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1、COLORFUL YUNNAN TOPCYconcept development _ 04.09.10ITCOLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SITE DISTRICT DIAGRAM区域图项目说明作为大规模城市规划的一部分,云南市的愿景PROJECT DESCRIPTIONThe viof the city of Yunnan is to establish a modern and是在现有市的打造一个时尚且现代的contemporary salite city outside the existing Kunming

2、City, as城。现有空地上将建造主旨、结构和规模part of a large scale urban planned development. The vi will transform the existing open land o a complex of cities - each with their own pur e, structure and size.自成一体的多元化城市。为地块# 8的商业、办公、酒店和住宅以及地块# 7的商业部分提供概念性总体规划。Our objective is to develop a conceptual Mastlan for the co

3、m-merl, office, hotand residential Parcel # 8 and the commer- l part of parcel #7.指导原则:Guiding Principles:打造与众不同的城市。Create a distinctiveernational city.将中心商业区与周围社区整合在一起egrate the central business district with the surround-开发汇集多元文化和八方精英的混合社ing communities both physically and visually.区,满足悠闲、购物和需求,打造

4、生机勃Develop a mixed-use communityt combines a vari-勃的商住两用动态城市,每周7天每天24小时生机无限。ety of cultures and demographics, while satisfying the needs for recreation, shop and enterta ent to result in an effective 24/7 city dynamic of combined business and residential uses.通过设计、技术和可持续发展元素打造真正的21世纪城市。Create a true

5、 city of the 21st century by design, technol-打造云南中心区域的临界点。ogy and sustainability.营造不拘一格的云南特色,不必拘泥于Create a critical mass for the center of Yunnan.地理界线Reachthe boundaries of the site to define the将 云 南 打 造 成 中 国 的级 城市character of Yunnan. China. ment.Define Yunnan as one of the new world class cities

6、in确立高质量开发标准。Establish high standards for the quality of the develop-1PARK / NATURE公园/自然景观FASHION / ENTERTA ENT / CULTURE精品购物/文化BUSINESS商务RESIDENTIAL住宅HYBRID STREET RETAIL混用临街商业设施HO / CONFERENCE & SERVICE APARTMENTS酒店、会议中心和酒店式公寓PLAZA广场WATERFRONT ENTERTA ENT海滨RETAIL商业8七彩云南热门城市开发区将成为云南中心区城市生活和活动的纽带,现代城

7、市生活所需的配The Colorful Yunnan Top City development will be a nexus of ur- ban life and activity in central Yunnan, providing all the amenities of a modern urban city. It will establish visual and physical con- nections with the surrounding context via three urban strategies.23套设施应有尽有。通过三项城市,感官上4与周围环境实实

8、在在水融在一起。5多层景观广场将被塑造为动感十足、生机勃1. Create a vibrant and activated center to the sitehe form6勃的中心,贯穿的景观廊连接低层配of a multi-leveled landscd plazat preserves view corridors7套设施,使其沐浴妩媚阳光,并且在区域间的形成一条缝隙南北across the site, establishes connections and brings daylight to lower level amenities and forms a seam bet n

9、the Northern and Southern districts of the site.8922945NORTHERN DISTRICT北部区域 171CENTRAL DISTRICT中心区域419SOUTHERN DISTRICT南部区域District KEYPLAN5631COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10NORTHERN DISTRICT北部区域This district provides the latest in boutique shop- and child-focused culture and

10、 entertaentamenities.该区域提供最时尚的精品购物以及儿童文化创造充满生机、极具动感的城市空间,凭借特定的形式将南北区域有机地整合在一起。2. Use specific formal gestures to establish a physical connection bet n the Northern and Southern districts of the site through the creation of a vibrant and activated urban space.和设施。通过高密度、紧凑型街区规划,赋予街区和长廊生机和。3. Create vi

11、brant and activated streets and corridors through the use of high-density, compact block planning.在特定区域建立显而易见的城市地标,使4. Create iconographic, well identified urban landmarks at spe- cific areas on the site to form relationships with the immediate and larger-scale context.其与周围的大背景关。由三个主要区域。北部区域120,000T

