1、第 PAGE22 页 共 NUMPAGES22 页2023年最新的瓦尔登湖课文原文及名句3篇瓦尔登湖课文原文及名句(1) 【教学目的】1.学习本文作者对大自然的热爱与珍惜和对宁静恬淡生活的追求。2.学习本文善于观察和细腻描写的语言特色。【教学重点、难点】1.重点:本文善于观察和细腻描写的语言特色。2.难点:作者的生活态度。【教学时数】两课时【教学步骤】一、作者及作品:亨利梭罗(181718620,美国作家,诗人,自然主义者,改革家和哲学家。1817年出生于康科德城,十六岁即进入美国著名学府哈佛大学就学。次年,大思想家爱默生到哈佛大学作了题为美国学者的演讲,宣扬先知先觉的智慧,而正是这一次演讲,
4、方世界获得了前所未有的重视。严重的环境污染和社会矛盾,使人们不由得不向往那瓦尔登湖及其山林的清新的空气和澄澈的环境,而这样的环境,显然正是医治现代病的妙药良方。这恐怕正是瓦尔登湖所具有的价值和生命力的根本所在。梭罗1862年因患肺病病逝,终年仅44岁,瓦尔登湖是他的第二本书。二、生字词:生字:深邃(su)终年不涸(h)俯瞰(kn)蜿蜒曲折寒光熠熠(y)糅(ru)进浮光耀金晶莹清澈一泓(hng)湖水凿(zo)水陡峭菖(chng)蒲水苔(ti)璀(cu)璨(cn) 。词解:不足称道:不值得称赞。罕有甚匹:极少有什么东西能跟它匹配。了如指掌:形容对情况非常清楚,好像指着自己的手掌给人看。三、集体朗读
5、课文。四、课堂自测:1、本课划分层次有以下几种划法,正确的为哪种并写出各部分大意。A/B./C./2、根据第一段内容,画出瓦尔登湖及周围景物。3、瓦尔登湖的主要特点是什么?请用书中的词来概括。4、课文中说,瓦尔登湖同时具有两种颜色,这是哪两种?5、哪一段文字详细描写了宁静的瓦尔登湖变化莫测的颜色?6、为什么文中说瓦尔登湖湖水“很值得让米开朗琪罗去琢磨一番”?7、作者写钓狗鱼这件事,是为了什么?8、第六自然段的描写突出了瓦尔登湖的什么特色?请用此段中的一个词来概括。9、哪处具体叙述瓦尔登湖“坚持着自身的纯洁”?10、作者提及夏娃和亚当被逐出伊甸园一事,是为了突出什么? 11、把本课分别与黄山记和
6、陶渊明的归田园居比较,说说三位作者对自然的态度有何不同?你更欣赏谁的态度?为什么?五、教师讲评参考答案:1、答:b。第一部分:总介瓦尔登湖及其特点。第二部分:描写瓦尔登湖湖水美丽多变的色彩。第三部分:描写瓦尔登湖湖水的清澈洁净。第四部分:从历史角度赞美瓦尔登湖美如钻石。3、答:深邃,清澈。5、答:第18页第9行17行。7、答:为了突出湖水的清澈。8、答:清净无垢。9、答:第7自然段。10、答:从历史角度突出瓦尔登湖美如钻石。11、答:黄山记:赞美大自然伟大无比的创造力。瓦尔登湖:赞美大自然的美丽和洁静,安心思考。归田园居:沉缅于大自然的美丽和宁静,逃避世俗。六、辅助阅读: 瓦尔登湖教案学习目标
7、 1、对瓦尔登湖主题思想的掌握了解。 2、学习作者细腻的描写自然景物的手法。 3、学习作者热爱大自然的情感和淳朴的生活情趣,引导学生产生热爱自然的情感,保护自然,关心自然。 教学时数:2课时。 一、导入语 二、简介作者 美国著名作家、哲学家,著名散文集瓦尔登湖和论文论公民的不服从权利(又译为消极抵抗、论公民的不服从),他反对美国的奴隶制度,反对美国对墨西哥的侵略,他对人类社会中他认为是恶的东西的憎恨程度不下于他对大自然的热爱。他曾因拒绝交税而坐过监狱,一八四九年他发表的一篇著名论文公民的不服从(作为单行本出版只是一本薄薄的小书)被人认为是历史上改变世界的十六本书之一,他倡导的公民的不服从(ci
8、vildisobedience)的思想对托尔斯泰、罗曼罗兰、印度圣雄甘地和马丁路德金都曾产生过不小的影响。在他那里,有着某种隐士和斗士的奇妙结合。梭罗的思想、行为对美国社会影响很大,但他的生平简单却耐人寻味。 三、关于瓦尔登湖 瓦尔登湖出版于1854年,是19世纪美国文学非小说著作中最受读者欢迎的书籍。女作家乔治艾略特称“瓦尔登湖是一本超凡入圣的好书,严重的污染使人们丧失了田园的宁静,所以梭罗的著作便被整个世界阅读和怀念。”在中国有好几种版本,已经流传50年了。瓦尔登湖至少影响了中国两代人。一本100多年前出版的书,在另一个国度里仍然让许多人痴迷。据说,诗人海子去山海关自杀时带着4本书,其中有
9、一本是梭罗的瓦尔登湖,这和当年唐太宗李世民到死不放王羲之的兰亭序颇为相似。 对这部书的读法,从梭罗的研究专家哈丁的论述中或许可以获得一些信息,哈丁说:瓦尔登湖至少有五种读法:1.作为一部自然的书籍;2.作为一部自力更生、简单生活的指南;3.作为批评现代生活的一部讽刺作品;4.作为一部文学名著;5.作为一本神圣的书。更多的人愿意把瓦尔登湖作为一部自力更生、简单生活的指南来读。因为梭罗经过实践发现,他能以28.12元来建立一个家,用0.27元来维持一周的生活。他以一年中6个星期的时间,去赚取足够一年的生活费用。剩余的46个星期,去做他喜欢做的事。因为如此瓦尔登湖在当时便具有了巨大的诱惑力,那几年里
10、,梭罗的仿效者究竟有多少难以计数,他们引退林中,在瓦尔登湖畔建造茅舍,成为美国风行一时的时尚。 四、研读课文: 1、阅读思考题(一),说说瓦尔登湖的“奇崛”表现在哪里,它是如何“坚持着自身的纯洁”的? 明确:课文第一段中提到瓦尔登湖的“深邃”、“清澈”“清亮、深碧”。可见瓦尔登湖的特点主要在其颜色、清澈、深邃。 “坚持着自身的纯洁” 瓦尔登湖湖水颜色变化。瓦尔登湖湖水颜色变化得出奇,甚至站在同一点上,湖水也忽蓝忽绿;从不同地点,山顶、湖边,再远一点;不同时间:在阳光衬托下,晴空万里时;不同的角度去看,湖水的变化更为明显,变化万端,清新空灵。 在很深的湖底的东西历历可数,还可以看到成群的鲈鱼和银
