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1、跟单信用证统一惯例(UCP600)2006年11月 杭州8/20/20221主要内容UCP600产生的背景及过程UCP600与UCP500的比较分析UCP600实施后对于不同当事人的影响UCP600实施后出口商制单须注意的问题UCP600实施后开证行拒付及拒付后单据的处理8/20/20222UCP600产生的背景及过程信用证统一惯例修订进程的“十年之痒” 1933年国际商会第82号出版物1952年国际商会第151号出版物1962年国际商会第222号出版物1973年国际商会第290号出版物1983年国际商会第400号出版物1993年国际商会第500号出版物(仍在实施中)2006年国际商会第600

2、号出版物(计划于2007年7月实施)8/20/20223UCP600产生的背景及过程UCP600修订的背景自UCP500生效以来,银行实务中围绕500产生的争议层出不穷*。为此,ICC于2002年初成立UCP修订工作小组,提出修订UCP500的动议。国际商会有关UCP500的系列出版物Position Paper No.1,2,3,4 (修改/议付/非单据化条件/运输单据)Publication No.515/535/565/596URR525/ISP98/ISBP/Eucp *国际商会银行技术委员会遗憾而且关切地注意到,在UCP500实施以后,一些银行错误地解释和应用UCP500的一些条文。

3、由于未能正确地运用这些条文,其结果严重防碍了按照UCP500开立的跟单信用证的使用。(Charles del BushChairman, ICC Commission on Banking Technique and Practice. Adopted from Foreword of Position Paper 1,2,3,4) 8/20/20224UCP600产生的背景及过程在2002年4月的ICC银行委员会会议上,各国代表对何时、如何修订UCP500未达成一致意见(我国赞成立即开始修订),但一致同意先对产生最多争议的七个条款进行评议。因为ICC提出的专家意见中超过58集中在UCP500

4、这七个条款上。8/20/20225UCP600产生的背景及过程在2002年10月ICC银行委员会会议上,银行委员会技术顾问GARY COLLYER提供了一份评议七条条款的报告:第九条 开证行与保兑行的责任(共二十六次)第十三条 审核单据的标准(共四十三次)第十四条 不符点单据与通知(共六十次)第二十一条 对单据出单人或单据内容未作规定(共二十九次)第二十三条 海运提单(共四十七次)第三十七条 商业发票(共二十六次)第四十八条 可转让信用证(共三十一次) 8/20/20226UCP600产生的背景及过程多份研究报告显示,高比例、高频率发生的信用证拒付现象日益危机信用证在国际结算中的地位。IN T

5、HE EVENT THAT THE DOCUMENTS PRESENTED WITH DISCREPANCY, A DISCREPANT FEE OF USD60.00 OR EQUIVALENT WILL BEN DEDUCTED FROM THE PROCEEDS.8/20/20227UCP600产生的背景及过程From Introduction of UCP500:单据不符是信用证支付方式下一种极为普遍的现象,从1993年修订的跟单信用证统一惯例的前言可以看出:“一些调查表明,大约5跟单信用证下的单据因与信用证不符或表面不符而被拒收,这降低了跟单信用证的效力,对参与有关产品交易的各方产生

6、财务影响,增加了成本,减少了进口商、出口商和银行的利润。有关跟单信用证的诉讼案激增也引起了人们极大的关注。” 8/20/20228UCP600产生的背景及过程From Introduction of UCP600:When work on the revision started, a number of global surveys indicated that, because of discrepancies, approximately 70% of documents presented under letters of credit were being rejected on f

7、irst presentation. This obviously had, and continues to have, a negative effect on the letter of credit being seen as a means of payment and, if unchecked, could have serious implications for maintaining or increasing its market share as a recognized means of settlement in international trade.结论:信用证

8、正日益成为拒付的工具。 8/20/20229UCP600产生的背景及过程UCP600修订的过程2003年5月,ICC正式授权ICC银行委员会启动UCP500修订工作修订工作的三层组织架构:The drafting Group (起草小组)The Consulting Group (咨询小组)ICC national committees (国家委员会)8/20/202210UCP600产生的背景及过程The drafting Group小组成员共10位成员,其中8位来自欧洲,其余两位分别来自美国和新加坡小组主席:Gary Collyer-ABN AMRO Bank N.V., London,

