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1、第三部分写作专题八写作基础第一节基本句型奠基【考点集训】一、用八大基本句型完成或翻译下面的句子.(比赛将在我们学校的体育馆举行)on the morning of July 8th. (2019 课标全国 n )答案 The match will take place in our school gym. (我们学校将举行音乐节 ext Saturday morning in the school hall to enrich students after-school life.(2019 课标 全国m )答案 Our school will hold a music festival.Ow

2、ing to studying in the English department, (我能用英语流利地谈话).(2018浙江)答案 I can talk in English fluently.(你可以找一些原创诗歌)offamous poets, such as Li Bai and DuFu. (2017 课标全国 I )答案 You can find someoriginal poems. (我写信邀请你参观)thepaper-cutting exhibition. (2017 课标全国 n )答案 I amwriting to invite you to visit. (我是李华)f

3、rom your English writing class last term.(2016 课标全国 I )答案 I amLi Hua.Last week,(我们带着学校的外国学 生去体验了正宗的茶文化),which turned out to be extremely rewarding.答案 we took the foreign students in our school to experience the authentic tea culture.我可以流利地与以英语为母语的人交流。(2019浙江)答案 I can communicate with native speakers

4、 of English fluently.在中国有很多餐桌礼仪要遵守。(2018课标全国I )答案 There are manytable manners to follow in China.我希望这个变化不会给你造成太多的麻烦。(2016课标全国出)答案 I hope the change will not cause you too muchtrouble.二、完美文章结合括号中的提示,用基本句型完成下面的文章。Dear Jim,Its great to hear from you. 1 (我感至U 自豪)knowing your interest in Chinese history.

5、 2 (有很多名人)in Chinese history. As for my favorite one, 3(那一定是魏源),a great thinker in the late Qing Dynasty. In his book, Haiguo tuzhi (records and maps of the world), 4 (他把现代技术和思想引进中国).5 (那开阔了我们的视野)to the world. In fact, 6 (他激励了我主修英语)in college, to be a bridge between China and the world. Now, 7 (我正在努

6、力学习).Interested in knowing more? 8 (我能给你找一些书籍)! Just let meknow.Cheers!Yours,Li Hua_答案feel proud of2.There are a great number of famous figurest must be Wei Yuan.he introduced modern technologies and ideas to China.That opened our eyes.he inspires meto major in English7.I amstudying hardcan find you

7、 somebooks第二节连接过渡整合【考点集训I】一、选用恰当的过渡衔接语完成或翻译下面的句子.(此夕卜),it is suggested that the participants be seated in the playground at 8 a.m. next Saturday.(2019 课标全国出)答案 Furthermore/Moreover/Additionally/In addition/Besides/Whats more. Therefore, what weshould praise is our kids proper effort, (不管结果如何).(2019

8、浙江)答案 regardless of/in spite of the result.I am crazy about musical knowledge, (而且, 我尤其喜欢传统的爵士乐).(2019天津)答案 and I love traditional jazz in particular.(对我来说),Im intoxicated with basketball since it has been giving mestrength to confront the challenges in mylife.(2018 课标全国 出 )答案 As for me.(就我个人而言,我更喜欢

9、沿着长江旅游),thelongest river and one of the mother rivers of Chinese civilization.(2017北京)答案 Personally, I prefer the tour along the Yangtze.离别是不可避免的,但我相信我们的友谊将永存。(2019浙江)答案 Parting is inevitable, but I believe our friendship will last forever.由于种种原因,我的英语不是很好。(2019浙江)答案 For various reasons, myEnglish wa

10、s not very good.例如,满口食物的时候不要说话。(2018课标全国I )答案 For instance/For example, never talk with your mouth full of food.总之,我真诚地邀请你到我们学校来看看。(2018课标全国出)答案 All in all/In conclusion/In brief/In short, I sincerely invite you to come to our school and see for yourself.左边是我们的图书馆,那里有大量的书供学生阅读。答案 Onthe left is our l

11、ibrary where there are a wide range of books for students to read.二、完美文章根据汉语提示完成下面的短文,注意过渡衔接语的运用。Dear Tom,Howis everything going on with you? You asked mein your last letter about myplan for the coming summervacation. I amsorry that I didnt reply without delay.(说实话), how I wish I would read and repl

12、y to your e-mail as soon as I received it. 2 (然而,当时我正忙于准备期末考试),which was of vital importancefor me. 3 (因此,我别无选择,只能专心学习 )and I believe that if you were me, you would makethe samechoice.By the way, I have a busy schedule for mysummervacation. 4 (首先,我要做一份 兼职工作)so that myinterpersonal skills will be imp

