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1、初三作文总复习Unit1 (提示信reminder)一、我们在日常生活中经常会用到身体语言。那么,你在平时的生活中注意到人们都用了哪些身体语言吗?请按要求写一篇英语短文,内容包括:身体语言的作用:2,常见的身体语言;3, 你平时最常用的身体语言。Body language is some gestures done by our body to express our intentions. It is very helpful for us to make ourselves known without saying any words. Body language includes eye

2、 contact,crossed arms, open mouth and so on. When I see something strange or come across someone that I didnt expect to meet, I will have a wide open mouth to show my surprise. When my friends and I have done something great,we will give a high five to each other, so as to express our happiness and

3、pride. I think body language is really useful.二、在新学期召开的第一次班会上,同学们就日常礼仪这个主题进行讨论,请根据以下要点写一篇80词左右的短文作为你的发言内容。内容包括如下:与别人说话时不要左顾右盼;见面要相互问好,离开要说再见,和别人握手是好习惯;课间不要追逐打闹;不但在学校有礼貌,在家也一样。Boys girls, New term has begun. Now Id like to say something you should pay attention to both at school and at home.As a stud

4、ent of good manners, firstly, you shouldnt look around while youre talking with others. It is quite rude. Secondly, say hello to others with smile when you meet and also remember to say goodbye when you leave. Thirdly, shaking hands with others is a good habit. At last I hope all the students in our

5、 class will be polite not only at school but also at home. With you happy in the new term.Unit 2(预约话题)三、许多学生追求时尚,有些甚至希望把头发染色,认为这样做有趣而且彰显个性。请就此发表你的意见,内容包括:你是否赞成同学生染发;2,你的理由(一到两个)。Many students want to be different from others. Some even want to have their hair dyed. In my opinion, its better to keep

6、the natural colour of our hair. First of all, spending too much time on hair will prevent us from studies. We have to care for our hair a lot if we want to dye it. But as students, we should prepare more for our studies, not our hair. Second, now there are many hair products that are harmful to our

7、health. We may get sick if we choose the wrong hair dye.四、请根据下面内容,写一封给王平的短信,词数80左右。你叫Jack, 本来你和王平相约周日一起去书店,但是那个周末你爷爷奶奶突然从家乡过来了,你很高兴。因为周日你要陪爷爷奶奶,所以恐怕只能取消你们的约会了。你与王平约好下次再一起去书店。Dear Wang Ping, I am really sorry that I have to cancel our appointment.I remember I made an appointment with you to go to the

8、 bookshop together on Sunday. But on the weekend, my grandparents came from my hometown. I am very happy. On Sunday I will show my grandparents around the city. Now I am afraid I have to cancel our appointment. I apologize for that. Lets make it next time. OK?五、在多姿多彩的课外生活中,我们学到了许多技能。每当回忆起第一次学游泳,第一次学

9、骑车,第一次学做饭,第一次学画画。的经历在目。请将这难忘的经历记录下来,存放在你的成长记录 Most of us can ride a bike. So can I . I like going around the city on my bike. I still remember the first time I learned to ride a bike. That was one summer afternoon when I was sever years old. I told Father how I wanted to learn to ride a bike. Father

10、 was very pleased to be my “coach”. At first I was too afraid to have a try. Father encouraged me a lot. Finally, after falling down several times from the bike, I could ride. How excited I was!Now I ride my bike to school, to the shop, to the park, to my friends house and so on. It gives me a lot o

11、f pleasure. Whenever I see other kids learning to ride a bike, it reminds me of that summer afternoon. Unit 3(寻求和提出建议)六、为了使同学们与人交往时举止更加文雅 ,你校学生会正在举办以 “How to behave well?为主题的英语征文比赛,请你用英语写一篇80个词左右的短文。短文要点如下:学生应该守时,守信,不说谎,不说脏话;2礼貌待人,热心助人;3守交通规则;不在公共场所喧哗,不乱扔垃圾;4请你就此话题再补充一至两点个人看法。 As a student, I think

12、its very important to do everything on time and keep promises. Never lie to others or say dirty words. We should be polite to others and ready to help people in need. Wed better not talk loudly in public. Dont throw litter or spit about. And remembet to obey traffic rules. Finally, learn to work wit

13、h others. We need good team work in our life.七、健康的饮食,适当的锻炼,充足的睡眠,早睡早起是一个健康的人所必备的生活习惯。请你以 “My Good Habits” 为题写一篇80个词左右的英语短文,从饮食、运动、睡眠三方面谈谈你的良好的个人习惯。My Good HabitsI am pretty healthy because I have some good habits.I eat a lot of healthy food, such as fruit and vegetables. They are good for my health.