9、EnglandThe Consulting Group小组成员小组由来自26个国家的40余位专业人士组成小组成员来自银行、运输及物流、保险等不同行业8/20/202211UCP600产生的背景及过程UCP600修订的过程FIRST STEP-REVISION PROCESS:全面回顾UCP500实施以来ICC发布的各类出版物、意见书及决定,吸收其中的合理条款。关于正本单据关于开证申请人与受益人详细地址关于预装船提单装运日期的确认8/20/202212UCP600产生的背景及过程SECOND STEP-GENERAL OBJECTIVE:全面反映近年来国际银行业、运输业和保险业出现的变化,并体现

10、一定的前瞻性;五个银行工作日删除了运输行单据条款明确了保险单据可以由代理人(proxies)出具8/20/202213UCP600产生的背景及过程全面检讨UCP500中的条款结构和文字措辞。从A组到G组分类的模块式组合到流水式条款通俗易懂、简约化的措辞 Nominated bank means the bank authorized in the credit to honour or negotiate or, in the case of a freely available credit, any bank. (UCP Draft June)Nominated bank means th

11、e bank with which the credit is available or any bank in the case of a credit available with any bank. (UCP Final Version)8/20/202214UCP600产生的背景及过程THIRD STEP-CO-OPERATION:建立稳定的三级合作机制This revision of the UCP represents the culmination of over three years of extensive analysis, review, debate and comp

12、romise amongst the various members of the Drafting Group, the members of the Banking Commission and the respective ICC national committees. From Gary Collyer8/20/202215UCP600与UCP500的比较分析Advising bankApplicantBanking dayBeneficiaryComplying presentationConfirmationConfirming bankCreditHonourIssuing b

13、ankNegotiationNominated bankPresentationPresenter第一次系统地对有关信用证的14个概念进行了定义8/20/202216UCP600与UCP500的比较分析Article 2 Definitions For the purpose of these rules: Advising bank means the bank that advises the credit at the request of the issuing bank. Applicant means the party on whose request the credit is

14、 issued. 8/20/202217UCP600与UCP500的比较分析Banking day means a day on which a bank is regularly open at the place at which an act subject to these rules is to be performed. Beneficiary means the party in whose favour a credit is issued.8/20/202218UCP600与UCP500的比较分析Complying presentation means a presentat

15、ion that is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the credit, the applicable provisions of these rules and international standard banking practice. Confirmation means a definite undertaking of the confirming bank, in addition to that of the issuing bank, to honour or negotiate a complying p

16、resentation. 8/20/202219UCP600与UCP500的比较分析Confirming bank means the bank that adds its confirmation to a credit upon the issuing banks authorization or request.Credit means any arrangement, however named or described, that is irrevocable and thereby constitutes a definite undertaking of the issuing

17、bank to honour a complying presentation. 8/20/202220UCP600与UCP500的比较分析Honour means: a.to pay at sight if the credit is available by sight payment. b.to incur a deferred payment undertaking and pay at maturity if the credit is available by deferred payment. c.to accept a bill of exchange (“draft”) dr

18、awn by the beneficiary and pay at maturity if the credit is available by acceptance. 8/20/202221UCP600与UCP500的比较分析Honour means: a.to pay at sight if the credit is available by sight payment. b.to incur a deferred payment undertaking and pay at maturity if the credit is available by deferred payment.

19、 c.to accept a bill of exchange (“draft”) drawn by the beneficiary and pay at maturity if the credit is available by acceptance. 8/20/202222Article 19. Bank-to-Bank Reimbursement Arrangementsa. If an Issuing Bank intends that the reimbursement to which a paying, accepting or negotiating bank is enti

20、tled, shall be obtained by such bank (the Claiming Bank), claiming on another party ( theReimbursing Bank), it shall provide such Reimbursing Bank in good time with the proper instructions or authorization to honour such reimbursement claims. (UCP500) 第十九条 银行间的偿付约定a开证行如欲通过另一银行(偿付行)对付款行、承兑行或议付行(均称“索偿

21、行”)履行偿付时,开证行应及时向偿付行发出对此类索偿予以偿付的适当指示或授权。8/20/202223hono(u)r 英汉简明辞典 n.尊敬, 敬意, 荣誉, 光荣vt.尊敬, 给以荣誉现代英汉综合大辞典vt.给.以光荣; 礼遇; 赐给尊敬; 崇拜【商】承兑; 兑现 hono(u)r a check 承兑支票8/20/202224UCP600与UCP500的比较分析Honour means: a.to pay at sight if the credit is available by sight payment. b.to incur a deferred payment undertaki

