1、一、国家及校级奖项、称号国家奖学金National ScholarshipPacemaker to Merit StudentMerit StudentModel Student of Academic RecordsModel Student of Outstanding CapacityAdvanced Individual/Outstanding StudentExcellent staffExcellent Student CadreExcellent League MemberOutstanding GraduatesOutstanding VolunteerAdvanced Cla
2、ssOutstanding League CadresOutstanding cadres of Student Association国家励志奖学金 National Encouragement scholarship 三好学生标兵 三好学生 学习优秀生 突出才能奖 先进个人 优秀工作者 优秀学生干部 优秀共青团员 优秀毕业生 优秀志愿者 先进班集体 优秀团干 学生协会优秀干部Spiritual Advanced IndividualAdvanced Individual of Social WorkAdvanced Individual of Cultural and sports act
3、ivitiesEthic AwardHigh Morality PrizePrize for The Best OrganizationPrize for The Outstanding ContributionPrize for The Creative WorkingPrize for The Team Contribution二、各系比赛与奖项夕卜语系(Foreign Language Department):话剧比赛英语演讲比赛八系辩论赛黑板报设计大赛PPT设计大赛文明宿舍OK杯篮球比赛我心飞扬歌唱比赛学生协会工作优秀个人 Outstanding Individual of Stude
4、nt Association 精神文明先进个人 社会工作先进个人 文体活动先进个人 道德风尚奖 精神文明奖 最佳组织奖 突出贡献奖 工作创新奖 团队建设奖Drama competitionEnglish Speech ContestEight Departments Invitational Debate CompetitionBlackboard Poster Design ContestCourseware Design CompetitionOutstanding DormitoryOK Cup for Basketball Game“My Heart Flies” Singing Co
5、mpetition中文系(Department of Chinese Language and Literature):Poetry Recitation ContestPoetry Creation ContestPhotography Competition“Golden Microphone” Competition诗歌朗诵比赛诗歌创作比赛摄影大赛金话筒比赛兴我中华演讲比赛课件比赛报刊比赛足球比赛三笔比赛冬日环保针织比赛Speech Competition on Revitalizing ChinaCourseware Design ContestPress Writing Contes
6、tFootball MatchEssay Contest数学系(D epartment of Mathematics ):登山比赛网络工程师全国建模比赛知识风采比赛PPT课件制作大赛Knitting Contest on Winter Environmental ProtectionMountain-climbing CompetitionNetwork Engineer CertificationNational Mathematical Modeling ContestKnowledge CompetitionCourseware Design Competition经济管理系(The D
7、epartment of Economics & Management):辩论赛Debate Competition政法系(Politics and Law Department):党团知识竞赛政法论坛金秋系列活动模拟法庭演讲比赛征文比赛创业大赛 Venture ContestKnowledge Contest on the Party and the LeaguePolitical and Legal ForumSeries of Activities in “Golden SeasonMoot CourtSpeech CompetitionEssay Competition计算机科学系(C
8、 omputer Science Department):网页设计大赛 Web Page Design Competition辩论赛Debate Competition软件设计大赛Software Design Competition多媒体课件设计大赛Multimedia Courseware Design Competition网站设计竞赛Web Design Competition电子科学系(Electronic Science Department):演讲比赛Speech Contest服装系(Textile and Fashion Department):服装创意设计大赛毕业设计大赛发
9、表论文专利证书服装设计大赛泳衣大赛电子设计大赛Electronic Design ContestGarment Design CompetitionGraduation Design Competition PublicationsPatentGarment Design Contest Swimming Suit Design Competition手提包设计大赛Handbag Design Competition服装创意设计大赛Creative Garment Design Competition生命科学系(Department of Life Science):实验技能操作大赛Exper
10、iment Skill and Operation Contest广东大学生生物化学实验技能大赛建筑与土木工程系(D epartment of Architecture & Civil Engineering ): 建筑文化节 建筑设计竞赛 钢笔画比赛 节徽设计大赛 五佳”歌手活动 友谊篮球赛 工程测量比赛 班际足球赛省大学生科技竞赛十佳学生活动组织 十大学生修身楷模学生科研创新奖棋王大赛The Biochemical Experiments Contest for College Student in GuangdongArchitectural Culture FestivalArchit