14、 I have milk for breakfast every day. Good breakfast is a good start of a day. I take exercise every morning. I often play sports with my friends. Sleeping is very important. I have enough sleep-at least eight hours a night. It is good to go to bed early and get up early.Good habits help me keep hea

15、lthy. Good habits help me study better. 八、How to keep fitIts important for us to keep healthy. Zhang Hua gives us a good example. He takes exercise every day. He enjoys sports, such as swimming, running and playing basketball. He goes to bed at ten in the evening and gets up six in the morning. He t

16、akes good care of himself. He takes a bath every day. He washes his hands before meals. He eats many different kinds of foods and so he looks strong and healthy.九、在“世界无烟日(Non_smoking Day)”那天,某中学对该校学生吸烟情况进行了一次调查,结果如图所示。请就此话题用英语写一篇短文。要求:1、对调查结果进行描述; 2、表明自己的看法并提出建议 On Non-smoking Day, a school did a su

17、rvey about smoking. Here are the results. Three percent of the students often smoke, seven percent of the students smoke sometimes. Some students think that smoking brings pleasure, some believe that smoking is very cool. As we know, smoking is harmful not only to our health but also to the environm

18、ent. Smoking can lead to many diseases, such as lung cancer. So the government bans smoking is very necessary and important to us. I think, smokers had better give up smoking. It will be good for all of us.Unit 4十、你的好朋友小阳写了封信给你,信中他说到最近很不开心,原因是他上一次英语测验没考好。 请按要求给小阳写封回信,内容包括:告诉他一次考试不合格并不代表什么;2, 鼓励他不要气馁

19、,总结教训,继续努力;3, 希望他能开开心心。Dear Xiaoyang , I have received your letter and know that you failed in the last English test. But it is only a test and it doesnt mean that you have failed. In my opinion, no one can always do everything well. Instead of blaming yourself, why not find out the reason why you d

20、idnt do well in the test? Did you prepare well before the test? Or were you careless when doing the test? After you find out the reason and then keep studying hard, I am sure you can do much better next time. Besides, I hope you are always happy! Yours, Lucy 十一、目前,学校存在着少数学生考试作弊的现象。某英文杂志社拟就此现象向中学生征文,

21、标题:My Opinion On Cheating in Exams. 要求如下:1、主要原因:考试偏多、偏难;学生不用功、懒惰;为考取高分取悦父母、老师;2、 个人看法:作弊不对;违反校规;要诚实、努力学习。My Opinion on Cheating in Exams.Now some students cheat in exams at school. Why?Firstly, nowadays students have too many exams, some are too difficult to deal with. Secondly, some students are la

22、xy and dont work hard. So when taking exams, they cheat to get better results to make parents and teachers pleased.In my opinion, it is wrong to cheat in exams because it breaks the rules of schools. We should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard. Whats more, we can do well in exam

23、s by improving our study methods and getting well prepared for exams.unit 5十二、假如你和你的同学Peter都是歌迷,写一个关于周杰伦演唱会的便条给他,内容如下:时间周六晚上7:30地点广州天河体育中心演唱者周杰伦票价成年人300元,学生100元是否愿意和你一起去Dear Peter, Good news here! Jay Chow is coming to give a concert in Guangzhou. It will be held in Tihe Sports Centre at 7:30 this S

24、aturday evening . I heard that prices of tickets are different . The ticket is 300 yuan for each adupt and 100 yuan for each student. Many of his new songs will be sung that night and it must be very exciting. I wonder if you would like to go with me. Please reply to me as soon as possible. Yours, L

