1、Entrance Examination in Englishfor Ph.D. Candidates at CUMTBfNovember, 2006)提示:请将所有答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效.Part One: Cloze (10 points)Directlvrtx: Fill each of the btemik tn the prnsage with one suiTabic wordFor centuries, explores have risked their lives venturing into the unknown for reasons that wereIva
2、rying degrees economic and nationalistic. Coluinhus went west to look2baiter trade 3 to the Orient ai)d to promote the greater gJojy of Spain. Lewisand Clark journeysd into 4 American wilderness to find out 5 U.S. hadacquired wtwn it purchased LouMifim孔 Jind the Appolo 6 rocketed to the mocn in adra
3、zuatic show of technological muscle during the 7 wan Although (heir missionsbteoded 8and polihcal military imperatives* the explorers involved all accomplishtdsame significant science simply by going where no scientist had gone _ .9更于 Today Mars looms 10 humanitys next great terra incognita(未探明之地3Pa
4、rt Two; Reading Comprehenioii (45 points)Paisage OneQuestions I to 5 are Irascd on the following passage,By the 19803T according to international but admittedly inconshteni definitions of liieravy, iw seven out often adults in the world were 8nsi 加 red I 加ra The increase in literacy from ancient tim
5、es to the present has been a story of unbroken progress. The ability of people within a given society to read and write has teen influenced by a number ol fwtors, inchiding economic welbbcing, tiw availability of material to read, the amount of educatioji av&ii&bk, and the basic matter of the useful
6、ness of reading.Of these factors, usefulness has probably been the mos,址法修,. In ancient societies, as people settled into stable patterns of agriculture and traxk. it became useful for some of them to read 8nd write in order to keep records, to (ransjxt business, and to mevsure amounts of land, anim
7、alst goods, material, and to produce. The reaptwisibiities of citizenship led to a fiairiy high Icvd of literacy in andeat Greece and Rome but in addition to tha there also grew an app3i崎r,n ufgood liUfdtun*. poetiy,出同区 histo(; and philosophy.During the early Middle Ag咯 with the general breakdown of
8、 society in Europe and the decide of commerce literajy became teijscly confined to the church. Hue in the hie Middle Agt in the period of the Etenaissancc, the great expand: n of couunefce and bar片ng led to a revival in Ifterscy for the same reason tlial had caused it to increase in the ancient worl
9、dr 上圮futnesiWith the invention of the printing press and inexpensive paper lute in the 15th century there was fbr the Grst time a great availabilify of reading maienal for more peopleF Religious refurmere were among the first to utilize the 山皿白由 quickly getting tinnshdons of the Bible and be ok lets
10、 jntl 疝 cat tlicuriscs who tavored d(K tri ties pron toting the nat:i,al rishis of nun called tor an attack upoti iiliteray Poiiticnl revolutions in sonic country helped tnDguratc :uj era in which all desses *vcre cuikd upon to become informed on public poJicy tor their own welfare, ni(ist this plid
11、caJ backgroiuxl (here emeced the niovemcnt !t sees an even progress towards literacyDj in hiiitocy literacy suffers ups and down$According to the passage. th JrivM噌 ibree behind the pnjgress toward more literacy is.A ihc amount of educationHj the availabilily of reading materials.the economic develo
12、pmentD J the necessity to reddSJfwy he infbmxi from this dim .A Lz peoples ability to read and write is decided by rauki-factors(BJ in ancient Greece and Rome peupk had a. kiw level of literacyCj tirac became oonfizied to 廿困 chicrch Ln lie Eie Middle AgusD political rpfirEers tec made 才同日鼠ions of th
13、e Bible available to many peopleLMe in the 15th century, it was that greatly expand literacy.the religiom reformsXhe translation end popularixiition of the Bibk(Cl/the availabiJiiy of printing technology and cheap paperthe renovations of the tcdchmg methods工 igtast paragraph is mainly about(Aj the r
14、eligious movements that promoted the literacy of the publicB the new pnegress towards literacy inkiaied by democratic societyEC modem political movement towards a more democratic sneietyD political movements at the end of the Middle Ages fighting iliiterajcyPmuge TwoQuestions 6 to 10 are based on 曲毋
15、 ibHowing passage.For a ecHtury hh、halt the piano has been one of the most popular sdja instruments for Western music. Unlike other mstruments such as string and wind instruntent, the piano h conpAeteiy 总】卜suMcienl, as it h able to play both the melody and 咕 accommgJiarmoQx. the same time. For this