11、ectural Design CompetitionInk Drawing ContestFestival Logo Design Contest“Best Five” Singer ActivitiesFriendship Cup Basketball MatchEngineering Survey CompetitionInter-class Football MatchScience and Technology Contest for Province College StudentsTop Ten Student Activities OrganizationTen Model St
12、udents of Self-cultivationStudent Award for Research and InnovationChess CompetitionE-Society Feisi Cup Architectural电子社飞思杯电脑建筑效果图设计大赛Renderings Computer Design Contest化学工程系(D epartment of Chemical Engineering & Technology):飞狐杯八系辩论赛Flying Fox Cup 8 departments Invitational Debate Competition女子篮球赛Wom
13、ens Basketball Match广东省高校化学化工实验技能大赛Chemistry and Chemical Experiment SkillsCompetition for Colleges in Guangdong旅游管理系(Tourism and Management Department):导游技能大赛导游路线设计大赛党团知识竞赛礼仪风采大赛Tourist Skills ContestTourist Route Design CompetitionKnowledge Contests about the CPC and the CYLC Manner and Etiquette
14、Contest体育系(D epartment of Sports):体育文化节Physical Culture Festival音乐系(Music Department)相声小品大赛Crosstalk and Sketch Contest班际篮球赛Inter-class Basketball Match三、证书 大学英语四级 大学英语六级 英语专业四级 英语专业八级普通话等级考试 日语能力考试 商务日语能力考试 商务英语证书 雅思托福BEC初级 BEC中级BEC高级CET4 (College English Test Band 4 Certificate)CET6 (College Engli
15、sh Test Band 6 Certificate)TEM4 (Test for English Major Grade 4 Certificate)TEM8 (Test for English Major Grade 8 Certificate)National Mandarin Test (Level 1, 2, 3; Grade A,B,C)Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Level 1, 2, 3 , 4)Business Japanese Proficiency TestBusiness English Certificate)IELTS (
16、International English Language Testing System)TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)(BEC Preliminary Level,缩略为 BEC Pre.)(BEC Vantage Level,缩略为 BEC Van.)(BEC Higher Level,缩略为 BEC Hi.)全国计算机等级考试National Computer Rank Examination (NCRE)Rank I: DOS、WINDOWSRankII: VISUAL BASIC, VISUAL FOXPRO, QBASI
17、C, FORTRAN, C, FOXBASE Ranklll : PC technology、Information management、Internet technology、Data base RankW: Ability to systems analysis and systems project 全国计算机一级证书 全国计算机二级证书 全国计算机三级证书 全国计算机四级证书 导游证 导游资格证书 秘书证 中级涉外秘书证 会计证 会计从业资格证书:First-level Certificate for National Computer Second-level Certificat
18、e for National Computer Third-level Certificate for National Computer Fourth-level Certificate for National ComputerGuide ID Card (Guide Identity of Identification Card) Guide CertificateSecretary CardIntermediate Foreign Secretary Card Accounting CertificateCertificate of Accounting Professional初级职
19、务(助理会计)证书 Sub-accountant Certificate Preliminary Level 中级职称管理会计师证书: 注册会计师证书: 注册金融分析师 特许公认会计师 CAD工程师认证证书 电工证 技工证书 教师资格证Intermediate CertificateCertificate in Management Accounting(CPA Certificate)Certificate of Certified Public Accountant(CFA) Chartered Financial Analyst(ACCA) The Association of Char
20、tered AccountantsCAD Engineer CertificationElectrician certificateTechnician CertificateTeacher CertificationPsychological Counseling Teacher CertificateClerk for the Customs DeclarationCustoms Declaration Certificate心理辅导教师资格证书 报关员资格证书 报关员证书 人力资源从业资格证书Qualification of Human Resources Practitioners驾驶