12、he programmatic arrangement of the site is comed of three平米为豪华购物中心,包括精品店、高档时装零售、儿童活动和文化中心以及其他文化main districts. The Northern district is anchored by a 120,000square meter luxury shop center filled with boutique stores, high-end fashion retailers, children activity and cultural centers, and other cult

13、ural enterta ent amenitie ch as an ice rink and cinema, as well as a large scale hyper-market on its lower level. The area i pplemented by high rise residential, office, and dense street retail facilities.设施,如滑冰场、院和低层的大型超市。同时还有施。住宅、办公和稠密的临街商业设中心区域的多层公共景观广场、配套设施和自然景观是整个项目的中心, 可让人们脱离稠密、城市气息浓厚的南北区,在此放松

14、身心。The Central district establishes a center to the development wi multi-level public landscof plazas, amenities and natural fea- tures, offering a relaxing respite from the dense, urban characteris-广场是地上及设施的出入通道,作为整个的点,同时也是连接南北区的纽带。tics of the Northern and Southern districts. The Plazaes an南部区域由活跃的

15、商业和设施,重点ac s po bet n above and below grade activities, as well as a physical connector bet n the Northern and Southern districts by acting as a centralized destination for the site.在原有泻湖。一座260米高的5星级豪华酒店、住宅塔楼和会议中心、项目的尖峰式地标,共同营造了东南角的壮丽与时尚氛围。周围的自然水景为家庭、教育和嬉戏提供了场所,The Southern district is comprised of

16、a vibrant retail and entertain- ment district focused on a pristine lagoon. A 5-star, 260 meter tall luxury ho , residential tower and convention center, th nnacle icon of the development, claims the Southeast corner in an over- whelming gesture of grandeur and modernity. The natural water其中独立的鱼缸中有人

17、工养殖的草木、热带鱼,乐趣无限,让海洋流连忘返。同时还有住宅和稠密的临街商业设施。surroundings willmodate entertaent, education and funfor famis where a separate,egrated aquariumcould en-tertain groups of marine enthusiasts wi rtific ly grown corral, tropical fish and fun. The area is plemented by high rise resi- dential and dense street r

18、etail facilities.3ShopMall / Boutique Fashion购物中心/精品时装Hypermarket超市Business Office商务办公Residential住宅Hybrid Street Retail混用临街商业设施COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10CENTRAL DISTRICT中心区域This district provides a multi-leveled landscd plaza filled with natural features and plenty of ent

19、ertaent amenities.该区域的多层景观广场,配有自然景观和许各种正式布局和连接策略总结为以下四种图形式方案。A variety of formal arrangements and connecting strategies are summarized in four unique diagrammatic schemes.方案A:轴线方案Scheme A: The Axial Scheme.多设施。轴线方案将分为南北和东西两个主要活动The Axial Scheme creates two main activity centers about the sites North

20、/Sou nd East/West axis. Along each spine are nodes t establish open-air connections to the level below. The spine er- sects a multi-leveled plaza at the center of the site. Vehicle ac s to the site is provided via two entran on both the East and West and one from the North.中心。沿着脊状地带的节点将开放空间与低层空间连接起来

21、,脊状地带也与广场交错。车辆可经由两个东、西北向进出。中心的多层和一个方案B:椭圆方案Scheme B: The Elliptical Scheme此方案营造出宽广的椭圆形人行道,它将做为延续的活动中心,同时连接南北区域。椭圆范围内的建筑规模较小,着重于正面效应;其中心的多层广场同时处在整个 的中心位置。车辆可经由四个西向、两个东向和一个北向入口进出 。The Elliptical Scheme creates a wide pedestrian circuithe formof an ellipse, which acts as a continuous center of activity

22、 as wellas a connector bet n the nor nd south sections. With he ellipse are smaller sca uildings which reinforce its formal im- pact. At its center is a multi-leveled plaza establishing a definitive center to the site.Vehicle acs to the site is provided via four entran West, two to the East and one