11、鱼,甚至连鲈鱼的横行条纹都清晰可辨,把斧子掉在25英尺的水里,也能清楚看到,并且能用树枝把斧子勾了上来。 湖水清可见底,没有一处是污浊的,并且居然连一棵水草都没有,即使在湖边所见到的很少的水草也和湖水一样,清净无垢。 瓦尔登湖的清晨,漂浮的烟雾和南风,还有金色的春雨,还有成群的野鸭和天鹅在湖边遨游,给瓦尔登湖增添了生机,最后又写了湖水涨落起伏时的奇幻变化。 2、找出课文中描写瓦尔登湖湖水颜色变化的优美句子,体会作者的心境。 明确: 从山顶看去,它呈现蓝天的色彩,走进湖边,看到岸边细沙浅水处,水泛着黄澄澄的水波;再远一点,呈现淡率,愈远色泽愈深,最后水波荡漾呈现一色的黛绿。 当晴空万里时,而湖水
12、又波涛汹涌,波涛以适宜的角度映衬蓝天,湖水糅进更多的光线,一片浮光耀金,较远的一些湖水比天空更为湛蓝。 看到一种罕有其匹、悠然心会、妙处难以与君说的亮蓝,犹如浸水之后的色彩变幻的丝绸,还像青锋刀刃,比之天空更为清新的空灵。 通过这些细致入微的描写,我们不难感受到作者沉浸在大自然的美景之中,陶醉在湖水的清澈纯净里,真正与大自然融为一体,充分表达作者对大自然的喜爱之情。 3、作者花了大量的笔墨描写了瓦尔登湖的湖光水色,表达作者对大自然的喜爱之情,找出课文抒情议论的句子,加以体会。 明确:如(部落)一个又一个消失了,但湖水依旧请纯、碧绿,一个春天也没漏掉,表达了作者内心的一种欣喜和赞叹,情景相融,使
13、景物增添了情的色彩,情的光辉。 “或许上溯到亚当和夏娃被感出伊甸园之时最璀璨的一颗钻石”,对瓦尔登湖进行了歌颂,它的纯洁,它的宁静,在作者心目中有着崇高的地位,由此推广到对整个大自然的热爱,表达了生活态度和人类生存、发展的思考。 五、主题思想: 本文细腻地描绘了瓦尔登湖的优美景色,细致入微地描写了湖水的颜色变化,醉人心脾,引人入胜,表达了作者热爱自然、融入自然的情怀。 六、写作特点 1、描写细腻生动 2、运用多种修辞手法,特别是比喻手法的运用。 七、阅读思考探究(三),思考徐迟与梭罗这两位作者对自然的态度有什么不同? 明确:黄山记的作者主要强调人与自然关系的变化,表现人类对山的征服,对大自然的
14、征服,对造物主的征服。而瓦尔登湖的作者主要是通过赞美自然,强调人应该回归自然,和自然和谐相处。那么,人类应该如何对待自然?是征服自然,还是应该敬畏自然?这是长期以来专家学者们一直关注的话题。你更赞同哪一种观点。请同学们展开讨论,发表自己的看法。 (一)导入:田园诗人陶渊明有一篇脍炙人口的散文,就是桃花园记,作者笔下的桃花园,成了许多现代人向往的生活环境。无独有偶,在100多年前美国的诗人梭罗写了一本题为瓦尔登湖的散文随笔,里面的湖光山色美不胜收,现在,就让我们走出烦嚣的都市,跟随着梭罗走进瓦尔登湖,感受那妙不可言的美吧。 瓦尔登湖课文原文及名句(2) 瓦尔登湖 内容简介 梭罗远离尘嚣,他想在自
15、然的安谧中寻找一种本真的生存状态,寻求一种更诗意的生活。瓦尔登湖一书,详细地记录了作家在长达两年的时间里的日常生活状态以及所思所想,他在小木屋旁开荒种地,春种秋收,自给自足。他是一个自然之子,他崇尚自然,与自然交朋友,与湖水、森林和飞鸟对话,在林中观察动物和植物,在船上吹笛,在湖边钓鱼,晚上,在小木屋中记下自己的观察和思考。他追求精神生活,关注灵魂的成长,他骄傲地宣称:“每个人都是自己王国的国王,与这个王国相比,沙皇帝国也不过是一个卑微小国,犹如冰天雪地中的小雪团。”梭罗以他的实际行动告诉我们:人们所追求的大部分奢侈品,大部分的所谓生活的舒适,非但没有必要,而且对人类进步大有妨碍。 瓦尔登湖记
16、述了作者在简单生活中深入思考与重塑自我的心路历程,文笔宁静恬淡,引人深思,具有一种使人沉静的力量。 作品主题 梭罗自己在瓦尔登湖的实践和他的作品中都有一个贯穿始终的主张,那就是回归自然。他在作品中不断地指出,我们大多数现代人都被家庭、工作和各种物质需求所因,失去了精神追求,过着物欲的生活。这样的情形今天依然存在,并且愈发严重。我们有许多人几乎很少去关注在那些琐碎的个人利益和活动之外的事物。许多人的精神活动过于局限,只关心物质生活和感官享受,而用梭罗的话来说,我们这样的生活不能称为“真正的生活”。 在全球背景下,瓦尔登湖成为人与自然和谐共存的一个典范;如果说人们的生态关怀曾是梭罗声名鹊起的三个原
17、因之一,那么这种生态关怀现在已经成为当代梭罗研究的主要动机和原因了。从生态环境学的更广泛的意义来看,梭罗远远走在了我们的前面。他在日记中提出了许多观点,并在瓦尔登湖中详尽地表现出来。他说:“大多数人,在我看来,并不关爱自然。只要可以生存,他们会为了一杯朗姆酒出卖他们所享有的那一份自然之美。感谢上帝,人们还无法飞翔,因而也就无法像糟蹋大地一样糟蹋天空,在天空那一端我们暂时是安全的。” 瓦尔登湖的神话代表了一种追求完美的原生态生活方式,表达了一个对我们当代人很有吸引力、也很实用的理想。这个典范在今天对我们更具有生态学意义,因为生态平衡的破坏和环境的恶化已到了相当严重的程度,许多生态学家和环境保护主
18、义者正在致力于保护自然留给人类所剩不多的财富。因此,瓦尔登湖不再只是一个著名的美国作家梭罗在那里生活、写作和思考的具体的地点,它已经成为一个象征。在瓦尔登湖这个地名之后我们发现了一种生活方式,一个人与自然的浪漫史,一种对理想的执着追求,一个具体化的自然的概念,还有人类永恒不变的希望接近自然并与自然融合的愿望。 艺术特色 瓦尔登湖一书极具审美价值。实际上可以毫不掩饰地说,瓦尔登湖是一部大的美文,里面所插叙的一切对象,都浸润着棱罗的全部情感。 梭罗极善用比拟、比喻的手法,写眼前的一切事物,在棱罗的眼中,这些自然物并非死去,而是鲜活。而做到这一点,则归功于棱罗使用的一种与泥土接壤的语言,如同农夫播种
19、一样自然的文字,恰恰,这种语言风格保持着瓦尔登湖一书的鲜嫩,而鲜嫩的东西是长久的。这一点,在瓦尔登湖一书中处处可见。 任何一种美丽的物体都需要有一种奇特的魅力去引发人们观赏。一篇好的文章、一部好书也是这样,它必须以很好的文体规则去表现,从而拉近读者与作者的心理距离,并产生一种强烈的认同感。棱罗并不是以旁观者的姿态出现在书中,相反,他是用第一人称完全将自己与瓦尔登湖合二为一,将瓦尔登湖中的自然美透过“我”的感官、情感加以展示。作品影响 瓦尔登湖的神话代表了一种追求完美的原生态生活方式,表达了一个对我们当代人很有吸引力、也很实用的理想。这个典范在今天对我们更具有生态学意义,因为生态平衡的破坏和环境
