



1、高考英语书面表达探究巴彦三高 佟晓晶近年来,根据学生的反应,在英语学习中最大的难题就是书面表达题,难就难在这是知识的输出,它是考察我们学生对英语的综合能力,因此 ,针对学生这一现象,我们进行深入探究 。现在学生面临的主要问题和常见不足是:恐惧心理占主要成分,其次是没有构架篇章能力,再次就方法问题。那么我们应该如何增强书面表达效果,如何应对中考,那么我们首先要研究一下中考英语书面表达评分标准,每个同学要求详细阅读中考英语书面表达评分标准,理解透彻。而且要研究考前调研试中所给的范文,包括议论文体,记叙文体和说明文体。 无论哪种文体,中间正文部分要巧用连接词。再好的文章没有精彩的连接词,也显得没有逻

2、辑。推荐这些组连接词,一定要铭记在心:First, second, third, at last.Firstly, secondly, thirdly .To begin with,then,furthermore,finally.On the one hand, on the other hand.First,besides, last but not least.结尾总结时可用,in short, in a word, generally speaking等。 作为一名中学生,起码我们要掌握一些简单常用的谚语。Its never too late to study.Little by li

3、ttle and bit by bit.Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.A good beginning is half done.Where there is a will ,there is a way.Saying is one thing and doing is another.Easier said than done.Practice makes perfect. 有的同学写作时的步骤错误,提笔就写,这是错误的,下面说是写作时的正确步骤:审题写提纲打草稿修改抄写检查审题时要细心认真,不要落到主要的信息,这一点十

4、分重要,有的同学总是粗心大意,自己想当然的拿笔就写,我们在审题时最好用笔画出关键词,以防漏信息。写提纲这一步骤不可少,磨刀不误砍柴工,心中有纲,方可条理清晰,易于结构形成。修改可以使你的文章精益求精,锦上添花,抄写时要时刻注意清晰,不要乱,干净整洁是前提,检查时注意没有大的错误不要轻易改动太大,否则看起来太乱,会影响大局。议论文要至少写三个论据,三个中心句后至少要有两个以上扩展句支持分论点,还要有总结句,最后结尾时要重申论点,并提出呼吁和倡导。说明文要注意说明方法的运用,举例子,打比方,列数字,作比较等等。记叙文六要素不能少,时间,地点,人物,起因,经过 和结果。下面我们共享一篇中考高分作文,

5、希望大家得到启迪和提高。 中考书面表达议论文体范文:GETTING ALONG WELL WITH OTHERSIn our daily life,we meet different people.we may work with them,learn from them or make friends with them, so we get along well with them. Getting along well with others is important to us even though we are in Grade Nine and very busy. First,

6、if we get along well with others and are kind to them,we can help each other and win the friendship. When we help the people who need assistance,they will show respect for us .If we are in trouble,they will give us a hand. Second,if we know how to get along well with our classmates, we can improve o

7、urselves. Different students have different ways to study well,so we can learn a lot from them and discuss problems together, Third, getting along well with others makes the world harmonious. If everyone knows how to get along with others,our world will be more peaceful and be full of love.We can study and work in a harmonious environment.In a word, its important to


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