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1、2019-2020年高三英语上学期第一次月考试卷新人教版 Edited by Alice本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。第一部分 英语知识运用 (共两节.满分40分)第一节 单项填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中.选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. -What do you think of _ Mid-Autumn Festival party on CCTV1?-Wonderful. Its worth watching _ second time.A. the; a B. a;

2、the C. a; a D. /; a2. Without inexpensive printing to make books available to a large section of society, the son of John Shakespeare, a government official in rural England in the mid-1500s, may never have been inspired _ writing _ a profession.A. to take off; to B. taking in; as C. to take over; t

3、o D. to take up; as3. _ about 14 million square kilometers around the South Pole _ Antarctica the fifth largest continent in the world.A. Cover; make B. Covering; makes C. Covering; making D. Cover; to make4. In 1961, a treaty _ by 12 countries, _ Britain, France, and the USA, made Antarctica the bi

4、ggest nature reserve in the world.A. signing; included B. signed; included C. signing; including D. signed; including5. On 8thAugust, 1914, twenty-seven men _ a ship _ for the Antarctic.A. boarding; leaving B. boarded; leaving C. went abroad; left D. were on board; left6. Unlike other places in Euro

5、pe, _ house owners were taxed _ the size of the windows, here the taxes depended on the width of the house-so they kept them narrow, but built them tall.A. where; on B. which; in C. in which; in D. that; on8. _ was only after I had tasted it _ I knew it was actually cooked with mushrooms.A. It; whic

6、h B. It; that C. It; before D. It; until9. He has musical talent. By the time he graduated from college, he _ his first album.A. had recorded; B. would record C. recorded D. has recorded 10. Will you be able to see Jennifers parents when the first class is over?Im afraid not. I _ a lecture on Britis

7、h literature in the hall then.A. will attend B. am attending C. will be attending D. am going to attend第二节 完形填空(共20小.:每小1.5分.满分30分)阅读下面短文.从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B. C和D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。John, a famous musician, took his priceless antique zither(齐特琴) and played it in the crowded subway station. The

8、 music emanating from(来自) the zither was delicately streaming throughout the whole 11 . However, during the one-hour play, only six or seven people were truly 12 the charming music. John only got 52 dollars for his work that day. However, in normal days, when John is about to hold a 13 , one ticket

9、can be sold at more than 100 dollars and it is extremely 14 to buy a ticket even at such a high price. Therefore, later, many passers-by in the station that day felt deeply 15 for not recognizing the famous musician and missing such valuable but 16 music feast. I have a very 17 friend who had totall

10、y changed after knowing that his wife 18 an acute illness. He cooked by himself for the family and took a walk with his wife every day. Nonetheless, his wife still did not manage to 19 the illness and passed away after three months. After that, he often sighed 20 that due to his past busy life, he h

11、ad missed a lot of beautiful time with his wife. But now, it is 21 to make up for it. It is no use crying over spilt milk. We have 22 a lot of precious things in our life without knowing how to 23 them. Actually, I also missed something 24 before. The reason is simple: we had thought that we could s

12、till own them tomorrow. Nevertheless, tomorrow is actually 25 reliable. There was a famous Buddhist monk saying that in many peoples lives, they have only done two things: waiting and 26 . The result is that they were always too late to cherish 27 they had before they lost it. We would often claim t

13、o do something when we 28 , or when we have money or when we become old, etc. However, when we reach the 29 , we could no longer realize our 30 , because we have lost it by then.11. A. hallB. station C. square D. bus stop12. A. appreciating B. listeningC. creating D. discussing13. A. meeting B. part

14、y C. debate D. concert14. A. easy B. convenient C. possible D. difficult15. A. excited B. disappointed C. regretful D. worried16. A. special B. cheap C. delicious D. wonderful17. A. lazy B. social C. busy D. optimistic18. A. put up with B. came down with C. came up with D. end up with19. A. cure B.

15、diagnose C. attack D. conquer20. A. miserably B. helpfully C. mercifully D. slightly21. A. necessary B. absolute C. impossible D. beneficial22. A. missed B. made C. invented D. contributed23. A. cherish B. apply C. conserve D. convey24. A. important B. precious C. positive D. negative25. A. to some

16、degree B. on the way C. at all times D. by no means26. A. regretting B. rewarding C. demanding D. expecting27. A. which B. that C. what D. when28. A. get up B. set up C. grow up D. make up29. A. station B. condition C. agreement D. destination30. A. danger B. mistake C. purpose D. wish第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,

17、满分50分)第一节(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项.并在答且卡上将该项涂黑。APGL kids everywhere, will tell you that we are the best when it comes to thrills, challenges and adventures - all rolled into one fantastic holiday! Children leave PGL with loads of more friends and interests and feel more

18、 confident - theyll be counting the days until their next PGL holiday! For childcare voucher(代币券) information, please click here. Climbing Adventure This holiday will teach you how to independently climb! At the end of the week youll get to use all your new skills when you visit a local cliff for so

