



1、Unit 9 EnvironmentLesson 1山东省2020年高考模拟完形填空第一专:研考(莽学者刷题,练秒杀;慧学者研考,拼满分)龄枷二阅读下面的文章,从文后所给的a、mWTS四个选项中选出最佳选项。精准定位命题点:先读题干(必要时还要读一下四个选项),根据题干信息在原文中准确定位命题点。准确敲定最佳答案:意义与原文相同,外观与原文不同,有时差别很小。My name is Miranda Gibson. I have been at the top of a tree for five months now. Some people might wonder 21.on earth I

2、 would choose to do that.I have walked through this forest many tunes. On 12 December 2011, 22. rolled into the forest and the destruction(摧毁)began. I couldift 23.the thought that these forests would be 24.forever. So, on 14 December 2011, I packed up my life, 25. of my job plans, and clunbed 60 met

3、ers to the top of this tree. I have been here ever since.Life in the tree tops can be 26.at times. I have tunes when I feel fiustrated(沮丧)and wish I could 27., to anywhere, just have a 28.of scenery for a nmiute! There are times too, when I feel teniblv 29. I miss mv friends and family. 30. these ti

4、mes, I find myself loving the31.Living on the tree has been mspiiing. I am willing toup here for as long as it takes. 3.I honestly hope it wont be too 34.before I can put my feet on the ground below and stand hi a forest that will never be 35.21.A. whyB. whenC. howD. where22.A. waterB. animalsC. mac

5、hineryD. tourists23.A. bearB. helpC. keepD. spaie24.A. soldB. stolenC. protectedD. lost25.A. grew outB. fell shortC. ran outD. let go26.A. refreshingB. nskyC. challengmgD. rewaidmg27.A. get upB. get awayC. give inD. give up28.A. changeB. lookC. searchD. touch29.A. conftisedB. nervousC. sonyD. lonely

6、30.A. BevondB. WithoutC. DespiteD. Unlike31.A. heightB. expenenceC. backgioundD. position32.A. returnB. stopC. stayD. hide33.A. butB. thougliC. becauseD. so34.A. soonB. longC. nearD. bad35.A. movedB. loggedC. burnedD. nussed讲得出才是真的真。请把错题讲给你的学伴听,或者是用书写的方式“讲”给自己听。第二步:精读(国人英语速成捷径)微密值:5瓦碗天齐尧航磷分根据文意,在上补全

7、缺少的字词,或用所给提示词的恰当形式填空(不超过3个单词):用英语在黑体划线部分后的()中写出黑体划线部分的同/近义表达;与学伴合作,一人一句或一段,把全文II头翻译成通顺的汉语给对方听,以有效扫除盲点,提高理解精准 度。口译完成后,轻声慢读短文3-5遍,进一步加深理解,巩固效果。注意:每读一遍,在“正”字上用红色笔描一个笔画。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _My name is Miianda Gibson. I have been at the top of a tree fbr five months now. Some people nught wonder 1.on

8、 earth I would choose to do that.I have walked tluougli tins forest many times. On 12 December 2011, maclunery rolled into the forest and tlie2.destruction) began. I 3.couldnt bear the thought) that these forests would be英语六步精进教程-完形填空 lost forever. So, on 14 December 2011,1 packed up my life, 4.1et

9、go() my job plans, and climbed 60 meters tothe top of this tiee. I have been here ever since.Life in the tree tops caii be challenging 5.at times(). I have times when I feel6.frustrated() and wish I could get away, to anywhere, just have a change of scenery for a minute! There aretimes too. when I f

10、eel terribly lonely. I niiss my fiiends and family. 7.Despite() these times, I find myselfloving the experience.Living on the tree has been inspiring. I am willing to stay up here for as long as it takes, but I honestly hope it wont be too long 8. I can put my feet on the ground below and stand in a

11、 forest that will never be 9.1ogged().第三步:熟背(化解英语一切疑难) 肉遂值:S下面的短文是本题的精华浓缩,适合背诵。请同学们注意:理解是记忆和背诵的前提,切忌死记硬背。背诵前,应确保能准确拼读文章中的所有词汇。除了用词典查音标外,使用百度翻译等软件进行跟读的效 果更好。背诵时,应积极尝试连读、弱读等发音技巧。On 12 December 2011, machmeiy rolled mto the forest and tlie destmction began. I couldift bear the tliought that these fores

12、ts would be lost forever. So, on 14 December 2011,1 packed up my life, let go my job plans, and climbed 60 meters to the top of this tiee. I have been at the top of a tree for five months now.Life in the tree tops caii be challenging at tmies. I have times when I feel frustrated and wish I could get

13、 away; to anywhere, just have a change of scenery for a inhiute! There are times too, when I feel terribly lonely. I miss my fiiends and family. Despite these times, I find myself loving the experience.Living on the tree has been inspiring. I am willing to stay up here for as long as it takes, but I

14、 honestly hope it wont be too long before I caii put my feet on the ground below and stand in a forest that will never be logged.第四专默准(因为精准,所以高效)心血10!准备好默写纸,然后按下列步骤进行:i模仿下面所给的书写范例,准确默写上面的短文;i书写范例: II have today left hospital after o week in which the NHS has saved my life, no question.i i修改默写中的错误,然后

15、重新默写,直至所默短文没有任何差错。I注意:书写规范、美观。每默写一遍,在“正”字上用红色笔描一个笔画。第五专活用(会应用才是真能力)效的:ior TOC o 1-5 h z !佳句回译。准备好练习纸,然后按下列步骤进行:j:把下面的汉语句子译成英语,然后从文章中找到相对应的英语原句进行比较,修改与原句不同的地方;,再次根据汉语句子进行翻译,直至翻译的英文与原句相同。:!注意:每回译一遍,在“字上用红色笔描一个笔画。!1.有些人可能会想,我究竟为什么会选择这样做。2.2011年12月12 ,机器进入森林,破坏开始。我禁不住想到这些森林将永远消失。我有时感到沮丧,希望我能离开,去任何地方,只是为

16、了改变环境,哪怕只是一分钟!除了那几次,我发现自己喜欢这种经历。英语六步精进教程-完形填空我愿意在这里需要待多久就待多久,但我仍真诚地希望不久我就能把脚放在下面的地上,站在一片永远不会 被砍伐的森林里。第六步自结(唯有自主,成就杰出) 9顽甬隔顽丽i带百福瓦商套舌:使用“循环滤记安排表”及时复习。 参考答案第一步:2L.25.ACADD 26.-30.CBADC 31.-35.BCABB第二步:1 .why 2.destioymg 3.couldn,t help thuiking 4.give up 5.sometimes 6. aimoyed 7. Except, Apait from 8.

17、 before 9.cut down第五步:l.Some people might wonder why on earth I would choose to do that.2.On 12 December 2011, niacluiieiy rolled into the forest and the destmction began.couldnt bear the thought that these forests would be lost forever.have times when I feel finstiated and wish I could get away, to anywhere, just have a chang


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