【精选】五年级下册英语教案-Unit 5 Whose dog is it?A Lets learn人教PEP版_第1页
【精选】五年级下册英语教案-Unit 5 Whose dog is it?A Lets learn人教PEP版_第2页
【精选】五年级下册英语教案-Unit 5 Whose dog is it?A Lets learn人教PEP版_第3页
【精选】五年级下册英语教案-Unit 5 Whose dog is it?A Lets learn人教PEP版_第4页




1、五年级下册英语教案-Unit 5 Whose dog is it? A Lets learn人教PEP版Unit5 A Lets learn教案一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1) 听、说、读、写以下单词或词组:yours, his, hers, theirs, mine, ours,并在具体情境中理解对话。(2) 学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话,并能在情景中熟练运用以上六个单词进行交谈:Its your dog. The dog is yours.2. 技能目标:(1) 能听、说、读、写以下单词:yours, his, hers, theirs, mine, ours的发音及使用,并运用

2、到真实情境中,并能在情景中熟练地运用名词性物主代词。(2) 能够在具体语境中正确使用新词汇,并正确书写。3. 情感目标:(1) 感受英语的乐趣。(2) 感受中西方文化的异同,了解西方文化中的关于某件物品是谁的表达。二、重点难点 1. 能听、说、读、写以下单词:yours, his, hers, theirs, mine, ours的发音及使用,并运用到真实情境中,并能在情景中熟练地运用名词性物主代词。2. 并能在情境中运用句型Its your dog. The dog is yours. 及其他相关形式的句子。三、教学过程Step1: Warm-up1. Sing a song: When i

3、s your birthday?2. T: Which season do you like best? S: Spring.T: When is April Fools Day? S: Its on April 1st.T: When is your birthday, Mike? S1: My birthday is on August 5th.T: Whose birthday is in October? (教师板书这些句型,并强调划线部分)Step2: Presentation1. Learn words: his, her, their, our, my, your (老师板书在黑

4、板上)T: Read after me: his book, her pen, their dog, our cat, my book.S: his book, her pen, their dog, our cat, my book.T: Do you have a pet? S: Yes. / No.T: Look at this picture, this is Mikes dog. This is his dog.The dog is his.OK, everybody, follow me “his”.S: “his”.2. Use the same way to learn oth

5、er words: hers, theirs, ours, yours, mine.3. T: Look! That is my book. The book is mine.T: Whose book is that? S: Its Amys book.T: The book is hers. 引导学生总结形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的区别:形容词性物主代词形容词的作用,后面加名词。名词性物主代词起名词的作用,后面无名词。4. Listen to the tape and read the text.Step3: Practice1. Who is faster? (谁最快)For ex

6、ample:T: Its your bag. S: The bag is yours.T: Its my pen. S: The pen is mine.2. Dog show你记住它们的主人了吗?请说出来。3. Finish P49 of Look, say and complete. Write two sentences.Example: Its her book. The book is hers.4. 用所给单词正确形式填空。1. This storybook is _(her).2. Its _(you) dog. The dog is _(you).3. _(Mike) dog

7、is yellow.4. The dog is _(John).5. The bag is not _(my). _(I) bag is over there.6. Its our plant. The plant is _.(our)7. Its _ T-shirt.(his)8. The blue T-shirt is _.(his)9. The football is _.(their)10. Its her dress. The dress is _.(her)5. Pet Show你有宠物吗?请简单画出来,并向大家介绍。6. Remember: Animals are our good friends. We should protect(保护) them.Step4: Homework1.


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