22、ng and pay at maturity if the credit is available by deferred payment. c.to accept a bill of exchange (“draft”) drawn by the beneficiary and pay at maturity if the credit is available by acceptance. 8/20/202225UCP600与UCP500的比较分析Issuing bank means the bank that issues a credit at the request of an ap

23、plicant or on its own behalf. Negotiation means the purchase by the nominated bank of drafts (drawn on a bank other than the nominated bank) and/or documents under a complying presentation, by advancing or agreeing to advance funds to the beneficiary on or before the banking day on which reimburseme

24、nt is due to the nominated bank. 8/20/202226UCP600与UCP500的比较分析关于议付UCP500 Article 10 (信用证的种类)Negotiation means the giving of value for Draft(s) and/or document(s) by the bank authorized to negotiate. Mere examination of the documents without giving of value does not constitute a negotiation.8/20/2022

25、27UCP600与UCP500的比较分析 UCP500 Article 9 (开证行与保兑行的责任)An irrevocable Credit constitutes a definite undertaking of the Issuing Bank, provided that the stipulated documents are presented to the Nominated Bank or to the Issuing Bank and that the terms and conditions of the Credit are complied with: If the

26、Credit provides for negotiation to pay without recourse to drawers and/or bona fide holders, Draft(s) drawn by the Beneficiary and/or document(s) presented under the Credit8/20/202228UCP600与UCP500的比较分析ICC Position Paper No 2 (第二号意见书)The Banking Commission wishes to clarify that for the purposes of U

27、CP 500, the phrase giving of value in sub-Article 10(b)(ii) may be interpreted as either making immediate payment (e.g. by cash, by cheque, by remittance through a Clearing System or by credit to an account) or undertaking an obligation to make payment (other than giving a deferred payment undertaki

28、ng or accepting a draft).8/20/202229UCP600与UCP500的比较分析 ICC Publication No.459:关于追索权议付行在任何情况下均享有追索权,除非该行保兑了信用证(The Commission finally decided to make a distinction between credits available through payment and credit available through negotiation. As to the former ( available through payment),any rec

29、ourse by the advising bank vis-vis the beneficiary was to be excluded if it had not expressed a reservation when making its payment. As to the latter credits ( available through negotiation), the advising bank always had a right of recourse, unless it had confirmed the credit.)8/20/202230UCP600与UCP5

30、00的比较分析 ICC Publication No.596 R259:议付的追索权银行提供议付时所要求的条件,即是否保留追索权,不能由ICC来裁定。那些条件取决于当地法律及议付行与出口商之间的关系。应由受益人来决定是否接受那些条件并在“保留追索”的条件下取得款项。在这些情况下,受益人最好使信用证可自由议付,以使他们能够把单据提交给一家一旦接受单据将始终信守决定的被指定银行。8/20/202231案例研讨主证开证行:国内A银行主证受益人:嘉陵公司(香港)主证交单行、背对背信用证开证行:R银行香港分行背对背信用证议付行: STANDARD CHARTERED BANK MALAYSIA BERH

31、AD8/20/202232背景99年10月26日,A开立信用证号为LCXXXX152/99,金额为USD1,400,000.00,受益人为“嘉陵公司”,信用证的付款期限为见票后85 天,适用任何银行自由议付10月29日,嘉陵公司凭上述信用证向R申请开立背对背信用证,证号为ILC90512,受益人为 “Shin Yang公司”,金额为USD1,315,000.00,期限为即期,自由议付信用证通过马来西亚渣打银行通知受益人8/20/20223311月5日,R银行从渣打银行收到背对背信用证项下单据。渣打银行在面函上声明:已议付相符的单据R银行审单后亦认为单证相符11月9日,嘉陵公司向R银行提交主证项

32、下全套单据,金额为USD1,401,495.42,期限为85 days sight,并指示R银行:“Please negotiate the above bill and pay our import bill under your L/C No. ILC90512 favouring Shin Yang Trading Sdn., Bhd. for USD1,316,404.63”8/20/202234交单11月12日,R银行将主证项下单据以快邮方式寄给A银行,其面函上声明:我行已议付单据11月19日,R银行汇出USD1,316,344.63给渣打银行,完成了其背对背信用证项下的付款8/20

