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1、中西方婚礼差异The differences of wedding between China and western countriesOur group today to introduce the Western wedding and cultural differences, we often on TV or movies to see the wedding, we explain in detail the cultural differences of the wedding behind.We hope that through the introduction of mo

2、re in-depth understanding of Chinese and Western culture.Wedding PreparationMarriage preparation古时婚姻过程一般须经三书六礼,即聘书、礼书、迎书以及纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎等礼节。 The ancient marriage process is generally subject to three books and six rites, letter of appointment, ceremony book, welcome book Nace asked the name of Na

3、gy, satisfied that the levy, please, pro-Ying and other manners. Wedding抬轿起程,跨火盆和射箭,拜堂和交杯酒,同心结发和谢媒是中国传统婚礼的代表.Sedan Chair journey across the brazier and archery, weddings and wedlock, knot hair and thank the media Representative of the traditional Chinese wedding.现代,婚礼前大多数中国人置办新的东西,包括婚纱,床上用品,一般定在比较好的

4、饭店或在自己家里。而西方结婚用品不追求全,且一般不照婚纱照,认为新郎如果结婚前看到新娘可能会给婚姻带来不幸。Modern, most Chinese people before the wedding repairing something new, including wedding dresses, bedding, generally set at a better hotel or in their own homes.Western wedding supplies do not pursue, and generally did not have to take the weddi

5、ng, before the groom if the marriage to see the bride may give marriage brings misfortune.中国大局部人信仰的是佛教。而西方大多数人信仰的是基督教,所以西方的婚礼是在教堂中而主婚人是神父.Most Chinese people believe in Buddhism. Beliefs of most people in the West is Christian, western wedding in the church, officiate, is a priest.中国的站位是男左女右,而西方的站位是

6、男右女左。 Chinas stations male left female right stations in the West is male and right female left.结婚典礼上一般会播放音乐,新娘进场时的音乐一般选瓦格纳的歌剧?罗恩格林?中的?婚礼合唱?或克拉克的小号即兴前奏曲?丹麦王子进展曲?。退场音乐通常会选门德尔松为?仲夏夜之梦?所作的?结婚进展曲?。 Will normally play music, wedding music bride approach the general election in the Wagner opera Lohengrin

7、wedding chorus or Clarks trumpet improvisation Prelude Prince of Denmark March . Exit music usually choose Mendelssohn for A Midsummer Nights Dream made ?wedding march.styleThe brides dress is generally white, the groom a black dress, the entire wedding obvious, gravely.新娘的礼服一般为白色,新郎是黑色的礼服,使整个婚礼显的庄重

8、严肃.stylePhoenix has an important position in Chinese mythology.Dragon Master Yang Feng-yin, and yang represents the men, Yin said the woman. Therefore, the bride Fung said. Therefore, in a red dress embroidered phoenix also very easy to understand.凤在中国的神话中有着重要的地位。龙主阳凤主阴,而阳那么代表男子,理解了。阴就表示女子。因此新娘就用凤表示

9、。所以在红色的礼服上绣着凤也就很容易The difference ColorWhite, in the West has been with the sacred and holy that. Westerners still white and the wedding of the Chinese people are still red. Wedding with a red color naturally ignited expectations of the people of wealth and good fortune.白色,在西方一直带有神圣、圣洁的意味。与西方人尚白不同,中国

10、人婚礼尚红。新婚之时用大红之色,自然也寄寓了人们对富贵桔祥的期望The difference Color Western bride dress solemn yet elegant beauty of her pure ignited dressed in white silk; traditional Chinese wedding seems to be more ignited the rich, festive secular happiness meaning西方的新娘装扮庄重又不失飘逸之美,她的纯洁被寄寓在一袭白纱上;而中国传统婚礼似乎更多寄寓“富贵、“喜庆的世俗幸福含义Whic

11、h do you prefer?Which do you prefer?Chinese wedding dress Development Overview(中国婚服开展概况)Since the emergence of the Zhou Dynasty dress, wedding dress came into being. Through the Qin and Han development, reaching a peak in the Tang and Song dynasties, a great evolution during the Revolution of 1911.

