1、 * GSP 数据库接口单元 设计:Tu Jianhua 2005.06.24 备注: 审核: Copyright (c) 1994-2005 GrandSoft Corporation * unit GSPInterface; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, Types, GrandXMLIntf, GEPInterface; const cGSPEngineVersion = 2.3.9;/ 平台引擎版本号(版本.存储.接口) cErrorRefCode = ?; / 非法引用代码 cParamMark = ?; / 参数标记 cRefForeignKe
2、yMark = ; / 引用外键字段标识 cVariableMark = ; / 变量标记 const ptUnknown = 0; / 未知 ptField = 1; / 字段 ptCustomMacro = 2; / 自定义宏 ptRowRefMacro = 3; / 行引用宏 ptConditionMacro = 4; / 条件宏 ptKeyValueMacro = 5; / 键值宏 ptExprEvaluator = 6; / 表达式求值器 ptViewFilterTrigger = 7; / 动态View 的记录过滤触发器 ptConstraintRule = 8; / 约束规则 c
3、onst edtIntegerProvider = 30; edtFloatProvider = 31; edtStringProvider = 32; edtBooleanProvider = 33; edtDatetimeProvider = 34; edtInt64Provider = 35; edtIntegerProviderList = 40; edtFloatProviderList = 41; edtStringProviderList = 42; edtBooleanProviderList = 43; edtDatetimeProviderList = 44; edtInt
4、64ProviderList = 45; edtModel = 50; / IGSPModel edtDatabase = 51; / IGSPDatabase edtTable = 52; / IGSPTable edtRecord = 53; / IGSPRecord edtField = 54; / IGSPField edtData = 55; / IGEPData edtView = 56; / IGSPView edtDatabaseDynArray = 60; / IGSPDatabaseDynArray edtTableDynArray = 61; / IGSPTableDyn
5、Array edtRecordDynArray = 62; / IGSPRecordDynArray type / 数据模式 TGSPMode = ( gmDesign = 0, / 设计期 gmLoad = 1, / 装载期 gmRuntime = 2 / 运行期 ); / 数据类型 TGSPDataType = ( dtString = 0, / 字符串 dtBoolean = 1, / 布尔型 dtLongInt = 2, / 4 字节有符号整数 dtShortInt = 3, / 1 字节有符号整数 dtByte = 4, / 1 字节无符号整数 dtSmallInt = 5, / 2
6、 字节有符号整数 dtWord = 6, / 2 字节无符号整数 dtDouble = 7, / 双精度浮点数 dtDecimal = 8, / 固定小数位数浮点数 dtDateTime = 9, / 日期时间型 dtText = 10, / 文本备注 dtBlob = 11, / 二进制OLE dtTable = 12, / 表 dtInt64 = 13 / 长整数 ); / 字段类型 TGSPFieldKind = ( fkPrimaryKey = 0, / 主键字段 fkForeignKey = 1, / 外键字段 fkNormalData = 2, / 普通数据字段 fkEnum =
7、3, / 枚举字段 fkExpr = 4, / 表达式字段(用户输入表达式) fkCalc = 5, / 计算字段(在Schema 中定义表达式) fkNullExprData = 6, / 带空值表达式数据字段 fkNestedTable = 7 / 嵌套表 ); / 主细关系 TGSPMasterDetailRelationship = ( mdrOneToMany = 0, / 1 对多 mdrOneToOne = 1 / 1 对1 ); / 表类型 TGSPTableKind = ( tkNormalTable = 0, / 普通表 tkPropTable = 1, / 属性表 tkN
8、estedTable = 2, / 嵌套表 tkTempTable = 3 / 临时表 ); / 基本数据类型 TGSPBaseDataType = ( bdtUnknown, / 未知 bdtInteger, / 整数 bdtFloat, / 浮点数 bdtString, / 字符串 bdtBoolean, / 布尔 bdtDatetime, / 日期时间 bdtTable, / 嵌套表 bdtInt64 / 长整数 ); / 命令状态 TGSPDoCommandMode = ( dcmNone, / 无 dcmUndo, / 撤销状态 dcmRedo / 重做状态 ); / Provide
9、r 类型 TGSPProviderType = Byte; / Seek 定位选项 TGSPSeekOption = ( gsoFirst, / 返回第一条匹配的记录下标 gsoLast, / 返回最后一条匹配的记录下标 gsoMatch / 返回二分查找时首次匹配的记录下标 ); / Seek 定位选项 TGSPSeekFlag = ( sfEqual, sfGreaterThan, sfGreaterEqual, sfLessThan, sfLessEqual ); / 比较结果 TGSPCompareResult = ( gcrLessThan = -1, / 小于 gcrEqual =
10、 0, / 等于 gcrGreaterThan = 1 / 大于 ); / 命令类型 TGSPCommandKind = Word; / 下拉列表选择项 TGSPPickItem = record DisplayText: string; / 显示文本 PickResult: string; / 返回值 end; / 下拉列表 TGSPPickItemDynArray = array of TGSPPickItem; / Lookup 类型 TGSPLookupKind = ( lkNone, / 无查询 lkTable, / 从表中查询 lkList, / 从固定列表中查询 lkSQL /
