已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、1验证材料合格证书及材料实验报告Verify Materials- Manufacture Material Tests钢筋测试及钢筋焊接接头测试Test of Rebar report and Welding Test Of Rebar Joreport沙、石、砖及水泥试验 sand,stone,brick and cement Testing ReportTesting ReportGB-50319-2000MARI&T &QRW&RW&RW2CertificationWelder Certification/Qualification焊工GJ 1.6QRW&RW&R-3工程基线复核Che

2、cking Survey复核Checking survey result仪器实测Actual measurement by instrumentGB50026-93 GD230100101IWW-4预制桩(含 PHC桩)Pre-cast Piles (PHC piles included)主控项目 13Main control item 1-3桩位偏差Pileition deviation承载力Bearing capacity钢筋骨架质量Quality of reinforcement joist成品桩质量Quality of pre-cast pile实测、承载力桩位偏差见 5.1.3承载力

3、见 5.1.5钢筋骨架质量数量不少于总数的 20%且不少于 10 根 见 5.1.6成品桩质量数量不少于总数的 20%且不少于 10根 见 5.1.6抽样 0.5%1%。 不少于 3 根(处)见 4.1.6, 5.1.5,5.1.6。Actual measurement, Bearing capacity report, Pileition deviation see po5.1.3; Bearing capacity see 5.1.5Spot check quality of reinforcement joist, ty of spot check is not lessn 20%of

4、total amount and not lessn 10 pie, see 5.1.6, the rate of spot check is 0.5%1%, Not lessn 3 pie(location), see 4.1.6, 5.1.5, 5.1.6GB50202-2002- 010403Testing reportT&I &QRW&RW&RW5打、接桩 Piling, Pile Exten Connection焊缝质量 Welds quality上下节平面偏差Flatness deviation of jos节点弯曲Bending vector height of jos间歇时间、

5、桩垂直度、最终贯入度erval time, pile verticality, final penetration实测Actual measurementIWW-6打桩完毕 Piling Completion主控项目 13Main control item 1-3(1)桩顶标高 Elevation of pile top (2)桩位、垂直度偏差Pileition, verticality deviation(3)承载力检验、桩身完整性检验 Bearing capacity inspection, completeness inspection of pile body实测、试验:其中 1 和

6、2 应20%且不少于 10 根,见5.1.6,3 应10%且大于等于 3 根。当桩数小于 50 根时,应不少于 2 根。见5.1.5,5.1.6。Actual measurement, testing For po1 and 2,inspection rate shall be 20%and not lessn 10 pie, see 5.1.6;For po3, inspection rateshall be 10% and not lessn 3 pie.Whentyof thle is lessn 50 pie, piles for inspection shall be not les

7、sn 2 pie. See 5.1.5,5.1.6Testing reportT&I &QRW&RW&RW7灌浆柱(灌浆前)Driven Cast-in- Placle (Prior to pouring)主控项目 12桩位、Main control item 1-2 Pileition; hole depth试验、实测1、桩位 不少于 30%且不少于 20 根 见 5.1.52、应全部检查,见 5.1.8。 Testing report, actual measurement;Pileition, not lessn 30% and not lessn 20 pie, see 5.1.5Ho

8、les depth, all of them shall be checked. See 5.1.8.Testing reportT&I &QRW&RW&RW8灌浆柱(灌浆中)Driven Cast-in- Placle (During pouring)主控项目 15Main control item 1-5成孔、清孔质量Quality of hole formation and hole cleaning;钢筋笼安装深度 Installation depth of steel cages;砼充盈系数、桩径、垂直度 Concrete allowance coefficient, pile di

9、ameter and verticality实测1、桩位 不少于 30%且不少于 20 根 见 5.1.52、应全部检查,见 5.1.8。 Actual measurementPileition, not lessn 30% and not lessn 20 pie, see 5.1.5Holes depth, all of them shall be checked. See 5.1.8T&I &QRW&RW&RW9灌浆柱(灌浆后)Driven Cast-in- Placle(Aftouring)桩顶标高、锚固钢筋桩位、垂直度偏差承载力检验、桩身完整性检验Main control item

10、1-5Elevation of pile top, anchoring bar, pileition, verticality deviation,bearing capacity inspection, completeness inspection of pile body实测、试验1、桩位 不少于 30%且不少于 20 根 见 5.1.52、应全部检查,见 5.1.8。 Actual measurement, testingPileition, not lessn 30% and not lessn 20 pie, see 5.1.5Holes depth, all of them sh

11、all be checked. See 5.1.8Testing reportI&TWW-10桩承台Pile Cap主控项目 14轴线位置、平面尺寸、标高、钢筋规格、数量、位置Main control item 1-4 ition of axial, planedimen, elevation, rebar specification,ty andition试验实测构件数量的 10%,且不少于 3 件,见5.5.2TestingActual measurement, members for spot check are 10% and not lessn 3 pie, see 5.5.2.Te

12、sting reportT&I &QRW&RW&RW11Inspection Of Piling Cut Off Level桩基工程验收Inspection Of Piling Cut Off Level桩基工程验收Each Pile每根桩验收ZJ1.6 & ZJ3.0IWWWH12土方开挖 Earthwork Excavation基坑、边坡Foundation pit and side slo实测Actual measurementGB50202-2002- 010101 GD230103001IWW-13基坑支护 Foundation Pit Shoring and Protection支