20、的恶化已到了相当严重的程度,许多生态学家和环境保护主义者正在致力于保护自然留给人类所剩不多的财富。因此,瓦尔登湖不再只是一个著名的美国作家梭罗在那里生活、写作和思考的具体的地点,它已经成为一个象征。在瓦尔登湖这个地名之后我们发现了一种生活方式,一个人与自然的浪漫史,一种对理想的执着追求,一个具体化的自然的概念,还有人类永恒不变的希望接近自然并与自然融合的愿望。 他的一生是如此之简单而馥郁,又如此之孤独而芬芳。也可以说,他的一生十分不简单,也毫不孤独。他的读者将会发现,他的精神生活十分丰富,而且是精美绝伦,世上罕见。和他交往的人不多,而神交的人可就多得多了。 徐迟 瓦尔登湖课文原文及名句(3)
21、ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A special acknowledgement should be shown to my supervisor, Jing Xiya, who has taught me how to write the paper. I want to thank her for her great patience and generosity. She helped me in all the stages of writing this paper, without her patient instruction, this paper couldnt have
22、 reached its present form. My gratitude also extends to the professors and teachers at the English department. Besides, I would like to extend my heart-felt thanks to my friends and my classmates, who helped me a lot in writing this paper. CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 The Influence of
23、 Traditional Chinese Culture to Thoreau 2 2.1 The Social Background of Creation of Walden 2 2.2 Thoreaus Reception of Four Books and Confucianism 3 2.3 The comparison of Thoreau and Chuang Tzu (through fish) 5 Chapter 3 Similarities and Differences 5 3.1 Similarities 6 3.1.1 The Most Important and M
24、eaningful Part of Their Conception The Integration of Nature and Man 6 3.1.2 Harmony and great aesthetic value 6 3.1.3 Spiritual value 6 3.2 Differences 6 3.2.1 The social background 6 3.2.2 The differences of their conception of nature 7 Chapter 4 Conclusion 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY Comparative study on Thor
25、eau and Tao Yuan Ming FANG Wei Abstract: Walden is one of the important works written by Thoreau, a famous American thinker and essayist. It is regarded as a representative work in American natural literature. Its ideological contents, aesthetic value and genre, which passes through time and space a
26、nd influences the generations to come. Chinese Eastern Jin Dynastys Tao Yuan Ming, Mr. Wu Liu, is politely called pastoral poets first ancestor. His representative works Arcadia Records, which elaborated the integration of nature and man and so on, has the same theme with Thoreaus thoughts. This the
27、sis aims to systematically analyze and discuss the similarities and differences of views of nature between Tao Yuan Ming and Thoreau, who came from different countries, lived at different times, with different writing styles, make preparation for seeking spiritual and realistic value. Keywords: lite
