



1、Module 4 Unit 1. If you want to record, press the redbutton(外研版初二下册)教材分析:本模块的中心话题是技术,具有很强的实用性,内容主要涉及CD和手机的一些功能的使用。 本课所涉及的技术设备问题是日常生活中学生们熟知或常常用到的。通过本课的学习可以激 发学生们对设备的好奇心,引发对科学技术的热爱和探究兴趣。Unit 1从听力入手,谈论如何用手机录象,引入话题;对话介绍的是CD机的几种功能的使 用方法。Unit 2叙述的是一位英国厨师利用手机自救的故事。语言学习和技术训练渗透在 这些话题的讨论之中,结构设计有利于学生思维能力的培养。教学

2、对象分析:学生们正处在学习科学文化知识期间,对于科技这个字眼,教师要进行正确的指导,让学生们热爱科学文化知识,从而热爱学习。学生对if引导的条件状语从句是初次接触,要让学生们多看、多读、多听、多找,训练学生学会分析句子的成分,完全掌握if引导的条件状语从句的用法。课型:Listening and speaking.教学目标:知识技能目标 1) 词汇:围绕本单元话题,学会熟练掌握press, button, video, instruction, copy, memory, turn on, lend, recorder, second, come on, lady, gentleman 等词语

3、及 其用法。语音:学会准确读出 press, button, video, instruction, copy, memory, turn on, lend, recorder, second, come on, lady, gentleman 等词语:熟练掌握 if 引导的条 件状语从句的断句规律及正确的语音语调,正确朗读出if引导的条件状语从句。语法:能够正确使用if引导的条件状语从句,并能够使用这一语法功能项目 对如何使用电子产品进行交流。技能:以小组合作的形式来提问和表达如何操作CD recorder,从而进一步掌 握if引导的条件状语从句。2、情感目标通过对话的理解,启发学生热爱科学

4、,努力学习;同时鼓励学生们互相帮助。学习策略能够与同学们互相咨询如何使用CD recorder;小组内互相交流如何使用recorder.教学重点:能用if引导的条件状语从句去描述CD机的几种功能的使用。教学难点:能正确辨别if引导的条件状语从句与if引导的宾语从句。教学过程:Stepl: Warming-upSay hello to each other.Learn new words.T: As the technology is developing, the things of new technology are more and more. What do you know abou

5、t them?通过对话引出新单词:video, video camera, recorder;T: -How to use a CD recorder?First you should read the instructions. This is button. Press, turn on, copy, play back, memory*通过图片和具体动作来认识这些新单词,从而引出了本课所有的新单词。How to use new words.lend sb sth=lend sth to sb (借出,把某物借给某人)borrow sb sth=borrow sth from sb (借入

6、,向某人借某物)He lent me a bike. =1 borrowed him a bike.动副短语:turn on (打开)turn off (关闭)play back (回放)A:代词放在中间B:名词放在副词前或后come on加油,快点,亮起Step 2: Listening and reading.Listen to the dialogue of Activity3.Activity 5. Complete the table.Task/ProblemInstructionTurn on the recorderPress the blue buttonPlay backRe

7、cordXo red lightSend recording by emailXo green lightNow listen again and check.Activity 6. Work in pairs. Describe the tasks in Activity 5 and give instructions.E. g. - How do I turn on the recorder?-If you want to turn on the recorder, press the blue button.通过对话练习学会使用if引导的条件状语从句去描述CD recorder操作的指令

8、语。Activity 4. Answer the questions.Read the dialogue again, answer the questions bythemselves.Work in groups .Check the answers.通过阅读对话的方式来了解学生对对话的细方的了解,并要求用自己的语言表达出来,从而 锻炼学生的口语表达能力。Step 3: Listening and speaking.Listen and say what is happening.(Activity 1)Answer the questions. Use the words in the

9、box to help you. (Activity2)设计意图:本活动是听说结合的练习,通过听录音回答问题,练习本单元重点词汇与句型, 引导学生用自己的语言去表述。既提高了学生的听力水平又锻炼了学生的表达能力。Speaking.Work in pairs. Choose a piece of technology, (radio, camera, mobile phone, TV)小组拿出实物,轮流说明怎样使用此物品。E.g. TVIf you want to turn it on, press the biggest button. 设计意图:通过小组配合,多人参与让学生学会表述怎样使用某

10、电子产品。Step 4: Practice.We don* t go shopping if it (rain) tomorrow.If you (be) in danger ,(ask) the policeman for help.If it (not , rain) tomorrow, (go) with me . (press) “delete if you (not, like) this message.If they (be not) here, (call) them.I have three (copy) of this picture.Please turn (on, of

11、f) the light before you leave.It s important for you (learn) Japanese.Do you want to send Chen Huan a (record) of Kylie playing.What time is it now? My watch doesn t (走).-Do you know if she (come) tomorrow?-If she (come) tomorrow , I will tell you.He asks if we (go) to the USA next year.We* 11 go to Dalian if it (not snow) tomorrow.设计意图:通过做练习题来检测学生对本课知识的掌握情况,同时让学生能够正确地区分 if引导的


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