21、证 国家司法考试证书 certificate) 律师资格证书Drivers LicenseNational Judicial Examination certificate (lawyers qualificationAttorneys certificate企业法律顾问执业资格证书 Enterprise Counsel Qualification Certificate 法律顾问 律师助理证 会计从业资格证 初级会计职称 中级会计职称 高级职称 注册会计师 注册税务师 经济师 精算师 审计师 统计师Legal AdviserAssistant Lawyer CertificateCertif
22、icate of Accounting ProfessionalJunior Level AccountantMedium Level AccountantAdvanced Level AccountantCertified Public Accountant (CPC )Certified Tax Agents(CTA )EconomistActuaryAuditorActuaryCertificate of International Logistics SpecialistCertified International Logistics Specialist (CILS)物流师职业资格
23、证书 国际物流师国际电子商务师职业资格认证 Certification of International E-Commerce Specialist 国际电子商务师 市场营销师 特许市场营销师 初级营销职业证书 市场营销职业证书 国际商务谈判师 投资咨询师 人力资源管理Certified International E-Commerce Specialist (CIECS) Marketing ManagerCertified Marketing Manager (CMM)Introductory Certificate in MarketingCertificate in Marketing
24、Certificated International Professional Negotiator ( CIPN) Investment CounselorHuman Resource Management ( HRM )Certificate of Chinese Professional ManagerChinese Professional Manager ( CPM )Certified International Investment Analyst( CIIA )Chartered Financial Analyst ( CFA ) Certified Financial Pla
25、nner (CFP) Associate Financial Planner (AFP)Financial Risk Manager (FRM)Certificate of SecuritiesCertificate of International Commercial DocumentsCertificate of Customs SpecialistCertificate of Inspection中国职业经理人资格认证 中国职业经理人 注册国际投资分析师 注册金融分析师 注册金融策划师 认证金融理财师 金融风险管理师 证券从业资格证书 国际贸易单证员证书 报关员资格证书 报检员资格证书
26、 公务员考试Civil Servants ExamComputer Technology and Software计算机技术与软件专业技术(水平)资格考试 Expertise (level) Qualification Examination 网络工程师Network Engineer软件设计师Software Architect数据库分析师 网络管理员 信息系统项目管理师 网络规划设计师 多媒体应用设计师 电力工程证书 国际电子商务师 一、二级建造师 造价工程师 注册房地产估价师 质量工程师 城市规划师 公路造价师 工程造价师 化学检验员 化学技能证书 药品检验员Database Analy
27、stWebmasterInformation Systems Project Management DivisionNetwork Planning DesignerMultimedia designerCertificate in Electrical EngineeringCertified International E-Commerce Specialist (CIECS)Grade1/2 ConstructorCost EngineerCertified Real Estate AppraiserQuality Assurance EngineerUrban PlannerHighw
28、ay Cost EstimatorBudgeting SpecialistChemistry Testing Laboratory TechnicianChemical Skills CertificateDrug Inspector四、 校运会第一名The First Prize第二名The Second Prize第三名The Third Prize惠州学院健美操比赛 校运会篮球比赛 校运会男子100米University校运会女子100米University校运会男子200米University校运会女子200米University校运会男子1500米University校运会女子800
29、米University校运会男女跳高比赛校运会男女三级跳比赛 校运会男子110米栏校运会男女铅球校运会男女标枪Competition of Body-building ExercisesBasketball Matches in Sports-meeting of Huizhou University Mens 100 -metre Race in the Sports-meeting of HuizhouWomens 100 -metre Race in the Sports-meeting of HuizhouMens 200-metre Race in the Sports-meetin
30、g of HuizhouWomens 200 -metre Race in the Sports-meeting of HuizhouMens 1500-metre Race in the Sports-meeting of HuizhouWomens 800 -metre Race in the Sports-meeting of HuizhouMen/Womens High Jump MatchesMen/Womens Triple Jump MatchesMens 110 -metre Hurdle RaceMen/Womens Shot PutMen/Womens javelin th
