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1、外研版八年级下册 Module 7-知识点总结讲练 / 10外研版八年级下册M7-知识点讲练Summer-in-Los-AngelesUnit 1 please write to me and send me some photos.句型展示. 我怎中帮助你? How can I help?嗯,这听起来疯狂,但我不知道带什么。Well, it sounds crazy I don t know.我将在七月底离开,我要在那里待四周。I mJuly I,m going to stay therefour weeks.一百美兀够吗?如果你已经付过机票钱和家庭寄宿费了,那就应该够了。 Is 200 d

2、ollars?If you ve already the air tickets and for home stay, it should beOK.你最好问一下旅游公司关于你的所有包的重量问题。Youd better the travel company about the total all your bags.答案:3. enough; paid for 4. ask; weight for.噢,顺便说一下,别忘了带你的护照。Oh, don t forget your passport.请给我写信并寄给我一些照片!Pleaseme andsome photos!知识点而Well, it

3、sounds crazy but I dont know what to take.嗯,听起来很疯狂但是我不知道带什么。“疑问词+不定式”在句中作宾语疑问词what, which, who, when, where, how及连接副词 whether与不定式连用而 形成一个短语,这个短语相当于一个名词,可在句中作宾语或表语等。例如: 你知道什么时候开始吗? Do you know?I m leaving at the end of July and f m going to stay there for four weeks.我将在七月底离开,我要在那里待四周。at the end of.意为

4、“在的结尾;在的末端 ”,后面接表示时间或地点的名词。例如:There is a clothes shop at the end of the street.在这条街的尽头有一家服装店。区别:in the end 意为 “最后、 终于“,=finally, at last。例如:Xiao Ming passed the exam in the end.最后小明通过了那次考试。【活学活用】史密斯先生的家在这条路的尽头。Mr. Smith s home isthe road.The people of this country struggle with the difficulty,they l

5、ive a happy life. A. finallyB. in the end C. at last D. all of the aboveYou d better ask the travel company about the total weight for all your bags.你最好问一下旅行公司关于你所有包的总重量问题。had better意为“最好”,后面接动词原形,其否定形式是将not置于better之后。 例如:汤姆,你最好今天去那儿。Tom,go there today.你最好不要错过末班公共汽车You miss the last bus.Complete the

6、 passage with the words in the box.crazy list passport shorts total trousers weigh weightWhen you are planning a trip, make a (1)of things to take. Do not go (2)and take too many clothes. For warm countries you can keep cool with (3)and some light (4). Your bag can (5) twenty kilos. Maybe that is th

7、e (6)you can take. Remember to check the (7)of your bag. Ask the travel company to help you. And finally, most important: Do not forget to take your (8).Is 200 dollars enough?二百美元够吗?【归纳拓展】enough的其他词性enough可作副词,修饰形容词,但要放在形容词后面。例如:My mother is careful enough to look after your baby well.我母亲足够细心可以照顾好你的

8、孩子。【活学活用】Alice walks fast. She can get to school on time.合并为一句)Alice walks get to school on time.我们有足够的椅子给大家。We have for everyone.答案: fast enough to enough chairs/chairs enoughIf you ve already paid for the air tickets and for homestay, it should be OK.如果 你已经付过机票钱和家庭寄宿费了 ,那就应该够了。pay意为“付款”,后面接表示人的词语,

9、即pay sb.意为“付款给某 人;pay for意为“为付钱;支付的费用”,后跟“物”作 宾语,表示“付买东西的钱。例如:Jve already paid for the bookshelf.我已 经付书架钱了。Have you paid the doctor yet 医生的酬金付了吗? How much did you pay for all these things?你买所有这些东西一共花了多少钱?【归纳拓展】pay. . for不同pay + for sth.例如:I just paid him ten dollars for the shorts.我只支付了他十美元买了这条短裤。【活

10、学活用】每个月为了这个房间我不得不向他们付20英镑。I have to them 20 pounds this room each month.辨析:(1)主语 + spend + 时间/钱 + on something / (in) doing sth.。例如: I spent 4 yuan on the book.She spent 14 dollars (in) buying this pair of shoes.(2)主语 + cost (sb.) + 时间 /钱。例如:Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time.It take

11、s sb. + 时间 + to do sth.。例如:It took them three years to build this road.I.单项选择Don t forget your bag when you get off the bus.A. to take B. take C. taking D. takesMy sister will come back home the end of July.A. at B. in C. by D. ofI don t know the cellphone. Can you help me?A. what to use B. how use

12、C. how to use D. how can useThe businessman paid school things for these poor children last month.A. at B. in C. on D. forWho wants to go sightseeing with me?A. else B. other C. another D. othersn.完成句子.请你为这次野餐列个购物清单好吗?Would you please a shopping for the picnic?.我一周给妈妈写一封信。I my mother once a week.这篇作

