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1、;必 修 五 词Unit 1 Great scientists 提出 得出结论 在 掌握下 失去掌握,不能操纵 用心 应当受批评(主表被)因某事批评某人 也,另外,此外 将 和 连接或联系起来 因 而死亡(内因)因 而死亡(外因)导致,通向 有意义,说得通 除 之外,此外1put forward 2draw a conclusion 3be/get under control 4be/get out of control 5be absorbed in 6be to blame 7blame sb. for sth. 8in addition 9link.to. 10 die of 11 di

2、e from 12 lead to 13 make sense 14 apart from 15 contribute to 于为 作奉献或捐款,导致,有助16 be enthusiastic about 对 热忱17 be curious about 对 奇怪18 cure sb. of illness 治好某人 病19 point of view 态度,观点,看法20 Be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格-可编辑修改 - ;Unit 2 The United Kingdom 1 consist of 由 组成2divide into 把 分成3at war with (与

3、)交战中4break away from 挣托(束缚);5educational / legal system 训练 /立法6have a good / bad influence on 对 有好 / 坏影响7take the place of 代替8break down 机器 破坏,损坏;(人)身体出毛病;(方案等)受挫,失败9 make an error 出错10 leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑11 puzzle over / about 为 苦恼,困扰-可编辑修改 - ;Unit 3 Life in the Future 1 make a deep/strong impressi

4、on on sb. 印象给某人留下深刻2impress sb. with sth.= impress sth. on sb. 使人记住某事 拿起 /占用 /接受 /开头 /从事 /连续 /选加速 打扫 / 横扫 /拂过 用光 过来 吃光 熬夜 / 坐正 显现 / 开大 音/水量 3take up 修4speed up 5sweep up 6use up 7come up 8eat up 9sit up 10 turn up 11 remind sb. of sth. 12 remind sb. to do sth. 13 remind sb. that 14 as a result of 15

5、 suffer from 16 be similar to 17 keep doing sth. 18 the six of us 使某人回想起某事/提示某人某事提示某人去做某事 提示某人 结果 遭受 和 相像 始终做某事 我们六人(共六人)由于 的缺乏 缺乏 品质 /特点 缺乏 很快 ,马上19 by/ for /through + the / a lack of20 be lacking in 21 lack for 22 in no time 23 on one s feet 从病痛或挫折中 复原24 in all directions 四周八方25 Sb. lose / catch s

6、ight of . 看不见 /观察26 Sb. / Sth. be in / out of sight 看得见 /看不见27 at first sight 第一眼-可编辑修改 - ;28 at the sight of 一观察 就 29 provided A with B 向 A 供应 B 30 plenty of + u / c 很多31 be previous to 早于 32 compare A to/with B 把 A 与 B 作比较,把 A 比如作 B 33 for health reasons 出于健康缘由34 bend the rules 变通 ,放宽35 on earth 到

7、底,到底36 be under repair 在修理中37 search for 查找38 assist sb. in /with sth. = assist sb. in doing sth. = assist sb. to do sth. 帮忙 ,帮助某人去做某事39 go soft 变软40 speak in whisper 低声地说41 be optimistic about 对 乐观42 switch on / off the power 开 /关电源43 explain to sb. sth.= explain sth. to sb. 向某人说明某事44 give off 发出(光

8、 /热等)45 get / be caught in 被困在 中46 require sb. to do sth.=require that sb. should do sth. 要求某人做某事47 Sth. require doing / to be done 某物需要被48 be supposed to do 应当49 be equipped with 装备有 50 be essential for / to 对 是必要的-可编辑修改 - ;Unit 4 Making the News1 be curious about 对 感到奇怪2 be to do 必将 / 将要 / 应当3 go

9、out on a story 外出采访4 on one s own 独自, *自己5 of one s own 自己的 6 concentrate on 集中精力于 7 be of interest = be interesting 好玩的8 bring with 随身携带9 have a nose for 对 特别敏锐10 depend on 依靠11 a trick of the trade 职业诀窍12 accuse sb. of sth.= charge sb. with sth. 指控某人做某事13 so as to do sth. 句中 为了 14 be supposed to h

10、ave done 理应当 / 被认为做过某事15 look forward to doing sth. 希望做某事16 be eager to do sth. /for sth 希望做 / 17 get the wrong end of the stick 完全搞错了18 tell the whole truth 说出全部真相19 ahead of 在 前头20 set outto do/ set about doing 着手做某事21 pass on to 把 传递给 22 make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会,预约23 polish the style 润色

11、语言风格24 be / get absorbed in 用心于,集中精力于25 in turn 依次,逐个地-可编辑修改 - ;26 defend against 为某人辩护27 note down 登记28 cover sth. / interview sb. 报道某事 /采访某人29 do some research on对 做调查30 work on 从事31 last of all 最终32 on purpose /by accident 有意地 /偶然 ,意外地33 arrange an interview with sb. 34 stick to 35 A rather than B 36 account for 37 through sb. s analysis Unit 5 First aid 1 give / offer / do first aid to sb 支配采访 坚持 A 而不是 B 说明通过某人的分析给某人做急救2 perform / carry out first aid on sb. 对某人实施急救3 fall ill 生病4 get injured/infected/burned 受伤 /感染 /烧伤5 save one s life 挽救某人的生命6 sense of touch 触觉7 e


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