33、/202235拒付11月15日,A银行收到R银行提交的单据11月22日, A银行发出拒付,理由:产地证系由受益人出具、经当地商会加签的,并非信用证中要求的由当地商会出具。同时声明:“保留单据听候处理,一旦申请人接受不符点即放单,除非在此之前收到相反的指示。”8/20/202236中止付款11月23日, A银行收到法院的协助执行通知书,以受益人嘉陵公司提交的不是主证项下的单据涉嫌欺诈为由,要求A银行:查封、扣押LCXXXX152/99信用证项下所有单据停止支付LCXXXX152/99信用证项下款项A银行当日将该情况通知R银行 8/20/202237交涉11月24日,R银行致电A银行,称其所递交的



36、付款责任,并不是对主证项下单据的议付行为。因为,R银行并未对主证项下单据向嘉陵公司做出扣除银行费用、融资利息后的全额款项,即USD1,401,495.42R银行并未向嘉陵公司的帐户支付任何款项,而金额为USD1,316,344.63的款项并未先贷记嘉陵公司的帐户,而是直接用于支付背靠背信用证项下的支款金额为USD1,316,344.63的融资,R银行是作为进口融资而不是出口融资记录在册的8/20/202242 议付的构成要件议付的时间议付的金额8/20/202243议付定义的演变UCP500:Negotiation means the giving of value for Draft(s)

37、and/or document(s) by the bank authorized to negotiate. Mere examination of the documents without giving of value does not constitute a negotiation.UCP600:Negotiation means the purchase by the nominated bank of drafts (drawn on a bank other than the nominated bank) and/or documents under a complying

38、 presentation, by advancing or agreeing to advance funds to the beneficiary on or before the banking day on which reimbursement is due to the nominated bank.8/20/202244单证实务:信用证中规定:THE AMOUNT OF THE INVOICES AND/OR DRAFT(S) MUST BE ENDORSED ON THE REVERSE OF THIS CREDIT。问:银行能否凭副本信用证为受益人办理议付/交单?答案:可以/

39、不可以。8/20/202245UCP600与UCP500的比较分析Nominated bank means the bank with which the credit is available or any bank in the case of a credit available with any bank. Presentation means either the delivery of documents under a credit to the issuing bank or nominated bank or the documents so delivered. Prese

40、nter means a beneficiary, bank or other party that makes a presentation.8/20/202246UCP600与UCP500的比较分析删除了那些表达不确切、内容已过时及与国际贸易实务相脱节的条款条款总数由UCP500的49条缩减为39条,且不再分类删除了信用证“可撤销”的概念(Art.6 of UCP500)删除了运输行单据条款(Art.39 of UCP500)删除了运输单据之“不得含有载运船只仅以风帆为动力的批注” (Art.23 of UCP500)删除了运输单据之额外费用的列举条款(Art.33 of UCP500)8

41、/20/202247UCP600与UCP500的比较分析确立了新的国际结算实务操作标准银行审核单据的时间缩短为5天A nominated bank acting on its nomination, a confirming bank, if any, and the issuing bank shall each have a maximum of five banking days following the day of presentation to determine if a presentation is complying. 8/20/202248UCP600与UCP500的比

42、较分析明确了受益人对修改保持沉默不等于接受修改A provision in an amendment to the effect that the amendment shall enter into force unless rejected by the beneficiary within a certain time shall be disregarded.(Art.10) 8/20/202249实务:MT700/47AIN CASE AMENDMENT(S) HAVE BEEN ISSUED UNDER THE L/C, A BENEFICIARYS CERTIFICATE IS


44、stipulated documents are presented to the nominated bank or to the issuing bank and that they constitute a complying presentation, the issuing bank must honour (Art.7)An issuing bank is irrevocably bound to honour as of the time it issues the credit. (Art.7)An issuing bank undertakes to reimburse a

45、nominated bank that has honoured or negotiated a complying presentation and forwarded the documents to the issuing bank. (Art.7)8/20/202251An irrevocable Credit constitutesd a definite undertaking or the issuing Bank, provided that the stipulated documents are presented to the Nominated Bank or to t

46、he Issuing Bank and that the terms and conditions of the Credit are complied with(Art.9 of UCP500) 如果发送单证相符单据给开证行的银行是一家被指定银行,而单据在途中遗失,那么开证行有责任付款,前提是单据以信用证规定的方式寄送,即当信用证规定为挂号邮寄时,单据要按那种方式寄送,而不是通过快递公司。以非信用证所要求的方式寄送单据的风险有被指定银行承担,而不是受益人承担。(ICC632/R429) 8/20/202252If a nominated bank determines that a pres