13、文够难写的了。This composition is to write.顺便说一下,玲玲要去美国度假了。, Lingling will go to America for her holiday.在夏天你最好穿浅色的长裤。wear the light trousers in summer.I.翻译下列词组.为做准备 .列清单.在的结尾 .为付款 .顺便说一下 n.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。This pair of t is too short for Tony.The bag 邓 nearly 50 kilos .When you go abroad, you must take your

14、 p.This pair of pants was changed into s.Tom often wears s to protect his eyes.m.完成句子。.你最好每周给父母写一封信。Youto your parents once a week.我们还需要分3 do we need?.离开时,请不要忘记关灯。Don t off the lights when you leave.我们会玩得开心的。 We ll.请你告诉我如何做蛋糕,好吗?Could you please tell me a cake?Unit 2 fill out our form and come to le

15、arn English in Los Angeles.I .短语互译.(与某人)保持联系stay sb.参加in.填写;填充out. take trips to. . . . form a friendship with sb. n.句型展示.你会很喜欢来洛杉矶了解美国文化,同时也会提高你的英语水平。You will love coming to Los Angeles American culture andimprove your English.他们在七月底开始KThey startJuly.你可以小组学习或大组学习,它取决于你的个人选择。You can work in small or

16、 large groups: it your personal choice.除了学习英语以外,我们还想让你们体验一下美国的生活。learning English, we want you life in the US.你必须至少在开课前一个月支付课程费用。You must your course one month before it starts.知识点精讲We provide books, and we set tests every week to check your progress.我们提供书并且每星期我们进行测试检查你的进展。provide意为“提供;供应”,后接名词或代词作宾

17、语。向某人 提供某物的表达方式:provide +for+=provide +with+例如:His mother often provides money for him. = His mother often provides him with money.他的妈妈经常提供给他一些钱。【用法辨析】表示“提供”的其他词的用法 give+=give+to+offer强调“主动提供”offer+=offer+to+ supply+with+=supply+to+(2)progress意为“进步;进展;(继续)发展;推进”,作名词时是不可数名词。progress前常用 great, good, m

18、uch, som野修饰。例如:Wang Jing has already made great progress.王静已经取得很大的进步。【温馨提示】表示 在某方面取得进步用介词in/with ,即make progress in/with.。 例如:The boy has made great progress in/with his English this year.这个男孩今年在英语方面进步很大。【活学活用】上次这家旅馆免费为我们提供早饭。The hotel breakfast us for free last time.你在数学方面取得这么大的进步我很高兴。I m glad that

19、 you are making such great math. it depends on your personal choice.它取决于你的个人选择。depend on意为“取决于;决定于。例如:All must depend on oneself! 一切都要靠自己啊!As well as learning English, we want you to experience life in the US.除了学习英语以外,我们还想让你们体验美国的生活。as well as意为“还;也;而且;除之外后跟名词、代词或动名词。例如:The students learn the subjec

20、ts as well as doing all kinds of activities. 学生学 习各门功课,也做各种活动。【用法辨析】as well as与not only. . . but also.的区别as well as意为“并且,还”是并列连词,连接并列主语时,谓语动词与前面的 主语保持人称和数的一致。 例如:He as well as his friends likes playing football.他 和他的朋友们都喜欢踢足球。(2)not only. . . but also.意为“不仅 而且 ”是并列连词,连接并列主语 时,谓语动词与后面的主语保持人称和数的一致。例如

21、:Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the film.不仅学生们在欣赏这部影片,他们的老师也 在欣赏这部影片。【活学活用】Tom,Jane and Rose,going to the farm on foot.A. as well; is B. as well as; are C. as long as; are D. as well as; isNot only my parents but also my brother(like)him.But if you prefer, of course, you ca

22、n stay in a hotel.但如果你愿意,当然,你可以待在酒店。【归纳拓展】prefer的不同搭配(1)prefer to do sth.意为“宁愿做某事例如:For her good friends, Sally preferred to give up playing the solo.为了好朋友,萨莉宁愿放弃独奏。(2)prefer to do. . . rather than do.意为“宁愿做而不愿做”。例如: He prefers to read rather than watch television.他宁愿读书而不愿看电视。 prefer to “与相比,更喜欢” 例如

23、:I prefer the seaside to the mountains.比起山区, 我更喜欢海边。Tom prefers reading to talking.比起聊天,汤姆更喜欢读书。prefer doing. . . to doing.意为“喜欢做胜过做”。例如:Most old peopleprefer walking to riding bikes.大部分老年人喜欢步行胜过骑自行车。【活学活用】在发达国家,人们宁愿买一辆新车,而不愿修理旧车。In the developed countries, people buy a new carrepair the old one.孩子们

