三年级英语下册课件-Module 8 Unit 2 Daming flies a kite in the park50-外研版(三起)_第1页
三年级英语下册课件-Module 8 Unit 2 Daming flies a kite in the park50-外研版(三起)_第2页
三年级英语下册课件-Module 8 Unit 2 Daming flies a kite in the park50-外研版(三起)_第3页
三年级英语下册课件-Module 8 Unit 2 Daming flies a kite in the park50-外研版(三起)_第4页
三年级英语下册课件-Module 8 Unit 2 Daming flies a kite in the park50-外研版(三起)_第5页
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1、Review of M8 in 3B(6B)Enjoy and find.(欣赏歌曲并找到表位置的介词。)underin front of behindonnext toWork in pairs.A:Where is the ?B:Its in/on/under/behind the Lets play a game: Five-stones(抓石子).游戏方法和规则如下:1.每人准备五个石子或捏得比较紧的纸团,说:“Look! Five stones.” 2.把五个石子或纸团扔在桌子上,说:“Five stones are on the desk.” 3.手盖住五个石子或纸团,说:“Fiv

2、e stones are under my hand.”4.手抓起五个石子或纸团,攥在手心里,说:“Five stones are in my hand.”5.把五个石子或纸团向上抛出,用手背接住,这时可能手背只接住了部分石子或纸团。假设接住了三个,则说:“Three stones are on my hand.”若一个石子或纸团都没接住,则说:“Oh,sorry!”然后退出本轮比赛。 6.手背朝上把五个石子或纸团向上抛出,手心向上接住石子或纸团。假设接住了两个石子或纸团,则说:“Now ,two stones are in my hand,”至此本轮游戏结束,手中有两枚石子或纸团的学生得2分

3、。若一个石子或纸团都没有接住,则说:“Oh,sorry!”并记录为0分。Today is Damings birthday. Hes got a present.Where is the present for Daming?Its _ the box. Its _ Damings desk. Its _ the door. Its _ Damings chair.Its _ Damings bedroom.inonbehindunderinWatch and match.(看动画并连线。)in springin summerin autumnin winterswimsgoes fishin

4、gwalksflies a kitein the parkin the lakeunder the treein the snowReading: Where is Jesse? Benben JesseYiyaMs JojoNameWhereJesseYiyaMs Jojounder the tableunder the bedin the hatPractice in class.(课堂练习。) 单项选择。 ( )第 1 题 : -Where is my _? -Its _ the chair.A. toy; in B. box; on C. toy; under( )第 2 题 : -W

5、hats this? -A present _ you. Its in the _.A. of; box B. for; box C. for; bag( )第 3 题 : The panda is _ the cap. A. on B. under C. behind( )第 4 题 : The panda is _ the cap and the monkey is _ the box. A. under; behind B. on; under C. behind; underCBAA( )第 5 题 : My mother is in the _. A. behind B. bedro

6、om C.home( )第 6题 : The dog is _the _. A. in; lake B. in; tree C. under; lake( )第 7 题 : A. like B. lake C. parkBAB( )第 8题 : -Where is my cat? -Its _ the _.in; tree B. on; lake C. under; tree( )第 9 题 : lake B. toy C. tree( )第 10 题 : In spring, Daming _ a kite in the park.fly B. flies C. flying( )第 11

7、题 : In autumn, he _ under the tree.A. go fish B. go fishing C. goes fishingCCBC( )第 12 题 : walk B. park C. lake( )第 13题 : In winter, he _ in the snow.walk B. walks C. Walking( )第 14 题 : 上学的时间到了,你却找不到你的书包了。你向你的妈妈询问:What is this? B. Where is my bag?( )第 15 题 : 你的爸爸在找你家的宠物猫,你看到它在椅子下面,你应该告诉你的爸爸:A. Its u

8、nder the chair. B. Its behind the chair.ABBASummary小结1.本节课复习的目标语言是:询问物体的位置及其答语。Where is ? Its in/on/under/behind2.本节课的重点词汇介词有:for,in,on,under,behind;地点名词有:toy,box,bedroom,park,lake,tree动词短语有:flies a kite,goes fishing,walksOur country has so many beautiful places.We can have a look at them when we are free.the Great Wall in Chinathe West Lake in Hangzhou Wild Goose Pagoda in Xianthe Oriental Pearl TV Tower in ShanghaiHomework1.Read the important words and the sentences at least 6


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