11、SQL 语句查询 ); / 自定义宏类型 TGSPCustomMacroType = ( cmtTableCustomMacro, cmtRecordCustomMacro ); type IGSPModel = interface; IGSPDatabase = interface; IGSPTables = interface; IGSPTable = interface; IGSPView = interface; IGSPRecord = interface; IGSPRecordProxy = interface; IGSPRecordParser = interface; IGSP
12、Field = interface; IGSPTableSchema = interface; IGSPFieldSchemas = interface; IGSPFieldSchema = interface; IGSPForeignKeyFieldSchema = interface; IGSPExtPropDefs = interface; IGSPExtPropDef = interface; IGSPKeyValueMacroDef = interface; IGSPCustomMacroDefs = interface; IGSPCustomMacroDef = interface
13、; IGSPConstDef = interface; IGSPConstDefs = interface; IGSPRuleDefs = interface; IGSPRuleDef = interface; IGSPReadonlyRuleDefs = interface; IGSPReadonlyRuleDef = interface; IGSPIndexFiles = interface; IGSPIndexFile = interface; IGSPVariable = interface; IGSPScripts = interface; IGSPScript = interfac
14、e; IGSPApplyUpdateCommands = interface; IGSPFilterRecordEventList = interface; IGSPModelEventContainer = interface; IGSPDatabaseEventContainer = interface; IGSPTableEventContainer = interface; IGSPRecordEventContainer = interface; IGSPFieldEventContainer = interface; IGSPViewObserver = interface; IG
15、SPCommand = interface; IGSPProvider = interface; IGSPExprEvaluator = interface; IGSPRecordList = interface; IGSPVarInfo = interface; IGSPSubModelInfo = interface; IGSPModelXMLReader = interface; IGSPModelXMLWriter = interface; IGSPTableXMLReader = interface; IGSPTableXMLWriter = interface; / 事件方法类型:
16、Mode 改变之前触发 TGSPBeforeModeChangeEvent = procedure (const AModel: IGSPModel; ANewMode: TGSPMode; var ACanChange: Boolean) of object; / 事件方法类型:Mode 改变之后触发 TGSPAfterModeChangeEvent = procedure (const AModel: IGSPModel; AOldMode: TGSPMode) of object; / 事件方法类型:创建SubModel 之前触发 TGSPBeforeGetSubModelEvent =
17、 procedure (const AModel: IGSPModel; const ASubModelInfo: IGSPSubModelInfo; var ACanCreate: Boolean) of object; / 事件方法类型:创建SubModel 之后触发 TGSPAfterGetSubModelEvent = procedure (const AModel, ASubModel: IGSPModel; const ASubModelInfo: IGSPSubModelInfo) of object; / 事件方法类型:提交更新之前触发 TGSPBeforeApplyUpdat
18、eEvent = procedure (const AModel: IGSPModel; const ACommands: IGSPApplyUpdateCommands; var ACanApplyUpdate: Boolean) of object; / 事件方法类型:提交更新之后触发 TGSPAfterApplyUpdateEvent = procedure (const AModel: IGSPModel; const ACommands: IGSPApplyUpdateCommands) of object; / 事件方法类型:插入数据库之前触发 TGSPBeforeInsertDa
19、tabaseEvent = procedure (AIndex: Integer; const ADatabase: IGSPDatabase; var ACanInsert: Boolean) of object; / 事件方法类型:插入数据库之后触发 TGSPAfterInsertDatabaseEvent = procedure (const ADatabase: IGSPDatabase) of object; / 事件方法类型:删除数据库之前触发 TGSPBeforeDeleteDatabaseEvent = procedure (const ADatabase: IGSPDatab
20、ase; var ACanDelete: Boolean) of object; / 事件方法类型:删除数据库之后触发 TGSPAfterDeleteDatabaseEvent = procedure (const ADatabase: IGSPDatabase) of object; / 事件方法类型:移动数据库之前触发 TGSPBeforeMoveDatabaseEvent = procedure (const AModel: IGSPModel; AFromIndex, AToIndex: Integer; var ACanMove: Boolean) of object; / 事件方法
