4G 网络相比,5G 网络应该达到 1000 倍的系统容量,10

8、倍的频谱利用率、能源利用率和传输率(低流动性下最高传输率为 10Gb/s,高流动性下最高传输率为 1Gb/s)还有 25 倍平均系统吞吐量。5G 网络的目标在于连接整个世界以及实现任何人之间(人与人),任何事物之间(人与机器,机器与机器)的无缝的、无处不在的通信,无论他们在哪,无论他们什么时候需要,也无论他们用什么电子设备/服务/网络。这就意味着 5G 网络应该能够支持一些 4G 网络所不能支持的特殊情况(例如乘坐高铁的用户)。高铁车速可轻松达到 350 到 500km/h,然后 4G 网络所能支持通信的情况是 250km/h。本篇文章中,我们提出了一个潜在的5G 蜂窝结构并且讨论有希望的技术

9、用来部署以便满足 5G 的需求。这篇文章剩下的安排如下。我们提出了一个潜在的 5G 蜂窝结构。我们描述一些可行性的关键技术可以被 5G 系统采用。未来的挑战是显著的,最终我们会得出结论。潜在的 5G 无线蜂窝结构为了解决以上难题并且满足 5G 系统的需求,我们需要在蜂窝结构的设计上做个戏剧性的改变。我们知道无线用户 80%的时间都是待在户内,待在户外的仅仅约有 20%。当前常见的蜂窝结构通常是为移动用户在蜂窝通信中间建立一个露天基站,这样就不用管他们实在户内还是户外。对于户内用户与户外基站间的通信,信号不得不穿过建筑墙,造成很高的穿透损耗,从而显著损伤无线传输的传输速率、频谱利用率、能源利用率

10、。设计 5G 蜂窝结构的中心思想就是分开户内和户外的情况这样穿透损耗经过建筑墙后可以在某种意义上来说避免掉。这些将会由分布式天线系统(DAS)和大量的 MIMO 技术来实现,即在地面上部署由几十个或几百个天线单组成的分布式天线阵。然而目前最主流的 MIMO 系统使用两个或四个天线,大量使用 MIMO系统的目的是为了开发尽可能大的容量效益以提升更大的天线阵。户外基站将会装备由一些天线单元(也有大阵列天线)组成的大阵列天线,这些大阵列天线分布在覆盖区周围,通过光纤连接基站,从而从DAS 和大量的 MIMO 技术中都能 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献受益。户外手机用户通常配备有限数量的天线

11、单元,但是他们可以通过互相合作形成一个虚拟的大阵列天线,连同基站天线阵将会构造虚拟的大规模 MIMO 链接群。大阵列天线也将被安装在每个建筑的外面以便与户外基站群或者拥有分布式天线单元的基站群相互通信,与可见组件通信也是有可能的。大阵列天线用电缆连接到能与户内用户之间通信的建筑内部的无线接入点。这样必定会在短时间内提高基础设备的花费最终显著提升覆盖区平均生产力,频谱效率,能源效率还有蜂窝系统传输率。采用这样的蜂窝结构,户内用户仅需要使用安装在户外建筑的大阵列天线便可与户内无线接入点通信,很多的技术可以被利用以便适用高数据速率进行的短程通信。举一些例子包括 WiFi,毫微微蜂窝,超宽频(UWB)

12、,毫米波通信(3300GHz),还有可见光通信(VLC)(400490THz)。值得说明的是毫米波和 VLC 技术使用更高的频率并不适用传统的蜂窝通信。这些高频波并不能很好地穿透固体材料并且很容易就会被气体,雨水还有植物吸收或分散。因此,很难将这些波用于户外和远距离应用。然而,随着宽频带的实现,毫米波和 VLC 技术可以大大提高在户内情况下的数据传输速率。为了解决频谱缺乏问题,并且找到新的不为传统无线服务(例如毫米波通信和 VLC)所用的频带,我们可以尽力提高现有无线频谱的频谱利用率,比如取道认识的无线网络。5G 蜂窝结构同样应该是一种有宏蜂窝,微蜂窝,小基站和继电器组成的混杂结构。为了适应高