24、喜欢打篮球而不愿做家庭作业。Children prefer basketball to homework. take part in their daily life 参加他们的日常生活take part in指参加群众性活动、会议等,往往指参加者持积极态度,起一份 作用。例如:A great number of students took part in May 4 Movement.大批学生参加了 “五四运动”。辨析:joinjoin指加入某党派、某组织或某社会团体等。例如: His brother joined the army three years ago.他哥哥是三年前参军的。Co

25、mplete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box. certain culture depend on fill out friendship guest progress provide technology testI .用所给词的适当形式填空Now, in our city, almost every family has a(person)computer.Many families form close(friendship)with the foreign student

26、s.I have been certain(get)good grades for my effort.My sister prefers(listen)to music to(see)a film.n.完成句子.王太太非常了解纽约,因为她去过多次。Mrs. Wang New York very well, because she has been there forseveral times.中国的大部分孩子太过于依赖父母。Most Chinese children their parents too much.王芳像你一样也是化学老师。Wang Fang you a chemistry t

27、eacher.大明在学习上取得了巨大进步。Daming madehis study.记得和我们的好朋友保持联装Remember toour good friends.I .根据根意和汉语提示完成公工As a 雀人),what should we pay attention to?At school, we have monthly (测试).反谊)is a gift from God.伎术)can make education better.China is big and home to a great 汉化).田.根据汉语完成句子。1.在会议开始时,琼斯先生做了自我介绍。the meeti

28、ng, Mr. Jones introduced himself .2飞上取得了巨五步。Shewith her study.务必与我们保持联意Make sure tous.如果你填了画忑标可以把书带出图书馆。If you this, you can take books out ofthe library.跟他们在一起你肯定会感到快乐。You be happy with them.Complete the conversation with the words and expressions in the box.beginning chance experience grow up info

29、rmation last provide take part in Mrs Smith: Excuse me.David: Yes, how can I help you?Mrs Smith: I d like to get some (1)about your summer camp.David: Yes, of course. Our summer camp is a great (2)for children. They learn about themselves, live close to nature and make new friends. Mrs Smith: It sou

30、nds wonderful. And how long does it (3)?David: Three weeks, starting from the (4)of July.Mrs Smith: How many students are there in each group?David: Eight. By the small group size, we (5) students with a new experience of friendship.Mrs Smith: That s great. And do you plan different activities?David

31、: Yes, of course. Students can (6) different activities to get close to nature and try out new ideas.Mrs Smith: Sounds good.David: Yes, and it gives your child the (7)to live away from home.Mrs Smith: That s true. Summer camping is always good to help children (8).I .选词填空go sightseeing; grow up; tak

32、e part in;get close to; go for long walksLittle Tony wants to be a scientist when he.Now people in China have realized the importance of health and they often after supper.People like in different countries all over the world.Everyone would like others to feel safe when they are in trouble.Nowadays,

33、 old people all kinds of activities and their lives are colourful.n.句型转换The courses last for four, six or eight weeks.对画线部分提问) do the courses last?Tom is watching TV The others are listening to music.合并为一句) Tom is watching TV the others are listening to music.Mrs. Brown likes the Palace Museum bette

34、r than the Summer Palace(为同句) Mrs. Brown the Palace Museum the Summer Palace.The baby is so young that he can t take care of himself.做为同义句)The baby is old to take care of himself.There are usually classes in the morning. You can go sightseeing in the afternoon. (合并为一句)There are usually classes in th

35、e morning,you can go sightseeing in the afternoon.Practicen.完成句子.爸爸吃惊地看着我,并问我要干什么。Father at me in surprise,he asked me what I wanted to do.约翰想去参加聚会,但他的妻子不想(去)。John wanted to go to the party,his wifewant to.你可以向同学寻求帮助,也可而老师寻求帮助。You can ask your classmates for help,you can ask your teachers for help.刘

36、萍这个学期上课认真听讲,觉得英语并不是那么难。Liu Ping listens to the teacher carefully this term feel English is hard. 一些家长在和孩子一起做游戏,其他的在唱歌。Some parents are playing games with the children, others are singing.weigh(v. )一(n.)重量friend(n. )一(n.)友谊;友好certainly(adv. ) 一(adj)确定的;无疑的答案:8. weight 9. friendship 10. Certain m.句型攻关

37、.八月底,我们将坐船去大连。We ll take the ship to DalianAugust.玲玲演唱得足够好,但演出却是个失败。Lingling sang, but the show was a failure.政府及时地为受难者提供了一些必要的援助。The government some necessary support the sufferers in time.琼斯太太向来喜欢自己做衣服,而不到商店里去买衣服。Mrs. Jones always make her own clothes buy them inthe shops.托尼的哥哥为进入国家足球队而努力。Tony s brother works hard to the national football team.IV.词汇用记Do you want to learn the real English? Would you like to 1 (取得进 步)in a few days? Pleas


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