21、类型:移动数据库之后触发 TGSPAfterMoveDatabaseEvent = procedure (const AModel: IGSPModel; AFromIndex, AToIndex: Integer) of object; / 事件方法类型:插入表之前触发 TGSPBeforeInsertTableEvent = procedure (AIndex: Integer; const ATable: IGSPTable; var ACanInsert: Boolean) of object; / 事件方法类型:插入表之后触发 TGSPAfterInsertTableEvent =
22、procedure (const ATable: IGSPTable) of object; / 事件方法类型:删除表之前触发 TGSPBeforeDeleteTableEvent = procedure (const ATable: IGSPTable; var ACanDelete: Boolean) of object; / 事件方法类型:删除表之后触发 TGSPAfterDeleteTableEvent = procedure (const ATable: IGSPTable) of object; / 事件方法类型:移动表之前触发 TGSPBeforeMoveTableEvent =
23、 procedure (const ADatabase: IGSPDatabase; AFromIndex, AToIndex: Integer; var ACanMove: Boolean) of object; / 事件方法类型:移动表之后触发 TGSPAfterMoveTableEvent = procedure (const ADatabase: IGSPDatabase; AFromIndex, AToIndex: Integer) of object; / 事件方法类型:插入记录之前触发 TGSPBeforeInsertRecordEvent = procedure (AIndex
24、: Integer; const ARecord: IGSPRecord; var ACanInsert: Boolean) of object; / 事件方法类型:插入记录之后触发 TGSPAfterInsertRecordEvent = procedure (const ARecord: IGSPRecord) of object; / 事件方法类型:删除记录之前触发 TGSPBeforeDeleteRecordEvent = procedure (const ARecord: IGSPRecord; var ACanDelete: Boolean) of object; / 事件方法类型
25、:删除记录之后触发 TGSPAfterDeleteRecordEvent = procedure (const ARecord: IGSPRecord) of object; / 事件方法类型:移动记录之前触发 TGSPBeforeMoveRecordEvent = procedure (const ATable: IGSPTable; AFromIndex, AToIndex: Integer; var ACanMove: Boolean) of object; / 事件方法类型:移动记录之后触发 TGSPAfterMoveRecordEvent = procedure (const ATa
26、ble: IGSPTable; AFromIndex, AToIndex: Integer) of object; / 事件方法类型:更新字段之前触发 TGSPBeforeUpdateFieldEvent = procedure (const AField: IGSPField; ANewValue: Variant; AIsExprUpdate: Boolean; var ACanChange: Boolean) of object; / 事件方法类型:更新字段之后触发 TGSPAfterUpdateFieldEvent = procedure (const AField: IGSPFiel
27、d; AIsExprUpdate: Boolean) of object; / 事件方法类型:查询主键值 TGSPQueryIDValueEvent = procedure (const ARecord: IGSPRecord; var AIDValue: Integer) of object; / 事件方法类型:取浮点类型字段精度 TGSPQueryDecimalEvent = procedure (const AField: IGSPField; var ADecimal: Integer) of Object; / 事件方法类型:过滤记录 TGSPFilterRecordEvent =
28、procedure(const ARecord: IGSPRecord; var Accept: Boolean) of object; / 事件方法类型:刷新ExprEvaluator 值 TGSPEvaluatorRefreshValueEvent = procedure(const AEvaluator: IGSPExprEvaluator) of object; / 记录排序比较函数 TGSPRecordCompareFunc = function (const ARecord1, ARecord2: IGSPRecord): TGSPCompareResult of object;
29、/ IGSPTableSchema 动态数组 TGSPTableSchemaDynArray = array of IGSPTableSchema; / 外键字段动态数组 TGSPForeignKeyFieldSchemaDynArray = array of IGSPForeignKeyFieldSchema; / IGSPDatabase 动态数组 TGSPDatabaseDynArray = array of IGSPDatabase; / IGSPTable 动态数组 TGSPTableDynArray = array of IGSPTable; / IGSPRecord 动态数组 T
30、GSPRecordDynArray = array of IGSPRecord; / IGSPField 动态数组 TGSPFieldDynArray = array of IGSPField; / IGSPProvider 动态数组 TGSPProviderDynArray = array of IGSPProvider; / IGSPView 动态数组 TGSPViewDynArray = array of IGSPView; / IGSPViewObserver 动态数组 TGSPViewObserverDynArray = array of IGSPViewObserver; / 字段
