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1、B6M4 MusicLanguage pointsBy KarenVocabulary Test1.Two atoms of hydrogen _ (结合) with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water.2.He spent his spare time _(创作) poetry.3.Her son was filled with _(雄心)to e a great inventor.4.Private schools have some different ways to _(管理)the behavior of students.5

2、.She _(使放松)her mind by listening to binecomposingambitionregulaterelaxedVocabulary Test6.The Channel Tunnel has enormous _(象征的)significance for a united Europe.7.We must take care to preserve our national _(遗产).8.The award is _(颁发)to one of the most excellent directors from all over the country.9.He

3、 felt greatly _(沮丧的) at the news that he has been turned down by the company.10.We have a growing population and _(因此) we need more food.symbolicheritagepresenteddepressedthereforeVocabulary Test11.She made a _(自愿的)decision to leave the job.12.It was a great _(轻松)to find that my family were all safe

4、.13.There is a _(空的) place over there where he can park.14.Yao Ming is fond of _(古典的) Chinese music.15. Kindness is one of his _(性格),so he always gives others a hand.voluntaryreliefvacantclassicalcharacteristics be true of, give life to, make contact with, all of a sudden, in addition to, dance to,

5、draw on, combine.with, push.through, to ones relief1.I finally _ her in Paris.2.The new teaching method _education _ pleasure.3.The music is dull and uninspiring, and the same _ the acting.4.Those words really _to this article.5. _,someone grabbed me around the neck.made contact withcombineswithis t

6、rue ofhave given lifeAll of a sudden be true of, give life to, make contact with, all of a sudden, in addition to, dance to, draw on, combine.with, push.through, to ones relief6. The government is_the changes _ before the election.7. _English, he has to study a second foreign language.8. “_,all the

7、children arrived home safely,” said the teachers. 9. Writers often_ their imagination and experience for the plot of their books.10. In the street, many young people _ the music now.pushingthroughIn addition toTo our reliefdraw onare dancing to1. combine1.琵琶的声音和乐曲中的停顿结合在一起,给声音赋予了诗的意境。 (回归课本P45) The

8、pipa sounds and the pauses combine to make a poetry of sound.Read and discoverThe two parties will combine to defeat the third. We cant always combine work with pleasure. He combines creative imagination and true scholarship.联合兼做兼有归纳拓展将与结合在一起为反对而联合联合起来做某事;合起来促成某事adj.共同的;联合的n.联合;结合联合起来;在联合中combine.wi

9、th/bine againstcombine to do binedcombinationin combination withPractice 1)这家旅馆既舒适又方便。2)这家公司正与几个海外合作伙伴联合研究新产品。The hotel combines comfort with convenience.The company is working on a new product in combination with several overseas partners.2. ambition2.对于中国音乐她的理想是什么?(回归课本P45)What is her ambition reg

10、arding Chinese music?Read and observe1) He has achieved his ambition by working hard.2) Mothers are often highly ambitious for their children.3) Research is being done with the aim of monitoring customers trends.4) He aims to lose 4 kg before the summer holidays.实现抱负极欲获得目的是目的是做归纳拓展adj.志向远大的;渴望的极欲获得(

11、权力,社会地位等)野心勃勃实现某人的夙愿渴望成功一心想干某事目的是针对;瞄准目标是做ambitiousbe full of ambitionbe ambitious for (power, social position, etc.)achieve ones ambitionbe ambitious of successbe ambitious to do sth.with the aim of.aim at.aim to do sth.Practice 伟大的人自小就有远大的志向。一个极想成功的人不会在这样一家小公司待久的。 这次活动获得极大的成功,其目的是让更多的孩子参与志愿者工作。Gre

12、at men usually have great ambitions when they are young.A person who is ambitious for success will not stay long in a little firm like this.This activity, which aimed to involve more children in volunteer work, achieved great success.=whose aim was to involve=with the aim of involving3. challenge3.

13、你在演奏琵琶和古筝时最大的挑战是什么?(回归课本P44)What are the biggest challenges of playing the pipa and the guzheng?Read and observe1) This job offers me a real challenge.2) I accepted his challenge to run a race. 3) When I said I was faster, she challenged me (to a race).4) The difficulty of the problem challenged me

14、to find a solution. n.(对于能力、努力的)挑战,能充分发挥才能的前景n.挑战;邀请比赛向(人)挑战;向(某事)挑战(事物) 激起(人)不畏难的决心, 唤起(关心等),考验(的能力)归纳拓展adj.就有挑战性的向某人挑战某事接受的挑战唤起某人的决心,考验的能力challengingchallenging sb. to sth. (to do) accept sbs challenge tochallenging sb. to do sthPractice 冠军队早已准备好接受任何一个实力的队伍的挑战。教育儿童是一项具有挑战性和价值的工作。上次我们在篮球赛赢了他们之后,他们提

15、出要再跟我们赛一场。The champions are ready to accept a challenge from any team that is a serious contender.Teaching young children is a challenging and rewarding job.After we beat them in the basketball game, they challenged us to have another game.4. honor4.这支乐队尊崇自己的民族音乐遗产并且展现出对各种音乐风格的真实热爱 (回归课本P53) The gro