25、ucy十三、在你的成长过程中,你的家长倾注了大量的心血,他们对你的生活和学习给予关心、帮助外,也会给出些建议。请你根据你的情况写一篇60个词左右的短文。My parents are very kind and helpful. They cook meals and wash clothes for me every day. At the weekend, they often prapare some of my favourite food. Sometimes they also help me with my lessons. They are very strict with me

26、, but when I make a mistake, they first listen to me and then have a talk with me instead of complaining about it. They always try to understand me. I think that is a good way for a child to grow up. With their care, Im living and studying happily.Unit6十四、关于姚明的故事1)出生于上海,身高2.26米。 2)九岁开始学习打篮球。 3)18岁加入

27、国家队,几年后加入美国NBA。4)在空余时间,喜欢玩游戏机,待人友善。Yao Ming was born in Shanghai China. He is 2.26 metres tall. He began to play basketball at the age of nine. When he was 18, he joined the national team to play basketball. A few years later, he went to play in the NBA in the USA. He likes playing computers games i

28、n his free time. He is friendly to people. Many teenagers admire him because he plays basketball well. I think he is our national pride.Unit 7十五、英语女孩Jane于2002年随父亲来广州,2003年开始她觉得汉语很难。 在同学帮助下,她逐渐喜欢汉语,现在汉语讲得好。她喜欢在中国生活,她发现中国人很友好,相处融洽。Jane is an English girl. She came to China with her parents in 2002. Ja

29、ne began to study Chinese in 2003. At first she felt that Chinese wasnt easy. But later she came to like it. Now Jane is good at Chinese. She enjoys living in China. She finds the people here are very friendly.十六、根据描述事件的步骤和方法,记述你的生日party. 内容包括如下要点:1邀请好朋友到家里聚会;2、与朋友一起吃生日蛋糕;3、朋友送了你生日礼物。 Its New Years

30、Day last Friday. It was also my 16th birthday. On that day I invited some good friends to the party in my house. My parents bought me a big birthday cake. It was a beautiful cake with some cream and chocolate. There were sixteen candles on it. They lit the candles to wish me a happy birthday and goo

31、d health. We shared the cake happily. Then each friend sent me a nice present. I liked them very much. I thought I was one year older than last year. I should do better than before.十七、假如你是九年级三班的班长,请你根据表格内容写一篇演讲稿主题倡议同学们劳逸结合,提高学习效率现状问题许多同学忙于准备考试,很少参加体育锻炼;作业多,没时间锻炼本人观点锻炼使人放松、健康;帮助同学预防疾病并更好地学习;养成好习惯,让我们

32、一起去锻炼Hello,everyone. Why not go out to do sports? Of course, youll say youre busy getting ready for the exams now. You dont have enough time to do sports. There is too much homework. But in my poinion,doing sports is a good way to relax and keep away from illness. It also can help us study better. W

33、e should form a good habit of exercise. Lets do sports together.十八、假如你将代表2011届初三毕业生在毕业典礼上发言,请你用英语写一篇发言稿。回顾校园很美丽;每学期都有丰富多彩的活动,例如,四川的地震过后,学校组织了捐款活动;老师教学生动有趣;三年来学到很多,进步大。感谢老师的培养,父母的支持,同学的帮助祝愿我希望。(可适当发挥12句) Good afternoon,everyone! It is a great honour for me to make a speech on behalf of the graduating

34、 class of 2011. Our school ie very beautiful. We have a variety of colourful activities every term. For example, our school organized the students to make a donation after the earthquake in Sichuan. Our teachers always try to make their lessons lively and interesting. We have learned a lot and made

35、great progress during the last three years. We should thank our teachers for their teachings, our parents for their support, our classmates for their help. I hope our school will be more beautiful and everyone will have a good future.十九食物是我们生活当中不可缺少的一部分.食物的种类有很多,包括米饭、蔬菜、肉类、水果等等。请根据要求写一篇英语短文,内容包括:你喜欢

36、的食物;你喜欢该食物的原因。注意:词数80个左右。There are many kinds of food.Some food is necessary for us to live,like rice .Some food is good for our health but some are not .I like those foods that are healthy,including vegetables and fruits.For example,I like apples and would like to have one every day.Have you ever heard people say that one day one apple ,every day beautiful ?This means that apple is very helpful for us to keep heal


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