47、entation is complying and forwards the documents to the issuing bank or confirming bank, whether or not the nominated bank has honoured or negotiated, an issuing bank or confirming bank must honour or negotiate, or reimburse that nominated bank, even when the documents have been lost in transit betw

48、een the nominated bank and the issuing bank or confirming bank, or between the confirming bank and the issuing bank.(Art.35)8/20/202253UCP600与UCP500的比较分析拒付电增加了“持单至申请人放弃不付点”的选择the issuing bank is holding the documents until it receives a waiver from the applicant and agrees to accept it, or receives

49、further instructions from the presenter prior to agreeing to accept a waiver (Art.16)8/20/202254UCP600与UCP500的比较分析建立了“单据必须满足其功能”的标准If a credit requires presentation of a document other than a transport document, insurance document or commercial invoice, without stipulating by whom the document is to

50、 be issued or its data content, banks will accept the document as presented if its content appears to fulfil the function of the required document and otherwise complies with sub-article 14 (d). 8/20/202255UCP600与UCP500的比较分析When documents other than transport documents, insurance documents and comme

51、rcial invoices are called for, the Credit should stipulate by whom such documents are to be issued and their wording or data content. If the Credit does not so stipulate, banks will accept such documents as presented, provided that their data content is not inconsistent with any other stipulated doc

52、ument presented. (Art.21 of UCP500)当要求提供运输单据、保险单据和商业发票以外的单据时,信用证中应规定该单据的出票人及其措辞或内容。如信用证对此未作规定,只要所提交单据的内容与提交的其它规定单据不矛盾,银行将接受此类单据。 (第21条)8/20/202256UCP600与UCP500的比较分析明确开证行可以作为转让行转让自己开立的信用证Transferring bank means a nominated bank that transfers the credit or, in a credit available with any bank, a bank

53、 that is specifically authorized by the issuing bank to transfer and that transfers the credit. An issuing bank may be a transferring bank.(Art.38)8/20/202257UCP600与UCP500的比较分析措辞更为简洁、严格、清晰、与时俱进关于简洁If the bill of lading contains the indication “intended vessel”, or similar qualification in relation t

54、o the vessel, loading on board a named vessel must be evidenced by an on board notation on the bill of lading which, in addition to the date on which the goods have been loaded on board, also includes the name of the vessel on which the goods have been loaded, even if they have been loaded on the ve

55、ssel named as the “intended vessel”.(Art.24 of UCP500) 字符数(不计空格)3608/20/202258UCP600与UCP500的比较分析If the bill of lading contains the indication “intended vessel” or similar qualification in relation to the name of the vessel, an on board notation indicating the date of shipment and the name of the act

56、ual vessel is required. (Art.20 of UCP600) 字符数(不计空格)1898/20/202259UCP600与UCP500的比较分析关于严格拒付通知的格式及内容:A single notice 关于清晰措辞“and/or”修订为 “or”,单、复数同义Where applicable, words in the singular include the plural and in the plural include the singular. (Art.3)关于与时俱进银行对因遭受恐怖袭击(acts of terrorism)导致银行停业所造成后果的免责删

57、除了信用证“可撤销”的概念:A credit is irrevocable even if there is no indication to that effect. (Art.3)8/20/202260UCP600实施后对不同当事人的影响Advising bankApplicantBeneficiaryConfirming bankIssuing bankNominated bankPresenter8/20/202261UCP600实施后对不同当事人的影响对申请人Applicant means the party on whose request the credit is issued

58、.(Art. 2)8/20/202262UCP600实施后对不同当事人的影响A credit by its nature is a separate transaction from the sale or other contract on which it may be based. the undertaking of a bank to honour, to negotiate or to fulfil any other obligation under the credit is not subject to claims or defences by the applicant

59、resulting from its relationships with the issuing bank or the beneficiary. (Art. 4) 8/20/202263UCP600实施后对不同当事人的影响A beneficiary can in no case avail itself of the contractual relationships existing between banks or between the applicant and the issuing bank. (Art.4)8/20/202264UCP600实施后对不同当事人的影响An iss

60、uing bank should discourage any attempt by the applicant to include, as an integral part of the credit, copies of the underlying contract, proforma invoice and the like. (Art.4)8/20/202265UCP600实施后对不同当事人的影响A credit must not be issued available by a draft drawn on the applicant. (Art.6)8/20/202266UCP


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