13、机动性用户比如乘车和乘高铁的用户,我们已经提出了超小型移动基站的概念,即结合移动中继和超小型基站的概念。超小型移动基站位于车辆内部可以和位于车内的用户通信,而大阵列天线位于车辆外面和户外的基站通信。一个超小型移动基站和它关联的用户都被基站看作一个单元。从用户的角度来看,超小型移动基站被看作正式的基站。这和上面区分户内(车辆内部)和户外情况的观点非常相似。已经能表明的是用户使用超小型移动基站 在享受高数据速率的服务的同时减少信令开销。以上提出的 5G 混杂蜂窝结构在图 1 阐明。有前景的 5G 无线网络的关键技术在这一部分,基于以上提出的混杂式蜂窝结构,我们讨论了一些有前景的无线网络关键技术使之

14、能够满足 5G 无线网络的性能要求。发展这些技术的目的是通过有效利用所有可能的资源以适应戏剧性的容量增长。基于著名的香农定理,系统的总容量C 可以近似的表示为sum 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献 PiNC sumB log 1(1)2i网路 通道p其中 B 是第 i 条信道的带宽, P 是第 i 条信道的信号功率, N 表示噪声功ipi率。从公式 1 可以看出系统总容量C 等于所有子通道和网路容量之和。为了增加sumC,我们可以提高网络覆盖范围(通过使用含有宏蜂窝,微蜂窝,小基站,继sum电器,超小型移动基站的网络),子通道的数量(通过使用大量的 MIMO 技术,空间调整,协作式

15、MIMO,DAS,管理干涉等等),带宽(通过 CR 网络,毫米波通信,VLC,多标准系统等等)还有功率(能源利用率和绿色通信)。在下文中,我们重点聚焦于一些关键技术。 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献外文原文:ABSTRACTThe fourth generation wireless communica-tion systems have been deployed or are soon tobe deployed in many countries. However, withan explosion of wireless mobile devices and ser-vice

16、s, there are still some challenges that cannotbe accommodated even by 4G, such as the spec-trum crisis and high energy consumption. Wire-less system designers have been facing thecontinuously increasing demand for high datarates and mobility required by new wirelessapplications and therefore have st

17、arted researchon fifth generation wireless systems that areexpected to be deployed beyond 2020. In thisarticle, we propose a potential cellular architec-ture that separates indoor and outdoor scenar-ios, and discuss various promising technologiesfor 5G wireless communication systems, such asmassive

18、MIMO, energy-efficient communica-tions, cognitive radio networks, and visible light 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献communications. Future challenges facing thesepotential technologies are also discussed.INTRODUCTIONThe innovative and effective use of informationand communication technologies (ICT) isbecoming i

19、ncreasingly important to improve theeconomy of the world 1. Wireless communica-tion networks are perhaps the most critical ele-ment in the global ICT strategy, underpinningmany other industries. It is one of the fastestgrowing and most dynamic sectors in the world.The European Mobile Observatory (EM

20、O)reported that the mobile communication sectorhad total revenue of 174 billion in 2010, there-by bypassing the aerospace and pharmaceuticalsectors 2. The development of wireless tech-nologies has greatly improved peoples ability tocommunicate and live in both business opera-tions and social functio

21、ns.The phenomenal success of wireless mobilecommunications is mirrored by a rapid pace oftechnology innovation. From the second genera- 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献tion (2G) mobile communication system debutedin 1991 to the 3G system first launched in 2001,the wireless mobile network has transformedfrom a p

22、ure telephony system to a network thatcan transport rich multimedia contents. The 4Gwireless systems were designed to fulfill therequirements of International Mobile Telecom-munications-Advanced (IMT-A) using IP for allservices 3. In 4G systems, an advanced radiointerface is used with orthogonal fre

23、quency-divi-sion multiplexing (OFDM), multiple-input multi-ple-output (MIMO), and link adaptationtechnologies. 4G wireless networks can supportdata rates of up to 1 Gb/s for low mobility, suchas nomadic/local wireless access, and up to 100Mb/s for high mobility, such as mobile access.Long-Term Evolu

24、tion (LTE) and its extension,LTE-Advanced systems, as practical 4G systems,have recently been deployed or soon will bedeployed around the globe.However, there is still a dramatic increase inthe number of users who subscribe to mobile 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献broadband systems every year. More and morepeo

