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1、第一模块 单选题(25道题,共100分,得100分)She s because she has won the 1 st Prize.(4/4分)AAA.exciteBBB.excitedCCC.excitingD D. to be exciting答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)thenews, Tom changed his schedule.(4/4 分)A A. In hearingBB.To hear厂CC.Of hearingdDD.On hearing解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)agun.He a photo of a wild anim

2、al than kill it with(4/4 分)had rather takewould rather takehad rather takingwould rather taking答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈) 解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)Thenumber ofvehicles in this city to most ofus.(4/4 分)A. isnt knownB. hasnt knownC. arent knownD. haven t knownv解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)theyhave done too much for the chance to

3、come here, they must work hard.(4/4分)CAA.SincethatB B. ForCCC.AsDDD.Because of答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)The total output valueof agriculture 4 times since the introduction o f the newtechnique.(4/4 分)AA.has to increaseBB.has been increasingCC.had been increasedD D.has been increased答题反馈:(该题暂

4、未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)It is important that wethe task ahead of time.(4/4分)A A. will finishrBB. finishedCC. finish厂DD. shall finish答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)In themorning they arrived at a hill, at the top of was a watchtowe r.(4/4 分)A AA. itBBB. thatC C. whereG D D. which答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)

5、解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)Size 8 is tight for my daughter. Show me a wider pair. TOC o 1-5 h z (4/4分)AA.veryBBB.soGCC.tooCDD.quite答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)He was assigned to buy books he found useful and necessary for t heirresearch.(4/4 分)A A. whoevert* BB. whateverr CC. whereverD D. however答题反馈:(该

6、题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路),she neverseems able to do the work satisfactorily. (4/4 分)A A. No matter how hard tries sheBB. No matter how hard does he tryc CC. No matter how hard he triesD D. No matter he tries how hard答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)12、There isa woman at the reception desk who see

7、ms very angry andI think she meanstrouble.(4/4分)AA. makingbBB. to makeCC. to have madeDD. having made答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈) 解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)13、I hadrather you with her than I did, for you two had a closerrelatio nship.(4/4 分)A A. talk0BB. talkedrCC. had talked厂DD. talking答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思

8、路)14、A station stands on a mountainat an altitude(海拔)of 6000 feet sealevel.(4/4分)AAA.onB B. overcCC.aboveDDD.up答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)15、hismind was made up on any subject, it was very hard to make his change.(4/4 分)A A. While厂BB. Although厂CC. Despite作DD. Once答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)Is thereany

9、hope of the gold medal?(4/4 分)A Grace to winB Grace winCwinning GraceD DGrace s winning答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)explanation17、She is a famousdoctor, but she couldn t give a definite when about the cause of cancer.(4/4分)AA.asked广BB.be asked广CC.asking厂DD.to ask答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)Lucy is going t

10、o the passportoffice to have her passport .(4/4 分)0 AA. stampedBB. stampCC. being stampedDD. stamping答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)Tom didnothingbut trick on me.A. playing B.to play C. to playing D. play(4/4 分)A A. playingBBB. to playCCC. to playing值DD. play答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)It w

11、illtake you 1 hour and 50 minutes the top of the mountain.(4/4 分)A A. reachingb B B. to reachCC. being reachedDD. having been reached答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)21、21. Thekitchen is a mess this morning. I wish I the dishes last nigh t.(4/4 分)A A. wash厂 BB. washedC C. have washed DD. had washed

12、答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)Returningto his room,.(4/4 分)A A. he found his briefcase to missB B. his briefcase was missingc C C. he found his briefcase missingD D. his briefcase was missed答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈) 解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)23、ProfessorWalker would prefer the problem at the next meeting.(4/4分)AAA.to be discusse

13、dBB.being discussed厂CC.discussingDD.discussed答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈),Adam started finding a job.(4/4 分)A A. All the money being spentf* B B. All the money having been spentC C. All the money spendD D. Spending all the money答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)25、Warnermade mistakes on the last test than on t

14、he firstone, so he g ot a worse grade.(4/4 分) 广AA. many/BB. muchCC. moreDD. some答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)北航大学英语2在线作业1满分答案 歧 络法0 (IO UUS. 共 1OD 分,孑1DO 分1、p-fo-f*s Kio-FWlk4f would piTia-fer tl prioblc-m _ at ch* n*xt rvieecingi.(itVlO K*11 A A- to be di5C:U5seci广aB. bc-lng dllsc uxed广CC. di scuss-irhg广 Dd di

15、cussfli-d第rs反忸二工*?am-TSt怔*i值刈1、ProfessorWalker would prefer the problem at the next meeting.(10/10 分)A A. to be discussedB B. being discussedC C. discussingD D. discussed答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)2、, Adam started finding a job.(10/10 分)A A. All the money being spentB B. All the money having

16、been spentC C. All the money spendD D. Spending all the money答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)3、Warnermade mistakes on the last test than on the firstone, so he got a worsegrade.(10/10 分)A A. manyB B. muchC C. moreD D. some答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈) 解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)something about Passage 2.4、So muchfor Pa

17、ssage 1. Now I(10/10 分)A A. will go on sayingB B. go on sayingC C. will go on to sayD D. go on to say答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)wouldlike to take part in this activity must apply in advance.(10/10 分)A A. ThoseBB. WhoeverCC. WhoDD. Anyone解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)Peter wasfinishing his homework when hi

18、s mother home from supermarket.(10/10 分)A A. comesB B. cameC C. has comeD D. is coming答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)hismind was made up on any subject, it was very hard to make his change.(10/10 分)A A. WhileB B. AlthoughC C. DespiteD D. Once答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)I ll never forget in Sydney last year.A A. me to meet a few friendsB B. my meeting a few friendsC C. a few friends to meetD D. a few friends meeting答题反馈:(该题暂未添加答题反馈)解题思路:(该题暂未添加解题思路)Ann could hardly recognizehim at the railway station they met again after 10 years.(10


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