16、reasoo, it became the favorite household instrument of the 丽 th ixtrtitfy. WThe fmeestry of the piano can be traced to the early kcyboaid instruments of ihe fiilconth and 丑 疯mnth centuriesthe spinet, the dulcimer and the viiginal. In the seventeenth century t盘呻8nl the clavichord, and the iMupsichord
17、 became the chief instrun困nis of the keyboard group, a supremacy they nuiintajncd until the piano supplanted thfsrn at the end of the eighteenth c己ntuiyTfithivichords tone was meiaUic and never powerhil: nevertheicss, because of rhe varied of rncie po福ib加 to it. many composeni found Ihe clavier rd a
18、 syinfuitheiic instniment lor intimate chamber mmic.The harpsichord with its bright vigorous tone was the favorite instrument for supporting the bass of the small orchestra of the period and for concert us?, but the character of Jhe lorn- could not be varied suve by mechanlcaJ or structum! devicesTl
19、ic piano was perfected in the eaily eighteenth century by a h;iipsichord maker in haly (tiiixigh iiusicologisls poini out several previotis iiislafices of 由廿 instrument . This itistrumcnr was called a piano e forte (soft and loud) , to indiem its dynamic versatility; Its string? were struck by a rec
20、oiling hammer with a felt-padded hedd. The wires were much heavier in the earlier instruments, A series of mechanicaJ improvements continuing well rnto the nineteenth ceiuury, including the imroduction of pedals to sustain tone or tu soften it* the pertecEion of a meul frame and sieel wire of the fi
21、nest quail1yt finally produced an instnimcDt capable of myriarf fonal effects fhxn the most (iclicate harmonies to an aknuut urcltctural fulkims uf sound, from a liquid, singing tone to a sharp, percussive briHiance.Wha! does ihe 然 5age moinJy druss?Ay The historical development of ihe piano.Ihe qua
22、lhy of tone produced by various keyboard instrunyenls.C The uses of keyboard tnstruments in vaiious typrs of compositions+F) The popularily nf the piano with composers,Which of the following instruments was not widely used before the seventeenth entury?Ia Tlie harpskhord. The spinet, tCj The clavich
23、ord, LD The organ.S. The word it1 in the second paragraph, (liiie 6) refers to the k /A varietyB music EC harpsichordclavichordAccordhg to the passage, what deficisncy did the harichnrd hfiw?La It ws fragile.Q;/lt lacked variety in tone.l It sounded metallic.D ft could not produce a srtrong sound.Ac
24、ciitding to the information in the third parngraph, which of the following impwvenients made it possible to lengthen the tone prodoced by the pi ano?A The introduction of pedals.g The use of heavy wires.Lc The use of fe4t-padded hammerheads,D The metal frame constmctiorLPamge ThreeQueslioits 1) tn f
25、5 are based on the following passage:There is a new type of 号mall adverdinent becoming inCEasingly common in newspaper classified c advice offered Io young people applying for their tirsi jobs when I Id) whnoL The Iciier was redly just (ur upeners, it exptai arjd everythirig e*sj could aj id should
26、be sav;,d lor I he interview. And in Lhosc days of Ml eroplonien( the techniqi阳 worked. I hc letter proved that you uould write and were available tor work. Your eager fce and tntcHigejii replies did I he resLLater, as you moved up die Inddcr, ofnediiitg slightly more sophistlvd was called for. I he
27、 advice then was to put something in the letter* which would distinguish you from the rest. | might btj the aggressive approach. 4Yonr scHrth is *v吐 j am tli person you me looking lor was a widely used tHck thM occasionally succeeded. Or it might be some speciaJ feature specially designed for the jo
28、b m view,Tliere is no doubt, however, ihat it is the increasing number of applicants with university eduooion at all points id the process of engaging sUfT that has led to the greater impcirunte of the cuniculufn vitae.1 . Which of the following can be the best title of die passage?aVa new type of a
29、dvertisement,B The importance of a good resume.Cj Howto find a good job.DO The deveJnpmeni of advertisement.Ilie new type of advertisement which ii appearing in new名paper columns .(A /inibnns job hunters of the opportunities HVdilabkpromises useful advice t。those 】(M*ing for employnienttC divides av
30、ailabk jobs inio various typosD infbnns employers of people available for workNwidays a demand for chifi 整8Mlzcd typii of service has been crvaied because tAy there k a hek of jobs aviiiJable fiir giversity grarfuaiesBJ there are so many top-level jobs availabletCj great importance is attached to wr