25、ple cravefaster Internet access on the move,trendier mobiles, and, in general, instant com-munication with others or access to information.More powerful smartphones and laptops arebecoming more popular nowadays, demandingadvanced multimedia capabilities. This hasresulted in an explosion of wireless

26、mobiledevices and services. The EMO pointed out thatthere has been a 92 percent growth in mobilebroadband per year since 2006 2. It has beenpredicted by the Wireless World ResearchForum (WWRF) that 7 trillion wireless deviceswill serve 7 billion people by 2017; that is, thenumber of network-connecte

27、d wireless deviceswill reach 1000 times the worlds population 4.As more and more devices go wireless, manyresearch challenges need to be addressed.One of the most crucial challenges is thephysical scarcity of radio frequency (RF) spectraallocated for cellular communications. Cellularfrequencies use

28、ultra-high-frequency bands for 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献cellular phones, normally ranging from severalhundred megahertz to several gigahertz. Thesefrequency spectra have been used heavily, mak-ing it difficult for operators to acquire more.Another challenge is that the deployment ofadvanced wireless tech

29、nologies comes at the costof high energy consumption. The increase ofenergy consumption in wireless communicationsystems causes an increase of CO 2 emission indi-rectly, which currently is considered as a majorthreat for the environment. Moreover, it hasbeen reported by cellular operators that theen

30、ergy consumption of base stations (BSs) con-tributes to over 70 percent of their electricity bill5. In fact, energy-efficient communication wasnot one of the initial requirements in 4G wire-less systems, but it came up as an issue at a laterstage. Other challenges are, for example, aver-age spectral

31、 efficiency, high data rate and highmobility, seamless coverage, diverse quality ofservice (QoS) requirements, and fragmenteduser experience (incompatibility of different 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献wireless devices/interfaces and heterogeneousnetworks), to mention only a few.All the above issues are puttin

32、g more pres-sure on cellular service providers, who are facingcontinuously increasing demand for higher datarates, larger network capacity, higher spectralefficiency, higher energy efficiency, and highermobility required by new wireless applications.On the other hand, 4G networks have just aboutreac

33、hed the theoretical limit on the data ratewith current technologies and therefore are notsufficient to accommodate the above challenges.In this sense, we need groundbreaking wirelesstechnologies to solve the above problems causedby trillions of wireless devices, and researchershave already started t

34、o investigate beyond 4G(B4G) or 5G wireless techniques. The projectUK-China Science Bridges: (B)4G Wireless MobileCommunications (http:/www.ukchinab4g. ac.uk/) isperhaps one of the first projects in the world tostart B4G research, where some potential B4Gtechnologies were identified. Europe and Chin

35、a 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献have also initiated some 5G projects, such asMETIS 2020 (https:/www.metis2020. com/) sup-ported by EU and National 863 Key Project in5G supported by the Ministry of Science andTechnology (MOST) in China. Nokia SiemensNetworksdescribed how the underlying radioaccess technologies

36、 can be developed further tosupport up to 1000 times higher traffic volumescompared to 2010 travel levels over the next 10years 6. Samsung demonstrated a wireless sys-tem using millimeter (mm) wave technologieswith data rates faster than 1 Gb/s over 2 km 7.What will the 5G network, which is expected

37、to be standardized around 2020, look like? It isnow too early to define this with any certainty.However, it is widely agreed that compared tothe 4G network, the 5G network should achieve1000 times the system capacity, 10 times thespectral efficiency, energy efficiency and datarate (i.e., peak data r

38、ate of 10 Gb/s for lowmobility and peak data rate of 1 Gb/s for highmobility), and 25 times the average cell through- 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献put. The aim is to connect the entire world, andachieve seamless and ubiquitous communica-tions between anybody (people to people), any-thing (people to machine,

39、machine to machine),wherever they are (anywhere), whenever theyneed (anytime), by whatever electronicdevices/services/networks they wish (anyhow).This means that 5G networks should be able tosupport communications for some special sce-narios not supported by 4G networks (e.g., forhigh-speed train us

