1、. PAGE :.;PAGE 32 口语机经分册机经内容最重点机经6套第1套重最点机经20210522NATask 1: What kind of music do you like the least? Give reasons why you do not like this kind of music.The type of music I dislike the most is classical. There are several reasons for this. The first reason is because I enjoy singing, so the music
2、I like has lyrics and classical music doesnt have that. The second reason is that I feel the tone of classical music is too simple, I prefer a more complex combination of rhythm and bass. That is the reason why I dislike classical music. The final reason is because of the culture I grew up in, Im su
3、rrounded by rap, R& B and pop, so it is a bit difficult for me to understand the meaning of classical music. The above reasons are why I dislike classical music the most.Task 2: Some college students like to spend their time free time studying another course or doing schoolwork. Others like to join
4、a club and enjoy club activities. Which do you think is better and why?Honestly I think I prefer clubs more, there are several reasons for this. The first reason is because that clubs are more focused on a particular event. I would like to spend all of my free time sharing my interest with similar p
5、eople, and be involved in all areas, such as organizing, planning, as well as participating. Another reason why I enjoy a club more than school events is because clubs allow me to build up a group of stable friends that have gotten a chance to know each other very well through multiple meetings. Com
6、pared with a school event which only allows me to meet new people, but never getting to know them well enough. Those reasons are why I prefer to take part in clubs.Task 3先看了一个教师发的通告。通告中说,从下学期开场,每三次作业以后要安排一个单独和教师见面的时机。考试后,教师会单独和每个同窗说话,分析试卷,这个时候同窗可以就不同的问题和关系的话题提问。然后出现连个同窗就这个通告进展讨论。女:他看到通告了吗男:看到了女:他觉得怎
7、样样男:我觉得好极了。他不觉得吗?女:我不知道。男:这样很好啊,教师和他一同讨论试卷,他就可以问任何他不懂的问题。平常拿到试卷,有的问题他不明白为什么错,但是又好意思问,怕教师觉得他在埋怨。尤其是他分数比他想象的低的时候。这次正好有了个时机可以和教师讨论试卷,还不会让教师误解,由于他只是做了他让他做得事情。女:听起来好似是这样。男:一对一单独说话的益处就是他可以问任何他感兴趣的问题。这在平常是很难得的时机,尤其是在很多人一同上课的情况下。问题,结合阅读和听力,说说讨论了什么内容。Task 4先听了一段话,讲了动植物之间的关系,用的蜜蜂和花的关系。先说蜜蜂和花可以互惠。蜜蜂采蜜当食物,同时给花传
8、播花粉。后来又说了,还有一种情况就是不平等关系。举例有一种花有很艳丽的颜色,诱惑蜜蜂去采蜜,但是其实没有花蜜。虽然蜜蜂没有采到花蜜,但是还是传播了花粉。最后问,花的花粉可以传播,但是蜜蜂得到了什么呢?问题是听的内容是什么。Task 5一个女生和一个男生的对话。女:我如今不知道我该怎样办?男:怎样了?女:我买了一张今天晚上的话剧票,是莎士比亚的哈姆雷特。我答应和我朋友一同去。但是我忘记了,明天有一个非常重要的生物学考试。男:那怎样办啊?女:只需两个方法。第一,我带着书去,在路上先看一部分,等看完话剧再回来完成剩下的部分。第二,就是取消这个约会,不去看话剧了,专心复习一整个晚上。男:他有时间在路上
9、看吗?女:我们大约花一个小时在路上,假设我和我的朋友说,我明天要考试,如今不能social,我想他们会了解的。我也不知道,总之我真的想去,曾经买了票了。问题:问对话中女生遇到了什么问题?如何处理?他觉得那种处理方法好?Task 6说的是关于公司增长的。每年年底,公司都会做总结和预算,来方案下一年。总结后,会想方法提高下一年的收益。普通来讲有两种方法可以促进公司的增长。第一种,是内部方法。投入公司内部的预算,比如购置新的机器,对员工进展培训等。然后以Wilson 为例。一开场,公司有很多很老的机器,任务效率很低。后来公司换了新的机器,任务效率一下提高了。这样,吸引了很多新的顾客到店里,由于大家很
10、快就能结账,节省很多时间。越来越多的顾客喜欢这种很快就能结完帐的觉得。因此公司有了很多新的客户,公司得到了增长。第二种,是外部方法。就是在投资购买类似的企业。购买类似企业的同时,还会得到企业的客户,这就是公司可以增长的关键。还是以Wilson 为例。Wilson 并购了周围很多的超市,同时也得到了超市的顾客。顾客普通不会由于超市变了名字就不去了。因此,用这种并购类似企业的方法,Wilson 得到了很多原来超市的客户,使公司得以生长。问题:公司生长的方式有什么。文中如何论证。第2套重最点机经20210130NATask 1: Which type of the following books y
11、ou dont like: Mystery, science fiction, and biography. Explain why you dont like it.The type of books I dont like is biography. There are three reasons for this. The first reason is I prefer to read books that have a lot of suspense and action inside a well written story line. The second reason is b
12、iography dont allow me to use my imagination to be a part of the story. The final reason that I dislike biography is because these types of book are about the lives of others, I prefer not to be influenced by the way others live and try to follow my own path. The three reasons above are why I dont l
13、ike biography.Task 2: Some people prefer to travel alone while others enjoy travelling with friends and family. What about you? I prefer to travel alone, although travelling with a group of friends can feel interesting sometimes there are just too many issues to deal with. The most important reason
14、of why I enjoy travelling alone is because I wont be restricted by the decisions of others. I can choose the sites I prefer to see and there is no need to take into consideration of the feelings of others. The second reason is because I dont need to worry or care for others. There is no need for me
15、to worry if others are hungry, thirsty or tired. The final reason is because I prefer to enjoy my vacation quietly, friends and family are good company, but it would just be too noisy. The reasons above are why I prefer to travel alone instead with a family or friends. Task 3:School noticeDue to the