13、roved. 5 (此外,我还将去北京 作一次短暂的旅行)to take a summercourse in the NewOriental School. 6 (最后但同 样重要的是 ), maybe I will work as a volunteer for the school as a teaching assistant. 心(这样,我不仅能更好地学会如何与他人交流,而且还能拓宽我的视野).That is myplan for the summervacation. Whats yours? I amlooking forward to your earliest reply.Yo

14、urs sincerely,Li Hua5.6.7. _答案.To be honest/To tell the truth.However, I was busy preparing for myfinal examat that time.As a result/Thus/Therefore/As a consequence/Consequently, I had no choice but to completely focus on mystudy.First of all, I will do a part-time job5.In addition/Besides/Whats mor

15、e/Moreover/Furthermore/Additionally, I will take a short trip to Beijing6.Last but not least7.In this way, not only will I learn how to communicate with others better but also broaden myhorizons第三节高级词汇增光【考点集训】一、用高级词汇替换画线部分的词汇1.Bored with the long lecture, I turned to an interesting novel.2.His compo

16、sition was so good that all of us wanted to read it.3.In fact, that English song didnt attract the audience.4.I believe that the advice he has offered to you will be helpful to your English study.5.In myopinion, you should take part in somesocial activities to open your eyes.you will improve your sp

17、oken English6.In a word, if you use your spare time better, soon.答案1.Fed up with; amusing/appealing2.outstanding/excellent; were inclined/tended to.Actually/As a matter of fact; appeal to/capture the attention of.am convinced; beneficial/of help.From mypoint of view/As far as Im concerned; participa

18、te in; broaden your horizons.To summarize/In conclusion/To sumup; promote二、用高级词汇完成或翻译下面的句子.As for myfavorite sport, (我对很感兴趣)basketball.答案I amfascinatedbyn the coming three years, (我们的学校生活具有挑战性).答案our school life will be challenging.(毫不犹豫),I decided to follow them and did have lots of fun that day.答案

19、 Without hesitation.(我突然想到)that traditional culture like tea culture is of great charm and huge value.答案 It suddenly occurred to me.正如你可能知道的那样,茶在中国很受欢迎。答案 As you may know, tea enjoys great popularity in China.事实上,每个人都有自己的优点和缺点。答案 As a matter of fact, everyone has his ownstrengths and weaknesses.考虑到他

20、的年龄,他做得已经相当不错了。答案 In view of his age, he has done it very well.我真诚地希望你能考虑我的建议。答案 I sincerely hope you can take mysuggestion into consideration/account.记住,在中国正确地使用筷子是很重要的。答案 Bear in mind that it is of great importance to use chopsticks properly in China.你应该抓住这个机会克服这个缺点。答案You should seize the opportun

21、ity to overcome the drawback.第四节句型转化添彩【考点集训】1.If一、用介词(短语)或其他单词转化下面的句子you dont hurry up, you will be late for the important meeting., or you will be late for the important meeting.f I amgiven five moreminutes, I will do it muchbetter.一, I will do it muchbetter.3.We wont accomplish the task on time if

22、 you dont help us.,we wont accomplish the task on time.4.If it hadnt been for their direction, we couldnt have found the site., wecouldnt have found the site.Although there were manydifficulties, wemanagedto solve the problem.f many difficulties, wemanagedto solve the problem.Whenweface difficulty,

23、weare supposed to meet it bravely and overcome it., weare supposed to meet it bravely and overcome it.Weset about clearing the rubbish as soon as we arrived at the top of the mountain.the top of the mountain, weset about clearing the rubbish.My brother worked hard and achieved his goal eventually.,

24、mybrother achieved his goal eventually.of答案1.Hurry up2.Fivemore minutes3.Without your help4.Butfor/Without their direction5.In spite of/Despite6.In the facedifficulty 7.On/Upon our arrival at 8.By working hard二、用非谓语动词或独立主格结构转化下面的句子.Personally,I think the boy whois sitting at the table is very hardwo

25、rking.fPersonally,I think the boy is very hardworking.Just then, the teacher found that the boy student was cheating in the exam.fJust then, the teacher in the exam.Whenwesawthe elderly excited, weall felt very delighted., weall felt very delighted.After I finished myhomework, I went out to play foo

26、tball., I went out to play football.The boy worked hard and passed the exam, which madehis parents very happy., the boy passed the exam,.6.It carries articles which are written by foreign friends about the cultures of their homecountries.Tt carries articles about the cultures of their homecountries.