31、itten applicationf D job* are ixcomi阴 so varied that ottt needs advice io chouse the right oneIn the pAst it was expected that first job hiimers would.write an initial vtter giving their life historypass some exams before applying for a jobCy hwvv do qualifications other than being able io read and
32、write keep any detailed information unHl they obtained ai)iniervit?w15/Thcjab history has become such an important document because.A J ythere h&s been an increase in the number of jobs advertised tb/there has been an increase In the number of applicants with degrees LC1 jobs are becoming much more
33、complicated nowadaysD other supporting experiences (br j0bls an? no longer requiredPassage FourQuestions 16 to20 are ho的 on the fk)lkwing passage.In cities acmss the United States, old factories, warehouse schools, raUmad stations hjwJ other buildings are being renovated fbr new uses. City planners
34、at id private investors arc finding that good buildings, du matter how 闻& can be rcmold&d fbr new purposes l*If youd asked someone fmir or five yeara 电o whether hed rent an apartment in an dbandoned piano 伯clxxy or clothing warehouse, hed have thought you were crazy.*1 says a New York architect Toda
35、y. many people are eager to do it, The renovating may include u tbmwr city haJJ or courthouse chatigeduHo oflkes; . bank or churvh chajigcJ inlu a rtisUiLiiaid; oj in Pluins, C ivorxii tadroivl station used as a cenler fbr a presid则jejj/ampai肘】Only a lew decaiks ngci, renuvation wm占 unpopular and ge
36、nerally fr mare expensive than Jlakrng down abandoned building% and craning trom the beginning, A change began in Lhe 1960s I / y with a mirnber of welbaclYeriised prujixls. Tliey included Ghirarcklh Square in San brancisco, where nn old ehixolaie fEKtory wm reslonxi Hud mode info shops and irstaumn
37、区 Troliey Sqimretn Salt luikc Cilj. where abandoned ear wafehoujse bcisame a stopping mall: tlie Soho district of New Yori City, where unused wanrhouc were made info artists stuilios and apartmenis ,What caused the clunw? *One reason is niKainc nn hi3iory. Many things havu btcn furoitcn bvcau we do
38、not tuvt nay writtcfl tKXTiiint ofb (hem. Somedmes men did keep a rttXjfd of the most imptrfant happenins in their country bul ullera it was destroyed by tire Or in a war Hauwtim= ihere was never any written at ail hccflusc peopk nf that thne mid place did not know how io write. For example, we know
39、 曲 good 4曰1 abuut the people who lived in China 4,000 years ago* because hey couki write aid fexve ivrKten fiords Jbr tha;e who liv*d after them Hut we know almost nnihing sihmti the peopk: who lived even /X】jxam ago ui ccnttaJ AfiricH, because they had not leaiiitd 1& write.Sonnerinics, of cim】松,ov
40、en ifthe people cannot write, they may know sometfurig of the past They have heard aboui it iiom older people, and often songs and dances and stories have been mod about the most important happenings and these have been sung and acted and lotd fbr many gelations. For most people are proud to td what
41、 their fathers did in the past This we may caJJ (reniem加red history/* Some of il has now been written down, Jt is not $o exact w $o valuable to us aswritien hiwry 氏 because words are much more easily changed when used again and again in 用eech than hen copied in writing. But where there are no writte
42、n recordsuch spoken stories are often very hetpful.Which cf the fbiluwmg ideas is ioi conveyed ifi the exassae?A RemEEbcrcdhisgiy. comparti4 with wrillcn hi叫口q. is 1 匕豺 rdihJc,耳 WriUcn record& of the past plays a most imporkint rule in uur Ic3niing ct- the hum mi hdKfcvy.(C1A written acutHtnlcf our
43、daily activities hulps us fu answer some questions.JjH Wwr there an? no written records, ibere! ; no history.We know vety EUlc abuut the(xnirai A frica 200 years ago because . . ,Al tfitrc was (wthing wEh being written down ar that timeLBj 品 people thete igwred tb* impoctanw of kjeeping a recordLcLi
44、he writren rccords weie pechaps destroyed by a fire toj ihe people there W not known how to writeHmembered histmy* (in the thud paragraph) refers to lti. .history based mi a person7s 向咫jnntkmstories of imporum happenings passed down from mouth ec moinh fC songs and dances aboui the most imponant eve
45、nts Qy both B and Clemeatbered histviy is regarded as valuabk only when.it jswriKCTi downwritten裴sunt t$ availableC it proves to he trueDj people anc tticrested in ti苦.ft can be inferred the passes that we could have learned much mote about our pasl than wc do gw if our ancestors bad .All kept a wri