13、护、堆载、排水Shoring and protection, laydown and bearing, water drainage.GB50330-2002 JGJ120-99 GD2301006 GD2301007IWW-14地基处理 Ground Treatment主控项目 13密实度、承载力Main control item 1-3 Compactness, bearing capacity取样、试验10%。不少于 3 点, 见 4.1.5, 4.1.6 S ling, s ling test10%, no less n 3 po s, see 4.1.5, 4.1.6GB50202-

14、2002- 010301010304 JGJ79-2002Testing reportT&I &QRW&RW&RW15地基验槽 Ground Inspection主控项目 13Main control item 1-3持力层、标高、平面尺寸Ground bearing course, elevation, plane dimen实测、钎探Actual measurement, ground bearing capacity test recordSH3503-2001- J201 GB50202-2002IWWW16设备基础 Equipment Foundation主控项目 14轴线、方位、标

15、高、预留孔洞或螺栓、 预埋件Main control item 1-4 Axial line, orienion, elevation,Pholes, bolts and fittings, and embedded parts试验全数检查见 8.3.1实测全数检查见 8.3.2Testing, complete inspection. See 8.3.1 Actual measurement, total inspection. See 8.3.2.GB50204-2002- 010603、010604IWW-17模板工程Forming Work几何尺寸、支护稳定 Geometric dim

16、en Support stability实测Actual measurementGB50204-2002- 010601IWW-Concrete ITP18钢筋工程Rebar Work主控项目 13原材检验品种、级别、规格、数量Main control item 1-3Raw material inspection, type, grade, specification,ty鉴证取样应取样数量的 30%复试实测 全数检查,观察,钢尺检查见 5.2.4,5.5.1 Sling verification, slingty iseast 30% of total; Re-testing report

17、;Actual measurement, total inspection, observation, steel rule measuring. See 5.2.4,5.5.1GB50204-2002- 010602Testing reportT&I &QRW&RW&RWConcrete ITP19隐蔽工程Concealed Work平面尺寸、标高、预留空洞或螺栓、钢筋品种、级别、规格、数量 Plane dimen, elevation, built-in holes, bolts and rebar, type, grade, specification,ty实测Actual measur

18、ementGB50203-2001- J115GB50204-2002 DG2301064-01IWW-20砼浇注前 Prior to concrete pouring原材检验见 7.2.1配合比试验检查配合比设计资料见 7.3.3Raw material inspection report, see 7.2.1Mixing proition testing report, mix design data inspection see 7.3.3鉴证取样应取样数量的 30% 试验每周工作班检查 1 次实测Sling verification, slingty is east 30% of to

19、tal;Testing report, 1 time inspection forkly shifts;Actual measurementGB50204-2002 JGJ 55-2000JGJ 52-1992JGJ 53-1992GBJ 119-88试验 Testing reportT&I &QRW&RW&RW21块体式 设备基础 MassiveEquipment Foundation主控项目 12位置、平面尺寸、标高、预留空洞或螺栓、钢筋Main control item 1-2ition, plane dimen, elevation, pholes, bolts and rebar实测

20、 全数检查见 8.3.1,8.3.2Actual measurement, total inspection see 8.3.1,8.3.2GB50204-2002- 020105IWW-22整体框架式设备基础Massive Frame Equipment Foundation主控项目 12平面尺寸、垂直度、标高、预留空洞或螺栓、钢筋 Main control item 1-2 Plane dimen, verticality, elevation, built-in holes, bolts and rebar实测 全数检查见 8.3.1,8.3.2Actual measurement, t

21、otal inspection see 8.3.1,8.3.2GB 50202-2002GB 50204-2002-020105IWW-23储罐基础 Storage Foundation主控项目 12基础中心位置、标高偏差直径偏差Main control item 1-2Center elevation of foundation, elevation deviation, diameter deviation.实测 全数检查见 8.3.1,8.3.2Actual measurement, total inspection see 8.3.1,8.3.2GB50204-2002IWW-24大体

22、积砼基础 Mass Concrete Foundation水泥品种和用量 砼配合比和水灰比散热管布置Cement type andty, mixing proportion and water-cement ratio, distribution of heat dissipation tubes试验 、实测 全数检查见 8.3.1,8.3.2 Test report, actual measurement, total inspection see 8.3.1,8.3.2Testing reportT&I &QRW&RW&RW25预埋件、螺栓、套管、孔洞 Embedded parts, bo

23、lts, sleeves, holes and openings位置、埋深、锚固方式ition, embedded depth, anchoring mode实测Actual measurementIWW-26灌浆Grouting接触面 孔洞清埋灌浆料强度Contacting surface, holes cleaning, grouting material strength.实际检查试验Actual inspection Test reportTesting reportT&I &QRW&RW&RW27基础沉降观测 Foundation Settlement Observation设备安装前、安装后、水压试验中、单机试车后观测点沉降值 Settlement value observation before and after equipment installation, during hydro test, after individual test run实测Actual measurementGD2301053IWW-28基础复测 Foundation Re- survey位置、平面尺寸、标高、预留孔洞或螺栓、钢筋Location, plane dimen, elevation, pholes, bo


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