28、rature of nature; aesthetic value ; views of nature;spiritual and realistic value. 摘要瓦尔登湖是美国著名思想家、散文家梭罗的重要作品,被誉为美国自然文学的代表作。它的思想内容、审美价值、文体风格都有其穿越时空、影响后人的魅力。中国东晋的陶渊明,号五柳先生,被尊称为田园诗人的鼻祖。其代表作桃花源记所阐述的天人合一等观点,都与梭罗的思想有异曲同工之妙。本文旨在梳理与探索陶渊明与梭罗这两位不同国度、不同时代、不同写作风格的作家自然观的异同,寻求其精神与现实价值。 关键词:自然文学;审美;自然观;精神与现实价值 Cha
29、pter 1 Introduction American transcendentalist Thoreau has contributed a lot to American literature and has won the respect from many people. Because of his experiment of tasting a life style, which represents returning to nature; because of the expression of “the integration of nature and man”; bec
30、ause of his digestion of both American and ancient Chinese civilization. Under the theoretic direction of comparative literature, criticism, and structuralism, this article attempts to start from the Walden of Thoreau, and combined to his transcendentalism, then fused with Confucianism and Tao Yuan
31、Ming, aims to inspire people to dwell on the land poetically and achieve the freedom of inner spirit. Chapter 2 The Influence of Traditional Chinese Culture to Thoreau 2.1 The Social Background of Creation of Walden Walden, or Life in the Woods is quiet, aesthetic and full of intelligence and can be
32、 regarded as not merely a novel. Walden (first published as Walden; or, Life in the Woods) by Henry David Thoreau is one of the best-known non-fiction books written by an American. It is Thoreaus representative work and was published in 1854. It details Thoreaus sojourn in a cabin near Walden Pond,
33、amidst woodland owned by his friend and mentor Ralph Waldo Emerson, near Concord, Massachusetts. He lived at Walden for two years, two months, and two days, and wrote with expressed seasonal divisions. Thoreau hoped to separate himself from society because he wanted to achieve a more objective under
34、standing of it. However, he did not intend to act as a hermit. He received visitors, returned their visits, and did odd jobs in the town. Instead, he hoped to isolate himself from society in order to gain a more objective understanding of it. Self-sufficiency and strive to gain personal spiritual pe
35、rfection is what he wanted to express. Simplicity and self-reliance were Thoreaus other goals, and the whole project was inspired by Transcendentalist philosophy. However the house was not in wilderness but at the edge of town, not far from his home, and his mother cooked him meals and cleaned the h