16、 recent suggestions raised by the students body, the university school board have decided to build an off-campus housing office to meet the needs of the students who are living in school designated accommodations off campus. This decision was made after surveys suggested that around 40% of the stude
17、nts live off campus and the current on campus dormitories are filled to capacity.A: Have you heard the news?B: What news are you talking about?A: Well, the university is planning to build an off-campus housing office, because there are close to half of the students that live off campus because of th
18、e dormitories are overcrowded. What do you think about the schools decision?B: I think its a great idea. Its about time the school built an office to help the students that live off campus. The dorms on the university campus are way too overcrowded. There isnt enough room for any new students to mov
19、e in and every year they are recruiting more and more new students.A: Yes, I know what you mean; I had to move off campus because it was getting too crowded.B: The other reason this is a good idea is because a lot of incoming freshman are living off campus now, this new office can provide them with
20、a better understanding of the university and the news of events that are being held within the school.Task 4讲irrigation(灌溉系统)的缺陷:Firstly, plant disease spread through irrigation water is a serious problem caused innocently by irrigation. Because the amount of irrigation is difficult to control, the
21、soil often soaked in excessive water, 这样就促进了disease的生长.所以要小心设计灌溉系统,控制水量Secondly, some water contain excessive salts, as a result, salinization is a major problem associated with irrigation, because deposits of salts build up in the soil and can reach levels that are harmful to crops.Task 5:A: Are yo
22、u ok? You look really worried.B: I have a very serious problem. My computer just suddenly broke; no matter what I do I cant get it started. The worst part is my final exam study materials are inside the computer.A: Thats terrible; there are only two solutions available in this situation. The first i
23、s to rent a computer; there are many computer stores that have this type of service if you are urgent.B: Thats a good idea, but I just dont have the money to rent one, Im already on a tight budget as it is.A: If thats the case the only other solution is to borrow your roommate or friends computer. T
24、he problem is everyone is going to study for the final exams soon so you might have to arrange a schedule with your roommate or friend.Task 6In todays class we are going to discuss in detail the process of lateral view. Lateral view is the process of analyzing a situation from other perspectives. In
25、 many situations we fail to see the whole picture, thus we arent not able to come to the best solution when encountered with a problem. This process can be avoided with more practice of lateral view. Ill provide the class with an example of this process. My brother who manages a hotel often received
26、 complaints that the main elevator was too slow, the patrons had to wait too long for it. So my brother went to consult the elevator manufacturers and see if there were any ways of speeding up the elevator. Unfortunately the price was too high to make the necessary improvements. During this time a m
27、ember of the hotel staff suggested that he should place a television in front of the elevator that way the patrons wont think the wait is so long anymore.第3套重最点机经20210213NATask 1: What kind of activities you enjoy at school?Among all of the after-school activities I enjoy/am interested in Cheering S
28、quad the most, even its a pretty new activity in China. There are three main reasons why I enjoy it. Firstly, to be a cheerleader is the dream of every girl even if the practices are long and hard. Secondly, this activity is a perfect example of a well-balanced combination of dance and athletics, so
29、 not only do students can stay in shape, but also express their individual creativity. Thirdly, participating in this activity can develop a sense of team-spirit, because it is necessary for students to learn how to co-operate with each other in order to provide the audience with the best possible p
30、erformance. Those are the reasons why I enjoy this activity the most. I really hope to Participate in the international competition one day through my hard work. Task 2: An artist needs to be gifted. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?Personally, I dont think an artist needs to be gifted.