31、类型动态数组 TGSPFieldKindDynArray = array of TGSPFieldKind; / 平台引擎接口 IGSPEngine = interface 1B048041-1E81-4A41-8D30-73CCF78600AF function CreateModel( ALogCommand: Boolean = False; const AGEPEngine: IGEPEngine = nil): IGSPModel; function CreateTempTable( const ATableName: string = ; const AModel: IGSPMod
32、el = nil; const AGEPEngine: IGEPEngine = nil): IGSPTable; function CreateModelXMLReader(ASimpleDataIntf: Boolean = False): IGSPModelXMLReader; function CreateModelXMLWriter: IGSPModelXMLWriter; function CreateTableXMLReader: IGSPTableXMLReader; function CreateTableXMLWriter: IGSPTableXMLWriter; func
33、tion CreateGEPEngine: IGEPEngine; function GetDefaultGEPEngine: IGEPEngine; function GetVersion: string; property DefaultGEPEngine: IGEPEngine read GetDefaultGEPEngine; property Version: string read GetVersion; end; / 模型XML 格式读取接口 IGSPModelXMLReader = interface A67D20CB-E430-462B-8E6E-1B21ACE2071A p
34、rocedure Read(const AXMLNode: IXMLNode; const AModel: IGSPModel; AReadonly: Boolean = False); overload; procedure Read(const AXMLDoc: IXMLDocument; const AModel: IGSPModel; AReadonly: Boolean = False); overload; procedure Read(const AFileName: string; const AModel: IGSPModel; AReadonly: Boolean = Fa
35、lse); overload; procedure Read(const AStream: TStream; const AModel: IGSPModel; AReadonly: Boolean = False); overload; procedure Read(const AXMLNode: IXMLNode; const AModel: IGSPModel; AForceMode: TGSPMode; AReadonly: Boolean = False); overload; procedure Read(const AXMLDoc: IXMLDocument; const AMod
36、el: IGSPModel; AForceMode: TGSPMode; AReadonly: Boolean = False); overload; procedure Read(const AFileName: string; const AModel: IGSPModel; AForceMode: TGSPMode; AReadonly: Boolean = False); overload; procedure Read(const AStream: TStream; const AModel: IGSPModel; AForceMode: TGSPMode; AReadonly: B
37、oolean = False); overload; procedure Read(const AXMLNode: IXMLNode; const ADatabase: IGSPDatabase; const ADatabaseName: string); overload; procedure Read(const AXMLDoc: IXMLDocument; const ADatabase: IGSPDatabase; const ADatabaseName: string); overload; procedure Read(const AFileName: string; const
38、ADatabase: IGSPDatabase; const ADatabaseName: string); overload; procedure Read(const AStream: TStream; const ADatabase: IGSPDatabase; const ADatabaseName: string); overload; procedure ReadSchema(const AXMLNode: IXMLNode; const AModel: IGSPModel); overload; procedure ReadSchema(const AXMLDoc: IXMLDo
39、cument; const AModel: IGSPModel); overload; procedure ReadSchema(const AFileName: string; const AModel: IGSPModel); overload; procedure ReadSchema(const AStream: TStream; const AModel: IGSPModel); overload; procedure ReadData(const AXMLNode: IXMLNode; const AModel: IGSPModel; AReadonly: Boolean = Fa
40、lse); overload; procedure ReadData(const AXMLDoc: IXMLDocument; const AModel: IGSPModel; AReadonly: Boolean = False); overload; procedure ReadData(const AFileName: string; const AModel: IGSPModel; AReadonly: Boolean = False); overload; procedure ReadData(const AStream: TStream; const AModel: IGSPMod