40、ers). High-speed trains caneasily reach 350 up to 500 km/h, while 4G net-works can only support communication scenariosup to 250 km/h. In this article, we propose apotential 5G cellular architecture and discusssome promising technologies that can bedeployed to deliver the 5G requirements.The remaind

41、er of this article is organized asfollows. We propose a potential 5G cellulararchitecture. We describe some promising keytechnologies that can be adopted in the 5G sys-tem. Future challenges are highlighted. Finally, 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献conclusions are drawn.A POTENTIAL 5G WIRELESSCELLULAR ARCHITECT

42、URETo address the above challenges and meet the5G system requirements, we need a dramaticchange in the design of cellular architecture. Weknow that wireless users stay indoors for about80 percent of time, while only stay ourdoorsabout 20 percent of the time 8. The currentconventional cellular archit

43、ecture normally usesan outdoor BS in the middle of a cell communi-cating with mobile users, no matter whether theystay indoors or outdoors. For indoor users com-municating with the outdoor BS, the signals haveto go through building walls, and this causes veryhigh penetration loss, which significantl

44、y dam-ages the data rate, spectral efficiency, and ener-gy efficiency of wireless transmissions.One of the key ideas of designing the 5G cel-lular architecture is to separate outdoor andindoor scenarios so that penetration loss throughbuilding walls can somehow be avoided. This will 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文

45、翻译文献be assisted by distributed antenna system (DAS)and massive MIMO technology 9, where geo-graphically distributed antenna arrays with tensor hundreds of antenna elements are deployed.While most current MIMO systems utilize twoto four antennas, the goal of massive MIMO systems is toexploit the pote

46、ntially large capacitygains that would arise in larger arrays of anten-nas. Outdoor BSs will be equipped with largeantenna arrays with some antenna elements (alsolarge antenna arrays) distributed around the celland connected to the BS via optical fibers, bene-fiting from both DAS and massive MIMO te

47、ch-nologies. Outdoor mobile users are normallyequipped with limited numbers of antenna ele-ments, but they can collaborate with each otherto form a virtual large antenna array, whichtogether with BS antenna arrays will constructvirtual massive MIMO links. Large antennaarrays will also be installed o

48、utside of everybuilding to communicate with outdoor BSs ordistributed antenna elements of BSs, possibly 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献with line of sight (LoS) components. Large anten-na arrays have cables connected to the wirelessaccess points inside the building communicatingwith indoor users. This will cert

49、ainly increase theinfrastructure cost in the short term while signifi-cantly improving the cell average throughput,spectral efficiency, energy efficiency, and datarate of the cellular system in the long run.Using such a cellular architecture, as indoorusers only need to communicate with indoorwirele

50、ss access points (not outdoor BSs) withlarge antenna arrays installed outside build-ings, many technologies can be utilized that aresuitable for short-range communications withhigh data rates. Some examples include WiFi,femtocell, ultra wideband (UWB), mm-wavecommunications (3300 GHz) 7, and visible

51、light communications (VLC) (400490 THz)10. It is worth mentioning that mm-wave andVLC technologies use higher frequencies nottraditionally used for cellular communications.These high-frequency waves do not penetrate 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献solid materials very well and can readily beabsorbed or scattere

52、d by gases, rain, andfoliage. Therefore, it is hard to use these wavesfor outdoor and long distance applications.However, with large bandwidths available, mm-wave and VLC technologies can greatlyincrease the transmission data rate for indoorscenarios. To solve the spectrum scarcity prob-lem, besides

53、 finding new spectrum not tradi-tionally used for wireless services (e.g.,mm-wave communications and VLC), we canalso try to improve the spectrum utilization ofexisting radio spectra, for example, via cogni-tive radio (CR) networks 11.The 5G cellular architecture should also be aheterogeneous one, w

54、ith macrocells, microcells,small cells, and relays. To accommodate high-mobility users such as users in vehicles and high-speed trains, we have proposed the mobilefemtocell (MFemtocell) concept 12, whichcombines the concepts of mobile relay and fem-tocell. MFemtocells are located inside vehicles 5G 无线通信网络中英文对照外文翻译文献to communicate with users within the vehicle,while large antenna arrays are locat


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