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1、Text CTable MannersI. Text CII. ExercisesIII. Chinese version of Text C Table Manners1 From the time when our caveman ancestors chewed on their wild-pig bones in front of their fire to our own day when we sit around a table spread with a snowy table cloth and shining silver, we have the history of t

2、he change in eating habits from the simple satisfaction of hunger to the meal as a delightful, if rather complex, social institution. When you are invited to dinner today, it is assumed that you will be more interested in the persons and conversation at the table than in the meal itself. Therefore,

3、leisurely eating habits should be cultivated, allowing for conversation and pleasantries at the same time. The actual eating ought to be done with as little noise and movement as possible.I. Text The Table Napkin2 As soon as the hostess picks up her napkin, pick yours up and lay it on your lap. Some

4、times a roll of bread is wrapped in it; if so, take it out and put it on your side plate. If the napkin is large, leave it folded double on your lap; if small, unfold it completely.When You Finish a Course3 As in Chinese etiquette, the hostess tries to keep eating as long as the slowest guest. A tho

5、ughtful guest will try to eat neither too fast, so as to seem to gobble, nor too slow, so as to keep others waiting. And when he has eaten all he intends to eat, he should lay down his knife and fork, or his spoon, as the case may be, with a final air, so that his hostess is in no doubt as to whethe

6、r he has finished or not.I. TextLeaving the Table4 It is impolite for a guest to leave the table during a meal, or before the hostess gives the signal at the end. When the hostess indicates that the dinner is over, she will start to rise from her seat and all the guests should rise from theirs at th

7、e same time. It is polite for the gentlemen to help replace the ladies chairs after they rise. In formal society the gentlemen stay around the table for a brief period of conversation before joining the ladies in the drawing-room, but this custom is not observed in many places. Guests follow the hos

8、ts and hostesss custom in such matters. Should it be absolutely necessary for you to leave the table during the meal, you should ask the hostess to excuse you.I. TextVarious Rules and Suggestions5 Sit up straight on your chair; do not lean heavily against the back. Never tilt the chair backward on t

9、wo legs. You may lean the body slightly forward when you eat, but never lower the head down toward the plate. Your arms should be held close to your sides, so as not to touch the person next to you and they should not rest on the table when you are eating.6 Do not put much food in your mouth at a ti

10、me. Keep your lips closed while you are chewing. And as long as there is food in your mouth, do not try to talk.I. Text7 Drink only when there is no food in your mouth. It is bad manners to take a mouthful of food and then wash it down with a gulp of water. Be sure your lips are not greasy when you

11、drink from your glass. Try not to get your lips greasy. If you do, you have your napkin to wipe them with.8 Try not to get into your mouth anything that will have to be taken out. But if you have a small bone or some other object you cannot swallow, remove it in a way that will not be noticed. If yo

12、u are eating with a spoon, take it in the spoon from your mouth to the plate; if not, use your hand. Do not spit anything from your mouth on to the plate or on to the floor.I. Text9 Be careful not to drop any food or water on the tablecloth. If you have an accident, do not do anything which will mak

13、e others notice it; but always apologize quietly to the hostess. You might say, Oh, I am so sorry, I was very careless.10 Do not make any noise when you eat. It is bad manners at a Western meal to make any noise with the mouth. And if you have to cough or choke, use your napkin to cover your mouth.1

14、1 Avoid cleaning your teeth at the table or anywhere in public, with your finger or with your tongue. If you have to get something out that is caught between your teeth, cover your mouth with your napkin while you do so, but it is better to leave it until you are alone sometime later.I. Text1. Which

15、 action is proper when the guest uses the table napkin?A. If the hostess picks up her napkin, the guest picks his up and lays it on his lap.B. If a roll of bread is wrapped in the napkin, the guest should take it out and put it on the table. C.If the napkin is large, the guest should unfold it compl

16、etely.D. If the napkin is small, the guest had better leave it folded double on the table.2. It is polite behavior for a guest to . A. actively talk when eating at the tableB. put down the knife and fork after finishing eatingC. enjoy eating slowly at the end of the mealD. stay at his or her seat un

17、til the host leaves the table II. ExercisesChoose the Best Answers According to Text C.3. From the passage we can learn as guests it is courteous to . A. leave the table a little bit earlier than the hostess gives the signal of endingB. continue chatting at their seats if they like after the meal C.

18、 ask the hostess to excuse no matter who has to leave the table during the mealD. wash down a mouthful of food with a gulp of water4. Which decent sitting posture does the author indicate in Para. 5? A. Leaning the body heavily against the back of the chair.B. Tilting the chair backward on two legs.

19、C. Sitting up straight on the chair.D. Resting the arms on the table when eating. II. Exercises5. Which of the following is regarded as a courteous act? A. The guests focus more on food than on conversation at the table.B. The hostess should treat guests with snowy tablecloth and silverware.C. The f

20、ormal eating habits should be adopted.D. The delightful eating ought to be processed with little sound and movement.6. The common sense in the passage suggests that we should . A.have a short conversation after the meal to express our appreciation to the hostessB. get the lips greasy to show the enj

21、oyment of the delicious foodC. drink wine from the glass in sips to imply the cultureD. apologize to the hostess for drops of food or water on the tablecloth II. Exercises7. What if the guest has a small bone or some other object he cannot swallow? A. With a spoon, taking it in the spoon from mouth

22、to the table quietly.B. With a fork, removing the object unnoticeably.C. With fingers, picking it out quickly.D. With a napkin, spitting something from the mouth on to the plate directly.8. The best conclusion for this passage is . A. how to communicate with the othersB. how to be a gentleman at the

23、 tableC. how to be a kind and considerate person while eatingD. how to conduct yourself at a dinner party suitably II. Exercises参考译文餐桌礼仪1 从我们的穴居人祖先在火堆前咀嚼野猪骨头的时代到现在我们围坐在铺有雪白桌布和放着闪亮银餐具的桌子旁的时代,我们在饮食习惯上有了历史的改变,从简单填饱肚子的满足到一个喜悦的,更确切的说是复杂的社会习俗。今天如果你被邀请去吃饭,你可能会对在餐桌旁的人及他们的谈话更感兴趣,而不是膳食本身。因此,应该养成从容地吃饭习惯,同时可以进行

24、交谈或讲一些幽默话。吃饭时,应该尽量不发出噪音或动静。参考译文餐桌礼仪餐巾2 当女主人一拿起她的餐巾,你要拿起你的然后放到腿上,有时会有一个面包卷在里面,如果有的话,拿出来放在你的盘子旁边。如果餐巾很大的话,折两折在你腿上;如果很小,就全部打开它。参考译文餐桌礼仪用餐时间3 按中国的礼节,女主人要尽力陪伴进餐最慢的客人一起用餐。一个考虑周到的客人既吃得很快,似乎是在狼吞虎咽,也不要吃的很慢,让其他人等他。如果他吃饱了,他会放下刀叉和勺子,视具体情况而定,带着吃饱的表情,这样女主人就可以毫无疑问地知道他是否已经吃好了。参考译文餐桌礼仪离桌时间 4 用餐时,女主人没表示筵席结束前,客人离开餐桌是不礼貌的。 当女主人暗示用餐结束时,她会离开座位,同时所有的客人也都跟着离开自己的位置。当女士站立起来后,对男士来说帮女士移开椅子是很礼貌的行为。在正式社交场所,男士在加入客厅中的女士的谈话之前,大多会围绕餐桌呆上一小会,聊聊天,但这种习俗并不是在任何场所都能看到。在这种


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