Unit 1 Living well 语法 不定式 课件-高中英语人教版选修七_第1页
Unit 1 Living well 语法 不定式 课件-高中英语人教版选修七_第2页
Unit 1 Living well 语法 不定式 课件-高中英语人教版选修七_第3页
Unit 1 Living well 语法 不定式 课件-高中英语人教版选修七_第4页
Unit 1 Living well 语法 不定式 课件-高中英语人教版选修七_第5页
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1、Unit 1Living wellRevise the Infinitive不定式由属于非谓语动词的一种。“to + do (V-原)”构成, 其否定形式是“not to do”。不定式可以带宾语或状语构成不定式短语。没有人称和数的变化, 但有时态和语态的变化。The definition of infinitive不定式的基本形式 1. 主语 (subject) 2. 表语 (predicative) 3. 宾语 (object) 4. 宾补 (object complement) 5. 定语 (attribute) 6. 状语 (adverbial) 7. 独立结构 (absolute c

2、onstruction) e.g. To learn English well is difficult.动词不定式作主语时,为了保持句子平衡,常用it代替它作形式主语,而将真正的主语动词不定式后置,上面的例句常写为:Its difficult to learn English well.1. 不定式作主语(subject)e.g. My job is to protect the world.2. 不定式作表语(predicative)不定式常用在系动词be, seem, appear, get, remain等后作表语。3. 不定式作宾语(object)(2)不定式作宾语时还常用it作形式

3、宾语,而把真正的宾语动词不定式置于句末。e.g.I cant afford to buy a car.(1)不定式作宾语时常直接放在谓语动词之后。e.g.l found it necessary to talk to him again.常用结构为:think /consider/find it adj.to do.只能加不定式作宾语的动词有:e.g. Im glad / pleased to see you. We were surprised to hear the news.Look at the sentences and find the rules.不定式可以用在某些形容词后作宾语

4、,如:sorry, surprised, happy, glad, eager, angry, foolish, right, wrong, slow, quick, rude, cruel, disappointedSomething worth your attentionstop to do sth. 停下来去做某事 doing sth. 停止做某事forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事 doing sth. 忘记已做了某事remember to do sth. 记得去做某事 doing sth. 记得曾经做某事几对易混淆的词组:e.g. My mum asks me to p

5、lay the piano two hours every day.4. 不定式作宾补 (object complement)常跟动词不定式作宾语补足语,这类动词有allow, advise, ask, call, cause, encourage, expect, force, get, invite, need, order, prefer, remind, teach, tell, train, warn等。结构: V. sb. to do sth.这类的动词有:1) 感官动词(feel, hear, listen to, watch, look at, notice, observe)

6、后;不定式作宾补时不带to的情况结构: V. sb. do sth.3)特殊动词help后动词不定式要省略to,即help sb. do sth.(帮助某人做某事) 2) 使役动词 (let, have, make)后, 但是在被动语态中要还原to。Kate is looking for a suitable coat to wear.Tom has a nice pen to write with.5. 不定式作定语(attribute)不定式作定语,一般作后置定语,修饰前面的名词或代词。当名词前有序数词the first, the last, 或the only或及形容词最高级修饰时,后常

7、用不定式作定语。e.g. She is always the first student to come. He is the best man to do the job.something, anything, nothing, everything等不定代词常用不定式作后置定语。如果不定式是不及物动词, 则后面需加适当的介词。 e.g. My family have a comfortable house to live _. in注意:当不定式是主动形式时,逻辑主语是句子的主语。辨:I have one box to send. I have one box to be sent.e.

8、g. He spoke loudly (so as / in order) to be heard.1) 表示目的: to do in order to do so as to do6. 不定式作状语(adverbial)so + adj. / adv. + as to do such + n. + as to do 如此.以至于adj. / adv. + enough + to do 够.以至于too + adv. / adj. + to do 太.以至于不能e.g. He was so foolish as to believe it. = He was such a fool as to

9、 believe it. = He was foolish enough to believe it.2) 表示结果:To tell the truth, I am not happy at the moment. to be frank to be honest to tell the truth7. 独立结构(absolute construction)形 式 主 动 被 动一般时进行时完成时完成进行时to doto have doneto be doingto have been doingto be doneto have beendone to do表示一般情况I am glad t

10、o see you. 不定式的一般时 to doto be doing强调动作正在进行。The boy pretended to be reading when his mother came in.不定式的进行时 to be doing The novel is believed to have beentranslated into Chinese.不定式所表示的动作发生在谓语动作或状态之前,强调已经完成。不定式的完成时 to have done新课程31期周报Practice新课程 达标训练I2.to stay1.to improve3.to go;to get4.to have travelled5.to be talking about6.to have met7.to make8.to see9


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