27、7.I was encouraged by what he had said and was determined to study harder than before.8.My English teacher entered,I was determined to study harder than before.the office,the office and he was followed by two students.9.After the work, wereturnedfMyEnglish teacher entered to our school and were tire

28、d and hungry.to our school,一After the work, wereturned 10.The boy is so young that he cant goto school.一The boy is .11.I think that the math problem is difficult to solve.fI think it difficult .12.I will attend the meeting which is to be held tomorrow in order that I can learn something about the ne

29、wpolicy.fI will attend the meeting tomorrow about the new policy.13.Our school is surrounded by trees and it is very beautiful.一(with 复合结构),it is very beautiful.(独立主格结构),it is very beautiful.14.The final exam is approaching, and weare all busy going over the lessons.(with 复合结构),weare all busy going

30、over the lessons.(独立主格结构 ),weare all busy going over the lessons.15.Because there was nothing to do, weset out to play computer games.(with 复合结构),weset out to play computer games.(独立主格结构),weset out to play computer games.答案1.sitting at the table.found the boy student cheating.When seeing the elderly

31、 excited/Seeing the elderly excited.Having finished myhomework.Working hard; making his parents very happy.written by foreign friends.Encouraged by what he had said.followed by two students.tired and hungry.too young to go to school.to solve the math problem.to be held; in order to/so as to/to learn

32、 something.With trees surrounding our school;Trees surrounding our school.With the final examapproaching;The final examapproaching.With nothing to do;There being nothing to do三、用名词性从句转换下面的句子.Tom will accompany us to the nursing homethis Saturday. I believe it.一.English is very important. I want to s

33、tress it in class again.3.It rained heavily this morning. Because of this, he didnt go picnicking.4.My brother failed in the important exam. I dont believe the fact.5.I have mademuchprogress in myEnglish and it makesmyparents overjoyed.6.He might participate in this social activity. I amnot sure of

34、it.答案1.I believe (that) Tomwill accompany us to the nursing home this Saturday./I hold a firm belief that Tomwill accompany us to the nursing homethis Saturday.2.I want to stress in class again that English is very important./What I want to stress in class again is that English is very important.3.T

35、he reason why he didnt go picnicking was that it rained heavily this morning.4.I dont believe the fact that mybrother failedin the important exam.5.It makes my parents overjoyed that I have made much progress in my English./What makesmyparents overjoyed is that I have mademuchprogress in myEnglish.6

36、.I amnot sure whether/if he will participate in this social activity.四、用倒装或省略转换下面的句子1.In this way we can promote the understanding of foreign culture.2.The sight is so charming that it attracts visitors from all over the world.had hardly heard the exciting news that our team had won the match when I

37、 called you.4.An old temple dating from the Ming dynasty stands on the top of the mountain.5.Although I was tired, I continued to work.6.Often she would weep when she was alone.答案1.Only in this way can wepromote the understanding of foreign culture.2.So charming is the sight that it attracts visitor

38、s from all over the world.3.Hardly had I heard the exciting news that our team had won the match when I called you.4.On the top of the mountain stands an old temple dating from the Ming dynasty.5.Tired as/though I was, I continued to work.6.Often she would weep when alone.五、句子之间的相互转化.Maria has writt

39、en two novels, and both of them have been made into television series.fMaria has written two novels, have been madeinto television series.We all knowthat a balanced diet is beneficial to our health. It a balanced diet is beneficial to our health.is that a balanced diet is beneficial to our health.,

40、a balanced diet is beneficial to our health.答案.both of which. is known to us all that What is known to us all As is known to us all第五节常用表达护航【考点集训】翻译下列句子.掌握一样东西是很难的。.对我们来说知道一些学习方法是有必要的。.她渐渐意识到他所做的是不对的。.他过去常常在星期天来我家。.我每天通常早起,洗个冷水澡,到外面散散步,然后再以清醒的头脑去上学。.听说在开幕式结束后,上午10:30就可以进场。.我不知道她是否已经出发去旅行了。.我不知道如果他现在

41、就出发的话能否赶上这趟火车。.我有今天是父母的功劳。.他后来成为伟大的科学家得益于他少年时代的辛勤工作。.享受大自然之美的最佳途径就是到乡下去。.请大家注意:明天下午五点在 301室召开全体教师大会,望准时参加。.他如此热心,以至于人人都喜欢他。.我匆忙赶到了车站后才发觉忘记带钱包了。.给我们的生活带来变化的有三方面的原因 :首先,人们的生活标准大大提高了 ;其次,大多 数人有较高的收入,他们买得起他们需要或喜欢的东西。最后但同样重要的是,越来越多的人 更愿意享受现代的生活。.福建位于中国东南部,有三千多万人口 ,占地12.4万平方千米。.目前,污染问题越来越受到人们的关注。答案1.It is

42、 very hard to master one thing.2.It is necessary for us to know about somelearning methods.3.She cameto realize what he had done was wrong.4.He used to visit myhouse on Sundays.5.I makeit a rule to get up early every morning, take a cold bath, go out for a walk, and then go to school with a clear head.6.It is said/I amtold/I hear that it will be open to the public at


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