46、tten record uf every past evtfilm bum* dieir written records in wars1C1 帕Id exset dories of the naw important happeningS made nu1 stm取 a/rd dancesPasMge SliDirections; In this part, There 珏 a short passage with 日vy questiorts cr incomplde sUtefnenu, Read(he passage carefully. Ihen aiisucr the questi
47、ons or uimplctc Hie sutfements in liie teesi juxsyihie words (not cxceedijig 10 words1A number ol ibreign words still look like fbreigjj wewds; these are oRen cxpresaions which were oripnaJly used by people who wanted to so出id pargulaiiY wwU-educatE. It was the desire lo be scholarly that brought ab
48、uul a wuve ul Latin terms which appeared in ihe 16th century when the Humanif movement hremght new impetus to Jcaming rhrougbout Europe. AhbrevAltons such as e国(from the Latin meaning & vo1uiat example PS ( meaiiiug adduU uflvr the letter has beet) written), a.m, and p.m. (meaning before noon and af
49、ter mion) came into the language al this time. Nowadays they are w curtimon that most people dont even know whai the Idlers ACtUAlly stnd fbr, and theres certainly nothing learned itboiit using them lodaylIn addition to the wards brought to English by (breineni, there are plenty of words which the B
50、ritish have collected from the countries they have settled in all over the world. There are even a few Chinese words, which 1 am sure n Chinese speaker would never recognize from the way we pronounce them: *typh0cnM is & great wind; / kaw tow is fo how down low; a sampan is a small wooden boat. Over
51、 5,000 of ttbc word* in txnmoo use in English today are words of foreign origin. Some of them are clearly recognizable as fbreign like tkau p?iir or rendezvous * ; others now look so English that only language historian knows where they uirne from.So English is io a state of perroanem development. B
52、oth in Britain and abroad it is gaining new words and expressions, and dropping and changing oM ones. Words change ttwir meaning, 2nd Aey go tn and out of iashicn like hflirstyiek Nobody knows alJ die four miniion wards thut are $d to exisqawell educated person probably mxkr 200.000. So dont be surp
53、nsed if you never encounter some of the expressions that still appew in school icxtboolts;由 next time you bear somebody usin a strange word you havent heard beioir. you can comfort yourlf that there may well be * native speaker sexnewhere who doesnl know k eftlier Question& Whai happened in the 16th
54、 centwy when the Humanist movemaii bwught new impefu$ to learning throughout Europe?Some words In English are not only bmught co English by foreigners, but al coJlcctrd by (I) who (2)2t. Why does the author say dial a Chinese speaker would never recognize the Chinese words brought to English?Accordi
55、ng to the passage, why can only a language historian know where most of (he wortk of foreign origin came from now?The 网thor provides FdrstyhT as an example in order tn describe *bc.Part Three Vocftbulary and Structure (15 points)Dinions: Th&v or管 J。irjcoiplete 融rUences in this prwr Fer each sentence
56、 there am four choicer marked A, B. C, and D. Chotxft the one thai best cumptes the sentence.; the memory of his dead wife ihough she has passed away fbr about ten years.a insists FbJ persists C haunts19/ cherishesShe was in despair ft)r being fired by that winpan several months ago, but now she has
57、 oil a new career, /A begun LBj started embarked D bartedIt is to give people gifts on their birthdays.A coherentcslunmry C cuuperaljve D cumulativewillthe poor mountain area.Ajenhance 口/ enrich C 1 einhody D encourageDoc lore tike that was mH only ato our hospiidEbut also a humiliation to a)A disma
58、y Bj/ dWe do not think such anI the medical workers in gcrieraLtlisgHiCBCj disguise f drgniryA irregular B |non will Iasi long. EveEhing will be all right soon. abnormal D irnnamralf Ic has been a very skillful worker, but hi.| recent illness has _ his efficiency*AJ impaired R j implied LC J in/ored
59、 D imparted【am . of hts chances of passingtne examination because he has not worked hard enough.AJ ambiguous LB ambitfousCJ suspicionsfD I dubiousThoogji it was a lop secret she ir to her boyfriend. /A impacted Lb I imparted C imagined Df communiemedA 3/150 contains mainly houses rather than offices
60、 or shops.Aj/residential B! substantial C | romantic D presiden扁II i?soiby rain and wind is a serious problem in this area. One of the most effective way is 的 plant trees.LA cormpticm B deterioration Cj diversion D erosionThe flood was a mnjor, causing heavy of lives.A cathiidral B casualty C catast
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