41、el; AReadonly: Boolean = False); overload; end; / 模型XML 格式保存接口 IGSPModelXMLWriter = interface D656872F-FC67-44FC-A527-257FF8D6A519 procedure Write(const AXMLNode: IXMLNode; const AModel: IGSPModel; ACompressData: Boolean = True); overload; procedure Write(const AXMLDoc: IXMLDocument; const AModel: I
42、GSPModel; ACompressData: Boolean = True); overload; procedure Write(const AFileName: string; const AModel: IGSPModel; ACompressData: Boolean = True; AEncryptData: Boolean = True); overload; procedure Write(const AStream: TStream; const AModel: IGSPModel; ACompressData: Boolean = True; AEncryptData:
43、Boolean = True); overload; procedure WriteSchema(const AXMLNode: IXMLNode; const AModel: IGSPModel); overload; procedure WriteSchema(const AXMLDoc: IXMLDocument; const AModel: IGSPModel); overload; procedure WriteSchema(const AFileName: string; const AModel: IGSPModel; AEncryptData: Boolean = True);
44、 overload; procedure WriteSchema(const AStream: TStream; const AModel: IGSPModel); overload; procedure WriteData(const AXMLNode: IXMLNode; const AModel: IGSPModel; ACompressData: Boolean = True); overload; procedure WriteData(const AXMLDoc: IXMLDocument; const AModel: IGSPModel; ACompressData: Boole
45、an = True); overload; procedure WriteData(const AFileName: string; const AModel: IGSPModel; ACompressData: Boolean = True; AEncryptData: Boolean = True); overload; procedure WriteData(const AStream: TStream; const AModel: IGSPModel; ACompressData: Boolean = True); overload; end; / 表XML 格式读取接口 IGSPTa
46、bleXMLReader = interface 47D66096-CF94-4583-92FF-764AB57C510B procedure Read(const AXMLNode: IXMLNode; const ATable: IGSPTable); overload; procedure Read(const AXMLFile: string; const ATable: IGSPTable); overload; procedure Read(const AXMLDoc: IXMLDocument; const ATable: IGSPTable); overload; end; /
47、 表XML 格式保存接口 IGSPTableXMLWriter = interface 47D66096-CF94-4583-92FF-764AB57C510B procedure Write(const AXMLNode: IXMLNode; const ATable: IGSPTable; ACompressData: Boolean); overload; procedure Write(const AXMLFile: string; const ATable: IGSPTable; ACompressData: Boolean = False; AEncryptData: Boolea
48、n = True); overload; procedure Write(const AXMLDoc: IXMLDocument; const ATable: IGSPTable; ACompressData: Boolean); overload; end; / 提交命令接口 IGSPApplyUpdateCommands = interface 802541EC-B081-4DD5-9215-95694F5D5B86 procedure Execute(const AModel: IGSPModel); end; / 模型接口 IGSPModel = interface AA1E8499-
49、3EF8-4141-AE10-2B41882D2C8F function New(const ADatabaseName: string = ; const ADatabaseAliasName: string = ): IGSPDatabase; procedure Add(const ADatabase: IGSPDatabase); overload; procedure Add(const ADatabases: array of IGSPDatabase); overload; procedure Delete(AIndex: Integer); procedure Remove(c
50、onst ADatabaseName: string); overload; procedure Remove(const ADatabase: IGSPDatabase); overload; procedure Remove(const ADatabaseNames: TStringDynArray); overload; procedure Remove(const ADatabases: array of IGSPDatabase); overload; procedure Clear; procedure Move(AFromIndex, AToIndex: Integer); pr