31、There are two reasons. First, not everyone in this world has talent, in my opinion; hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence. Tomas Edison once said “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration, this sentence could fully address the importance of hard work. Second, if an artist abuses his/
32、her talent, no matter how much he/she is gifted, the talent would be wasted. So I hold the strong belief that to be gifted is not a must, as long as you work hard, everyone could be successful.Task 3Letter to StudentsRecently the increase in the amount of trash on our beautiful campus has caught my
33、attention. The once pristine and clean image of our campus no longer exists. Now I only see old posters being left all over the place and bottles outside of recycle bins. As a caring a member of the student body I would like to urge all students to volunteer and join in the effort to make our campus
34、 clean again. Each volunteer would be a member of a small cleanup work, lets work together for the better of our campus.A: Hey, have you seen the notice posted on the bulletin board?B: No, not really, I just finished class and didnt get a chance to see it yet? What is it about?A: Well, apparently so
35、me student is urging all of us to make the campus clean again.B: Yeah I guess thats a pretty good idea, but mid-terms are next week nobody is going to have the time to help out.A: I was going to sign up and help.B: Dont even bother with it, the school is huge we have one of the biggest campuses and
36、student populations in the country. It would take way too long with the size of the school and even if we do manage to clean up the trash and posters it would just get covered with trash again. Plus, we are all students we didnt come here to volunteer, we came here to study and learn, the school sho
37、uld hire professionals to clean up the school. Task 5:Computers are used for many different purposes in our everyday lives. It is the most important tool for todays students. Students use it for multiple purposes from searching information on the internet to organizing materials for presentations du
38、ring lectures. It has already become an irreplaceable part of student life, and with its overuse the occasional mal-function would occur and these minor mishaps can cause a world of inconvenience. A: How are you doing?B: Not good, not good at all. Today has been terrible, I was in such a hurry this
39、morning because my alarm clock broke and I got up late. I barely got any sleep because I was organizing all the material I needed for class today, but when I was printing it the computer wouldnt work correctly and printed the wrong copy. I didnt even realize it until I arrived at class. A: That soun
40、ds pretty bad, but there is still time you can print another copy before the professor gets here.B: Actually thats not true, you see it wasnt really my fault, it was the computer. I need to buy a new computer to fix the problem, its just too old, and I have had it since high school. There is no way
41、possible to finish all that before the class, I might as well explain it to the professor and hopes he understands.Task 6: The professor is giving a lecture to the class regarding the different actions birds take to protect their young.Today I will explain the different actions birds take in order t
42、o protect their young. Im sure you know there are several reasons behind the actions birds take when protecting their young. Birds unlike many other types of animals use articles made available to them by the environment to construct their homes. Birds build nests primarily for protecting their youn
43、g from predators and creating a place of shelter. They are constantly aware of this when selecting a suitable location for their nest and the manner in which it is built.There are two methods birds use in order to protect their young. The first method is in regard to location, certain birds prefer t
44、o select locations that are inaccessible or invisible to the majority of predators. For example Magpies build nests near the top of extremely tall trees, which makes it nearly impossible for the majority of terrestrial predators to access. The other method birds use to protect their young is through
45、 the division of labor. Certain birds are not blessed with the Magpies ability to build nests in locations that are nearly inaccessible.These birds divide the responsibility of caring for the young and hunting between the parents.Eagles are a great example of this. These birds will always have one p