19、me outdoor crag climbing. We make the best use of all our activities including Climbing, Abseiling, Trapeze , Zip Wire and Jacobs Ladder to teach you all the right rope work and climbing skills. Throughout the holiday you will work towards the National Indoor Climbing Achievement Scheme and by the e

20、nd of the holiday you will have achieved Level 2. Cooks AcademyOur brand new holiday for 2013! Come along and learn how to cook with a top chef! Whether youve never cooked before or are a bit of a pro, this holiday will have you cooking a variety of tasty dishes and treats. No experience is required

21、 as our professional chef will pass on their knowledge so you can develop from any level of experience. Whats more, youll get your very own recipe book containing everything youve learnt and will be able to take a dish home to impress your friends and family. DanceThis holiday is an excellent opport

22、unity to try loads of different dance styles. Youll spend half of each day learning different types of dance, everything from salsa to ballroom dancing and street dance to jive. Throughout the week your instructors will give you lots of tips and advice as well as helping you prepare a dance routine

23、to impress your friends when you perform at the end of the week. Film MakingYou and your group will be able to choose what type of film to make - adventure, fantasy, thriller or comedy and then youll become a film crew, creating your own blockbuster ready to show to everyone else at the end of the w

24、eek. You will find out whats involved in directing a movie and have the chance to edit your film using professional editing software. Whats more, youll have your film on DVD to take home with you too!31. Which is the new PGL holiday for 2013? A. Film Making. B. Dance. C. Climbing Adventure. D. Cooks

25、 Academy. 32. What will you do during the Climbing Adventure holiday? A. You will go outdoors with your friends to practice climbing. B. You will visit many local dangerous cliffs. C. You will learn climbing both indoor and outdoor. D. You will only learn climbing skills during the holiday. 33. In w

26、hich two holidays can you take something home? A. Climbing Adventure and Cooks Academy B. Film Making and Climbing Adventure C. Cooks Academy and Film Making D. Dance and Film Making 34. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Parents are looking forward to the next PGL holiday.

27、B. You need experience when taking Cooks Academy holiday. C. You will spend every day learning all kinds of dances. D. You can create your own film in Film Making holiday. BThe ozone layer(臭氧层) is a thin layer of gas around the earth. It forms a special “blanket” around the planet. This “blanket” pr

28、otects the earth from dangerous rays produced by the sun. Without the ozone layer, the earths climate could warm to dangerous levels. This increase in temperature would threaten our survival. Scientists recently have discovered a hole in the ozone layer above the Antarctica. Now there is great conce

29、rn that this warning has started, endangering all life on the earth. What has destroyed part of the ozone layer? Scientists do not know for sure. They suspect that our popular spray cans(喷漆罐) have played a part in the damage. Many spray cans contain dangerous gases. These gases might have destroyed

30、the ozone layer fifteen miles above the earths surface, The chemicals used in refrigerators(冰箱) and air conditioners may contribute to the problem, too. Many scientists believe that the destruction of the ozone layer is a serious problem for people everywhere. Global warming could change weather pat

31、terns around the world. Farmers and ranchers(牧场主) could find it more and more difficult to produce enough food for the earths people. If more of the suns dangerous rays reached the earth, there also could be an increase in skin cancers. Some skin cancers might cause people to die. Although some scie

32、ntists do not believe there is a serious danger, obviously no one wants to take any chance on such a possibility. Can scientists repair the hole in the ozone layer? They really dont know the answer to that question. Can people do anything to save the ozone layer that the earth still has? Scientists

33、stress the need to limit the use of spray cans and other items that contain the dangerous gases. This will not be an easy task. People all over the world use these items. Solving the problem certainly will require commitment and cooperation from everyone. 35. The ozone layer exists to _. A. warm the

34、 earth to a proper level for life B. protect the earth from dangerous sun rays C. make all life on the earth in a dangerous situation D. prevent human beings from being harmed from the earth36. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. Scientists arent sure what has dest

35、royed part of the ozone layer. B. Scientists recently have discovered a hole in the Antarctica. C. Scientists prove that spray cans have destroyed part of the ozone layer. D. Global warming doesnt affect weather patterns around the world. 37. The following may do harm to the ozone layer EXCEPT _. A.

36、 spray cans B. refrigerators C. ranchers D. air conditioners 38. Saving the ozone layer needs everyones effort because _. A. scientists are badly in need of others help B. items containing dangerous gases should be forbidden C. scientists cant afford so much money to take measures D. people all over

37、 the world use items containing dangerous gases CThere used to be a term that was used to describe someone who drove their vehicles down the highway while staring at the scenery. These drivers just drove slowly, taking their own sweet time, as if they had nothing to do and no place in particular to

38、go. Thus, the expression, “Sunday driver”, was born. Consequently, a Sunday driver wasnt necessarily someone who was driving on a Sunday. A person could be a Sunday driver any day of the week. The expression simply meant that the person was an obstacle to other drivers who were in a hurry. The expre

39、ssion probably came about because there was a time when people would often decide to go for a relaxing drive on Sunday afternoons. A Sunday drive was a common occurrence years ago and especially on a nice warm sunny day. There were no stores open on Sunday because of the “blue laws”, so you needed t