51、ocedure Merge(const ASource: IGSPModel); overload; procedure Merge(const ASource: IGSPDatabase); overload; procedure Merge(const ADatabases: array of IGSPDatabase); overload; function IndexOf(const ADatabaseName: string): Integer; overload; function IndexOf(const ADatabase: IGSPDatabase): Integer; o
52、verload; function Find(const ADatabaseName: string): IGSPDatabase; function FindTable(const ADatabaseName, ATableName: string): IGSPTable; function TableByName(const ATableName: string; const ADatabaseName: string = ): IGSPTable; procedure AssignData(const ASource: IGSPModel); procedure ClearData; f
53、unction Clone(ALogCommand: Boolean = False; ASchemaOnly: Boolean = False): IGSPModel; procedure BatchInsertRecord(const ARecords: TGSPRecordDynArray; const ANextRecordIDs: TIntegerDynArray); overload; procedure BatchInsertRecord(const ARecords: IGSPRecordList; const ANextRecordIDs: TIntegerDynArray)
54、; overload; procedure BatchRemoveRecord(const ARecords: TGSPRecordDynArray); overload; procedure BatchRemoveRecord(const ARecords: IGSPRecordList); overload; procedure BeginLockObservers; procedure EndLockObservers; function InLockObserversState: Boolean; function ExecuteSQL(const ASQLText: string;
55、ASchemaOnly: Boolean = False): IGSPTable; procedure ApplyUpdate(const ACommands: IGSPApplyUpdateCommands); function CreateSubModel( const ASubModelInfo: IGSPSubModelInfo; ALogCommand: Boolean; ASchemaOnly: Boolean = False; ACheckValidaty: Boolean = True): IGSPModel; overload; function CreateSubModel
56、( const ASubModelInfo: TObject; ALogCommand: Boolean; ASchemaOnly: Boolean = False; ACheckValidaty: Boolean = True): IGSPModel; overload; procedure CheckModelValidaty( const ARefModel: IGSPModel; const ASubModelInfo: IGSPSubModelInfo; AForceForeignKey: Boolean); function RegisterVar(const ACode: str
57、ing; ADataType: TGEPDataType): IGSPVariable; function FindVar(const ACode: string): IGSPVariable; function HasCommand: Boolean; function FetchCommand: IGSPCommand; function CreateCommand(ACommandKind: TGSPCommandKind): IGSPCommand; procedure BeginPauseCommand; procedure EndPauseCommand; function InP
58、auseCommand: Boolean; procedure BeginTransaction; procedure EndTransaction; procedure Rollback; function InTransaction: Boolean; procedure BeginIgnoreFieldConstraint; procedure EndIgnoreFieldConstraint; procedure CancelIgnoreFieldConstraint; function InIgnoreFieldConstraint: Boolean; procedure Begin
59、Update; procedure EndUpdate; procedure CancelUpdate; function InUpdate: Boolean; function UpdateCount: Integer; procedure BeginPauseEvents; procedure EndPauseEvents; function InPauseEvents: Boolean; function ClearUpdateCount: Integer; procedure ResetUpdateCount(AUpdateCount: Integer); function GetMo
60、delEventContainer: IGSPModelEventContainer; function GetDatabaseEventContainer: IGSPDatabaseEventContainer; function GetTableEventContainer: IGSPTableEventContainer; function GetRecordEventContainer: IGSPRecordEventContainer; function GetFieldEventContainer: IGSPFieldEventContainer; function GetVers
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