12、自周代礼服的出现,婚礼服也应运而生。经历秦汉开展,在唐宋到达一个顶峰,在辛亥革命时期出现一大演变。Chinese wedding dress simple classification(中国婚服简单分类)At this stage diversified development trend. Throughout China the wedding, there are three main ancient wedding dress standard. MG the Benten mysterious side - plain clothes crimson-qualified , Lian

13、g Guanli service - chai tin gift clothing , Nine the robes - Coronet Xiapei the . 现阶段呈现多元化开展趋势。纵观华夏婚礼,古代婚礼服制式主要有三种。分别为“爵弁玄端纯衣纁袡、“梁冠礼服钗钿礼衣、“九品官服凤冠霞帔。conclusion由于世界全球化的的影响,出现了中国婚礼西方化,西方婚礼中式化,中西文化互相交融的局面。conclusionWe can see from the above: the moderation of the Chinese culture, Western culture and liv

14、ely; subtle, of the Chinese culture and Western culture of unrestrained; Grace pursuit of the Chinese culture and Western cultural preference for luxury.从以上我们可以看到:中方文化的节制,西方文化的活泼;中方文化的含蓄,西方文化的奔放;中方文化追求雍容,西方文化偏爱华贵。最后,愿我们的展示能让大家感受到婚姻的幸福,同时希望天下有情人终成眷属,有一个相濡以沫的婚姻。Finally, may we show to make everyone fe

15、el the happiness of marriage, at the same time hope that the mood of the carnivals, there is a marriage of each other. 中国与西方婚礼过程差异无论是古代还是现代都表达了中国婚礼的特点;隆重,热闹,喜庆Whether ancient or modern, reflects the characteristics of the Chinese wedding; grand, lively, happy西方的婚礼是属于浪漫型的,整个婚礼从一开场就充满了浪漫的气息Western wed

16、ding is a romantic type, the entire wedding from the outset, is full of romantic atmosphere.Chinese and Western wedding process differences 6:00新娘开场化装,新郎更衣 8:00新郎乘花车到达新娘家8:40新娘蒙红盖头,在伴娘的伴随下,由新郎手持的大红绸牵着,慢慢地登上花车6:00 new Switch started Chemical moisten Cisren New with Qian spin consultations. 8:00 New Q

17、ian What Shan Ming Qi Lang branches of a tree torch to a new Bi Hua 8:40 bride Mongolia red lid, the maid of honor, accompanied by the groom was holding a large red silk holding, and slowly mounted the float 9:15花车到达花轿地点9:15 floats reach the sedan chair location9:20新娘上花轿。开道锣在前,紧跟舞狮表演,后面是八位吹鼓手和八位手举冠盖

18、的执事,最后是披红挂彩的八抬大轿;新郎手扶花轿、伴郎伴娘随轿9:20 bride on the sedan chair. Gongs to clear the way in front, followed by lion dance, followed by eight trumpeter and eight hands the crown cover of the deacon, the last is a Phi Hung wounded Bataidajiao; groom hand sedan chair, the best man maid of honor with the sed

19、an9:40中途颠轿;9:40 midway Britain sedan10:00到达婚礼地点,新娘在女傧相的搀扶下,走下轿子;放鞭炮10:10迈火盆:寓意未来的生活红红火火;10:15进门:狮子封门,讨要红包舞狮者拦路舞狮,要到红包方许进门;10:30射箭:射天,祈求上天的祝福,射地,代表天长地久,射向远方,祝愿未来的生活美满幸福10:00 to reach the wedding venue, under the arm of the bridesmaids, the bride walked down the chair; off firecrackers10:10 Mai brazie

20、r: meaning of life is booming in the future;10:15 door: Lions closed the door and beg for the red envelope (lion highway lion, to go to the red envelope Fang Xu door);10:30 Archery: shooting days, to pray for the blessing of God, shooting ground, on behalf of permanence, fired from afar, wish future

21、 life happy10:35拜天地:一拜天地,二拜高堂,三夫妻对拜;10:50掀盖头:用秤杆挑下新娘的盖11:00喝交杯酒11:10敬茶改口;11:20进入洞房新人退场换服装,在此时最好吃点东西10:35 the Careers Weng Shi Gang fine Juan the Maweng Shi to help the the Ren Hamamatsu, Pi High Tongbenwuzhu Maximum Yue River regulation Piben listen 10:50 Zu project Chemistry Ben purpose crepe Zhiju

22、anDie follows New Fei the Dongcun listen to 11:00 Comedy Jin helium Li the the tired of listening to 11:10 Number of costume. Received Rose Population Ben 11:20 Ma the Creating Yi Wa Real-Room Benzhuan Zhong Bang Hung Shi bakeswitch chain clothing Benan Now this provisional chain Lim by Yu Iron visi