40、o be sure and fill up the gas tank and make any other needed purchases before Sunday arrived. Some of the states had strict blue laws that even prohibited some activities on Sunday. However, there is still a lot to be said for the slow, gentle life that once existed. It was a time when very few peop

41、le worked on Sunday except for those professions vital to our well-being such as those in the medical profession. It was a day “set apart” that was used to rest, visit with neighbors and friends, or maybe go to grandmas house for supper. Today there are many who return to work and children who go ba

42、ck to school overly tired on Monday due to a lack of rest. Perhaps there would be less stress related illnesses if we really kept Sunday as a day of rest. 39. According to the passage, “Sunday driver” refers to the person who _. A. drives his vehicle on Sundays B. drives for fun and relaxation C. en

43、joys a weekend break D. makes a Sunday purchase40. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph l mean? A. Sunday drivers affected traffic flowB. Sunday drivers drove too slowlyC. Sunday drivers increased traffic speedD. Sunday drivers felt hatred for other drivers41. What kind of activity was str

44、ictly prohibited on Sunday by the laws?A. Visiting with neighbors and friends. B. Going to the hospital to see a doctor. C. Having a family get-together. D. Selling goods or services. 42. According to the author, Sunday rest would help people_. A. earn a lot more money B. experience less pressure C.

45、 keep pace with society D. improve academic performance DMattie Stepanek died at the age of 13 from a rare disease called muscular dystrophy. Because of the disease, Mattie had to get around in a wheelchair, but it did not stop him from staying positive and inspiring others with his message of peace

46、. As a best-selling author and role model, Mattie provided a voice for people who suffer from muscular dystrophy. He spoke to people about the disease and about his dream for world peace. “Mattie was something special, something very special,” said Jerry Lewis, the chair of the Muscular Dystrophy As

47、sociation, a group that works to find a solution to the disease. “He was an example that made people want to reach for the best within themselves.” Mattie moved many people through his speeches and interviews, but he may have touched the most people through his poetry. During his life, Mattie wrote

48、five books of poetry. Three of those books were The New York Times best-sellers. His books all had the word “Heartsongs” in the title. Mattie called his inner voice that encouraged him to work for peace his “Heartsongs”. When his first book came out, just 200 copies were printed to be handed out to

49、friends and supporters. But after the news of the book spread, 500,000 more copies were printed. People think Matties poems are very thoughtful. Mattie first started writing poetry at the age of 3 to help him face the death of his brother, who also suffered from muscular dystrophy. The magazine Time

50、 For Kids once interviewed Mattie. He told the reporter, “Life is a gift. We have to make the best of it.” Mattie said his task was to bring peace to the world. 43. According to the passage, the disease muscular dystrophy may make a person _. A. less likely to achieve dreams B. difficult to move his

51、 body C. eager to learn how to survive D. easy to be recognized 44. The dream of Mattie Stepanek was to _. A. become a famous writer B. find a cure, for the disease C. work for world peace D. save his brother 45. What caused Mattie to start writing poetry? A. His struggle against the disease. B. His

52、 parents encouragement. C. The message of world peace. D. The death of his brother. 46. What may be the best title of the passage?A. How to make the best of life B. Mattie Stepanek, a well-respected poet C. A life, brief in length but with depth D. Life is a gift ESlow parenting means parenting chil

53、dren in the contact of nature without any interference of materialistic influence. We can also term it as “self-raising”. In slow parenting children are allowed to do what they think proper and parents just keep a watch over the child. Curiosity of the child leads to exploring and discovering things

54、. Parents provide little help only when its too necessary, otherwise keep themselves away from the child and just have a look on him/her. This brings about a feeling of self-dependency and they are encouraged to solve their problems. This is a natural way of learning. When a child is left to learn i

55、n a natural environment, the childs natural development takes place. Influence of any materialistic way doesnt let the mind develop naturally. Watching TV, playing video games or joining classes of dance, swimming or any other sports will not let the mind develop naturally. Here creativity of their

56、mind is developed. They explore ideas. The logic behind this is that the kids of animals learn by nature, so can our kids. So let our children play in the garden, to watch flowers, plants, birds, butterflies and other gifts of nature. In the classes of dance, swimming etc. their creativity is influe

57、nced and their natural creativity is suppressed(压制). In these classes they are overburdened and cant enhance their creativity. So let them play in the open air or garden without any burden instead of joining classes. Generally parents give toys to their children and explain how to operate them. But

58、those parents who believe in slow parenting give toys and observe how the children are managing them. Their skill to learn and understand comes out. Maybe the process is slow, but it will be their exploration, which will make them self-dependent, and self-capable to learn. 47. In slow parenting, par

59、ents _. A. give the whole directions to what their children doB. keep a close watch over their children C. give their children freedom to do what they think proper D. set limits to what their children do 48. What is the main advantage of slow parenting according to the passage? A. Keeping children a

60、way from materialistic influence. B. Arousing childrens curiosity. C. Making children interested in exploring nature. D. Helping children to be independent. 49. We can infer from the third paragraph that_. A. exploring nature is a good way of slow parenting B. children cant learn by nature like the


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