31、rowing五、 艺术节博客大赛Blog Contest金话筒主持人大赛Golden Microphone Host Competition惠州学院十大歌手 Top Ten Singers of Huizhou University 创意 T 台服装设计大赛Creative Fashion Design Competition惠州学院丰湖之星 Fenghu Stars of Huizhou University 激浪黑板报大赛Wave Blackboard Poster Competition激浪个性我创涂鸦比赛Wave Creative Graffiti Competition墨迹杯书画大赛
32、 军训优秀通讯员 军训先进个人 十佳社团 体育道德风尚奖 优秀指导教师奖 突出贡献奖 工作创新奖 团队建设奖 最佳台风奖 最佳人气奖 优秀组织奖 最佳创意奖 优秀团体奖 优秀节目奖 十佳新秀奖 最具潜质奖 最佳才艺奖 最佳气质奖 最佳口才奖 最佳演员奖 最佳剧本奖 优秀会员 最佳辩手 优秀辩手Chinese Ink Cup Calligraphy and Painting CompetitionExcellent Correspondent in Military TrainingAdvanced Individual in Military TrainingTop Ten Outstandi
33、ng AssociationsPE Morality AwardExcellent Guide Teacher AwardOutstanding Contribution AwardInnovation AwardTeamwork AwardBest Stage Style AwardBest Popularity AwardOutstanding Organization AwardBest Creativity AwardExcellent Group AwardBest Program AwardTop Ten Outstanding Rising Stars AwardMost Pot
34、entiality AwardOutstanding Talent AwardOutstanding Quality AwardBest Eloquence AwardBest Actor AwardBest Script AwardExcellent MemberBest DebaterExcellent Debater六、 协会法律促进协会模拟法庭竞赛英语口语协会交流会书法协会亲近中国文化CharactersLaw Promotion AssociationMoot Court CompetitionOral English InstituteExchange MeetingMake Ou
35、r Voice HeardCalligraphy AssociationX-GAME协会X-GAME Association了解汉字Get Close to the Chinese culture, Get to Learn ChineseX-GAME创新表演大赛X-GAME Innovation contests心理健康促进协会 Association of Advancement of Mental Health心灵之交”Meeting Soul-mates峥嵘乒乓球协会Association of Zhengrong Table Tennis我最有才峥嵘乒乓球比赛Zhengrong Cu
36、p Table Tennis Contest足球协会 Football Association新生杯足球争霸赛之各系荣耀大战Freshmen Cup Football Match of allDepartmentsGlory War毽球协会 Shuttlecock Association毽球新风采毽球大比拼New Style Shuttlecock Competition篮球协会 Basketball Association三人篮球赛Three-player Basketball Match旅游爱好者协会 Travel Enthusiasts Association创意风筝节Creative
37、Kite Festival演讲与口才协会 Speech and Eloquence Association环境保护,重在行动演讲比赛Take Action to Protect Environment Speech Contest奕林棋协 Yi-lin Chinese Chess Association奕林棋协棋王争霸赛Yi-lin Chinese Chess Conpetition企业与市场调研协会 Business and Marketing Research Association职业经理人挑战赛Professional managers Challenge Match飞翔舞协 Flyi
38、ng Dance Association假面舞会Masque Ball新春柳话剧社 Reborn Drama Association我心飞扬剧本创作大赛及公演Flying Heart Script-writing Contest摄影协会Photography Association生活摄影展Life Photo Exhibition七、 其他学生会团委会学生社团体育部Student UnionYouth League CommitteeStudents AssociationSports Department文艺部学习部女生部心理发展部外联部宣传部生活部纪检部秘书部组织部编辑部学生会主席团委会
39、书记团支书团支书副书记秘书长学术部干事宿舍长优秀团员班长副班长文体委员学习委员生活委员宣传委员生活委员勤工俭学青年志愿者协会 政治辅导员 晚会主持人 礼仪队三下乡综合测评预备党员入党积极分子 综合素质优秀学生 优秀青年志愿者 校园十杰品学兼优的学生模拟招聘会军训艺术团 义教Arts DepartmentLearning DepartmentGirls DepartmentPsychological Development DepartmentPublic Relations DepartmentPropaganda DepartmentLife DepartmentDiscipline Ins
40、pection DepartmentSecretary DepartmentOrganization DepartmentEditorial DepartmentPresident of the Student UnionSecretary of the Youth League CommitteeLeague Branch SecretarySecretary of the Youth League Branch CommitteeVice SecretarySecretary-generala member of the Academic DepartmentHead of the dor