23、to the North.to the方案C:拱形方案Scheme C: The Arch Scheme此方案采用平缓的拱形作为南北区域以及购物中心和泻湖的主要连接元素。其直弦可作为车The Arch Scheme uses a gentle arch as the dominant connecting element betn the north and south, engaging both the shop- mall and the lagoon. Its straight leg provides vehicular acs while its gentow acts asdes

24、trian street spanning the site. At its mid-po, the Arch opens up to a sunken plaza, establishing a connection to the level below. Vehicle acs to the site is pro-vided via four entranfrom both the East and West.辆的进出通道,弧线则为遍布的人行道。弧线中心位置的沉降式广场连接着低层空间。车辆可经由四个东、西进出。方案D:S形曲线方案Scheme D: The S-curve SchemeS

25、形曲线方案采用蜿蜒的街道和邻近的较低人行道,将购物中心与泻湖连接起来,并且为低层The S-curve Scheme creates a curving street and adjacent lower level pedestrian promenade open to the skyt links the shop mall to the lagoon and providesle daylight to the lower level facilities. Midway through the site, the promenade opens up to form a centra

26、l plaza surrounded by restaurants and retail ameni-设施提供充裕的阳光。中心广场位于的中心地段, 周围环绕着餐馆和商业设施。街道将星罗棋布的密集商业设施衔接起来。车辆可经4Central Plaza中心广场Natural Features自然景观Restaurants & Entertaent餐饮和COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SOUTHERN DISTRICT南部区域This district provides 5-star hospitality servi an

27、d family focused waterfront entertaent activities.该区域有5星级酒店和针对家庭的海滨动。由四个东、西进出。ties. The street and promenade aa collectort feeds thedense, irregular retail arrangements adjacent to it. Vehicle ac s to the site is provided via four entran from both the East and West.活上述方案仅为“塑造城市”过程的开始,旨在营造舒适怡人、赏心悦目和非

28、同凡响的空间氛围。宏伟壮观且设施完善的总体规划将响应人们的心理需求,别具一格的建筑因其形式、选材和细节而独领风骚,七彩云南必将成为世界一流城市。These studies beg sful spacethe pros of “place making” - making a suc-is comfortable, architecturally pleasant, andsignificant. It is a procof pleasing peoples minds by design- ing a beautiful, functioning Mastlan and creating a

29、 place forgreat architecture t is different and presents itself through great forms, materials and detail t will a re Colorful Yunnan City a top place he world.5Ho, Conference Center & Service Apartments酒店、会议中心和酒店式公寓Waterfront Entertaent海滨Residential住宅Hybrid Street Retail混用临街商业设施COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP

30、CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10PROJECT COMPARISON项目比较6COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME A _ axial方案A_轴线方案人流车流concept diagrams 概念图7circulation diagram 流线图COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME A _ axial方案A_轴线方案legend:ShopMall 购物中心Office 办公 Ho 酒店 Ret

31、ail 商业Residential 住宅 Hyper-Market 超市 Parking 停车Plaza 广场Open Space 开放空间 Water 水景land use diagram - LEVEL F1土地使用图 F1层1:20008COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME A _ axial方案A_轴线方案legend:ShopMall 购物中心Office 办公 Ho 酒店 Retail 商业Residential 住宅 Hyper-Market 超市 Parking 停车Plaza 广场Open S

32、pace 开放空间 Water 水景land use diagram - LEVEL B1土地使用图 B1 层1:20009COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME A _ axial方案A_轴线方案BBAAsection AA剖面AAsection BB剖面BBlegend:ShopMall 购物中心Office 办公 Ho 酒店 Retail 商业Residential 住宅 Hyper-Market 超市 Parking 停车Plaza 广场Open Space 开放空间 Water 水景section CC