36、ouse.(贾西津.梭罗隐居瓦尔登湖的启示 J.时代周报, 2023(46).) The 19th century of American was a glorious time. A large amount of authors were deeply influenced by transcendentalism. Thoreau was the representative and he practiced what he preaches. In his Walden, he researched what is real face of life, and how to exper
37、iment meaningful life for himself, for his countrymen, and also for our readers. The study of transcendentalism covers the east and west literature, culture, religion and so on. Walden is believed to have been inspired by American Transcendentalism, a philosophy developed by Thoreaus friend and spir
38、itual mentor Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emerson owned the land on which Thoreau built his cabin, and Thoreau used to walk over to Emersons house for a meal and a conversation. (贾西津.梭罗隐居瓦尔登湖的启示 J.时代周报, 2023(58).) Thoreau regarded his sojourn at Walden as a noble experiment with a threefold purpose. First,
39、he was escaping the dehumanizing effects of the Industrial Revolution by returning to a simpler, agrarian lifestyle. Second, he was simplifying his life ,reducing his expenditures, and increasing the amount of leisure time in which he could work on his writings .Third, and most important, Thoreau wa
40、s putting into practice the Transcendentalist belief that one can best transcend normality and experience the Ideal, or the Divine, through nature. It should come as no surprise that Walden is now an icon for environmentalists, and a touchstone for Americans seeking to get in touch with nature. (梭罗.
41、 瓦尔登湖经济篇M . 徐迟(译). 上海: 上海译文出版社, 1997.) 2.2 Thoreaus Reception of Four Books and Confucianism Whats more, we should pay attention to Thoreaus reception of the Four Books to probe the influence of Confucianism on transcendentalism. And this shows how ancient Chinese culture influences the world. In th
42、e continual river of history, the combination of Thoreau, the Walden Pond and Confucianism is a fragrant legend glittering forever. American superempiricalist author Thoreau was hardly known by people before his death. It is until the nineties of the last century that Chinese readers really began to
43、 pay attention to him and show respect to him. His simple and brilliant life, especially his experiment of a simplified life style which represents a return to nature at the Walden Pond won peoples respect and admiration. His life style is not only full of American spirit, but also embodies the bril