46、arent caring for the young while the other is in constant search for food. Because of the Eagles imposing stature and razor sharp talons, it has all the necessary weapons to sufficiently protect their young. This division of duty also ensures there is enough food for the young chicks to increase the
47、ir chance of survival.第4套重最点机经20210306NATask 1: You friend wants to improve his score in class, do you have any suggestions?There are three ways I would give my friend to improve his performance in class. Firstly, when unknown or uncertain problems are faced, I would suggest him to ask questions unt
48、il the problems are fully resolved. Secondly, I would suggest him to preview before the class, because it would help him to keep up the pace with the professor in the class, and what is more, he could know what question he needs to pay more attention to. Thirdly, I would suggest him to take notes in
49、 class, because the notes will help him to review the topics that have been discussed in the class. Those are the three ways I think are important for improving in the class.Task 2: Some people prefer to borrow/rent books from library; other people prefer to buy books from bookstore, which one do yo
50、u prefer? I prefer to rent books from the library. There are two reasons. First, comparing these two methods, renting books are more economic, I dont need to spend any money when I rent books from the library. Second, I think it has a lot of advantage if I decide to change the location of my home, I
51、 dont need to carry a whole bunch of books with me, and it would shorten the time of packing and save a lot of energy. Those are the two reasons why I prefer to rent books instead of buying them.Task 3Student NoticeThere has been a suggestion submitted by the student body regarding the need of certa
52、in students. The suggestion states that as a result of the contribution of the universities chemistry department, it has been suggested that the students from the school of chemistry should receive scholarships. The university school board will consider this suggestion carefully and provide an answe
53、r for this proposal in the following weeks.A: Did you hear the news about the school of chemistry?B: Do you mean the letter one of the students wrote to the school board about giving the chemistry students extra scholarships because of their schools contribution to the university?A: Yes, how could a
54、nyone argue that the students from their school should get extra scholarships because of something they didnt do? The university is providing them with the opportunity to gain a degree; they shouldnt receive any other benefit from the school unless they have earned it.B: I understand your point of v
55、iew.A: Also, if the school of chemistry has made large contributions to the university, there can be other forms of benefits the school can provide for the department and the students. I think it would be a lot better to invest the money in equipment and facilities instead of giving them directly to
56、 the students. This method would be beneficial to the students as well as the department.Task 4In todays world every person once in their life would have to face learning a new skill or trying to help others to do so. In this matter the importance of public effect becomes more prevalent. This proces
57、s helps individuals learn a particular skill from recognizing the achievement of others. This increased awareness would increase the individuals motivation to improve at that particular skill. In todays lecture we are going to discuss the influences of public effect on an individual. This effect is
58、the most obvious during period of learning, especially a particular skill. Whenever we make a mistake, it would be less effective just to tell the person what they did wrong. It would be better to select a person that has done a better job and then praise them. This would actually better attract the
59、ir attention and improve their mistake. Ill provide the class with an example to better clarify the situation. My sister is a pre-school teacher and she has observed this type of behavior within her students. When one of her students was having a problem building a house out of blocks she told him w
60、hat he did wrong, but the child made exactly the same mistake again. When my sister praised another child for doing the correct things, the first child listened carefully and after a few questions he never made the same mistake again.Task 5A: Looks like you are in some kind of dilemma.B: Yes, I need
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