41、mitoryExcellent League MemberMonitor/ Class PresidentVice-monitorRecreation & Sports SecretaryStudy SecretaryLife SecretaryPublicity SecretaryOrganization SecretaryWork-study ProgramYouth Volunteers AssociationPolitical TutorsHost on the entertainment / evening partyReception Team/ Protocol TeamVolu
42、nteer Activ ities for the Country PeopleComprehensive Evaluation of Students PerformanceProbationary Party MemberApplicant for Party MembershipExcellent Student of Comprehensive QualityOutstanding Young VolunteerTen Prominent Youth on Campus / Top Ten Youth on Campus Student of Good Character and Sc
43、holarshipMock InterviewsMilitary TrainingArt TroupeVoluntary Teaching迎新晚会Welcome Party for the Freshmen招聘会Job Fair广播站Broadcasting Station学生处Students Affairs Department舍管houseparent社会活动social/ public activities课外活动extracurricular activities社会实践social practice学术活动academic activ ities籍贯native place婚姻状况
44、marital status家庭状况family status可到职时间date of availability教育程度educational background课程curriculum职业目标career objective主修major工作目标employment objective副修minor希望职位position wanted优良学风班Class of Good Style Study团结合作Solidarity and Cooperation创新能力Creative Ability沟通能力Communicational Ability兼职Part-time Job促销员Sale
45、s Promoter派传单Deliver pamphlets市场调研Marketing Research乒乓球协会Table Tennis Association社团艺术节Community Festival招聘网站Recruitment Site党支部Party Branch家教Tutor英语培训中心English training centre成绩优异Outstanding Academic Results学业技能Academic Skills思想品行Ideological Morality文体表现Arts and Sports Performance社团艺术节Community Fest
46、ival实习Internship各类奖学金、校内奖学金国家奖学金:National Scholarship国家励志奖学金:National Scholarship for Encouragement校一等奖:The First Prize Scholarship校二等奖:The Second Prize Scholarship校三等奖:The Third Prize Scholarship单项奖学金:Individual Scholarship二、捐赠奖学金千金药业奖学金 The Qianjin Pharmaceutical Scholarship奇瑞 21 世纪东方之子奖学金 The 21s
47、t Century Chery Oriental Son Scholarship台骅奖学金 The TaiHua Scholarship澳洲校友会奖学金 The Australian Alumni Association Scholarship松下电器育英基金奖学金 The Panasonic 日ectronics YUYING Fund Scholarship6陈翠娥优秀贫困医学本科生奖学金The ChenCuie Scholarship for excellent medical undergraduates under poverty7姚志斌、谭笑夫妇优秀贫困医学生本科生奖学金The S
48、cholarship of YaoZhibin and his wife TanXiao for excellent medical undergraduates under poverty8 黄金城、朱嘉梨夫妇医学奖学金 The Medical Scholarship of Huang Jincheng and his wife Zhu Jiali9中国宋庆龄基金会宝马优秀大学生奖学金The BMW China Song Ching Ling FoundationScholarship for Outstanding University Students (The BMW Scholars
49、hip)许崇清奖学金 The Xu Chongqing Scholarship商承祚奖学金 The Shang Chengzuo Scholarship汇丰银行 The HSBC Bank Scholarship珠海可口可乐优秀学生奖学金 The Zhuhai Coca-Cola Scholarship for Outstanding Students香港加拿大同学会奖学金 The Scholarship of Canadian Alumni Association in Hong Kong南方都市报新闻奖学金 The Southern Metropolis Daily News Scholarship住友商事奖学金 The Sumitomo Corporation Scholarship三星奖学金 The Samsung Scholarship丰田奖学金 The Toyota Scholarship19宝钢教育基金优秀学生奖学金The Baogang Scholarship花旗金融信息科技优秀奖学金 The Citi Banks Financial Information Technology Scholarship.中国惠普优秀学生奖学金 The HP Chinese Excellent Student ScholarshipIBM 中国优秀学生奖学金 The IBM C
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