44、liant ancient Chinese civilization. His spirit and thoughts remind us of Confucius and Yanhui in ancient China. In Walden, there are nine quotations from the Confucian classic, The Four Books. However , because of language barriers, differences in ideological and cultural background , as well as the
45、 impact of personal philosophy , Most of these quotations are ”creative misreading and elucidation” and “have the same appearances but different spirits” with Confucian classic books. (论语述而篇M .) “They say that characters were engraved on the bathing tub of king Tchingthang to this effect:Renew thyse
46、lf completely each day; do it again, and again, and forever again. ” (论语学而篇M .)Thoreau, held the same idea with Confucius, treasured the quality of renew and improve characters. And he quoted ten times from the Four Books to support his thesis. Thoreau, who was not interested in politics at all, eng
47、raved in that. Because he lived in that century, he had no choice. However, he refused to admit the power of government which didnt really love and make benefits for his people. Facing this situation, Thoreau gave two suggestion:far away from politics ;or continue to take part in the government. (贾西
48、津.梭罗隐居瓦尔登湖的启示 J.时代周报,2023(56).)In his another book, he quoted: “Lew Hea Hooi was not ashamed of serving a dirty Prince, nor did he refuse an inferior office. He did not conceal the virtuous, and acted according to his principles. Although he lost his place, he didnt rumble. In poverty he didnt repin
49、e He lived in harmony with men of little worth, and could not bear to abandon them. He said, “You are you, and I am I, although you sit by my side with your body naked, how can you defile me ” (梭 罗. 瓦尔登湖我生活的地方 M . 徐 迟(译). 上海译文出版社, 1997.) Hence when the fame of Lew Hea Hooi is heard of ,the mean man
50、becomes liberal, and the miserly becomes generous. Thoreau experimented Lews feeling and highly praised him .In American of that time, he disliked the system of slaves very much and didnt want to see countrymens miserable life. He refused to hand in head tax. He chose Walden, not to avoid the realit
51、y, to be just far away from it. Henry David Thoreaus Walden shows readers not only a lot of picturesque scenery but also a kind of optimistic and active spirit that includes simple and plain life. This spirit is just advocated in Chinese Buddhism. Therefore, some Buddhism thought is embodied in Thor
52、eaus Walden. This paper will analyze this cultural mixture between the works theme and Buddhist thought from the following two aspects. The first one is simplifying life and seeking lifes true meaning. The other is cultivating temperament and returning to nature. The work Walden and Buddhism have th