16、up honours its musical heritage and shows a genuine love for all styles of music.Read and observeWe all honor those who made great contributions to the development of the our country. I feel it a great honor to be invited.He has been honored with a knighthood for his scientific work.I have every int

17、ention of honoring our contract.vt. 尊敬n. 荣誉、荣幸vt. 给予荣誉vt. 信守归纳拓展因而受到尊敬或获得荣誉被尊为被授予为做而感到荣幸有幸做给某人带来荣誉为了纪念be honored forbe honored asbe honored withfeel honored to do/of doing.have the honor to do/of doing.do sb. an honorin honor ofPractice 1)今年早些时候,我有幸见到了奥巴马总统和他的夫人。2)能与温布尔登网球赛的前冠军球手比赛,我深感荣幸。3) 为了纪念伟大的诗

18、人屈原,每年我们都庆祝端午节。Earlier this year I had the honor of meeting the President and Mrs. Obama.I felt deeply honored to be playing against the former Wimbledon Champion.We celebrate Dragon Boat Festival every year in honor of Quyuan, the great poet.5. relief5. 但是街头音乐给每一个倾听的人带来活力,令他们在一天的烦忧中感到宽慰。 (回归课文P53)

19、But street music gives life to everyone who listens and offers relief from the cares of the day. Read and observeFor nighttime and early morning relief, take two tablets at bed time. Relief was flown to the flood-hit area. To our great relief, the accident caused little damage.The Sports Meet has re

20、lieved the students from pressure to some extent. The minister was relieved of his post.n. 缓解,减轻(疼痛等)n.救济物品n. 使深感宽慰,使大为放心v.消除某人某物,使解除v. 解除(职务)Practice 志愿者被招募(recruit)来缓解严重的劳动力短缺。 令我宽慰的是,我班的男生虽然少,但是在运动会表现突出。 因为逃课(play truant),她被免除班长一职。Volunteers were recruited to relieve the acute labor shortage.To m

21、y great relief, few boys as we have in our class, they did a wonderful job in the sports meet.She was relieved of the post of monitor for playing truant.6. Be true of6.对于我的第二乐器古筝,情况也是如此。 The same is true of my second instrument, the guzheng.Practice 1)音乐沉闷枯燥,毫不动人,表演也是如此。2)这里的东西很好吃,服务也不错。The music is

22、 dull and uninspiring , and the same is true of the acting.The food here is good and the same is true of the service.7. give life to7.它们给整幅作品带来生机,也使得观众融入图画,就像与图画进行对话。(回归课本P45) They give life to the whole painting and they allow people to come into the picture, like a dialogue.Practice 1)在这个故事中,艺术家赋予

23、塑像以生命。2)在这场战争中,许多战士都为(捍卫)自己的祖国而献出了生命。In the story the artist gives life to the statue.brings the statue to lifeIn the battle, many soldiers gave their lives to (defend) their motherland.8.In 1996,I moved to Canada with my husband and I have been living there since then.1996年,我和丈夫搬到了加拿大,从那时起,我就一直住在那里

24、。 时态:现在完成进行时 从退休起,我就一直做这项工作。考点提炼句子仿造I have been doing this work since I retired.9.Drawing upon more than 1,500 years of Chinese music, Twelve Girls Band mixes this rich tradition with classical, folk and contemporary sounds.凭借着具有1 500多年历史的中国音乐,“女子十 二乐坊”将这浓厚的传统与古典、民族和现代声音 巧妙地结合了起来。 v.-ing短语在句中作状语 知道下

25、一步该做什么,他继续进行工作。考点提炼句子仿造Knowing what to do next, he went on withhis job.10. 刘芳是一位国际知名的音乐家,以弹奏中国传统乐器见长。 Liu Fang is an international music star , famous for her work with traditional Chinese instruments.是形容词短语,在句中做后置定语相当于定语从句who is famous for her workPractice 有许多教授出席了这次会议。这是一个众所周知的事实。There were many p

26、rofessors present at the meeting.Its a fact, known to everyone.Translation 我们学校每年举办篮球节的目的是增进班级之间的友谊和鼓励学生锻炼身体。2. 他写了许多受年轻读者喜爱的故事,因此被尊称为“文学之父”。3. 把你的知识和我的经验结合起来,我们一定能够成功。4. 他终于接受了对手提出比赛110米跨栏的挑战,这消除了同学们的忧虑。5. 他的演讲非常的鼓舞人心和有影响力,他所写的作品也是如此。6. 教育体制的改革,目的在于调动老师和学生的积极性,给目前的局势带来了活力和生机。7. 约翰是一个雄心勃勃的学生,他一直非常努力地做好学生会的工作,得到大家的尊重。Translation 我们学校每年举办篮球节的目的是增进班级之间的友谊和鼓励学生锻炼身体。 Our school holds a Basketball Festival every year with the aim of strengthening the friendship between classes and encouraging students to take exercise.2. 他写了


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