33、 剖面CC10CCCOLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME A _ axial方案A_轴线方案June 21 - 12:00pmJune 21 - 9:00amJune 21 - 6:00pmJune 21 - 3:00pm11COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME A _ axial方案A_轴线方案December 21 - 12:00pmDecember 21 - 9:00amDecember 21 - 6:00pmDecembe

34、r 21 - 3:00pm12COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME A _ axialmassing m13views 体量模型图COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME B _ elliptical方案B_椭圆方案人流车流concept diagrams 概念图14circulation diagram 流线图COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME

35、B _ elliptical方案B_椭圆方案legend:ShopMall 购物中心Office 办公 Ho 酒店 Retail 商业Residential 住宅 Hyper-Market 超市 Parking 停车Plaza 广场Open Space 开放空间 Water 水景land use diagram - LEVEL F1土地使用图 F1层1:200015COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME B _ elliptical方案B_椭圆方案legend:ShopMall 购物中心Office 办公 Ho

36、酒店 Retail 商业Residential 住宅 Hyper-Market 超市 Parking 停车Plaza 广场Open Space 开放空间 Water 水景land use diagram - LEVEL B1土地使用图 B1 层1:200016COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME B _ elliptical方案B_椭圆方案BBAAsection AA剖面AAsection BB剖面BBlegend:ShopMall 购物中心Office 办公 Ho 酒店 Retail 商业Residentia

37、l 住宅 Hyper-Market 超市 Parking 停车Plaza 广场Open Space 开放空间 Water 水景section CC 剖面CC17CCCOLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME B _ elliptical方案B_椭圆方案June 21 - 12:00pmJune 21 - 9:00amJune 21 - 6:00pmJune 21 - 3:00pm18COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME B _ ell

38、iptical方案B_椭圆方案December 21 - 12:00pmDecember 21 - 9:00amDecember 21 - 6:00pmDecember 21 - 3:00pm19COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME B _ ellipticalmassing m20views 体量模型图COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME C _ arched方案C_拱形方案人流车流concept diagrams 概念图21

39、circulation diagram 流线图COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME C _ arched方案C_拱形方案legend:ShopMall 购物中心Office 办公 Ho 酒店 Retail 商业Residential 住宅 Hyper-Market 超市 Parking 停车Plaza 广场Open Space 开放空间 Water 水景land use diagram - LEVEL F1土地使用图 F1层1:200022COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept deve

40、lopment _ 04.09.10SCHEME C _ arched方案C_拱形方案legend:ShopMall 购物中心Office 办公 Ho 酒店 Retail 商业Residential 住宅 Hyper-Market 超市 Parking 停车Plaza 广场Open Space 开放空间 Water 水景land use diagram - LEVEL B1土地使用图 B1 层1:200023COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME C _ arched方案C_拱形方案BBAAsection AA剖

41、面AAsection BB剖面BBlegend:ShopMall 购物中心Office 办公 Ho 酒店 Retail 商业Residential 住宅 Hyper-Market 超市 Parking 停车Plaza 广场Open Space 开放空间 Water 水景section CC 剖面CC24CCCOLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME C _ arched方案C_拱形方案June 21 - 12:00pmJune 21 - 9:00amJune 21 - 6:00pmJune 21 - 3:00pm25

42、COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME C _ arched方案C_拱形方案December 21 - 12:00pmDecember 21 - 9:00amDecember 21 - 6:00pmDecember 21 - 3:00pm26COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME C _ archedmassing m27views 体量模型图COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _

43、 04.09.10SCHEME D _ s-curve方案D_S形曲线方案人流车流concept diagrams 概念图28circulation diagram 流线图COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITYconcept development _ 04.09.10SCHEME D _ s-curve方案D_S形曲线方案legend:ShopMall 购物中心Office 办公 Ho 酒店 Retail 商业Residential 住宅 Hyper-Market 超市 Parking 停车Plaza 广场Open Space 开放空间 Water 水景land use diagram - LEVEL F1土地使用图 F1层1:200029COLORFUL YUNNAN TOP CITY


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