53、e same result in purifying readers souls and recovering mans spirit. This work makes readers seek spiritual purity in the noisy and secular world. 2.3 The comparison of Thoreau and Chuang Tzu (through fish) Fish is frequently seen in Henry David Thoreaus Walden and also contains plenty of his abunda
54、nt sense and sensitive thoughts. Walden states not merely Thoreaus appreciation of fish, going fishing and eating fish but several kinds of fish. Meanwhile, fish appears frequently in Chuang Tzus poetic prose, too. To Thoreau and Chuang Tzu, “fish” is not just the object outsides but conveys more pr
55、ofound implications. By comparison, the indications of fish by Thoreau and Chuang Tzu have both the similarities and the differences. At that time, Thoreau helped Emerson to edit the transcendentalism journal, the Dial and was deeply influenced by oriental elements such as Hinduism and Confucianism.
56、 Chinese literatures master Lin Yu Tang. once said,“The philosophy of Thoreau, among all the American writers, can be viewed as the most full of Chinese color.” (林语堂:生活的艺术,外语教学育研究出版社,1998年.) His personal interpretation,that is, depending on oneself and fulfilling the translation from physical to men
57、tal point. One should help himself or herself gain freedom and to achieve value. However, this independent is totally and was centered by self. Compared with that, Confucianism is open and spread from wide aspects. It not only emphasizes personal independent, but also considers surrounding elements.
58、 Chapter 3 Similarities and Differences 3.1 Similarities 3.1.1 The Most Important and Meaningful Part of Their ConceptionThe Integration of Nature and Man From the perspective of ecological aspect, there is a natural combination between Thoreau and Tao Yuan Ming. They held the basic same idea, altho
59、ugh they lived at different times, came from different countries, and had different writing styles. The most important and meaningful part of their conception expresses one idea: that is, the integration of nature and man; and back to nature. Both Henry David Thoreau and Tao Yuan Ming are writers an
60、d thinkers who were famous for their “recluse” in American and Chinese literary histories. They chose the “recluse” lifestyle to do the personal humanism concern of the life and the current things. This paper tries to commence from the analysis on the consistency of their claim to “simple”, combinin
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