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1、 PAGE 页码 11 / NUMPAGES 总页数 11教案课题Unit 6 同步语法教师姓名学生姓名上课日期学科英语适用年级小学三年级教材版本人教版学习目标1. 学生能够听懂,会说“Howmanydoyousee?Isee、“Howmanydoyouhave?Ihave并能在实际情景中进行运用.2.学生能够听说、认读eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty.重难点掌握“Howmanydoyousee?Isee询问看到的物品数量,和“Howmanydoyouhave?I

2、have询问拥有的物品数量.课前检查作业完成情况:优 良 中 差 建议: 第 _14_ 讲Unit 6 同步语法一、根底知识单词默写1. 十一 _ 2. 十二 _3. 十三 _ 4. 十四 _5. 十五 _ 6. 十六 _7. 十七 _ 8. 十八 _9. 十九 _ 10. 二十 _11. 风筝 _ 12. 美丽的 _二、根底知识英汉连线.1、Lookatthekites!A、你看见多少风筝?2、Howmanykitesdoyousee?B、看那些风筝!3、Wow,sobeautiful!C、哇,真漂亮!4、Theblackoneisabird.D、黑色的那个是一只鸟.三、能力提升改变所给单词

3、的一个字母,使其变成一个数词.1.too() 2.night() 3.nice()4. hen() 5.sit()6.your() 一、句型读读以下句子,区别他们的意思.How many apples do you see? How many apples do you have?询问拥有的物品数量:A: How many 物品do you have? 你有多少物品?B: I have (数量) . 我有_(只/个).询问看到的物品数量A: How many 物品 do you see? 你看见多少物品?B: I see (数量) . 我看见_(只/个).询问知道的物品数量A: How may

4、物品 do you know? 知道多少物品?B: I know (种类) . 我知道_.【小结】问答How many crayons do you have? I have 16. How many birds do you see? I see 11.How may animals do you know? I know all the animals! How many . do you.? 注意名词复数 How many 是问数量的句子二、关于“有:have、has 用法I have You have We have You have They haveShe has He has I

5、t has Chen Jie has Mike has【小结】第一、二人称单复数和第三人称复数用have,第三人称单数用has.如: My hand has five little fingers . 我的一只手有无根手指.My legs have ten little toes. 我的两只脚有诗歌脚指头.My dog has one cute little face. 我的狗有一张可爱的小脸.But my duck has one big nose. 但是我的鸭子有一个大鼻子.三、基数词:表示数目的多少oneelevenone hundredtwotwelvetwentyone thousa

6、ndthreethirteenthirty三位数要在百位和十位之间加and如:one hundred and sixteen 116one hundred and twenty-one 121fourfourteenfortyfivefifteenfiftysixsixteensixtysevernseventeenseventyeighteighteeneightyninenineteenninetyten加teen加ty两位数非整十中间加连字符“-如:fifty-one 51 1.John:_birdsdoyousee? WuYifan:Iseethree.A.How B.Howmany

7、C.What 2.Howmany_doyousee?A.kite B.cat C.kites 3.Nine and eight makes _. A.seventeen B.sixteen C.eighteen 4. How many balls do you _? I have nine. A. have B.see C.know 5. The elephant _ four legs. A. have B.has C.is 6. The horses _ four legs. A. have B.has C.is 一、根底知识小小翻译官,快来试一试.()、Whatsthis? A、我的蜡笔

8、.()2、Openitandsee! B、你有多少支蜡笔?()3、Howmanycrayonsdoyouhave?C、翻开看看!()4、Youhavesixteencrayons! D、这是什么?()5、Mynewcrayons. E、你有十六支蜡笔!二、根底知识读一读,选择最正确答句.()1.Howmanypencilsdoyouhave? A.Great!()2.Letsflyakite. B.Thankyou.()3.Howmanybagsdoyousee? C.Ihavefifteen.()4.Whatsthis?D.Iseetwelve.()5.Howbeautiful!E.Itsa

9、crayon.三、能力提升看数字或算式,比大小,填写,或.1.sixteen_ twenty2.nineteen_fifteen 3.seventeen_ eighteen4. seven+six_thirteen 5.twelve+ three_ fourteen6.eleven+five_twenty四、能力提升英汉连一连.绿色圃中小学教育1.fivefingers A.一张可爱的脸2.tenlittletoesB.五个手指3.onecutefaceC.一个大鼻子4.onebignose D.十个小脚趾 一、选择适宜的字母填空.(10分)a e i o u1.My h_ nd has fi

10、ve l_ ttle fingers . 2.My l_ gs have t_ n little toes. 3.My d_ g has one c_ te little face. y d_ ck has one b_ g nose. 5. I h_ ve a k_ te.二、看一看,画一画,涂一涂.(18分)1、Ihavefourbluebooks. 2、Pleasedrawthreebrownboats.3、CanIhavetwogreenhamburgers. 4、Drawsevenredpens.5、Ihaveayellowduck. 6、Pleasedrawonehand. Col

11、ouritorange.三、选择正确的答案.(10分)()1. Look _ the kites!A. atB. inC. from()2. How many _ do you see?A. car B. fish C. boat()3. My _ has five little fingers. A. legs B. big C. hand()4. We _ twenty cars. A. has B. see C. are()5. How _ apples do you have?A. what B. old C. many四、算一算,选择正确的答案.(10分)()1. Eleven an

12、d eight makes _. A. threeB. nineteenC. seventeen()2. Fourteen and two makes _. A. twelve B. thirteen C. sixteen()3. twentysix _A. fifteen B. four C. fourteen()4. Three times five makes _. A. nine B. eight C. fifteen()5. Nine times two makes _. A. seven B. eleven C. eighteen五、给以下句子选择正确的图片.12分 1. A:Ho

13、w many kites do you see? B:I see twelve. 2. A:How many balloons do you have? B:I have sixteen. 3. A:How many balls do you see? B:I see fifteen. 4. A:How many caps do you have? B:I have twenty. A. B. C. D. 六、选择相应的句子补充对话,将其序号填在横线上.15分A. Thank you. B. Open it and see. C. My new colour(彩色) pencils. D. G

14、ood idea!E. Lets paint!John: Hello, Mike. Whats this?Mike: 1._ John: Oh, how beautiful!Mike: 2. _ John: How many pencils do you have?Mike: 3. _ John: 1, 2 14. You have 14 pencils!Mike: Yes. 4. _John: 5. _ 七、阅读对话,判断下面说法是(T)否(F)正确.(10分)Mr Johns:Lets go to the zoo!Children:Great!Mr Johns:Look at the bi

15、rds. How many birds do you see?Children:We see 13. Mr Johns: Come here,children! How many fish do you see?Children:We see 15. Amy:Look! Whats that?Mike:Its a little monkey. Look! So many monkeys. Amy: How many monkeys do you see?Mike:1,218. I see 18 monkeys. Amy:No, the black one is a bear. I see 17 monkeys. Mr Johns:Look,tigers! How many tigers do you have?Zoo keeper:We have 8 mother tigers, 7 father tigers and 5 baby tigers. Children:Oh! You have twenty. ()1. Mr Johns and children go to school. ()2. They see thirte


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