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1、Deconstruction and Translatability 解构与可译性1DeconstructionProposed by French philosopher Jacques Derridaanti-logocentrismIt seeks to expose, and then to subvert, the various binary oppositions Diffrance, Limit, Iterability2Binary Opposition(二元对立) one term is privileged or central over the other In opp

2、ositions such as: speech / writing presence / absence positive / negative meaning / form soul / body3Logocentrism/phonocentrism It suggests that the speakers consciousness is a fully isolable self-presence, an independent self-identity. It understands speech as the direct expression of presence and

3、truth of meaning.4DeconstructionA philosophical movement and theory of literary criticism that questions traditional assumptions about certainty, identity, and truth; asserts that words can only refer to other words; and attempts to demonstrate how statements about any text subvert their own meaning

4、s:5“In deconstruction, the critic claims there is no meaning to be found in the actual text, but only in the various, often mutually irreconcilable, virtual texts constructed by readers in their search for meaning”(Rebecca Goldstein). 在解构中,评论家宣称在真正的文本中不可能找到含义,只能通过各种各样方式并通常是双方不可互相调和的,读者为了寻找含义而构建起来的虚拟

5、文本上才能找到.(丽贝卡戈尔茨坦)6Diffrance(延异) 1.Coined by Derrida,the core of deconstruction2.It includes two aspects:to defer, to delay, implying a temporal horizon;to differ, implying a spatial horizon.7Example:“chair” ,an absent presence;符号代表了一种缺席的在场(an absent presence)。我们无需呈现椅子实物,只需使用声音或chair文字即可,这样就推迟或延后了实物的

6、在场。8Play of difference(延异嬉戏)1. Diffrance is not a concept in general sense and cannot be assigned with meaning; it is the condition of possibility for meanings. 2. All language, in order to be language, generates meaning through the play of differences 语言符号无非是一系列不断推延的差异游戏。语言中的意义仅仅是一种差异。9Example:cat之

7、所以是cat而不是bat或cap因为它不同于cap和bat的差异而构成的。语言中的所指和能指并没有内在的一一对立关系。10Trace(踪迹)Trace can be seen as an always contingent term for a mark of the absence of a presence, an always-already absent present“踪迹是一个不在场事物的现在的符号,他是在场中的不在场,是存在的某种影子。1.Trace carries within itself the mark of other elements that are absent.

8、 2.Pursuing meaning is not a matter of revealing some hidden presence that is already there; rather, it is relentless tracking through a always moving play of differences11Limit No language can be a clean-cut entity with clearly decidable and absolute limits. The limit of language is both a boundary

9、 and a structural opening between languages, contexts.一种语言的限制并不完全或绝对与另一个语言分离,而是一种语言与语言间的临界,即语言与文本间的结构的开放。12Singularity and Generality1.Any language event is an irreducibly singular performance with a meaning that effectuates from a systematic play of differences in a specific context.2.Any event, in

10、 order to be interpretable and meaningful, must repeat structures already recognizable in a general code.3.Every event is both singular and general.13Text 1.It refers to everything meaningful to us, an open weave with social, cultural, political and economic factors.2.Every strand of every text in t

11、he narrow sense produces meaning as a process of differing not only from other elements of language, but from all elements in his open, inexhaustible weave.3.文本的开放性和无终止性Intertextuality 14Writing Derrida reverses the classic speech/writing hierarchy and places writing on top. It is generally conceive

12、d as a substance, through a process of substitution, stands in for a “real” referent that exists before and outside of signification. 文字优越性,首先表现在它在符号学意义上的“可重复性”(iterability)。 15Iterability The capacity to be repeatable in different contexts文本结构的可重复性不断重复传统符号使文本具有可读性。16Stability and Instability(稳定性与非稳

13、定性) AS races(the play of differences) are repeatable , texts become intelligible and readable.Stability and instability are mutually constitutive necessities, which prevent both total translatability and total untranslatability. 两者并非对立,而是相互依存的。稳定性无限接近文本,但每个符号却打破既定情景,以不稳定的形式产生无限新的情景。 17 Shakespeares

14、Romeo and Juliet is accessible to us even if we know little about its historical background because traces are always repeatable .18 Supplement(替补) A supplement is something that, allegedly secondarily, comes to serve as an aid to something original or natural. Writing is itself an example of this s

15、tructure, for as Derrida points out, “if supplementarity is a necessarily indefinite process, writing is the supplement par excellence since it proposes itself as the supplement of the supplement, sign of a sign, taking the place of a speech already significant” (OG 281). 言语需要文字的补充,这说明言语的本身并不完整。而他所说

16、的替补,实质上就是一连串无休止的语言代替。19Survival 1.The translation is not dependent upon the original for its existence; rather , the original depends upon the translation for its survival.2.Translation can live on, take on life and meaning in the absence of its author, the growth through translation.3.The important

17、 role and creativity of translator.20 落叶哀蝉曲汉武帝刘彻罗袂兮无声,玉墀兮尘生。虚房冷而寂寞。落叶依于扃。望彼美女兮安得,感余心之未宁。The rustling of the silk is discontinued,Dust drifts over the court-yard,There is no sound of foot-fall, and the leavesScurry into heaps and lie still,And she the rejoicer of the heart is beneath them:A wet leaf

18、that clings to the threshold. BY Ezra Pound庞德没有按刘彻愿意去译,而是根据自己的经验去解释这首诗,继续借用“落叶”的形象,创造出一个新的意象,使原诗流露出一种感情被压一下的冷静。21Translatability解构主义理论否定了文本终极意义,提出任何文本都没有一个“中心意义”或者“终极意义”。文本的开放性和文本之间普遍的互文性以及文本意义的不确 定性。译者可以根据自身的经验知识以及历届去翻译一部作品,不同译者翻译的同样一部原作也不是完全一样的。因此,从解构主义对文本终极意义否定的角度可以看出翻译具有可译性的一面。22Example to be, o

19、r not to be: that is the question 各家译文: 朱生豪:生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题。 梁实秋:死后是存在,还是不存在,这是问题。 卞之琳:活下去还是不活,这是问题。 许国璋:是生,是死,这是问题。 王佐良:生或死,这就是问题所在。 方 平:活着好,还是死了好,这是个难题啊。 孙大雨:是生存还是消亡,问题的所在。 裘克安:活着,还是不活了,问题就在这里。 某教授:做与不做,真是个问题。 某剧本:生存或毁灭, 这是个必答之问题。23No absolute translatability or absolute untranslatabilityThe in

20、terdependent relation of singularity and generality enacts the limit of translatability and untranslatability: 1.If a text were totally translatable, it would simply and purely repeat what already exists, it would have no singularity and identity, thus impossible.2.If a text were totally untranslatable, it bears no relation to any meaningful system: fully self-contained, it dies immediately.24可译性是一个连续体(cline)而不是一个明确的二分体(dichotomy)。原文文本和单位或多或少是可译的,而不是绝对可译的或不可译的(Catford,1965:93)任何文本都是能够传译的,但绝对完全的传译却是不可能的,因为原文文本是可译性与不可译性的对立统一。可译性是原文文本有传译的可能,不可译性使原文文本具有传译的必要,才值得一译。可译性与不


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