23、ting shandong Yuan Kuang-class listening to11:40新人为来宾敬酒、点烟;12:00民俗表演13:30婚宴完毕。11:40 new toast for the guests, the cigarette lighter; 12:00 folk performers The end of the 13:30 wedding 17:40 客人们陆续进入餐厅按请柬上的桌号就座,乐队奏乐表示欢送,各种提前准备好的饮料和餐前开胃小菜可以供客人们享用。17:40 guests trickled into the restaurant to be seated a

24、t tables on the invitation, the band play music welcome, and a variety of drinks and appetizers before meals prepared in advance to be available for guests to enjoy18:10 新郎新娘进入餐厅。上第一道菜,侍者们给客人斟上香槟,重要来宾演讲祝词。19:40 开胃菜用完后,新郎新娘跳第一支舞。然后伴郎伴娘及其他客人进入舞池一起跳舞;18:10 the bride and groom enter the restaurant. The

25、first dish, the waiter who poured champagne for the guests, an important guest speakers congratulatory.19:40 appetizers after the bride and groom first dance. Then the best man bridesmaids and other guests to enter the dance floor dancing together19:00 per person re-seated to wait for the staple foo

26、d;19:30 on the dessert, parties continue;20:00 bridal bouquet toss, the new shuttle between guests and expressed gratitude for their presence. Provide coffee and a variety of after-dinner drinks for guests to enjoy20:30 with the bride and groom cut the cake for the guests to dance enjoy when idle; a

27、t this time guests are free to exit19:00 每人重新入座等待主食;19:30 上甜点时,舞会继续;20:00 新娘抛花束后,新人在客人们间穿梭为他们的光临表示感谢。提供咖啡及各种餐后饮品可供客人享用20:30 新郎新娘一起切蛋糕,供客人们跳舞空闲时享用;此时宾客可自由退场 Bachelor partyThe so-called bachelor party, is the boys before the end of the single life, single friend he organized a party, so that he offici

28、ally bid farewell to the single life.所谓的 bachelor party 就是在男生完毕单身生活之前,他的单身好友会为他举办的一场 party,让他正式辞别单身生活。wedding showerThe wedding shower be considered a kind of party, is the girls say goodbye to single life party.wedding shower 算是 party 的一种,就是女生辞别单身生活wedding shower 算是 party 的一种,就是女生辞别单身生活的party。 的par

29、ty。 Western wedding ceremony西方婚礼仪式 教堂婚礼仪式流程Wedding process西方在举行婚礼前先要先订婚,然后发放请贴给住在附近的人和好朋友以及远方的亲戚。当一切准备就绪,就该到最冲动人心的时刻了。Western first first engagement before the wedding, and then invitations are sent to their close friends and distant relatives living in the vicinity. When everything is ready, in rel

30、ation to the most exciting moment.Western first first engagement before the wedding,and then invitations are sent to their close friends and distant relatives living in the vicinity. When everything is ready, in relation to the most exciting moment.西方在举行婚礼前先订婚,然后发放请贴给住在附近的人和好朋友以及远方的亲戚。当一切准备就绪,就该到最冲动

31、人心的时刻了。1, guests take a seat、 来来宾入席宾入席、seat 1来宾入席来宾入来宾入席 2, play music (Wedding March), relatives and friends light candles奏乐结婚进展曲、亲友点蜡烛 3, the priest collar singing classes approach33、牧师领唱歌班进场 、牧师领唱歌班进场 4,Chairman (Pastor) has announced the start of the wedding 4、主席牧师宣布婚礼开场 5, the best man, bridesm

32、aids, bride after another approach 、伴郎、伴娘、新娘陆续进场 6, the womans parents executive bride approach (all stand)女方家长执新娘进场全体起立 7, the womans parents to take a seat女方家长入席8, singing classes (YMCA) singing hymns (or the marriage song唱歌班青年会吟唱圣歌或有关婚姻的歌曲9, prayer, offering poetry祷告、献诗 10, pastor (priest) witnes

33、ses新郎、新娘签字主婚人、介绍人用印11, the groom, the bride signing (presiders, introducer with India)新郎、新娘签字主婚人、介绍人用印 12, the bride and groom each other wearing a ring oath新郎新娘互戴戒指,宣誓 13, exposing the yarn、揭纱14, and offered a poem (blessing) 献诗祝福的话 15, Shane (both parents flowers or bowing three times, thanks to the guests)谢恩向双方家长献花或行三鞠躬礼,向来宾致谢16, the ceremony, tea or dinner16、礼成、茶会或晚宴Testimony 证言God bless you and yours, and surround you ever with his


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